IRON MAN HUD EFFECT In Davinci Resolve!

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the Ironman heads-up display is one of the coolest video facts that you can make in DaVinci Resolve so you know what that means I'm gonna show you how to make in four steps so all that stuff coming up but first if you're new here my name is Billy Ripken and I make weekly DaVinci Resolve tutorials about different effects transitions and workflows that'll help you become a better editor so if you want to level up your editing skills click the subscribe button and the Bell notification to stay up to date on the newest videos put out but let's get into it so to set up this shot all I did was place a black bed sheet on a few light stands then I had my camera placed relatively close to my face next I had to act and clearly I'm not a good actor so it took me like 30 different tries and finally I used a light to splash light from under my chin up into my face when I wanted this Hut effect to turn on also if you're interested in a light panel like this check the link in the description this thing's like super cheap on Amazon for like 50 bucks and it's fully RGB and it's amazing so now that we got that out of the way let's move into the editing process all right so now that we're in DaVinci Resolve we're gonna go ahead and start making this Iron Man effect so once you have all the footage in DaVinci Resolve just go ahead and drag down the footage and cut it down to the section that you want this effect to happen at then cut your clip down and put it in the timeline then right click on your clip and go to new fusion clip then you're gonna jump into fusion that just sounds like such a cool name like fusion so I've broken this effect up into four different steps the first step is gonna be to create that helmet field so to make that happen we first have to track my face right here so we're gonna hit ctrl + space and then add in the tracker node right here so the tracker node selected grab this little tracking area right here and center it on my face and then you just want to expand it to where it's about as big as my face make sure it's centered then go into operations right here and then under the operation drop-down menu go to matchmove then go back to tracker and hit track forward and now you can see it eventually resolved it's just gonna go ahead and track my face forward I'm gonna eye track that Freya said that alright so once resolve is done tracking we're gonna go ahead and add in a merge node right after this tracker so just click the merge node right there and it's gonna add it in for you then above this merge node grab a transform node right here in destroy I get in and grab the output of this transform right here and connect it to the blue triangle make sure it's the blue triangle that's the Alpha Channel then above this transform node go ahead and just grab the polygon mask and drag it in and connect it to the yellow triangle right here make sure it's the yellow triangle then just go ahead and trace around my face it doesn't have to be perfect then once you fully mask around my face go ahead and grab this background node and connect it to this merge node right here the masterpiece is complete clearly I'm kidding so click on your polygon one mask go over to invert and now you want to invert it like that and then under soft edge just bring it up a little and under border width go ahead and bring it up Mort where you can kind of see like the beginning of my hair and a little of my neck but not much you just kind of want to play around with it to see what works so I think right here looks pretty good now so the mask actually stays with my face click on the transform node right click under center go to connect to under tracker 1 go to unset E position and now it's just gonna track the mask to my face and it's gonna look fantastic and then I'm just gonna box this whole thing up at an underlay because organization alright so step one is complete so step two is the 3d camera tracker so hit control space again and type in camera tracker and just go ahead and add that into our node graft then with camera tracker once selected go to preview Auto track locations in the inspector tab and then under detection threshold just bring it down a little because we don't really have too much information right here so by lowering the detection threshold resolve is able to find more tracking points then after that just go ahead and hit Auto track and resolve is gonna do all the tracking for you once it's done tracking go to solve and now you can see we have 90 tracking points so obviously 90 tracking points is not a lot but I'm just gonna go to maximum track air anyway and bring it down ever so slightly I just want to pretty much delete all of the tracking points that are not great so I'll bring it down to like 14 or something like that and you can see in the selected tracks right here that there's 10 out of 90 selected go ahead and hit delete you're gone you don't need them anymore and then click solve you so you can see that our average solve error rate here is one point three nine five five that's not great ideally I want to be under one but because there's not that much information on this clip to actually track that should be fine now go to the export tab right here and under 3d scene transformation click this align to drop down menu right here and go to unaligned then in the center of my face I'm just gonna highlight a few points just like this because that's where I want the Iron Man heads-up display to kind of stick to I want it to stick to my face from there go to origin and then hit set from selection then under this drop down menu go back to aligned and hit export and now you're gonna see all these nodes just pop out of nowhere immediately get rid of the ground plane and the point cloud no one likes them hit delete on those bad girls then you can also get rid of your camera tracker right here then disconnect this merge from the media out like that and connect your media out to your camera track renderer alright step two done now step three is where the fun part starts to happen we're gonna start adding in the Ironman assets so just drag your assets in from the media pool and to actually connect a normal 2d object to a 3d composition because right here this stuff is all 3d you can't just connect it like that it doesn't work you need this thing right here called an image plane 3d this just gives you the ability to put 2d objects in 3d space so I'm just going to connect this circle hologram thing with the image plane 3d right here and then grab the image plane and bring it down to the merge 3d and now you see it's kind of in the center of my face so before we scale it up we just need to get rid of the black right here so under image plane go to blend mode and under software it's on additive go to screen you can see nothing changes and that's because for some reason under our camera tracker renderer right here you click on that we have to change the renderer type from OpenGL a renderer to software renderer and then you can see it allows us to get rid of the Alpha Channel so now we want to position this hologram thing where it should be so I'm going to close my media pool and then I'm gonna open up my dual viewer right here and then put my merge 3d node in the left viewer by clicking on this little button