How To Make Ribs on a Charcoal Grill Easy

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hey guys welcome back to the channel so today i'm gonna be fulfilling a dog pound members request you guys asked how do i make my pork ribs on a weber kettle step by step so today i'm gonna show you how to make pork ribs on a charcoal grill weber cattle and if you've been rolling with the dog father from day one guys i'm sure you'll appreciate this intro it's a blast from the past so let's get it [Applause] [Music] all right guys so as i said i'm going to show you how we're going to do pork ribs on a weber kettle and today we're going to keep it central texas style we're going to do salt and pepper now keep in mind you can put whatever you want on the ribs but i'm going to keep it nice and simple with our central texas flavors of salt and pepper so let's get these ribs prepped all right let's go all right guys so here we have it we've got our st louis style uh cut pork ribs i bought these at my local grocery store if you want to make it simple for yourself just look for these that are already cut this way i'm going to later get into some videos where we're going to do spare ribs and i'll show you how you can cut it down to this but for the sake of just keeping it nice and easy for the beginners this is what you want to look for if you want that uh st louis style cut pork ribs so let's go ahead and get these things cut out of the package now here's a good tip whenever i get ready to take these out of the package i pretty much try to keep this like an envelope so i'll cut on one side and then pull these uh ribs right out of it that way all your juices stay right inside here so let's go ahead and get this cut okay so now we've got our pork ribs out of our package and i'm going i've got bone side up here so you can actually see the membrane and the bones and typically you might even see a little flap here of skirt that will trim off but basically all we're going to do right here is just kind of all of these little fatty ends like this we're just going to go ahead and kind of trim those off of there just to kind of clean it up a little bit if you guys are wondering i am using my uh victorinox sensing six inch bony knife and typically what i like to do guys is over here on this end you're always going to have this flappy meat part i typically will kind of come in maybe one or two bones and trim this off and basically that just squares up this rack so i'm going to come in here cut this just like this and we're not going to waste this meat guys we can use this later we can throw it on the pit and smoky by itself with this cook if we want to but don't waste your meat if you're going to do something with it later just put it in a ziploc bag throw it in your freezer until you have enough accumulated to do whatever you want to do with it but don't throw it away we're going to go ahead and get this membrane pulled off of here and basically what i do is i take my knife and i'll run it right underneath the membrane between the membrane and the bone and just kind of lift up a little bit trying not to tear it but we're lifting up a little bit because we want to try and be able to grab it with our paper towel [Music] all right gang so we now have our ribs trimmed up we've got the membrane pulled off the back and now it's time to season them now again i said we're just going to keep it simple we're going to go salt and pepper so what i've got here is just some good old-fashioned kosher salt and we're going to sprinkle some of that on here and you want to sprinkle high guys so you get a good even coating all the way across your rib and then kind of pat it in then we'll flip it over and we'll do the same thing on our meat [Music] side all right gang so as you just saw we just got our salt put onto our ribs and i told you we're gonna do salt and pepper but the pepper we're using is a uh 30 grind from fiesta it's a coarse ground black pepper so it's got some pretty good sized granules of uh of pepper so what we're going to do is we're going to let the salt pull a sweat out of the ribs for a little bit and that'll give us a natural binder so when we sprinkle our pepper on the pepper will uh it will bind to the rib and we'll be ready to go so in the meantime since we got our ribs set to the side we've got them covered we're going to go ahead and fire up our weber kettle so let's go get the kettle set up all right let's go all right guys so some things that i would absolutely recommend for this cook is uh slow it's here if you don't have a slow ends here uh check the links down in the description box uh and i do have uh have this linked in my amazon store if you can't happen to find one but this thing right here is awesome for doing a long cook you put your charcoal in on this side and you put your water or whatever liquid that you want to put in you put in this side and it's just it makes for a great cooking environment also i'll recommend using a disposable half pan we put this down on this side because our ribs are going to sit over here and this is basically going to catch a lot of the juices this helps keep the the grill or the cooker helps to keep it a little clean so you definitely want to make sure you put a catch pan in here and if you don't have a slow-end searing you're just going to put charcoal over here because you could absolutely do that as well you can add moisture into your pan here to try and keep your environment moist so excellent thing to have next we want to make sure we have a grate that has the hinge on it so this is perfect for when you have your charcoal in here your wood in here if you need to add charcoal or add wood you don't have to pull the braid out pull your ribs off all of that you can just flip this thing over add some charcoal add some wood whatever you got to do and you're there this rack happens to be a double hinge so you have one over here for your charcoal side you have one over here on your cooked side so if you had your ribs placed here you could actually tilt this up and pour more moisture into your pan if you're not using a slow and sear so i strongly recommend getting a grate that has the hinges where it opens up and you can add or