TRACKING Objects in DaVinci Resolve 17 to ATTACH Text, Images, Videos | EASY Fusion Tutorial

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what's happening guys welcome back to another quick tip tuesday since we've been having so much fun in fusion the last few weeks working with the tracker i figured we'd keep going with that a little bit and today we're going to talk about how to use the tracker to attach an object to anything to have a track and move along in your image so we've got an image kind of like this of a sweet mustang rolling down the road and let's say we want to attach some text to it or an object or an image or anything we can use the tracker and make something that looks kind of like this so we're gonna look at two examples today the first one is gonna be using text to attach it to an object the mustang in this case and the second example is going to be to take the davinci resolve logo we're gonna paste it on a door as you're walking down an alleyway so you can use this in a lot of different situations you can do it with images with text with video clips there's a whole bunch of things you can do it with and a whole bunch of different ways to do it now this is not the only way to do it like everything in resolve there's more than one way to do it this is just one way that you can do it so keep that in mind if you've got a better way feel free to leave a comment down below and maybe we'll get into other ways down the road in the future let's jump into resolve and check this out alright so here we are in resolve i'm in the edit tab right now and i've got this clip of this mustang cruising down the road that we're going to use for example here the first thing you need to do is i'm just going to come to the beginning of my clip select it and we want to jump over into fusion right here so go ahead and hit on the fusion tab once we're in fusion here the first thing that we need to do is add a tracker node right we want to use the planar tracker so hit shift and space bar and we want to bring up the planar tracker so you start typing in there here it is i'm going to go ahead and click add now as long as we have our median one highlighted here it's going to drop it right into our node tree here and connect everything up for us so the first thing that we want to do is select your planar tracker coming out at the top here mode we want it to be track now you want to make sure the next part here you've got your playhead at the very beginning of your clip you're going to go ahead and hit set in the next section here we've got tracker you want to change that to hybrid point area and we're going to leave it on perspective for now but you may need to try some of these different options here next we're going to come over here and zoom in our image i'm going to hold command or control and my middle mouse wheel here now we want an area that we can track so you want some good contrast or some good lines that's going to allow resolve to track it through the video clip so in this case i'm going to put the word mustang on the door here i know that's what i want to do so i'm going to come in here and i'm just going to select my points around this area here there's some good lines there on the door that resolve should be able to track i'm gonna make sure i get that little circle close up our tracking area now all i have to do is come on over here and we're gonna track forward or track to the end by clicking this guy right here resolve's going to go ahead and do its thing track those points for us i'm going to zoom out a little here holding command or control and my middle mouse wheel again so now that our planer tracker tracked everything for us you see all our little tracking points up here we should be good to go as far as the tracking is concerned the next thing we want to do is have your planer tracker selected come on up to operation mode and we want to change that to corner pin so what this is going to do is allow us to use the corner pin mode here to have an object sit however we want as far as perspective goes so if we look at the screen here we've got this little red box i'm going to zoom in a little here and what i want to do is place this box over wherever i'm going to want the text to be so i know i want to be over here and it's going to go on this panel of the door so i'm just going to line this up the best i can and it helps if there's you know some lines on here that i can follow that should be good so the next thing i want to do is add in the text so i'm just going to click over here so i don't have anything selected i'm going to come over here and pick my text tool it's going to drop a piece of text down into our node area click on the little square and connect it to the green part of the planar tracker now that i have the text highlighted i'm going to press number one so it brings it up in this viewer over here and i'm just going to go ahead and add some text in the inspector i'm gonna say mustang then i'm gonna go and pick some cool font that i like and you can do the same i like this one called sign painter works out good for me so if you look in our image here now you see that mustang text that we attach to the planar tracker it's already in the right perspective and it's already attached to the car so maybe i want to make it a little bit bigger so i'm going to click on my text i'm actually going to add a transform node just to make it a little bit easier to work with here so i'm going to hit shift and space bar add in a transform node here's our transform node go ahead and add that in and as long as i have my text selected it's going to add it right in line for you click on that and let's make this guy bigger i'm going to bring that up here so we can see where it falls on the car there