Davinci Resolve 17 Tracking Text and Images on Water Surface

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Davinci Resolve has some really nice  tools to do tracking within your video   i'm going to use these tracking tools to show  you how to put words on top of a water surface   you can do this also to place images or video on  any surface in Davinci Resolve. All right, so let's jump right in. i'm in the edit page today if you  need to get there hit Shift and the number 4 on your keyboard. So i have a timeline here. i'm  going to drag my footage right onto the timeline. Ideally what your shot has is something to create  some markers with some contrast. This one has a number of great options on the edges so  I can create a nice plane in this area here. So once i have my shot in the timeline , i'm going to right-click on it. i'm going to say open in Fusion Page. So with my Media1 selected i'm going to hit the Shift + Space Bar   and i'm going to type in track. So i'm going to use  the basic tracker. This one's really easy to use. Go ahead and add that into my node pattern  here. So I have tracker one here and i want  to do some changes here before i track it. So let's go to operation first and i want to do a   corner positioner. This looks okay for now.  I want to go to Best Match, pattern center   is good i want to lower this tolerance way  down so i have a really accurate track here. So 0.0003 that's pretty good. So these are my  track points and i'm gonna need to set those   on something i want to track so make sure that  your position of your timeline is to the far left   so you can start and go all the way through your  timeline. So let's go ahead and start moving these   and i think it's easier if you go up  here and you select a different color   In this case, i've got a lot of blue in  this scene so i'm going to select the blue   so i can see where my contrast is. So what i want  to do is create a plane on top of this water here. So let's go ahead if you grab the upper  left corner of these track markers you   can move them here. So i want to find  something .. that's pretty good right there. Then grab the bottom corner  and then you can resize   kind of that tracker. Same with the outside. This  is going to be the overlap area. So that's one. So now i want to repeat this procedure for each  of the four corners to create a really great track in this water area. Okay so the way that my text is going to be laid out so if you look   at track one, two, three, four. It's going to  be laid out kind of on that plane.   This is that little inlet here and it creates a  follow of that plane there which is pretty good. So when i lay my words out i don't have to do a  lot of manipulation of the text. We can do that   and i'll show you quickly how to do that but, if  you lay out your plane and you're able to get   track points within that plane it's a lot easier  in the end here. Okay so i have my track point set   and right now it's on default it's  going to track based on the color here, on the luminance and since i set it up with that  blue i'm just going to track it on that blue track. All right, so i'm at the far left again on my  timeline and i want to just go ahead and hit track   and it's going to track through all the frames in  my clip it's going to try to hold those positions This is the free version. So if you have the Free  or Studio version it's going to work really well for you. So that took about 27 seconds because I had the tolerance way down. It would be faster if I move that up Okay you can see my track lines here  and it created keyframes on all these positions   here. So that's good. Let's go ahead and give myself  some space here for the node area and i want to go ahead and just put text in there. Let me use the text plus Connect it into the foreground. So this is Vernazza Italy, so i'm going to  go ahead and type that in. You can see it appears in the center of my track area. So i want to make that quite a bit bigger.  and if you go too big. i'll demonstrate. If  you go outside of your tracking area it's   going to kind of disappear here. So just keep  that in mind when you're setting up your track   So that's pretty big. I'll take a look at  that and i'm going to move this down using   my layout positioning here. Get it right on  the edge there so we can see it really nice.   and one more thing i want to do. i'm  going to go back to my tracker here.  and under operation, I want to change the  apply mode to soft light. So that's just   going to show that shadow there, but  what it does do with water, which is really cool,  is we can see the waves and we can see other  things through that lettering and i'll demonstrate   here. Let's turn the viewer back to color here and  actually we'll just go back to the Edit Page. Okay, so it's going to take a few seconds to get this  render cache built up. If your bar is red then it's   just building it the cache on the disk.  Once it's blue you can look at this in real time. So that's what it looks like. I'll zoom in  here so you can really take a look at it.  So you can see we get that nice, the water flow  through there and even the boat really kind of   going over there it's going to go right over the  lettering which is kind of cool. So that's really   the way to do it it's pretty simple here  in Resolve to use just the regular tracker   and i want to go back here. I mentioned having to  move the text around if you couldn't get a track   on the plane that you were looking for. So  what you want to do go ahead and select your text   here and we have some options under layout and  transform. You can see rotation here is an option   and so i can make some adjustments on the  rotation of this text here if you want to   get it in a certain spot and under transform  make sure you change this to words or lines if   you have multiple words so you can select the  whole word and you can make changes along the X   Y and Z axis and like i said if you get a good  track here you won't have to do that manipulation. You can even change the shear here of the  angle the text and different things like that. So going back to the text color we can add color  to this. It will look a little different. You   can see what I'm trying to do here. I wouldn't  go that bold. Maybe something light like that   wouldn't look too bad. You can still see the  water because the composition   mode that we're using is correct. Or we could  do a really light blue. Something like that. Yeah so i think that works really well in  Resolve and like i said using the Free version   or the Studio version and it's just using that  simple tracker i'm not using a planar tracker   i'm just using a corner positioning using the  regular tracker which is built into the Free   version which is awesome. Once we get a good  track we can add text we can add other things   on there if you'd like you can add images or  video on faces or surfaces, no problem.  Yeah so hopefully that was helpful for you. If  you got a minute go ahead and subscribe to the   channel. iI you have any questions go ahead  and post them I'll try to help you through.   but otherwise take care everybody appreciate it
Channel: Digital Vector Studios
Views: 3,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17 tracking text, davinci resolve 17 tracking image, davinci resolve corner positioning, davinci resolve tracking, davinci resolve water, davinci resolve water effect, davinci resolve 17 fusion tracking, davinci resolve 17 tracking, davinci resolve 17 water effect, davinci resolve 17 text effect, davinci resolve 17 track moving shot, davinci resolve 17 composition modes, resolve 17 tracking, Seguimiento de Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve Pelacakan, حل التتبع
Id: WFH5nxWPw4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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