Exposing Minecraft's Fakest Escapist [Seawattgaming]

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so there's this minecraft youtuber who goes by the name seabot gaming and among other unimportant things he makes these videos where he escapes minecraft presents except they're not really prisons they're escape rooms and really terrible ones at that and despite them being horribly made he somehow manages to earn more views than mithra deck now there are three of these prison escapes on mr gaming's channel and he claims that these prisons were built by his friends and he has to escape them alive first try on camera which i don't believe at all for many obvious reasons so i'm making this video to prove two things first being that these escape rooms are absolutely terrible no one playtested them they're lazily builds and they only exist so siwot can showcase some fun minecraft mechanics he found on the internet that day and two these escape videos are completely faked if that wasn't already obvious now i don't have anything against siwot i'm sure he's a lovely individual but i just can't let these abominations of escapes go without a wonderful and hilarious debunk video so let's begin we named the prison frost giant and it's really fitting because this prison is extremely massive so this first prison is called the frost giant now remember that name because it's important i'm just kidding he never mentions it again so i decided to go for the easiest way to escape i jumped off the tower to kill myself basically if they had forgot to set my spawn point in the tower this would have sent me back to my bed and i'd have escaped the prison now you might be wondering why is he not breaking any of the ice blocks well actually if you break ice it doesn't turn into water unless there's a block below it which is something seawatch gaming knows since he mentions it in a later escape after this i realized there was a chest floating behind me on the wall the problem was i couldn't access it from the ice platform that's until i realized if i shifted all the way over the edge and jumped and got the angle just right i could get into it [Music] now i had an oak log a daylight sensor and a furnace and this is where the first real puzzle of the prism began cool some blocks let's take advantage of the first mechanic that you showed us at the beginning [Music] the first thing i thought of and probably a lot of you did too was to turn the log into four planks but before i did this i try to think about what i would use them for and the only thing i could think of would be to build myself out but it wouldn't be enough blocks he's correct you actually don't have enough blocks to build all the way out of this room i tested it but you know what you do have enough blocks for [Music] and just like that he's escaped the frost i'm just kidding there's seven more minutes on this video your next question might be what's the point of smelling the words [Music] and once the water hits the bottom i jump down to investigate the next area the first thing i notice about the next room is it's really dark because there's no light sources inside of it so i kid you not this room is designed to be darkly lit to make it harder to see a hidden pressure plate yet for some reason out of all of siwot's escapes this is the only one that he turns off his fulbright for almost as if he knew a darkness puzzle was coming i continued to the room with the lava that was flowing to a room below but the fall was too high to survive [Music] i can break any blocks i want originally i ignored this piston so what we've seen so far is that these escape rooms are definitely not critically play tested so there's a super low chance that someone playing for the first time is going to find every single intended solution unless you magically knew what all the puzzles were going to be the first thing i tried to do was swim up the lava but there was a block in my way i punched it and i could tell from the particles coming off of it it was bedrock [Music] i went through the doorway to see what else there was luckily i had my piston so i could make the jump [Music] i broke the snow to see what was below me i could see a few spiders and i felt like i would survive the fall but i didn't really see a way for me to get back up if i went down there so i didn't i tried to see if i could collect the piston while at the same time jumping up but i couldn't get it to happen [Music] but i also encountered the biggest problem yet at the end of the hallway was a guard staring through a glass window at the exit of the prison and though i could easily run past him don't forget the rule they gave me at the start if the guard sees me leave the prison i lose the whole room was surrounded by bedrock and there was a few spiders i had to kill but when i did i realized there was a hole spider spawner this means i had infinite access to spider-eyes and string infinite access to string you say [Music] okay okay fine maybe placing blocks in the window doesn't count as hiding yourself but come on infinite string [Music] so the first video is complete and what we see is that instead of coming up with practical solutions see what goes directly for the solution that involves him making the invisibility potion why because it's clever you know i really hope you understand this there's a difference between being clever and being intelligent my friends built me another prison and challenged me to break out of it but the problem was this one seemed impossible but then i had a very good idea i used f5 see using f5 gave me a whole new perspective and i was able to see a chest i couldn't have seen before alright pretty cool using f5 good job i guess i moved on to the next room the next room