now let's say maybe i want it in a little bit of a different spot if i come back and select my text node i can actually just come up here and grab my text and move it to wherever i want and the cool part is if i move it on the left-hand side here i can see it moving on the right right on the car so i think that looks pretty good now maybe i want to add a drop shadow in there to add a little bit of an effect to it so after the transform node i'm going to hit shift and spacebar again we're going to add a drop shadow here's our drop shadow i'm going to click add it adds it right in line for us try to keep everything nice and neat here you know what i mean then on the drop shadow you can come in here and adjust it however you like uh you know change the angle whatever you want to do is perfectly fine so if i zoom out a little and we just play through the video we see that word mustang tracks perfectly on the door there which is awesome and that's it for all you got to do in fusion here so let's jump back into the edit tab right here click on this guy shoot you over the edit tab let's check this out and just see how it looks here so you can see there it's stuck to the door pretty good it might move a little bit maybe we got to adjust our tracking a little bit but that's the idea of how you would attach some text to an object using the tracker so now i've got another example for you let's say you're walking down a corridor here and you want to put the davinci resolve logo on this door or any logo or video or whatever it might be you want to put something on that door how do we do that so i'm going to select my clip here in the edit tab go to the beginning of the clip and jump over into fusion by clicking this guy right here once we're in fusion again we want to bring up the planar tracker hit shift and spacebar and we want to see planar tracker go ahead and add that in it's going to make my window a little bigger there now i want to select this door as the point that's going to get tracked right so coming over into the inspector again we're going to leave it on track i'm going to hit set so we start at the beginning tracker type i'm going to go to hybrid point area and i'm going to leave it on perspective because we've got a perspective view here so i'm going to stick with that for now and i'm just going to select around the door area here and make a little area that we want to track close it up and i'm going to hit track to the end let davinci resolve do its thing so now you notice the tracking points stop right here because that's where the door stops so there's nothing else to track in the area that we selected which is perfectly fine so next we want to add in the davinci resolve logo so that we can have it attached to the door so same technique as with the text i'm going to select just out in the area here so that i don't have the planar tracker highlighted i'm going to come into my media pool here and i'm going to grab the davinci resolve logo and i'm just going to drag it out and drop it in here again grab your end here and connect it up to the planar tracker and need to go back to the beginning of my clip here now when i come into the planar tracker i'm going to come back to operation mode and we go to corner pin now you can see that our logo is already in there because i happen to add it in before doing this step right here of the corner pin if you did the corner pin first then when you drop in your logo it should just go into the right perspective but in this case i did backwards doesn't really matter i'm going to click on my planar tracker now i'm going to line this guy up with my door and you can try and follow these straight edges on the door there the best that you can and again commander control to zoom in a little bit use my middle mouse to kind of pan around and i'm just going to put it on there somewhere that looks good and again this could be as big or as small as you want it to be doesn't matter whatever you want to do zoom out now if i just deselect my planar tracker we can see it there and if i hit play you can see it tracks on the door and goes off screen there so it's perfect and again you can add in other effects you can add in opacity you want to add in a drop shadow here too you can do that you shift spacebar search drop shadow add that in it's going to add that in and you know you can change it to be whatever you want maybe i like something like that maybe i even want to change the size of it so i'm going to add in a transform node go drop that in transform i'm gonna shrink it down and now if i just come and play through the video there's our davinci resolve logo attached to the door so that is it that is some more fun you can have here with the planer tracker in fusion right here in davinci resolve a lot of cool little things you can do that aren't that complicated that can really help bring your video to the next level and just add some cool effects so that is it for this one guys thank you for watching subscribe to the channel hit the thumbs up button if you learned just a little something in this video and i look forward to seeing you guys in the next one you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 12,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, tracking in davinci, tracking in davinci resolve 17, attach objects to wall and ground davinci resolve, planar tracking, tracking objects in davinci resolve 17, tracking objects in davinci resolve, tracking davinci resolve 17, tracking in fusion, planter tracking davinci resolve, Tracking Objects in Davinci Resolve 17, Fusion Basics, Fusion Tutorial, Fusion, Fusion Training for Beginners, Fusion Tutorial for Beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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