20 Ways to Break Minecraft

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A game. That’s all that Minecraft really is. And  since a game is only as good as the code behind   it, over the years players have found some really  unbelievable ways to completely break Minecraft.   Everything from infinite items, rigging  enchanting tables and lightning to straight up   immortality. So today I’ll be showcasing some  of the craziest exploits that have ever been   discovered in the game and what can happen  when you truly break the limits of Minecraft. And really quickly I just wanna add  that if you are already subscribed   then thank you so so much. At the time  you’re watching this I probably hit a   million subscribers just a few weeks ago which is  absolutely insane. I really do appreciate everyone   that has subscribed and if you haven’t yet then  please do consider doing so. I promise you won’t   regret it. But that said, thank you once again,  let’s get right into it and I hope you enjoy. Ever wanted to have infinite items in Minecraft,  well that’s essentially what this exploit does.   By using this massive chunk of rails known  as an update suppressor as well as this handy   contraption with a comparator, we can create  something called shadow items. It’s pretty much   two groups of items that are linked together.  So when I throw an item from my inventory an   item gets thrown out from this hopper. And  even cooler, it works the other way around.   If you hook it up to a storage system you’ll  have infinitely refilling stacks of items. So   you never run out of the resources you need.  And vice versa you can set up your items into   a hopper that’ll automatically drain your  goods in a storage system. Allowing you to   mine for years without your inventory ever  filling up. You can even use item shadowing   as a form of remote control. And when you drop  a certain item, the corresponding stack back at   home base can trigger an ender pearl stasis  chamber and teleport you back from anywhere   in the world. It’s a really neat trick and if  you wanna learn how to do it I’ve left a link   to two videos by process and fallen breath  in the description, so go check them out. But even if you had infinite supplies you could  never really control luck. I mean no matter how   good you are at the game luck and rng is something  that you can’t really harness. You can’t per say   force an enchanting table to give you certain  enchantments or place lava to summon lightning   in survival. Or ca- yes, yes you can. And it’s  just as cool as it sounds. Developed by Earth   Computer and showcased by him and RaysWorks is a  way to crack an enchanting table. Or give you the   perfect enchantments, every single time. And  you can control it in survival. The way this   works is that the randomness of an enchanting  table is determined by two numbers. The XP rng,   and the player rng. Both have their own  respective seed, or starting number,   and if we know these seeds we can figure out what  enchantments we’re gonna get, and how to get them.   Problem is there’s over 4.3 billion possible  seeds. And there are plenty of things that   are constantly changing them; sprinting, eating,  using mending, logging out, changing dimensions,   dropping items, the list is endless. But we can  use this to our advantage. By taking a look at   the number of levels required for an enchanting  table, and plugging it into this really helpful   tool by earth computer, it is possible to find the  xp and player seeds. With that information all you   need is to drop some items out of your inventory  and boom the perfect enchantments for your tools.   Just tell the program what you want and it will  give you detailed steps on exactly what you need   to do to get those enchantments guaranteed. How  much lapis you need, how many levels and how many   bookshelves. It’s super user friendly and takes  like 3 minutes to do. Isn’t that just incredible? And you can do the same thing, but with lightning.  By loading certain chunks at just the right time,   members of the prototech server  were able to create a working   lightning farm. And by association a skeleton  horseman farm. From there they were able to   gather some of the most broken items in  the game like a protection 8 helmet. But   I digress. They were able to control the weather  by placing lava and loading chunks in a way that   would periodically update the world random seed  which is responsible for weather. And they did   so in a way that made the game think it should  summon a lightning bolt at a precise location.   Over and over again. Granted now we have lightning  rods but let’s be honest, this is way cooler. Using specially made tools you can  also predict and control droppers.   Pretty much the most common randomizers  in minecraft all revolve around a dropper   spitting out a random item. And if you  use this tool designed by Mathew Bolan,   you can actually crack that randomness and  guess with 100% accuracy what the dropper   will spit out next. It’s a really awesome  party trick that still works to this day. Another really interesting way to destroy  Minecraft is to set certain numbers past their   limits. Most things in Minecraft have a precoded  limit but using very basic techniques you can   actually go way beyond this. For example using  certain tools you can teleport over 2 billion   blocks out in which case the world generation  completely dies out and Minecraft just doesn’t   know what to do anymore. If you take this to  smaller lengths things like entities and shadows   start distorting and stretching out. But instead  of distance you can also edit your options file to   stretch your field of view. By stretching your FOV  to numbers nearing 180 degrees, the entire world   completely zooms out and makes the game nearly  unplayable. Similarly you can also do the same   thing but with the lighting engine. By setting  the gamma value past the 32 bit integer limit, all   sorts of shadows and lighting effects completely  break down. Giving you pitch black worlds and glow   in the dark, black lava. Some things I’m willing  to bet you probably never thought you’d see. Now because this video is essentially 20  things Wifies finds interesting and wants   you to know about, it definitely wouldn’t  be right to leave out some of the most   game breaking seeds. And by game breaking, I of  course mean bedrock breaking. For some reason   every structure in Minecraft feels the need to  assert dominance over bedrock and they’re doing so   in the best way possible. For instance in this  bedrock edition world showcased by ibxtoycat there   is an igloo that outright builds you a ladder down  to the void. There’s also this ruined portal seed   that breaks bedrock 23 times. 