Tenderizing Steak Experiment - The Results are Shocking

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today I'm gonna do a video about tenderizing beef and I'm not gonna use your standard store tenderizers I'm gonna use one of these guys that's right I'm gonna use a pineapple you're gonna be shocked at how we use a pineapple and some other methods to really tenderize beef a lot of your store vault tenderizers they just provide a lot of flavor although they clean they tenderize stay with me I'm gonna show you what I'm talking about [Music] it's super awesome you decided to spend a few minutes with me I'm Mike you're at Delmarva backyard if you haven't been here before please hit the subscribe button down below if you like videos to do with barbecue and beer this is the spot for you also if you're ever interested in any of the products that I review or that I'm using in the videos click the show more button down below there's a lot of information down there for you we're gonna take some natural products and we're gonna use the things that are in them naturally - really really tenderize some beef if you want to learn how to take some natural style fruits to make your cheaper style steaks incredibly tender stay with me there's nothing like a good steak a nice tender juicy steak oh man you don't really need to tenderize beef when it's a high-grade like you know some of your Angus or you prime grade or your Lagoo it's just so tender it's not necessary on your lower grades it's probably a good idea to tenderize it there's multiple ways that you can tenderize it and I'm going to go over five I'm gonna use five methods to tenderize beef and I'm gonna do it for two hours I may do another video and you guys if you have any input leave it in the comments below on some other methods for tenderizing but I'm trying to stick to natural tenderizers but I wouldn't rule out using some of those commercial ones either so let's talk about what we're using in this video you saw the first one pineapple pineapple has an enzyme in it called bromelain and it's used in the medical fields for some anti-inflammatory things but what it does is it basically breaks down proteins and that's what we have when we're talking about steaks or beef is collagen collagen is basically muscle fibers so this enzyme is going to break down those muscle fibers so we want to take the pineapple core it out and get basically just as much of the pineapple without sticking the outer shell into it turn it into a paste through a food processor and just wipe it all over the steak Kiwi same deal with Kiwi all right so we're gonna take the Kiwi we're gonna scoop the Kiwi out put it in a food processor rub it all over - steak let it marinate for two hours both of them oh sure saw we're gonna cover the steak with kosher salt it's gonna help break down those muscle fibers let it marinate for two hours good old-fashioned meat mallet we're gonna tenderize that way and they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and kind of chewing the meat up and breaking down those muscle fibers and that's really what we're looking at when we're talking about tenderizing meat is we're kind of breaking that collagen down when they can a pineapple where they process it they basically destroy the enzyme bromelain any kind of process pineapple or pineapple juice is not going to work you have to use natural raw pineapple I have this handy pineapple corer we're gonna use I'm not worried about how centered it is you know like I set up the the outer shell and the juice is where the a lot of the enzyme comes from you want a pineapple that is you know pretty ripe you see the juice coming out of there go right on into the bottom there you wanna make sure you get it all and we'll go ahead and pull out nothing like some fresh pineapple and now I'm just basically gonna cut it into smaller chunks it doesn't take a whole lot of the fruit to tenderize if there's any juice left over into pineapple make sure you pour that in there see that all right so now I'm gonna take probably I don't know a little more than about a third of it or so and let's go ahead and dump up on uh one here you can see the consistency it has it's nice and light fluffy foamy alright for our Kiwis just slice them in half take a spoon and just kind of work down around the skin make sure to keep all the juice in the bowl and you again you want nice ripe Kiwis and there you go one Kiwis probably enough I'm going to mix up two just in case we have some wastes from the mixing there's our nice Kiwis slurry now it's going to be perfect for some steaks alright so we have five Fleming Yuans their angus choice great and they're fairly close to the same size they're $19.99 a pound a total of 3.26 pounds and we're going to tenderize this one with the old meat mallet and the principle with the meat mallet is to kind of chew up the collagen or the muscle fibers with the teeth and the pressure of the hit so let's see how this works out you can definitely see how the meat was giving way to the pressure some of the harder areas like rigor where this