Void Ladder

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[Music] the minecraft void is a mystery and over time there have been many speculations about it some say that it is the gateway between the nether and the overworld and others speculate of some civilization at the bottom of the void chances are though nunnies are correct and the void is just completely black and empty or is it well until we dive into the game's code to confirm there isn't some secret wire level we can teleport to go to an end city we really have no way of knowing if the void is really empty but that hasn't stopped players from exploring it the void is pretty mysterious and it's also pretty deadly once you pass y level negative 64 you begin taking damage at a rate of two hearts every half second or four hearts per second which is quite fast and quite scary it's even scarier when you consider resistance armor and totems of undying do nothing to ease the damage regardless of this though players have found numerous ways to venture deep into the void like giving yourself an observer generation level with commands or regeneration 6 for example will allow you to quote beat the void and keep falling until your regeneration runs out or your game crashes supposedly which you know is cool but it's not really achievable in survival minecraft so what is how far can we go into the void in survival with no cheats a cool and quirky way to go into the void is to make a void platform as follows considering you've used some method to remove bedrock in your preferred dimension or just gone to the end place two blocks of choice in a line towards the center of a three by three hole of bedrock next get a chicken somehow onto that block step three is a bit more challenging but quickly break the block under the chicken and then replace it with a fence then swiftly grab the chicken with a lead and attach that lead to the new fence once you've done this it becomes a lot easier remove the leftover blocks and place four fences and then four slabs in the corners grab four boats and then push them into the fences as well as you can for this cool little symmetrical design for this next step it's far easier with hitboxes on which you can toggle by hitting f3 and b at the same time getting the angle right break the slabs underneath the boats and watch them gently fall down finally break all the fences except for the middle one and enjoy your new void platform you can walk on this perfectly fine and get in and out of the boats as you please if you're wondering how to get up using chorus fruits ender pearls or elytra are all viable methods your choice the void platform is pretty cool but we can do something even cooler and make a void ladder you're going to need a pretty scarce resource in the minecraft community though friends friends are great to help you when you're feeling down or when you want to go down into a dark void they're there for you using leads and settled pigs you can make what's known as a void ladder all the way down to the kill point if you really wanted to considering you have enough friends but since i don't have that many i'll just demonstrate with two theoretically if you had more friends it would look something like this i also tried it with three friends but it was just so chaotic i didn't bother showing it the void ladder is pretty cool as well but unlike the void platform there isn't really a good way to get from the bottom pig unless you have an elytra if you don't have one your luck's run out so using the void ladder you can go pretty deep but that raises another question how deep can you go into the void obviously there's no real reason to want to go this deep in the first place but if you wanted to how far could you go without dying that's an interesting question and the answer is really uncertain but let's look into a few methods firstly falling let's just try plummeting into the void as fast as possible and seeing how fast and how far we can go just jumping into the void from y1 results in us dying at around y negative however don't fear our corpse traverses the abyss further plummeting until it comes to a halt at y negative 283 this corpse fall thing is quite interesting so i'll come back to it later that being said we'll measure distance just to when one dies and not to where the body falls to jumping from the build height y256 takes us even further to y negative 293 however we can go higher and by association fall further falling from 500 blocks takes us right around to y negative 300 and if you're wondering how you can get up there in survival let's just say you float up with an elytra and then drop straight down things take a turn though for the interesting when we go to y 1000 where we only get down an extra four blocks and reach y negative 304 it's at this point where we have to consider terminal velocity in real life terminal velocity is a very real thing and it's the fastest speed at which an object can fall quick physics lesson don't click off but let's say you're falling from the air the force of gravity drags you down but the air molecules being built up by your body eventually start creating some force that drags you up eventually you pick up so many air molecules that the air molecules pushing you up have such a big presence they equal the acceleration at which gravity drags you down in common terms you keep falling but you stop getting faster as the upwards and downwards acceleration cancels out the drag drags you up and the gravity pulls you down the formula for terminal velocity is super complicated and introduces a bunch of things that can't be found in minecraft namely the drag coefficient however we don't have to know what the terminal velocity is to know that it's there as long as the player reaches its max speed before it takes damage in the void it will enter the void with the same speed and cover the same amount of space from anything higher that's why we can assume that anything at y 1000 and above will have the same ending point because we've reached terminal