How to Survive /Kill

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foreign bushes to the insanely strong pigland brute however none can really compare to slash kill so the slash kill command in Minecraft is perhaps the most powerful force in the entire game bypassing everything and anything killing any Target its power is immeasurable and there's no way to survive its effects or is there what if I told you that it is in fact possible to survive being slash killed it would blow your mind no I'm relatively sure that most players don't know that you can actually survive slash kill but today I intend to change that and show you how you can survive being slash killed in Minecraft I hope you enjoy also please do consider subscribing it's completely free and very little on your end and I would greatly appreciate it it helps out the channel a ton and means the absolute world to me thank you so much and I hope you enjoy before we get to surviving slash kill let's build our way up there with smaller degrees of damage firstly it's important to note that damage is dependent on difficulty certain things will hurt more in normal mode than on easy mode and on hard more than normal for now I'll be using normal as the base reference for damage unless specified otherwise of course stepping into a cactus feels half a heart of damage with her skeleton does two and a half hearts the void deals two hearts every half second shooting yourself with a fully charged Arrow does four hearts and the harming two potion the six just name a few slowly but surely we can work our way up to things that do 10 plus and kill like Point Blank creeper explosions or TNT for example but even those can be survived with the use of potion effects or armor I will now also refer to damage in damage as opposed to Hearts so something it does 10 hearts does 20 damage as each half heart is one damage unit just for simplicity's sake so what does the most damage in the game I'm sure you'd be tempted to say that beds in the nether do however you'd be wrong in fact something many players don't realize is that beds in the nether are far from an instant kill and are actually very survivable contrary to popular belief you can stand right on the head of a bed Point Blank Range try to sleep in the Nether and survive just fine so before we try to survive slash kill let's first survive a bed blast of course you can do this with a totem of undying but I'll focus on other methods for now the first thing to debunk is that beds aren't a slash kill their explosions and explosions have rules that dictate how much damage they actually do the formula for the damage of any explosion in Minecraft is as follows impact squared plus impact times seven times power plus one rounded down there are two unknowns in this equation so let's address them the most simple is power every explosive in the game is given a power value that determines how they interact with block destruction as well as causing damage funnily enough beds don't even have the highest power value the highest is that of a Wither spawning with seven followed by end crystals and charged Creepers with six and finally beds in the Nether and to respawn anchors in the Overworld with five followed by a bunch of other things of course but what about impact impact is a bit more complicated because it relies on other variables the equation for impact is one minus distance from the explosion multiplied by exposure the first part is pretty obvious however now we have to know exposure and the rabbit hole continues when an object explodes it sends out a bunch of arrays from its Center to every single point along its bounding box which is defined as follows for example with a block of TNT you can visualize the rice coming out of the center like this the Rays also determine how blocks break around the explosion but we don't really care about that yet the exposure is what percent of the rays are not blocked by solid blocks that's why when speedrunning Minecraft with beds speed owners place blocks between them and the bed to negate some damage the Rays now instead of hitting the speedrunner hit the block and thus reduce exposure and thus reduce damage but let's say we were standing right on the center of the bed the exposure would be 100 or just one in decimals and plugging that back in we get that the impact is one minus zero times one which is one and the formula for damage it's 1 squared times one times seven times five plus one or 36 down damage 18 hearts for a point blank bet explosion and 36 is much less than infinity on easy difficulty with health boost 4 or actually five because when I give myself four I get five we can confirm that 18 hearts are in effect dealt and we can survive the bed blast fully naked on a point-blank range however if you want to do this in no cheats just get full diamond armor and you can survive just as well on normal the damage goes up a bit and the Damage dealt is now 70 which can be survived with health boost 12 or blast protection 2 netherite Armor and finally on hard it deals 102 damage which can be survived point blank with health boost 20 or full blast protection 3 netherrite armor so we are just completely debunked the myth that beds are a manual slash kill as clearly they aren't they're very survivable but what about charged creepers do they have a power value even higher than beds So in theory they should do more damage as well and in fact they do on easy difficulty a point blank charge creeper deals 40 damage survivable with health boost 5 or blast Protection 1 full and netherite armor on normal the damage dealt jumps to 79. survival with health boost 14 or full blast protection three and finally on hard difficulty a charge creeper on Point