How To Cook Ribs on a Pellet Smoker

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hey guys welcome back to the channel so today what are we doing well today we're gonna work on pork ribs we did a brisket video a little while back for beginners and you guys really liked it and I've got a lot of questions about what about ribs so that's what we're gonna do today so today we got baby back ribs we're gonna smoke on the gyro is 640 all right guys so you're new to making ribs and you want to learn how to make a really good rib and kind of be consistent with it well that's what this video is about today I'm going to show you how to make a good rib very fast and simple no store-bought rubs or anything we're gonna put together a homemade rub and we're gonna make these ribs fantastic alright so let's get this rub together and let's get these ribs on the pit alright let's go alright so we're gonna start off with just a regular shaker bottle here I ordered a bunch of these on Amazon they're really inexpensive hey that's what we're gonna use so we're gonna start off with a couple tablespoons of black pepper guys so this is just a regular coarse ground black pepper I have to use the Fiesta brand you can use whatever brand yeah we're gonna follow this up with some salt we're gonna do 1 tablespoon of salt so if you thought that that was a two-to-one ratio two parts pepper one part salt now we're gonna use 1/2 tablespoon of garlic and this is granulated garlic guys so we've got 1/2 a tablespoon of granulated garlic and we're gonna do a half a tablespoon of just paprika usually you have I just have a regular paprika fancy paprika you can use whatever you have nice so we've got all of our ingredients in our shaker bottle here we're gonna pop pop the top on it just stretch it up get everything mixed around and just like that we've got us a nice little rub that we can put on to our our ribs to get this done today so let's get these rip season all right guys so what I've got here is a rack of baby back ribs that I got from my local grocery store my h-e-b you can use baby backs you can use st. louis-cut you can use spareribs any of the pork you know ribs that you want to use whatever you want to use this recipe this method that I'm showing you can work for any of it but the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna get this membrane on the back of the ribs you have a membrane the covers here and this doesn't really cook up very well so we're gonna take off this membrane and all I'm gonna do is take a knife and I'm gonna kind of slide it underneath the membrane right on the bone and we're gonna use a paper towel try and grab that membrane to pull it off sometimes we get lucky we can pull the whole thing off in one sweep just like that gotta love it when a plan comes together all right and now at this point all we're gonna do is just kind of look at any of the stuff that I need to be trimmed off of here this in here I'm not liking too much so I'm actually gonna trim it off now anything that you trim off here you can actually set aside you can use it to cook up the meat on it you can throw it on the pit eat it later you could actually you know boil it down make stock with it whatever you want to do with it you can do that so don't think that this always has to go to waste guys so at this point we are ready to go ahead and get these ribs seasoned now you can use binders if you want if you want to use olive oil vegetable oil canola oil grapeseed oil you can use butter you can use whatever you want to use today I'm not gonna use a binder I'm just gonna go ahead and go with it because if it was a little tacky and moist to me already so we're gonna use this rub that we put together and we're just gonna sprinkle this on and again guys always Pat you never rub your up around if you rub the rub around you get uneven seasoning instead you start to get splotches and here and there and you don't really want that now we're gonna get to our meat side same thing we're gonna just sprinkle this on and you want to sprinkle hi guys so that you can get a good even coating across the rib same thing we're just gonna press in you got to make sure we get our sides here all right so just like that we got these ribs seasoned up and they're ready for the pit alright so we just got our ribs seasoned up and they're ready for our grill today we're gonna be using our Yoder YS 640 we're gonna be running it with the B&B competition blend pellets and today we're gonna be cooking at 275 degrees so we're gonna keep this very simple I know there's tons of different methods out there that people follow from ribs you know 2 T 1 3 2 1 you know there's all kinds of variations I don't really necessarily pay attention to a two to one method per se I try to go by the color you know it's they're gonna be the common theme that you're gonna find on my channel a lot of the barbecue that I do I do the color at first the first part of that cook is due to color so we're gonna get these ribs on the grill here after it comes up to temperature but important for right now is the fact that we got our rift we got our rub onto our ribs and now he gets a chance to kind of get a sweat now what does that mean get a sweat what that means is we get that salt content in the rub onto the meat and it pulls moisture out of the meat and so what happens is that moisture comes out and mixes with the rub and then eventually the meat starts to pull that moisture back in which pools in your rug the seasoning from your rug which helps you get more flavor into the meat so you kind of want to make sure you get your meat seasoned you want to set it to the side get your Pig you know up to temperature and it gives that me the chance to kind of sort of absorb some of that flavor in from your rub so very important there so anyway we got a rib set to the side there getting a sweat on we got this thing fired up 275 275 once the thing comes up to temperature we'll go and get these ribs on all right all right so here we have our ribs guys the thickest part of the rib meat is going to be on this side this side of the pit is the hotter side so that's where this is gonna go thickest part of your ribs to your hotter side of your girl so once we put it on the back here we're gonna