fat and this connective tissue is headed a little bit harder and that's it we're just going to let this one refrigerate I don't need to vacuum seal it or anything what we're gonna do is absolutely nothing and this is more of a control steak be hard to tell you know how tender the meat is if you don't have a steak to compare it to stick number three is gonna be soft now I don't usually put oils on my steaks unless they look really dry so I'm not gonna do that here I'm just gonna salt it all sides kind of press it in and then we're gonna vacuum seal it you want quite a bit of salt here you're gonna rinse the salt off so it's really just you know acting has a tenderizer you will have some salt content left over but primarily acting as a tenderizer [Music] and with your vacuum sealed bags you want to fold the lip down where we seal it up here will still be free of any debris salt spices meat juice or whatever we slide these back there's a little pair then they need to be that's what I have I'm gonna slide the stake in without knocking any other salt off well any more than necessary stake number three is gonna be the Kiwi steak we have a special bag for this because it's gonna be somewhat liquid it's called a damn bag and it has this little dry strip here so that way we want to seal it liquids don't Jam the Machine up we're gonna put our beef and the bag dump it in a bag around I'm using the food saver you're interested in any of the products that I use links in the show more below the video pretty simple to use now on this on the damn bags you want to push down here on the pad and then you'll stick it in nice and straight you can see up here how the juice is being prevented from going up into the sealer I'd say that's pretty good that one's good too keep that salt and that liquid all sealed right up nice and tight gonna put them in the refrigerator for an hour and a half and then I'm gonna put them out on the counter for a half an hour while the grill comes up the temperature and while the steaks come up to room temperature I'm gonna cook on the weber summit 670 and the reason I'm doing that I know it's a gas grill but the reason I'm doing that is so that I have a very controlled cook I want to make sure that we get to pick the best tenderizer by having a nice fair cook all right our time is up we're gonna go ahead and cut the bags open so this is our steak with the salt and the thing I want you to notice about this is the color difference this is a big a big difference look at this look how to meat pulling apart right like that look at this pineapple [Music] you see how it's just pulling apart there all right so here's our setup guys I have a toothpick in each stake and I see I have a little piece of paper here and each toothpick has a mark on it I've got a regular stake nothing on it salt or Kiwi or pineapple and our mallets take and each toothpick has the coordinating amount of marks on it so here's our regular steak with one mark there's our mallet steak with five marks and so on and I just want you to look at the difference in these steaks our salts take our pineapple steak [Music] and our Kiwi steak that's a regular steak our mallet state which looks all deformed put our regular Stig all first [Music] mallet snake salts fake [Music] pineapple steak and kiwi steak in the fact steaks are beautiful when they have those wonderful grill marks we're gonna cook for two minutes we're gonna turn on 80 degrees we're gonna cook for 2 more minutes then we'll flip one then we'll cook for 2 minutes turn 90 degrees cook for 2 minutes and then we'll blow [Music] all right so we're done the way we're gonna make sure we don't lose track of omens we're gonna put them on the cutting board the same the same way that they're on the grill and then I can go back on camera and make sure we got the right ones just like that a regular steak our mallets take our salts take our pineapple steak and our Kiwi steak I went ahead and slice the one with nothing done to it that's our control state and you can see it's just a beautiful beautiful medium-rare and it is just as tender as you can imagine now I also went ahead and sliced the mallet steak and it's right here now you can see a considerable difference here and I think it's because we're we reduce the thickness of the steaks so much that it cooked to a higher temperature and therefore you know it's gonna have a you know a different tenderness from that we would have had to pull this steak much sooner for it to be even close to the this kind of tenderness and I have it tasted them but I'm just cutting them this state with the salt for some reason just doesn't look as appealing as the other states it has kind of a off color but it is tender the knife just sank right through oh wow that's better [Music] very very tender does [Music] that is every bit as tender as the control stake if not more pineapple [Music] on the grill these were basically like falling apart and they still are yeah they're like almost mush unreal now here's our Kiwi steak [Music] [Music] look how it's just I mean it's you see that is it