Pit Boss Brisket | Easy Smoked Brisket On A Pellet Grill

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how you guys doing I'm Darren with Ashe kick and barbecue and today we're talking brisket now the argument on how to properly cook a brisket can go on as the day is long but the best way to cook a brisket is the way that you your family and your friends enjoy it that being said I'm going to show you one of my favorite ways to cook a brisket we're gonna be cooking this bad boy hot and fast three hundred degrees out on the pit boss this is about a 15 pound prime brisket we got from Costco so I'm gonna bring you guys in show you how I trim it show you how I seasoned it I'm gonna give it in the fridge overnight and I'll pick back up tomorrow when we're cooking so let's get you in and show you what I'm doing all right so as you can see here we have our brisket the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and take this edge off right here we're gonna go ahead and we're just gonna take that little bit off now you can see there we're not really taking much meat off it's a lot of fat the meat we do trim off this I will save I actually like to use it in chili and I'm gonna do my best to show you guys exactly what I'm doing throughout this but just me on the camera so the angles aren't the best I do apologize so you can see here we still have a little fat right there so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna come down take that off that looks pretty good we can see where the point and the flat is so that being said I'm just gonna go ahead and start removing any of the hard fat up here [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I'm gonna flip it over to the back side here I'm just gonna show you here and kind of see right here how thick that is we're gonna take that down to a quarter of an inch [Music] [Music] now what I like to do is I like to take these corners off just kind of round it out then especially this corner right here you can see the thickness difference so I'm actually what I like to do is I like to kind of just come in and round this off here that way cuz this is gonna dry out before this does you want everything to cook evenly so I'm just going to kind of come and round it out the next thing I like to do is come in and if you guys have ever trimmed a brisket and you've kind of had the edges chip a little bit it's because your edges are not roundel rounded over their sharp edges so what you can do is get yourself a nice set of kitchen shears and just kind of give it a little bit of a haircut there and round off your edges and that'll prevent a lot of the chipping problems of the little bits here coming off so that is our trimmed up brisket let's see everything was kind of pretty uniform here there's no real sharp edges so let's take one more look at the backside just make sure that's looking good backside looks good there's no shiners one thing I will say is if you have any spots where the butcher got a little too deep and you got meat exposed down here you can just take some of your leftover fat and you can actually just go ahead and just kind of patch it up and when you put it on the smoker make sure it stays under there and that'll helped that'll help to protect your meat just like that that being said I'm gonna call this good to show you what I'm using to season it now I like to go ahead and do the back side first and the first thing I'm gonna do is take a little bit of the Worcestershire sauce I'm just gonna go ahead and give it a light a little bit and the only thing this is doing is just a binder you're not getting any flavor you're not getting anything else just a binder you can use mustard if you want you can do whatever you want hot sauce anything you want in order to come in we're gonna hit it with a little bit of the suckle Buster's SBG salt pepper garlic it's great on any beef it's great on brisket it's a wonderful base layer and this is actually all we're putting on the bottom layer is just SPG go ahead and press that in flip her over we're going to come back in there SPG now you can leave it at that but we're gonna come in we're gonna hit a little with a little bit of hoochie mama from sucker Busters this stuff is awesome on beef so we're gonna go ahead and throw a little bit of that on there and then one more thing I like to do is I like just to come in with a little bit more 16 mesh black pepper go ahead and press that in and we're gonna get this into a foil pan and we're gonna leave it uncovered in the fridge overnight so I'll pick back up tomorrow morning where we're getting this bad boy out on the smoker all right guys so it's the next morning it's about 8 o'clock in the morning you can see I got the brisket on I got the smoke tube going it's running at 300 degrees so I'll bring you guys back next time I come back out in one hour let's take a look at what we got going here see brisket in there still got the smoke tube going it's looking pretty good what we're gonna do is we're just gonna give it a little spritz with