How To Trim a Brisket Fast and Easy

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are you looking to learn how to do a basic trimming job for your own backyard barbecue will tell you what that's what we're gonna do right here on barbecue Boulevard today so stay tuned all right guys so have you ever been to a barbecue joint and you watch the cutter at the counter like scrape off a ton of fat and rub in all of that and throw it off in the trash and then they slice it up and they give you this gray looking brisket that has like no smoke flavor to it or very little there's no rub flavor to it or you know any of that it's just a great piece of meat so today I'm gonna show the beginner to smoke a brisket what's the first step in how you achieve a great taste of the brisket without a lot of wasted meat or a late a wasted rub we're gonna do that by trimming and what we do guys is we trim so then everything we pull off the pit is pretty much edible well of course you know there's other factors into it along with the way you manage your fire and you uh you know make a proper cooking session but that's for another video we'll get into that one later so stay tuned but today we're gonna talk about how you trim the brisket to get it to where you get minimal waste and maximum flavor all right so let's get into it alright guys so let's talk about the type of knife that I like to use when I trim my briskets I like to use a 6-inch boning knife semi-flexible and the brand of my choice is the Victorinox knives I like these knives because they're fairly inexpensive they hold a great edge for a long time they stay sharp and they cut very well feels very good in the hands and it helps you to just achieve a good clean cut so Victoria box knives I definitely give a thumbs up alright guys so here we've got our brisket we've got a smaller brisket from our local Costco as you can see and I just want to point out the parts of it here and you got here's the flat part of this brisket here and this is gonna be your point okay this right here is gonna be your fat kernel or the deckle that we're gonna get cut out and this side has your so those are the parts that you want to identify when you're getting ready to trim this Brisky so we're gonna go ahead and get this thing cut out of the package and we're gonna get this trimming job going and kind of the first things that I want to look at when I'm getting ready to do a brisket is I want to look and kind of get an overall picture of how I want to trim this brisket to start off basically develop a game plan so what I'm looking at here is you can kind of see there's a little bit of fat here that's on the flat here and you have to decide you want to trim this off or not for backyard barbecue it really doesn't matter if you take it off or not if you just want to clean it up you can this is definitely not a competition trim that we're gonna do what you would be getting all of this stuff off but hey for what we're gonna do today and for the purposes of it being a beginner's level trim we're gonna go ahead and get this thing going and first step we're gonna do is we're gonna get this hard fat out of here this stuff right here this is the kernel and what I do is I take my knife then I kind of run it right along the edge there before you have the fat where it meets that meat just so I can kind of get my fingers in there just like that and then we're gonna kind of cut and be careful not to get your fingers there but we're just gonna cut it off just like this we're not sawing guys we're just gonna take one just swipe and keep peeling and this thing comes right off [Music] so there we've just pulled this kernel out of here this fat guys is not gonna render so this piece of fat I pretty much chunk because we're not going to do anything with it the next thing we're gonna do here guys is you can kind of see we have this little rough browned edge here we're gonna go ahead and give us a good clean edge there so I'm just gonna take the knife we're gonna run it right down the edge there kind of peel that away and now you have a good clean edge there now what that does is along with the giving you just a good clean edge it also allows you the ability to see just how much fat is there is that how much fat you want to have on when you finish this cook or do you want to take that off so that's what we're looking at right there now another thing that I look for because you can kind of see this whole floppy edge right here this right here is not gonna promote for a good even cooking this part here will cook up way before the rest of it so I'm just gonna go ahead and trim that off [Music] because we want to get a good uniform size brisket there now all of these trimmings aside from the hard fat kernel that we pulled off we're just sitting to the side we're gonna deal with that later now what we're gonna do is again you can kind of see this rough Brown edge here so I'm just gonna lay them on that my knife flat and I'm just gonna kind of take that a surface off and then you can kind of see you have a pointed edge they're pointing edges are bad for clicking cuz that's just gonna crisp up and burn up so we want to go ahead and take that off we're going to round that off we're gonna turn this thing around and then you can kind of see that you have a good amount of fat here but we're gonna go ahead and take this off now on the point there's plenty of fat that's within the point so you don't have to worry about losing flavor or the point drying out so we're gonna go ahead and just take that off [Music] and as you peel that away you can see just how much fat you're dealing with you see a good amount of fat there