whatever you need to do to your cook all right all right so to get started i'm using my little half chimney that i use for my pit barrel cooker if you don't have one of these and you just have a regular charcoal chimney that's fine just put it maybe a third full of charcoal so i'm going to add my bnb briquettes to get this lit we're going to be using a tumbleweed guys so again if you don't have tumbleweeds you don't have to you can stuff the bottom side of the chimney with paper and light it that way i happen to like using the tumbleweeds uh so that's what i'm going to use okay so now that we've got our tumbleweed lit we're just going to place our charcoal chimney right over top and we're going to let it light up our charcoal and let it burn it and get it down to a white ash so we can get to cooking all right so now that we got our charcoal lit on our weber cattle let's get the pepper onto these ribs and you can see it's a good little moisture developing here so we're good to go and we're going to sprinkle this black pepper on [Music] remember pat it in guys never rub it around always pat it in we're going to flip this over we're going to get our meat side now typically what i'll do when i'm seasoning and i didn't mention when i was showing you the salt application is sometimes you have a thinner side of your rack and a thicker side of your rack so obviously on your thinner side you may need to go a little lighter on your seasoning and on your thicker side you might want to go a little heavier so that's just a little tip so that you guys don't over season your meat sometimes we're going to make sure we get this pepper on the sides of this rib as well and that there guys is what i kind of look for when i actually get these ribs seasoned so we're going to let these ribs hang out here and let our charcoal come up to temperature and get this grill set up and we'll get these ribs on so i'll bring you back when we're going to get these ribs on the grill all right guys so i went ahead and pulled the charcoal chimney off of our grill the charcoal is almost ready pulled the rack off now i've got my slo and sear and i've got my pan here exposed and what i'm going to do is i'm going to take hot water it just takes less time for this water to heat up if you use hot water but we're going to put hot water into our water trough here and today we're going to be using cherry wood so i've got some cherry wood chunks that we're going to put on and this is going to give the pork a good color and it's also a great flavor so we're going to go ahead and get this charcoal dumped into this uh slow it's here and we're going to get this grill set up [Music] okay so we got our charcoal dumped in here that we set up and it's a good idea to have something that you can kind of move charcoal around with uh kind of have it handy and uh ready to go and now we're just gonna backfill and put uh more briquettes here on the opposite okay so now that we got our charcoal open in here it's time to put our wood chips in so again we're using cherry wood and finally we'll get our rack put on now again remember you have a hinge here and i can leave this open it's not going to affect the cook at all and we've got a hinge here in case we need it okay but we're going to get our ribs put on right here but before we do that got a little spray oil that we're going to spray our grill with so now our rack is sprayed down so let's get these ribs on so there's the star of the show you guys got our nice little seasoned pork ribs salt and pepper we're going to put it right over our catching rack here and again you don't want to just throw it on there all stretched out like that you want to kind of form these ribs the way you want them to cook i put them on push the sides in just to kind of get it nice and compact makes for a much more even cook and a better presenting rib later and so there we go we're going to get the top on remember this is your open vent for the top your fire is on this side you want the vent on this side to create that offset cooking now we're going to open this vent here probably about a quarter the bottom vent is wide open guys i do all of my controls from here so we're going to let this cook all right guys so we just got our ribs onto our rubber kettle over there and it's burning away with some b and b oak briquettes and we're using some cherry wood chunks to give it a nice color and a good flavor uh i know some of you guys are going to wonder well what is your cooking temperature i don't really rely on the cooking temperature guys we're cooking by feel here i find that you will really learn how to barbecue if you learn how to cook by feel and not necessarily just rely on set temperatures i know that some of you thinking well you know what you're it's easy for you to say this is how i learned guys this is really seriously how i learned and so i'm going to kind of share that with you so what we're going to do here is we've got our charcoal in there we've got our wood in there we've got our ribs on we're going to cook the color we're going to let it go for about an hour we'll come back and check it in an hour between now and then we're going to put together a nice little spritz that we'll be able to spray onto these uh ribs to keep them nice and and uh nice and moisturized and give them a good color but we're gonna let this smoke away here and i'll see you guys back here in about an hour and we'll take a look at these ribs here all right all right guys so today for our spritz we're going to be using our little spray bottle that i always like to use you guys asked about tell you go down into the description box check out my amazon link so you can find a sprayer on there that'll work for you we're going to be doing this with apple cider vinegar and honey but today we're going to be using this mike's hot honey just because i like a little kick so we're going to put these together and what we did here was i went ahead and i put about a cup of acv in here apple cider vinegar and about two tablespoons of honey that's what we're going to put on these ribs today all right all right guys time to check our ribs all right so it's been about an hour and 10 minutes here since we last saw these ribs