some apple juice nothing crazy just to keep a little bit of the moisture in there so that's what we're working with and I'll bring you back we check it out and again in an hour all right guys are two hours in take a look it's looking pretty good I'm just gonna give it a little spritz up again clothes are down I'll check back in with you in probably about an hour and see how it's looking it's been another hour we're sitting at three hours total here and see we got some good color briskets starting to sweat we're sitting that 154 degrees internal I'm gonna check it after about 15 minutes see how the color is but I'm hoping to take it up to 170 degrees and then wrap so I'll check back with you when it's time to wrap her up all right guys so what we're gonna do to wrap this brisket I take and fold over one end here we're gonna get that fold it up fold this one over this end over kind of make it as tight as possible like that leave that like a nice tight package then we're gonna go ahead and take our liquid which is just two cans of beef consommé a little bit of the rub of your choice and just add that to the wrap like so then go ahead [Applause] seal that up nice and tight on them to get it back on the pit we're just gonna go ahead and throw it in a foil pan to catch any juices that may leak out during the process we're gonna get a probe in there and we're gonna set an alarm for 210 degrees and I know it seems high but when you're cooking hot and fast you got to take your internal temp higher than what you normally would to get it nice and tender so I'm going to set this for 200 and 210 degrees and we'll check back in and I'll let you know what the total time is on it so we'll see you guys in a little bit timer just went off 210 degrees I'm gonna go ahead and double check it here 210 feels good no resistance just going in like butter so that's done so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring this inside and I'm gonna open up the foil and let it steam for about 15 minutes and what that's just gonna do is reset the bar can get the bark hardened up again and then after that I'm gonna cover it back up I'm gonna put it in a cooler wrapped in a towel for two hours and then I'll bring you back and we're gonna slice so we'll see you then all right guys you can see I got the brisket in front of me it was about a six and a half hour cook rested it two hours I strain the house you into a gravy separator the fat starting to rise to the top after we get this sliced up we're gonna go ahead and incorporate the jus back into the slices to keep them moist so I'm gonna bring you guys in show you how I slice this and we're gonna see how we did all right guys to slice this up I'm just going to start at the end you can see the grains running this way we're gonna slice against the grain so we have our most tender slices so we're gonna go ahead and start at the end oh yeah nice smoke ring there looking good just gonna go ahead and get this sliced up I mean guys that is beautiful all the fats rendered I hope you can see how moist it is I know the lighting isn't the best in the area now but I mean that is juicy it is tender I mean come on why wouldn't you want some of that let's do the full test no effort I mean just pulls apart so that's beautiful now what we're gonna do go ahead and slice her this way oh yeah get you some of that I mean that is classic brisket right there that's beautiful same with the other one here I know the lighting isn't the best and I apologize but you can still see how juicy it is I mean it's dripping everywhere so then I get a few slices of this you can cut this a little bit thicker I mean look at that it's incredible so now I'm gonna bring guys out here cuz I gotta try this alright guys it's time to taste it and see how we did I'm just gonna go ahead and trim myself off a little piece again super tender clapping for you do the pull test pulls right apart that is textbook brisket the flavor is incredible it's extremely beefy the suckle Buster's SPG the hoochie-mama the liquid from the wrap it all just works together I mean this is a good beefy home brisket and that's how I like it guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up subscribe and hit that bell if you want to see any other recipes comment down below and let me know what you want to see it until then stay safe and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Ash Kickin' BBQ
Views: 221,293
Rating: 4.9168744 out of 5
Keywords: pit boss austin xl, how to smoke a brisket hot and fast, pit boss pellet grill, smoking a brisket on a pit boss pellet grill, pellet grill, pit boss pellet grill brisket, hot and fast brisket, Pit Boss Brisket, Pit Boss Smoker, how to smoke a brisket, Brisket Hot and Fast, How to cook a brisket hot and fast, how to smoke brisket on pellet grill, how to smoke beef brisket, pellet smoker brisket, Pellet Smoker, Brisket, texas brisket, pit boss, pit boss smoker
Id: 4pztSlY38CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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