Beef Ribs

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hey guys it's matt with meat church and welcome back to my outdoor kitchen today i'm going to show you guys the bite that made me fall in love with texas barbecue these monster beef ribs i'm going to be teaching you this on my middle scale 94 gallon offset but as usual i'm teaching you time and temperature so you can replicate this on whatever type of smoker you have stick around [Music] so i grew up in the deep south i grew up on pork sweet barbecue i didn't know what beef was i moved to texas when i was 13 and at some point i went down to lockhart i went into blacks and i had a beef rib i took one bite and i'll never forget my head snapped back that salt and pepper bite on that amazing beef that was like nothing i had ever tasted before and that was the aha moment when i learned barbecue is what i want to do this is the king of barbecue it's undisputed people talk about the brisket being king brisket's great there is nothing that can stand up to a beef rib what we have here today these are 44 farms gorgeous beef ribs these are also known as short ribs or plate ribs 1 2 3 a cut these are the big ones when you see people talk about dino bones there's three bones this is the ones that you want not to be confused with chuck ribs which are also really good um these are tough to find at times but these are the big ones so thanks to 44 farms for providing us with these they just have amazing gorgeous cattle a never ever product love love love these beef ribs this is going to be real simple if this were pork ribs we pulled the membrane off the back but beef ribs don't eat like a pork rib with a pork rib when you bite it you actually feel that membrane if you don't pull it you're going to pull all this meat off at the end so i leave the membrane i used to pull it off but when you leave it i think they cook better it keeps the bones together helps the draw you can take it off if you want but i don't think it's needed a little towel here so we're just going to trim a couple things you want to remove all this hard fat which is here and here and you'll be left with silver skin now you can take the silver skin off if you want in wild game it's very important to remove the silver skin because that brings gaminess in beef you don't have to do it i'm going to take it off of these but you could just remove the hard fat season them and put them on so let's get to trimming super sharp knife got a flexible boning knife here and i'm just going to just kind of lay it flat and go along just along the ribs here and just kind of shave this stuff off be careful because you can create some pretty big divots so again you only need to remove this hard fat the rest will be optional [Music] you could stop at this point you could season them and you could put them on the pit but we're actually going to go ahead and remove this silver skin right here [Music] as you can see i've got it completely trimmed and ready to roll we're going to load the pit up with a bunch but i'm going to go ahead and season this one for you so you don't have to stick around and be bored i'm going to use our holy cow this is a central texas beef rub it's mostly salt and pepper a little bit of garlic so if you don't know this texas barbecue is known to be just salt and pepper although i'll tell you i know a lot of barbecue joints in austin and a lot of my buddies there add a little something else sometimes but use whatever seasoning you want heck you can just use salt and pepper get you a 16 mesh pepper and some some kosher salt and you're good to go or use whatever rub is near and dear to your heart but this was the first rub i developed trying to be all things texas so you guys probably know holy cow by now i'm going to go pretty liberal because this is a big cut of meat and i would love for this to have 15 to 30 minutes to adhere heck you could even do this the night before the great thing about this cook is we're going to get it done during the day we got a busy day at the meat church so i'm actually going to pat this on and i'm going to just put them in the pit and then i've got several other racks that i've got to prepare if you're going to fire up the pit we got to make it worthwhile so we're going to cook like four racks of these beef ribs today and feed the crew by the way my team's super happy anytime i say hey y'all about to get beef ribs so i'm going to put these on i got the mill scale running 250 degrees with post oak because post oak is how we do it in texas i'll put them on right here i'm going to prepare three other racks season them put them on and we'll see y'all in a little bit it smells awesome out here uh this post oak fire been running about 250 smells killer in the outdoor kitchen as usual but i love this rig don't be intimidated if you've never run a fire on something like this before the mill scale has a huge firebox and it draws amazing but i'll give you a little fire management tip i like to keep on hand a few different sizes of wood i've got smaller to bigger pieces so this is a great tool for you when you're running a fire you don't always want to throw in you know a big chunk if you just want to bump your temp quickly you know go with smaller pieces but you guys see here we're running post oak hickory would have been a good choice for this but i told you post soak is what we do in texas let's check in uh it's been over four hours we haven't done anything to these ribs dang those look good the bark is