it's like falling apart [Music] yeah I mean that that's unreal I intentionally didn't put any seasoning on the steaks I wanted to make sure that any of the tenderizers that I used didn't leave any additional flavors or left over after flavors or anything like that so we're gonna find that out when we taste and I have my son who absolutely loves steak just like I do here to help me decide now he doesn't know what I did so he's just gonna tell me which one he thinks it's the best and I'm gonna give you my honest opinion - let's find out we're gonna try over here on this right sighs just pick up the piece just go ahead and try Kai remember it labor you want to see which one is the sauce that makes sense let's choose all right here's number two [Music] all right so between one and two which one do you think is more tender Salter my farm number one yeah I agree number two is the meat mallet and now the only thing I think I'll try in a future video is where you have the needles because I think that might be different where you're not mangling the meat the needles don't smash the meat the mallet smashes the meat and I think that maybe where we went wrong on that so number one is in the lead let's try number three all right now remember we're going off tenderness so which one of these three is the softest less chewy number one okay so number three is our salt know what I'll tell you about number three is a lot of salt is still in the meat you can taste the salt the flavor is much different however and in my opinion it's more tender than the meat mallet but it's not as tender as the is the natural beef there you go what do you think about number four it's hard to tell whether it's closer to number one or number two but I'd say chances are it's closer to number one music's way more tender than chewy okay so it's very very tender I think it's more tender than number one by a long shot and you can feel the muscle fibers in your mouth just kind of it's almost like a like a roast beef that's been in the crock pot all day long it's um it's incredibly tender it's it's kind of hard to describe and that is our pineapple steak in what I'll tell you is that there's absolutely no flavor of pineapple at all so now we're gonna try the last one now before you say anything let's circle back around to number one okay what do you think I would change on thoughts for this I think it's tender you're more tender than this by quite a bit and then I don't think this is more tender than that but it's definitely ten more ten date tender and I think he's right the pineapple I think is the most tender the natural is third place salt is fourth and then the mallet is last and there's no taste of Kiwi on the Kiwi State no taste of pineapple however salt you can taste the salt big time now there's a big disclaimer here the texture when you're chewing it and when I'm talking about both the pineapple and the Kiwi is different then the natural the salt and the mallet and what I mean is it's like I said it's more of a roast beef style that's been in the crock pot or something like that all day it's it's falling apart kind of texture whereas these other three or more of a steak kind of texture where it's held together it's Anna again it's a little bit hard to describe but the enzyme that is inside of pineapple and Kiwi it just really pulls that meat apart and you can see that when I was marinating it when I took it out of the bag that's what happened and that's what you feel in your mouth they're all really good and I think we'll do some further experimenting in the future because you can see how the different tenderizers affect the meat the one that I absolutely rule out completely and I'll probably throw the thing away is that now I think that's just junk and maybe you know I'll look into if I was using it wrong or ever if you guys have any suggestions on that leave them in the comments below but this is a great thing absolutely best thing about this whole video we have a lot of steak to eat I really appreciate you sticking around to watch the whole video check out these other videos over here you may very well be interested in those also the inspiration behind the videos is your feedback and the best way to give me your feedback is to hit the like button down below most importantly hit the subscribe button down below and you can also leave comments I can't wait to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Delmarva Backyard
Views: 818,469
Rating: 4.7710533 out of 5
Keywords: steak, how to tenderize a steak, best way to tenderize steak, how to cook steak, tenderizing, how to tenderize, grilling steaks on a gas grill, steaks on the grill, meat tenderizer, grilling steaks, meat tenderizer hammer, best way to tenderize steak for grilling, grilling steaks on charcoal, how to tenderize steak, how to cook a tender steak, tenderize steak with salt, grilling steak, how to grill steak, steak recipes, cooking ribeye steak, ribeye, ribeye steak, rib eye steak
Id: ZK7MHYXe7ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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