Blank Range does 118 damage survivable with health boost 24 or full blast protection for netherrite armor but now back to slash kill slash kill isn't an explosion it's a death switch but how much damage does slash kill really do is it one thousand two thousand ten thousand one million well sadly for us it's infinite slash kill doesn't do damage it just outright kills the player so you may be wondering how the hell can you survive that well to survive we have to look into previous versions of Minecraft in Minecraft 1.8 slash kill was altered to be an instant kill but what was it previously before slash kill actually dealt damage it didn't just flat out kill the damage slash kill inflicted was a whopping 3.4 times 10 to the 38th power or 340 sextillion damage or 170 sextillion Hearts this number actually has some pretty cool history attached to it 176 tillion is a special number known as a double mercine prime or 2 to the 128th power minus one also known as a very interesting and nerdy mapping 346 tillion in Computing is the theoretical maximum number of ips possible or one larger than all possible uuids which are pretty much any 128 bit integer huge it's also the possible number of keys in the AES symmetric Cipher but nerdy cool things aside how the hell do we survive that well frankly put we don't the maximum number of Health you can give yourself in Minecraft is absorption and health boost is 2068 or 1034 Hearts it looks something like this and puts beds to shame even in hard mode however it is not nearly enough to survive slash kill but we aren't out of luck just yet because it was only changed to do 346 tillion damage in Minecraft 1.6.1 and before that it only did a 1 000. Yes you heard that right in a Minecraft 1.6 and Below slash kill dealt 1000 to the player which is still a lot so now we just have to give ourselves the max Health right and it's bigger well sadly it's not that simple because Health boost and absorption weren't actually added to Minecraft until 1.6.1 the exact time slash kill was also updated to do 346 tillion damage so we can't raise our health what do we do now luckily for us end of the video there is still a deus ex machina resistance resistance has been in the game since the 1.8 pre-release and dates many of the other features in Minecraft each level of resistance negates 20 of incoming damage so with resistance one slash kill would do 800 damage with Resistance 2 it would become 600 then 403 200 to the 4 and finally zero damage with resistance five with resistance 5 in that version a player is practically unkillable in future versions it was altered to not affect starvation damage as well as slash kill or the void but in 1.6 and below it can reduce 100 of incoming damage at level 5. booting up Minecraft 1.6 and giving myself resistance 5 then slash killing miraculously does zero damage it gives me the death message but I don't die I'm perfectly fine holy crap isn't that awesome we just survived slash kill but you know what else is also awesome blowing up Bedrock Yes you heard me right something I didn't think warranted its own video but I also wanted to talk about and I think it fits it quite well was blowing up bedrock in Minecraft as I said before power and Rays have an impact on what blocks are blown up by explosions and that is also affected by blast resistance I won't go too much into the formulas but blocks with higher blast resistance obviously have a smaller chance of getting blown up and what you may ask is the blast resistance for bedrock well for reference Dirt has a blast resistance of 0.5 and an anvil of the highest craftable block has a blast resistance of 1200. well Bedrock has a blast resistance of 3.6 million yes that's insanely High but it's not Infinity meaning Bedrock can't be blown up obviously no explosion naturally in the game could come close to blowing Bedrock up as you all know but artificially generated Fireballs can be given custom power values with commands you can probably see where this is going giving a fireball a high enough power value allows it to actually break bedrock which you can see in this video by jl2579 which I will link in the description it's a very good video if you're curious it demonstrated a concept that I also think is very cool on a complete tangent though playing Minecraft 1.6 again the test slash kill which was the version I first began on in 2013 was a very nostalgic and beautiful experience I felt some sort of sentimental wholesomeness playing again and the simplistic features have shown me just how far Minecraft has come as a game and how much I'm thankful for it I love the direction the game is headed but the simple nature of what it used to be is just so much more Deering the music which I usually have all the way off was defaulted on maximum and while I had another song playing this was just too much to resist and soon enough I had a massive grin hugging the villagers with the music all the way up thanking them for this lovely game thank you too for watching this video and helping make content about this game none of this would be possible without you all so from the bottom of my heart thank you so much I hope you enjoyed and peace out have a good one thank you [Music]
Channel: Wifies
Views: 2,079,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, amazon mumbo, amazon grian, dream, skeppy, grian, georgenotfound, george not found, sapnap, /kill, kill, slash kill, how to survive /kill, /kill minecraft, minecraft /kill, how to live, how to survive, how to blow up bedrock, how to explode bedrock, minecraft explosion, minecraft vsauce, vsauce minecraft, explosion
Id: XUg2u329Uq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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