Every New TITLE in DaVinci Resolve 17 (They're Amazing!)

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hey guys nick and welcome back to another video today we're jumping into davinci resolve 17 and like a couple of my previous videos we're gonna go through all the new titles this time that they have included in davinci resolve 17 so let's take a look so all the titles are going to be located in the edit tab in the effects library under titles and they have pretty much revamped this entire section for davinci resolve 17 and pretty stoked on it because normally with vintage resolve 16 i wasn't a huge fan of the inbuilt titles which meant i always had to go into fusion to create my own ones i'm sure you guys feel the same and in davinci resolve 17 i think the opposite is true they have done such a great job with the inbuilt fusion titles that i don't see the need to go in and create my own so let's take a quick look so we got the first six at the top here nothing special about them we just have plain and simple text that has no animation in it whatsoever we play that through just formatted so that it's either a left right or middle lower third as well as a general text in the center there now you do have the text plus one it's pretty standard the text plus is exact same as the text node except that you can take it into fusion and you'll have your template there so that's what the text plus one is for personally i don't know why you would use that i would just create a fusion composition but some people might not another one they've added is scroll and i think this one is really useful for credits so basically you have a scroll and it's got a pre-built speed but the longer you make it the slower that scroll becomes and then if you were to go over here in the inspector and start typing you could write credits and so they have a really simple credit i guess sequence that's really easy to create now that's pretty hard to do like character level formatting unlike in fusion but if you just want to create a really quick credits and sequence that's how you create one so those are the basic ones the fusion ones is where it gets really cool so the first two we have and it's going to be a pretty common thing they'll be like center titles and then there'll be lower third titles so the first two we have are background reveal titles which use your background to create the image so if i bring in this photo here and let's just zoom it in a little bit so that we can see the color and then if we drag say this background reveal title on top play it through what you'll notice is that it'll blend in and then the background will become that title and if i was to say move this down a little bit you'll notice that you can get the image appearing in there and then it will fade back to the image that's exactly how the lower third one works so if i was to delete that one we drag the lower third one down it's gonna operate the exact same way except that it will come down the bottom here so pretty cool in that sense the next one we're going to look at is the call out yes davinci resolve has built in a call out an animated one in davinci resolve 17 which is kind of cool so we've got an animated there now what's really cool about the call out is that this isn't the only one there are five different versions of it that you can access if you go into fusion so let's do that we're gonna have it selected jump across into fusion give it a sec so here we have our little title in fusion and if we select the call out one you can notice that we have version one two three up to six in the inspector and you can change it and it's going to change how this all looks and operates pretty cool that they've given you a few different versions nothing super special about it the fact that you have access to it here in fusion and if you double click you have everything that they've used to create this whole sequence common question i get asked what if you want to add tracked footage to it well super simple let's drag this video down in here connect it to our media out mode and we've got this footage here of some cars now this media out node is going to match the length of the callout so we don't have to worry about re-timing this footage what we can do is add a quick tracker so we're going to go shift space add a quick tracker and what we're going to do is let's center in on let's go on this guy here and we're just going to make the box just large enough to center over the car and we are going to track ford let it do its thing perfect all done on that one and then what we're going to do is with the tracker under operation we're going to change it to match move cool and then we just connect the call out to the input of the tracker now what you will notice is that because of the aspect ratios the text there the callout is quite small we can fix that by just adding a transform node in between the two of them now we can control the size independently we can size it right back up and we can also reposition it so once we get that line coming out you can see that's where that dot is so if we wanted to we can reposition that line onto that car there select the call out go through and type whatever we want type in traffic go through we can increase the size of the text if we want change the color of the line even so let's make the line a different color we all know i like teal so now we've got our teal line and if we were to go back into the edit page and so now if we play this through we have our call out and it's tracking that car like so we didn't even have to create the call out all we did was add a really quick tracker to the sequence so you can see that was really easy to do next we're gonna move down we have a center reveal pretty cool cinematic title that they've got there just sort of like a center line in the middle and we can call cinematic title and it's just going to split in the middle and then reveal itself so pretty cool there and again all these are fusion titles so you can just drag them into fusion at any point by highlighting and going to fusion or clicking this little button here which will also take this title into fusion now we've got a few clean and simple ones at least that's what they call it kind of modern box elements pretty simple and then again we have some lower thirds and another lower third here which is slightly different pretty cool now we have a couple of my favorite which are the dark box text so again what i'm going to do is just chuck a color down onto this background so we're going to chuck a solid color just so we can see it more easily i'm going to make it light gray go back to our titles and so we have our dark box so if we chuck that down we have basically a box is going to appear with the text and it's going to dynamically scale so if i decide to take you notice that that box is dynamically scaling to what you would like the text to be and obviously you have your pretty standard controls in terms of color and everything like that so that one's a pretty cool one looks really cool