starting to develop you see they're starting to sweat as well the bones are starting to protrude they're not ready to wrap yet they're still you know still really firm but they're looking really really good you always ask me what's this for this piece of wood is not warming up we're not cooking this this is acting as a fire block and this is our water pan that we've got going over here so man these are looking great i'm going to hit them with a little cider vinegar spritz since they're looking you know just a hair dry not too much and for those of you they're going to ask me this is a hog sprayer you can get it at like a feed store i like it because you can like reach out and really really get somebody with the spritz you'll quit buying those little two dollar walmart spritz bottles all right it's closer back up we're probably cooking at least eight hours kind of depends maybe nine we'll see we're gonna check back in probably wrap them in a couple hours and then we're going to cook these babies until they're jiggly tender so stick around see a little bit wish i could smell this it's like unbelievable uh in this kitchen right now but you'll just have to take my word for it it's been about six and a half hours ain't mad about that those look good look at that the bark is set up beautifully i temped these a minute ago they're temping at like 175 so i'm gonna go ahead and wrap them and i'll tell you wrapping is actually optional on beef ribs sometimes i just take them all the way through the cook and get like a super bark so it's up to you but i'm gonna wrap an unwaxed butcher paper that i have sprayed with a little bit of cider vinegar to make it more pliable you could wrap in foil the cook would speed up if you did that but you kind of lose some of your bark so if you wrap in foil at the end of the cook you should pull them out and put them back on the pit to try to get some of that bark back but i'm going unwaxed butcher paper here and just want to wrap it tight look at that in our meadow bandito butcher paper i'm gonna throw these back on i'm thinking these are gonna go maybe another two hours or so much like a brisket you're going to probe tenderness brisket's normally around 223 degrees beef ribs for me i like to take higher maybe like 210 until they're kind of jiggly so i'm gonna wrap these other three and can't wait for two hours to elapse because this is the best barbecue meal you'll ever have all right guys the beef ribs have been cooking just over 10 hours i know they're done because i just checked them but i like to feel make sure they're nice and squishy that's kind of a kind of a cube but instant read thermometer key in between the bones and we're registering like 209 but i mean they're just probed tender there's nothing there so i know they're done i'm going to pull these off we're going to rest them for about 45 minutes and then it's time for supper all right guys as you can see we've unwrapped three racks i saved one to unwrap for you guys and man tender smells good this cook was so simple it was about 10 hours total and we ran them straight in the mill scale without doing anything until we wrapped them in butcher paper at like 172 ish internal temperature the cook couldn't be any easier the hardest thing about this cook is finding the beef ribs so thanks again to 44 farms for hooking us up with their amazing beef this butcher paper is just soaked i get asked a lot you put beef towel on yourself no this just comes from the cook look at that [Applause] my dog dolly is out here because she knows what time it is all right little girl okay here we go like oh man these suckers are tender let's see if we can get a pull here yeah you know we didn't pull the membrane but it's still going to be super easy to pull these bones oh lee you know they're cooked right then so remember that membrane is still on there but when you pull the bones out like that it's going to make it super simple why are you licking my leg again dolly knows what's up so you know let's just give these a a pretty good cut right here i'd love to hold up a rib for you but i just slid the bones right out my goodness look at that yeah lee let's uh cut that off there actually what i should have done is kind of took that membrane off the bottom so we could just get that out of the way see how easy that was again here we go man look at that good lord i love brisket but you ain't beating this bite right here this is a big time shun slicer for those of you that are gonna those of you that are gonna ask me i'm gonna get me a little nugget right here god man these look good the fat's just rendered out there look that right right there you ain't beating that that is the king of barbecue undisputed heavyweight champion come on [Music] oh my god i ain't mad at it i'm so tender i probably let it should have let it cool some more but that's my problem making cooking videos all right guys the mill scale ran like a dream again thanks to thanks to 44 farms again for this amazing beef thank you to you guys for watching you guys have been crushing our channel lately if you like this stuff like and subscribe we'll see y'all next [Music] week
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 1,232,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, beef ribs, short ribs, plate ribs, 44 farms, mill scale, franklin pit, ribs, offset smoker, waxahachie, cooking show
Id: oATdSFvtj-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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