so we're just gonna kind of take that off [Music] and then all of these little straggly edges that are hanging off here we're just going to kind of clean them up now on this side of the flat you can see we have a good corner here we don't really want to leave this corner I typically don't want to leave this corner on I'll actually kind of round this brisket off here so I'm just going to kind of give it a rounded cut and cut this off and I know you're thinking man that's a lot of meat you're wasting trust me I'm not wasting this we just go set it to the side we'll deal with that a little later we're gonna turn this thing around and same thing I'm gonna clean up this edge here on this side so another on to cut [Music] and now we pretty much have achieved the shape that we're gonna have for this brisket for the cook okay so what we're gonna do at this point is you decide do you want to cut some of this extra fat off silver skin do you want to leave it on do you want to take it off so for the purposes are just showing for the beginners I'm gonna show you how we're gonna take some of this off here most people would like to grab it and struck from the edge but I don't ever really do that when I'm looking at this fat first I'm putting our fingers underneath so I can lift it up give me a good surface to work with take the tip of the knife stick it in underneath that skin of that fat and then go to one side now you have something to grab so you can lift that up you can lay it back down on the other side and you can kind of cut and you keep being careful to keep your knife angled up on exaggerating here but tangled up and away from the meat so as you cut you're not getting too deep into your meat just like that now I have seen and you know I have done it before where you can take a 12 inch knife that you use for slicing and do this whole thing at one time if you want and there's nothing wrong with that I don't typically always do it but I'll do it sometimes demonstrate another cut there pull that off and you can kind of see how you have like good clean meat expose there versus that silver skin on this side good clean meat on this side so again that's a personal preference it's up to you if you decide you want to do that but I did want to show you guys how we do it and you'll see that I'm constantly rubbing the meat because I'm just giving it a good uniformity look and it kind of gives you a preview of what that risk is gonna look like when you're on a call yourself finished with okay all right so now that we've got this flat side and meat side exposed then we've got to trim the way we want we're gonna flip it over to our fat cap side and again you can see now that we've got it got ourself a good clean edge you can see just how much fat you have here and you can decide if you want to trim that down a little bit and so I'm gonna take a little bit off of here and then where did I do this is I'll just start from one side and I'll just start to slice it here but that way I can kind of see what I'm doing and I've got this turned around so you guys can see more and then I can but you just want to angle your life so that you don't get too deep to the meat and if it happens it happens it's not that big a deal it's not gonna be the end of the world and I don't feel like I need to take off a lot on this one so that's not looking too bad there what I do want to do though is I do want to get another good clean edge here and then get a little bit more of this fat off here [Music] alright guys so let's talk about the trimming so I trimmed up two briskets and this is the fat that I got off of both of these briskets since we trimmed them up and as I said you don't want to throw that stuff away you can do a couple of things you can save it up put it in the freezer till you have enough that you want to make some sausage out of it you could also make tallow tallow is is a good rich beef fat they can be used to cook with a lot of different things you could put it in tortillas and breads and fried vegetables and the potatoes in particular I mean you can rub it on your brisket melt it down inject it in your brisk I mean there's so many different things that you can do with tallow and I'm telling you one really good thing is actually frying chicken and tallow I hope you found value in this video if you did don't forget to give a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel also check me out on Instagram as well as Facebook I do a lot of posts on Instagram so connect with me you'll see a lot more behind the scenes content there than you would o see on YouTube so definitely connect with me on Instagram as well as Facebook also definitely make sure you check out the other videos and in my library here on the channel I'll post a link up there to you know a couple of well playlists that you might want to check out and hey you man it's been fun if you enjoyed this make sure you check out a couple other videos I've got here and until the next video on the Dogfather peace [Music]
Channel: The Dawgfatha's BBQ
Views: 123,328
Rating: 4.9659934 out of 5
Keywords: how to trim brisket, How to Trim Brisket for Backyard BBQ for Beginners, TheDawgfathasBBQ, BacklineSmokers, Backline, Fabrication, Yoder, beef brisket, how to smoke a brisket, franklin bbq, how to trim a brisket, pellet grill brisket, backyard bbq, dogfather, beef brisket on the grill, brisket, how to trim brisket fat, how to trim brisket flat, how to trim brisket for smoker, how to trim brisket Yoder, Yoder Smokers, how to trim brisket point, how to trim brisket to smoke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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