really modern and again you have the exact same but as a lower third like i said a lot of these are repeated for lower thirds a couple of my favorite ones now are digital glitches so these are really cool if you want to do like a i don't know like a techie kind of movie we're gonna delete that solid color now so we've got like a cool little glitch that comes in we can always make that a bit shorter to speed it up a little bit very cool and then like i said we have a couple of lower third ones now we have some draw on lines so we have a lower third here so the line kind of draws in and then our text comes out and then we have a similar one for the center text the animations for these are just like second to none they are super clean super smooth which is awesome for us to use and i do encourage you especially with like the digital glitch ones if we want to head on over into fusion and see how they actually created this glitch effect as you can see here there's a fair bit to the node tree but you can see they're using a prism blur basically and a mosaic blur to create that digital glitch effect so being able to see how they've created it is almost just as important because it helps us understand how to create it for ourselves now we have our drop-in title not something i would ever use but you know it's there it's kind of cool and again we have a lower third one this is one of my favorite ones this is kind of like a very cinematic fade in title i really like it so i really like this one nice clean it's pretty simple that's kind of what i like with the titles and again we have lower third on the left and then we have a another one over on this side here now we're getting into some of the more gimmicky ones we have a flip over one so it's like a 3d reveal whatever you would use that for and we have another lower third one then we have a flip up one very similar as you can see it just sort of flips up from the bottom these are not ones i would use again this is i find just a little bit too much for a title but each their own horizontal line reveal very common one that is used a lot and it's really well done in fact i think they might even have this in differential resolve 16. we have a horizontal slide pretty self-explanatory text comes in and then it will shoot off two new ones the jitters i quite like the jitters they're like a real cool cartoony kind of vibe come through even like that default text you type whatever you know type in cartoon it's really cool just the way the text kind of jitters a little bit there i actually really quite like that one now we have long title kind of more like a sort of lower third except to the left but obviously you can change how you want that to be so if you wanted to have the whole title kind of spread out like that you can come through and have the line go through and then have your title appear like so then again we have that as our lower third this one outline offset i do not like it's a 3d text one and i'm just not a fan of 3d text but you might like it random write-on and random right on lower third are super cool titles it's basically just a letter reveal by randomly and sometimes they fade in and out so kind of cool if you're doing like a real techie kind of video or just like a real modern video i can see like this particular title being on like a mr robot or black mirror episode something like that and we have pretty common one rise fade don't like it but it's there we've got to rotate in and out one as you can see there's a lot here so this one rotates in and then we'll rotate out at the end here not a huge fan of it but it is what it is then we have a random scale up a bit cartoony we have that for the lower third as well then we got our simple lower thirds so just simple boxes different versions of that these are going to be good if you're doing interview videos and that sort of thing you can just have their name come up there pretty soon pretty standard i used to use this when i did corporate videos we got another center line reveal looks okay i also believe they had something similar to this in davinci resolve 16. gotta slide in and down again a bit too flashy for my liking slide in and scroll another 3d one that i'm not a massive fan on again with this one not a huge fan of it all the 3d ones i'm just not a massive fan on personally just because i don't like that sort of i don't know it just looks super cheap like very like 2007 like microsoft powerpoint style titles these ones are cool i do like the text box i would use them myself especially this one here i think that one's super cool especially with that speed ramp in the middle the way it kind of flies in slows down reads the title and flies out again and these are the ones that i would use the most of this one's pretty cool if you're doing like a product trailer or something like that and then we've got a couple of ripple ones not it's okay i don't hate it got a three line drop one it's okay i do quite like this one i know they've kind of done like a bit of a bezel on the text there and you can increase extrusion so i guess it is a bit of a 3d effect or it is 3d i guess but you can make it closer to 2d by removing the depth on everything and then you get this cool title there then we have all my ones uh you can check them out in the link below at myself site big old dirty thumbs up there a couple of views these are just all my ones that i've created and then we're pretty much done we have our vertical reveal i quite like this one this is very like cinematic just very subtle same with that one and then we got a vertical slide a lot of third slide and then the very popular zipper effect there and then we have a subtitle one pretty standard so as you can see they've created a lot of different titles for davinci resolve 17 and hopefully by watching this video you've seen how useful all of these can be and maybe get some ideas on using them and the fact that you can take them all every single one of these fusion titles into fusion by just clicking this little button here so you can add whatever you want to to the effect or even if you just want to double click and have a look at how they are using the node trees infusion to create those titles anyway guys that's it for this video if you enjoyed it make sure you hit that thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel for more content and until the next video see ya
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 34,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all the new titles in Davinci resolve 17, Davinci resolve 17 new titles, how to edit the titles in Davinci resolve 17, how to create a callout in DaVinci Resolve 17, track text in Davinci resolve 17, cinematic titles in Davinci resolve 17, Davinci resolve 17 new features, DaVinci Resolve 17, how to, video editing tutorial, Davinci resolve tutorial, text and titles in Davinci resolve 17, text and title tutorial in Davinci resolve
Id: FUevNFuNgq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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