kind of bunch it together because the way you put it on the grill is the way it's gonna cook so we're gonna put it on here just like this and push it together we don't want it to be all stretched out in sideways or whatever so we're just gonna do it just like this so at this point we are ready to cook we're gonna go ahead and get this thing closed up and we'll come back to check on it by the hours [Music] alright guys so hey our baby back ribs have been smoking away here on our Yoda wide 644 about an hour so we're coming upon what I call the first checkpoint and what do we want to do here we want to be kind of fast we don't want to leave our grill open for a long period of time because the longer you leave the lid open the longer you're gonna make this cook B so you want to have everything kind of organized for each time you get ready to open your pit to do a checkpoint so our first checkpoint we're gonna be looking for looking at the rib to see how fast is cooking does it look a little burned on the edges does it look a raw if it's looking a little a lot more raw maybe it's not cooking as fast as we want it to so those are the things we're gonna look at and kind of determined if we need to adjust our temperature control we're gonna look at the the surface of the ribs the rib looking really dry is it starting to split which would mean it doesn't have enough moisture on it which means we're gonna spritz it so today I'm gonna be using I can't believe it's not butter butter spray you can use what you want guys you can use water in a spray bottle you can use juices you can use your you know a CV apple cider vinegar and apple juice you can use teas you can use beers barbecue sauces whenever you want to use to moisturize your ribs feel free to go for it this is not the only way one thing about barbecue is there's a million ways to do things you just have to find the one thing that works for you so don't let anybody tell you what you're doing is wrong if what you're doing is working for you go for it so use what you want today I'm going to be using a butter spray so we're gonna go ahead and pop open this lid on this side why at 640 we're gonna look at these ribs we're gonna see what we need to do we'll get the lid closed and keep your smoker so let's check it out alright guys so first thing that I noticed is we do have a good split right here which is telling me our ribs are a little on the dry side right now it's starting to cook I still see the redness the color looks good it looks dry to touch it looks like it's actually cooking pretty good it doesn't look burned around the bones on the ends so all I'm gonna do is just spritz this thing with this butter if you notice I did go a little heavier here where we have the split so I'm just getting a little bit more moisture there then we're gonna go ahead and close this thing up and we'll come back and check it in another hour alright guys hey we're about an hour and 45 50 minutes into this cook here and we're gonna go ahead and do our second checkpoint now as I said earlier in the first checkpoint you want to prepare yourself before you get to the checkpoint and get your pit open and you end up losing heat if you don't have things prepared so on this checkpoint what we're gonna do is we're gonna make sure we have what we're gonna wrap our ribs ready to go with we're gonna use aluminum foil we're gonna make sure that when we wrap our ribs in our aluminum foil that we're gonna wrap it with the shiny part of the aluminum foil facing in so your ribs are gonna lay on the shiny part why signee parts of the aluminum foil reflects heat the opposite side kind of absorbs heat err it doesn't at least repel it as much so we can actually get that heat radiating inside where we have our ribs secondly what we're gonna spritz with again that we use the first home if you're gonna use it this time with your when you wrap the ribs you want to have that ready to go if you decide that you want to make a sweet rib today we're not doing a sweet rib I'll do that in another video today we're going to keep it nice and savory but if you're doing a sweet rib or whatever and you're using sausages and sugars or butters or whatever you want to have all that ready to go to get it in your aluminum foil get your ribs in and get your ribs wrapped and get them back on the pit so you just want to prepare yourself you also want to make sure that whatever you're gonna use to handle these hot ribs with you have your ready to go whether you're using gloves or whether you're using tongs or whatever you choose to use just have it ready to go so the name of the game is preparation to have everything laid out ready to go so then when you open the pit you get to see the ribs and you get to assess what you're gonna do you're ready to do it right then and there without having to fumble around figuring things out so with that said let's take a look at these ribs and let's see what we're gonna do alright let's go [Music] okay so as I'm looking at this we have a fantastic color going on on these ribs and that's what I'm really looking for I can see we do still we got that split there but it's not too bad everything is looking great here I'm happy with the color I'm happy with the way the speed of which this is cooking and so I think it's time we go ahead and get these ribs wrapped up guys so let's get him wrapped okay as you can see we've got our linen foil out here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take our spray butter now we're gonna spray down the surface of this aluminum foil before we put on ribs on here what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually place our ribs and meat side down right on top of this this up butter on the foil so let's grab these ribs [Music] so we're just gonna place these as I said meat side down these are looking fantastic we're gonna take our butter spray and we're gonna spray right on the top of these ribs here okay guys and now we're gonna go ahead and get these wrapped up now what you want to do is you want to make sure that you're very careful not to get one of these edges to poke through your aluminum foil so what I tend to do is I try to give myself a little bit a little bit of space in between there I just kind of gently fold