velocity by the time we've reached the void and that brings us back to corpse distance googling it the minecraft terminal velocity is listed at 78.4 meters per second how they got that is unknown to me but it does check out let's go back to corp's distance the corpse always moves for an exact second or around that before stopping and out of all my trials the corpse has never once moved more than 78ish blocks thus concluding we have reached terminal velocity at some point or another however what if we gave ourselves an extra boost of speed to help gravity out my next idea was to use fireworks to boost ourselves faster into the void but it was a large disappointment in fact flying to the board with an elytra only made the process worse jumping right in and spamming fireworks lets us to die at only 182 blocks in timing our fireworks that distance increased to negative 209 and from 256 it's actually slightly decreased to negative 205. so that was a bust but what about tridus citing the weather terrain and using a riptide trident proved far more useful even falling from y 0 led us to a new record of y negative 298 from 256 that jumped to negative 308 which remained the same for 500 and 1000 plus our corpse distance was consistently around 78 indicating we've once again reached terminal velocity so is that it 300 blocks into the void the void always kills us eventually and it's unstoppable or is it well not yet because while we've tried to fall as fast as possible and ignore the void's damage what if we try to survive and what if instead of ignoring it we try to fight it with regeneration the only way to survive the void completely is with a generation six and that's not obtainable in villainous minecraft but there are some things that come decently close how can we do that then our using our regeneration 2 potion allows us to go at a pretty mediocre y negative 287 that's all right but it doesn't count for the void's damage in the slightest what about that and health boosts though chugging instant health while having a region allows us to nearly triple that distance and go all the way down to y negative 738 reaching terminal velocity as our core existence is around 77.78 we can one-up that with golden apples which not only give a regen but also give two extra hearts for the void to eat up with this method we can use golden apples to drop all the way down to y negative 1010 without dying that's pretty far but as you may have guessed we can do one better with a stack of god apples lord knows how you find that in survival you can travel an astonishing and 8 310 blocks into the void which is very very very far but it's far from the limit too [Music] let's say you filled up your entire inventory completely to the brim with god apples every single last possible slot offhand that too how long would it take to eat them all and survive the void well because i didn't want to spend hours of my life just chugging gaps in an abyss i did five stacks with one movement from the inventory which had no impact by the way and then just multiplied that by the appropriate multiplier resulting in a final y level of around negative 308 305 blocks into the void that's insanely insanely far but it would also take pretty long to get there seeing as it took nearly 10 minutes to get five stacks eaten to my knowledge this is the furthest you can go into the void in survival minecraft you could boost yourself a bit with using a riptide trident but there isn't too much of a need as the impact is probably going to be close to negligible but this raises another question how far can we fall if we never died let's say we used commands to give ourselves a generation six this completely counters the effect of the void and we could just fall forever or could we how deep is the void really and does it ever end what if the void is just a giant cave with a floor somewhere well it probably isn't but the fun fact the void is so dark the world treats it like actual cave and it can actually play cave ambiance noises while you fall through it after doing some research namely watching ant venom i have learned a couple of things about the void and how deep you can go just straight falling you would actually stop around 2 to the 55 blocks down or around 36 quadrillion you'd kind of just stop moving and wouldn't fall any further without commands getting there would take around 460 trillion seconds or 14 million years of just falling unless my math is completely awful and that would get boring quite fast once you reach 2 to the 55 blocks you can still go further with the use of commands to the largest or in this case most negative number recognizable by java 2 to the 1024. this is the largest number that java recognizes as a number that actually exists to be able to teleport this far you would need to modify the game's source code and alter the original teleport limit of 4096. at this point you physically cannot teleport any higher because the game code literally doesn't recognize numbers that are bigger than this one they'll just call it infinity literally the code does not know numbers bigger than this exist kind of cool so for an answer the void is around 2 to the 1024 blocks deep deep but not as deep as male advice instagram accounts but that's been me thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed please do consider subscribing in the world to me and peace out have a good one [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Wifies
Views: 1,152,545
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Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, amazon mumbo, amazon grian, dream, skeppy, grian, georgenotfound, george not found, sapnap, void ladder, minecraft void ladder, minecraft void, void, how deep is the minecraft void, how deep is the void in minecraft, how far can you fall in minecraft, how far can you go in the void in minecraft, what is in the minecraft void, how far can
Id: ua3YotfDqQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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