and we can see they're cooking very well it looks like it's drying up a little bit so we got our spritz we're gonna spray it on and this is all we're gonna do right now guys we'll come back and check this again in about another hour [Music] all right guys we're about two and a half hours into this cook we can see our ribs have a really good color on them they're coming along nicely i think we're going to go ahead and get them off and get them wrapped up guys okay so today we're going to be wrapping in aluminum foil and again this is our shiny side in shiny side in towards our ribs and we've got the uh butter spray that we're going to be using so we're going to spray down some butter spray onto our foil followed by some of our spritz and we're gonna get these ribs placed right onto it [Music] okay remember we're gonna go meat side down on these uh on the foil guys and then we're going to repeat we're going to get our footer spray put on here followed by our spritz and now we're going to get these guys wrapped up remember be careful not to poke a hole in your foil all right so we'll get these back on the grill all right so we got our ribs back on the grill we're gonna get the lid put back on this thing all right guys so now we got our ribs wrapped up they're back on the weber kettle now comes the time we're going to get them tender be back here in a little while we'll check it out all right all right guys it's been about 50 minutes since we uh put these ribs on wrapped and i'm going to show you how we are going to check them we're basically going to just open it up and kind of see our ribs there so we're going to take a toothpick and we're going to slide it right in between the bones into the meat and just feel for tenderness now you want to be very careful not to go all the way through and poke your hole into your aluminum foil but this will give you a good indication of the tenderness and this actually feels pretty good to me but it needs to go a little longer so we're going to go ahead and wrap this back up and let it keep going [Music] all right guys so as you just saw we just checked our tenderness and it's not quite where i want it to be just yet for my liking so we're going to continue letting it go in this aluminum foil now for you guys out there the beginners this is where you guys get to kind of feel your way through this you know what we're doing you know how we're checking our tenderness we're going to come back and check tenants probably every 30 minutes so you guys keep going until you get to the tenderness that you like if you want it falling off the bones that's perfectly fine that's up to you let it go till it's falling off the bones if you don't then you monitor it and pull it off whenever you know you get to the tenors that you want so when i bring you guys back i will have achieved the tenderness that i'm looking for that's my personal preference and we'll pull the ribs off at that point and uh we'll pick it up from there all right but you guys by all means continue on to the tenderness that you want all right guys so we're back here it's been about another 30 minutes or so since you guys were last with me and i've got the tenderness that i'm looking for so at this point what i'm going to actually do is i'm going to apply some barbecue sauce now you can actually add whatever barbecue sauce that you'd like to use that's a personal preference thing so add whatever you like to use onto your ribs at this point guys there's no right or wrong you know to it but that's what we're gonna do now i'm gonna leave it right here in this foil as i do this and we're just going to let this kind of glaze over and what we'll do is we'll come back to this here in about another um probably about 10 minutes or so 10 or 15 minutes we'll just give it a chance to glaze over here so i'll bring you back then all right guys so this sauce has had a chance to glaze in here for about 10 minutes or so and so what we're going to do is we're going to pull it off of our foil okay so we got it here onto our grill now and we're going to apply our sauce to it and the reason why these bones are coming off is because of when i peeled that membrane off the back of it it peeled some of that skin off it actually holds the bones together on this side so i'm not really too concerned about it this backyard barbecue but we're going to go ahead and get our sauce on it and we're just going to brush that sauce on guys and again we're going to give this about 10 minutes or so to kind of set on this rib and then we'll be able to get it off [Music] all right guys so hey we got our ribs off of our grill we've had them uh resting now for about 30 minutes and so now we're going to go ahead and cut into these ribs and let's do it all right guys so as you can see we've got a great color on these ribs turned out really good i may have overcooked them just a little bit which is not that big a deal this is backyard barbecue so it's all good whatever your preference is but uh let's go ahead and get these things sliced up here all right guys so we got our ribs sliced here and there's a good look at that rib there and you can kind of see that color on there it looks pretty good overall i think this uh i think this cook came out to be pretty good so um man let's taste this rib alright guys so before i taste this hey if you enjoy the barbecue content that i upload on this channel then make sure you check out a couple of these videos that i've got listed right here but uh enough of that i'm gonna get into this rib and i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: The Dawgfatha's BBQ
Views: 550,038
Rating: 4.9277492 out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Ribs on a Charcoal Grill, TheDawgfathasBBQ, LonestarGrillz, MGrills, WeberKettle, BacklineSmokers, Backline, Fabrication, Yoder, how to make baby back ribs on a charcoal grill, how to amke baby back ribs on a charcoal grill, The Dawgfatha's BBQ, The Dogfather's bbq, weber kettle grill, bbq ribs, how to bbq ribs, how to smoke ribs, how to make pork ribs on a charcoal grill, how to make pork ribs, pork ribs
Id: fAQLaWoqwEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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