it over so that I know that I'm not right up against the edge of the rib where I could potentially poke a hole grab the other side we're gonna do basically the same thing just gently in fact now on the is we can kind of feel where the ends of the ribs are so my ends of the ribs are right here so I know I have this much more space to deal with with this aluminum foil so what I tend to do is just grab it fold it over and then gently fold it up like that we're good to go there same thing on this side we're gonna fold it like here and then fold it over and now we're good to go we've got our ribs wrapped up in this aluminum foil and we can get it back on the grill so let's get it back on the grill [Music] alright guys so hey we got our ribs on and they're wrapped and they've been on now for about 45 minutes so we're gonna go ahead and get ready to check them so as I've done with the other previous checkpoints we're gonna talk about it again what are we gonna do well we're gonna check for tenderness now so how do you do that well we're gonna use our temperature probe if you don't have a temperature probe it's not the end of the world use a toothpick all we're gonna do is we're gonna unwrap the ribs a little and we're gonna poke in between the bones into the meat we're gonna kind of get an idea how tender the meat is you want to be very careful not to poke all the way through because obviously you could poke a hole in the bottom of your foil and then you got a hole you all the V reduces and everything are running out of your foil you don't want that so be very careful but we're gonna go ahead and check for tenderness in between our bones I know that a lot of you have hit me up with tons of questions about temperatures and that's not the other and I'll be honest with you I don't ever really pay attention to temperatures on ribs but today just for you guys since you guys are my dog pound and you asked me so I'm gonna use the temperature probe and I'm gonna let you know what the temperature is on these on these ribs so let's get this thing cracked open let's check for tenderness alright let's go alright guys so one of the good things about the way we wrap these ribs is it makes it really easy to be able to check when we're at this point here so we're just peeling this foil back exposing our ribs we're taking our thermo Pig and we're just going to slide in right between the bones into the meat there and it's pretty tender but I think it needs to go just a little bit longer temperature-wise right now we're at 199 200 degrees guys and I think I'm going to need just a little bit more time especially for this thicker side here so I think we're gonna go ahead and give it probably another 20 minutes or so 15 20 minutes so we'll wait just get this gently wrapped back up the way we add it [Music] we'll get this thing closed up and I'll see you guys again here in about 15-20 minutes all right guys that's been 15 minutes since we last checked these ribs so we're gonna take a look here and again we're focusing our tenderness feels a lot better here we're reading 202 degrees for you guys they really want to know temperatures so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and snip these ribs over and all I'm gonna do is just take this boil and just kind of make it into a loose right here and we're gonna take our spray butter and we're going to spray down these ribs and then we're gonna come back with a little bit more of our rub that we put together and then we're gonna get this foot back in okay we're gonna get this grill closed up and we'll be back in another 15 minutes all right guys it's been another 15 minutes and look in there man these are looking really good these are got some great colors on [Music] and they feel pretty good so I think it's time we go ahead and get these guys off we're gonna get them off and get them rested and I'm gonna bring you guys back once I have these off rested and we're ready to cuddle all right guys so let's recap what we did to that here so we got us some baby back ribs from our local h-e-b we put together our own world which consisted of salt pepper granulated garlic and paprika very simple rub we would then pull the membrane off the back of those ribs got them seasoned up and we cook them on or you know why--i 6:40 with the BMV competition blend pellets at 275 degrees we will have to spritz with a spray butter and then we finish these ribs off they came out gorgeous great color tool they've fully rested and it's gonna be time to go ahead and cut them up and let's see some ribs all right so let's get these ribs cut alright guys so as you can see we got our ribs here and they came out like I said with a really good color so we're gonna get in cut now you can actually see the bones on your side and I don't see them because they're away from me so you guys could see them but this is what I tend to do I'm not a professional by any means you know you go to restaurants you see these guys slicing ribs man like it's just no joke but for me I turn them over and I expose myself to the bone side so I can see exactly where I need to cut so we're gonna go ahead and start cutting these [Music] all right so I got a few of these cut for us and that's what these are looking like guys this is plenty juicy there so man I would say it's a very simple way to make pork ribs knives if you're new to making ribs this is a very easy way to make a great fantastic pork rib so man let's go ahead and taste these guys hey guys before I taste to this as I always do I'd like to inform you hey you like watching the barbecue entertainment videos make sure you check out these couple of videos like I posted right here I'm gonna see you guys in the next video Cheers [Music]
Channel: The Dawgfatha's BBQ
Views: 930,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook ribs on a pellet smoker, how to cook ribs on a pellet smoker grill, baby back ribs, how to cook baby back ribs on a pellet smoker, pork ribs, pellet smoker, how to cook baby back ribs, how to smoke baby back ribs, smoking ribs, pellet smoker ribs, yoder ys640, yoder pellet smoker, the dawgfathas bbq, the dawgfather bbq
Id: p7PiErezQao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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