right here so you can see that it is in 3d space that's kind of cool right this is just another way to kind of like view what's going on so with our image planes like to go to transform and we can scale it up a lot like that and if we need it more we can just type in like you know 10 or something like that and and clearly that's a little too big so I'm just gonna move it down to like 8 you know something like that now in our 3d window I'm just gonna grab the red arrow which is ultimately our X and I'm just gonna move it over and then I'm gonna rotate it using the Y just like this so now you just want to play with your different parameters in your image plane using your XY and even your Z to just kind of like position it correctly then once you get this graphic the way you want it you have to re-time it so everything starts at once so you can see that the light on my face starts at frame 21 so with this circle asset right here selected go to global in-and-out and just drag it up to 21 this is just saying at frame 21 this graphic right here will start once you have your object position the way you want it add another add 10 more do go crazy yours gonna go about adding these heads up display effects the same exact way I just showed you and you can also connect an unlimited amount of nodes to this merge node 3d so once you're done with all that we're gonna move on to step 4 which is ultimately finishing work so right now we're just gonna keep it relatively simple for our glow so we're just gonna hit ctrl + space and then add in soft glow we're gonna add our glow in before the image plane right here so you just kind of drag it in so now you see that it glows a little so you can just move it around by dragging the gain down bring the threshold up if you really want to and then once you get the glow to your liking you click on it and you hit ctrl C and then add it in for every single elements now everything kind of has a glow and obviously we can tweak it if we need to because some of it is intense then we're gonna drop the opacity of each of these image planes right here just because we want to be able to see through it a little so under image plane go to material right here and just drop the opacity just a little say you can kind of see through it and then do that for every single element so what we're gonna do is make these elements appear a little smoother than what they are because right now they're just kind of popping up over like one to two frames and that's super fast so to make that smoother we're gonna go to like frame 19 or something like that and click on our image plane and then under blend mode drop the gain down all the way to zero and add a keyframe so for every single one of these image planes just keep doing that over and over and over again and make sure you're just not playing with your playhead because you want it to all happen at the same time so now we're going to move ahead four frames and you're gonna see that a light pops up on my face then we're gonna bring in a gain up for each one of these image planes and it's gonna create a keyframe automatically and then after that you can just go to the spline tab and make sure all these image plane 3ds are selected hit fit to zoom and then you can just highlight both keyframes and hit s that just smooths out the keyframes a little more and if this whole animation still happens too fast you can just highlight one of your keyframes hold shift and just make the animation a little longer now we're gonna create a mask around my eyes right here because in the actual Iron Man effect there's always this kind of glow around his eyes so what we're gonna do is click on our media in one which is our main clip and we're gonna hit copy and then paste it right here then we're just gonna add a second merge node right after this one now connect your media in one to the merge node and then add a polygon mask to it now just trace around my eyes a little like this doesn't have to be super perfect because we're just gonna feather the heck out of it now add a color corrector node in right after this media in one so now if I just Jack the color up to something crazy you'll see that it's just isolating my eyes now we're going to make sure that this mask stays right here so disconnect this polygon mask drag in a transform node right there and take the polygon output and bring it to the transform to input then just grab the transform to output and connect it back to media in one now under the polygon - you can just soften the edges a lot so it's not so hardcore play with the border with a little bring the color intensity down a little because that blue right there is a lot and then also you're gonna want to jack up the gain a little you see how it kind of adds that glow around your eyes you want that that's exactly what we want because now it looks like I'm actually having some screens hitting my face and of course just play around with all these settings make it work for your image and then when you finally get your color the way you want it you're gonna want the light on your eyes to appear when you're having these elements turn on so it's move back a few frames to like frame 16 or something like that click on this merge node right here and then under blend bring it all the way down and add a keyframe now just move forward a few frames to where things start to turn on like that and bring the blend all the way back up and now you can see that the light appears around your eyes when all these things pop up so now if you want to add more colors to the face you just go ahead and do that same exact method now the last thing to do is to grab a transform node and add it in all the way at the end like this and bring the size up recenter and reframe it as is you want to make it feel close as if you're really watching somebody who's in a helmet alright so there you have it the Iron Man heads up display effect in DaVinci Resolve if you thought this video was helpful give it a like and also share with your friends so that they can put this awesome effect in their videos I had a question for you guys do you like Iron Man if not who's your favorite character let me know in the comments below mine actually is Iron Man or was Iron Man Tony know so I also started a new thing I started a fiber where I pretty much just edit YouTube videos so if you want any YouTube video editing done click the link in the description I little bring you to my fiber you'll see the prices all that stuff and I'm kind of going a little cheap right now because I need some good reviews anyway if you like me hit the subscribe button if you really like me hit that Bell notification that helps so much but as usual the video on the top is a video all about the 3d effect in DaVinci Resolve and the video on the bottom is a video that YouTube thinks that you would like but until the next one ok
Channel: Billy Rybka
Views: 76,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron man hud effect, iron man effect, iron man heads up display, heads up display, iron man effect davinci resolve, Davinci resolve 16.2, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve effects, iron man, davinci resolve, iron man hud, hud effect, Iron man Hud Effect Davinci resolve, billy rybka
Id: CO8IbZ-7C4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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