24 if you count the  verison. And you thought the nether roof was safe,   wrong! Just like the overworld you used to be able  to find fossils penetrating into the bedrock roof   into the nether. Just like this seed  on Java, giving you a nice easy way up. But this isn’t the only way that seeds  have been broken before. In fact there   are tons of other messed up seeds that seem  to break all Minecraft logic. You might have   heard of these ones but they’re still so  awesome, and those are the repeating cave   seeds. There are certain seeds that repeat  the same cave pattern over and over again,   all the way to the border. And this seed over  here, well it repeats mineshafts. Forever. And wait, you thought your Minecraft world was  unique? Well there’s a 1 in 23 billion chance that   it isn’t. Sister seeds are two worlds that have  different seeds, different biomes but the exact   same structure and cave generation. And in the  cases where the biomes overlap, their features are   freakishly similar. Out of 2^48 seeds there are  65536 total sister seeds. And if you want a seed   that has the exact same biomes as another seed,  well those exist too, and are called shadow seeds. But perhaps nothing is as cool as immortality.  I mean the power to never worry about death in   Minecraft is certainly an incredible idea. But  it’s not just an idea. In slightly outdated   versions of the game you used to be able to  perform what is known as a desync glitch.   A desync glitch involves spamming in and out of  a boat and tricking the server you’re playing on   into thinking you’re still inside. This allows  you to do all sorts of dangerous stunts without   actually worrying about taking damage. And  the best part is if you press shift you can   teleport right back to the boat. Any block you  place in this limbo state becomes a ghost block   that’s only visible to you. Which grants you the  power of levitating before people’s very eyes. However there’s one other immortality glitch  that’s even more fascinating. 2b2t’s immortality   machine. On the off chance you don’t know, 2b2t is  an anarchy server, the oldest one actually. Which   means it has no rules, and as a result its players  have the freedom to do pretty much whatever they   want. That being said, one of the only punishable  offences on the server is building a lag machine.   A giant redstone contraption that’s only goal is  to lag out and break the server. And of course   some players did it anyway. But all didn’t go as  planned. Instead of the server crashing, somewhat   of the opposite happened. The players directly  underneath this redstone behemoth had their   hitboxes stripped away. A hitbox is the place  where you can get hit, and the server being under   so much stress straight up removed the hitbox  of anyone nearby. Granting them immortality.   The machine was eventually destroyed by the  admin of the server and its mysterious effects   were never able to be recreated. Leaving us with  the question of what on earth actually happened? On a lighter note here are some quick but awesome  glitches. In 1.8.9 by looking at a sideways anvil   you can actually change the collision box of every  anvil in a world. Allowing you to phase through   walls like this. What appears to be a solid wall  of anvils actually becomes larger when you look   at one facing a different direction, putting you  inside the wall and allowing you to go through. By building an end portal and putting the  north and south frames facing outwards and   the east and west frames facing inwards  the portal will light to the side. If you put stacks of bottles in a brewing stand  and pick them up 1 by 1 you can actually bypass   the stacking limit and go all the way up to 2  billion bottles. Don’t believe me? Try it out. If you place blocks while falling at just the  right moment, you can actually cancel all fall   damage. This is because you are tricking the  game into thinking that you’re stepping instead   of falling. And because you obviously don’t take  damage when you step onto another block, all fall   damage is cancelled. Although this doesn’t  work in newer versions so don’t test it out. There’s also this random bug where if  you give yourself jump boost 255 in   older versions and jump it’ll be perfectly  normal. However if you then walk into fire   you’ll be shot straight into the stratosphere. If you push yourself into an end portal using a   piston it will actually teleport you into  the end at the coords of the stronghold.   So in essence you can completely skip  the dragon fight, loot the end cities,   put the gear in your ender chest and come back  to fight the dragon with an elytra. Just be sure   to get some pearls and a potion of slow falling  before you hop in otherwise it won’t end too well. And finally on the off chance that a mob spawner  tries to generate on a chest like in the case of   this double dungeon, its data will reset it into  a pig spawner. Making it one of the rarest blocks   in the whole game. Which is why it’s all the more  amazing that this chest that tried to spawn on a   buried treasure actually turned into a quintuple  pig spawner. Now that’s a good food farm. And the final thing I wanna leave you off with is  AI. AI in Minecraft is at an all time high and the   opportunities opening up are endless. From world  record TAS speedruns to insane TAS flexing to TAS   friends, the tool assisted Minecraft videos  are perhaps some of the coolest things in the   whole game. Not to mention the MineRL project  that is straight up developing robots that can   learn to play minecraft like a normal  player. If that doesn’t impress you,   I don’t know what will. Actually I do,  and it’s this. People making real CPU   cores in Minecraft. Things that are able to run  legitimate programs like tetris, snake, that one   ping pong game and straight up work as a graphing  calculator. That’s nuts, that's actually insane. But okay you stuck around to the end meaning  you’re really into glitches and exploits. And   this one is one of the strangest. If anything it’s  actually one of the deadliest bugs in the whole   game. There’s this glitch going around where  Youtube randomly unsubscribes you so even if   you think you’re subscribed then just check  the subscribe button. And if you aren’t then   please do consider doing so. I’d love to see how  far we can get before the year ends and every bit   of help does go a long way. So thank you so  much for watching, thank you to the moon and   back for 1 million that’s awesome, and peace  out, have a good one, I’ll see you next time.
Channel: Wifies
Views: 886,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, breaking minecraft, how to completely break minecraft machine, completely break minecraft, completely breaking minecraft, break minecraft, minecraft glitches, minecraft glitch, glitch, minecraft, exploit, 20 ways to break minecraft
Id: QGetF8q2Cag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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