was just a big pit of lava with the ledge of the other side i thought this was supposed to resemble a cave here how it's all jaggedy and stuff but the other half of the room is completely flat so i wha huh but i quickly came up with one way to get across i was pretty sure i could use the crafting table and the chest to parkour along the right side to the ledge but there was also a second much stupider way to get across and that's what i went with here once again instead of using the practical solutions sijuan is going to go with the more entertaining one [Music] the only other thing i noticed in the room was the ice and snow blocks on the floor i broke one of the pieces of ice trying to get water but i quickly realized all the ice was packed ice so i wasn't gonna get any water from it i wasn't finding anything until i destroyed this one in the back and found this massive drop off that i assume led to the next area i was still really confused how to get down there though until i realized one of the snowblocks was not like the rest of them [Music] i started using the powdered stone to build myself down the pit see powdered snow canceled fall damage so as long as i was careful i could use it to build my way to the bottom of the pit safely and i managed to pull it off there was a three block jump that wouldn't be too hard to hit but i didn't want to make the jump more times than i had to here but look see what i totally understand your fear of this three block jump but if it's really the parkour that scares you i have a solution that might help i went back to the hole and pulled out my parkour skills and managed to jump to the other side the first thing i noticed on the other side was a chicken that was attached to a fence with a lead and the chicken was actually named subscribe and i figured the reason they did this is they wanted me to be reminded that youtube says about 90 of you hate me and want the channel to fail [Music] at this point i was pretty confused what to do with this random assortment of items i basically had two main problems i had no idea where to go next and i also had no idea what to do with all my items that's until i looked at the coordinates i was on y level four not y level one meaning there could still be blocks and items down there that were useful for me but then i had a very good idea i used f5 see using f5 gave me a whole new perspective and i was able to see a chest i couldn't have seen before [Music] i now had access to the new area the first thing i noticed was this chest and it had two ender pearls [Music] so after a bit of thinking i just threw the pearl and got to the next area [Music] i was pretty sure that's what i had to do to move on to the next area the only problem was i was only going to get one shot at it but i just went for it and luckily i did it right and gained access to the final area when i looked up i also realized there was some water being held back by a piece of cobblestone at this point i was pretty sure i knew what i had to do all i had to do was provide power to this block and that would drop the water allowing me to swim out of the hole after this i decided to break the chest and the sign in case i was going to need them at the top and then i just swam up the water to see what was next for me see what aren't you forgetting the piston you can use it's part of the map when i got to the top i could see a slit in the wall i placed on my chest so i could stand on top of it and have a better view but then i had a very good idea i used f5 see using f5 gave me a whole new perspective i placed down the powdered snow and picked up the water source i used to climb up here then i walked up to the wall and put down the water source and replaced it in the slit so i could swim through it but i didn't have the bucket so this point half of me wanted to use the boat that i got from the first section to just place it and ride through to the end the other half of me wanted to place the boat i got from the second section the third half of me wanted to boat glitch through the bedrock and my fourth half was wondering why there were two of me but instead in the spirit of siwat gaming i've decided to go with the unnecessarily complicated route so i'm gonna place a boat crafting table above that and a boat above that i break the crafting table and get on the boats from here i'll place the trap chest below the piston and then i'll open the trap chest and get pushed into crawl mode and then i'll press escape and move through the sled at the same time to escape the turtle whatever i forget what it was called so in his first video we see that siwa just happens to know what puzzles he's gonna come up against in the future and in the second video the game rewards him by giving him items you could only get if you used his method as if he just happened to know the right method to use so it's pretty safe to say that yes siwot is faking these escapes but with that in mind i want you to watch the third escape room and realize just how terrible they are my friends built me another prison and challenged me to break out of it but the problem was this one seemed impossible i was standing on a piece of bedrock floating at the top of a bedrock tower below me was a bunch of snowblocks but if i fell off from this height i would definitely die of fall damage [Music] when i finished breaking the crafting table i found a chest underneath inside the chest was 14 bamboo and an ender pearl [Music] i used my seven sticks to make three ladders see there's a glitch you can do with ladders and an ender pearl that lets you face through bedrock and you only need two to do it [Music] when i saw it was a regular chest i decided to leave it behind and take my ladder so i climbed onto the ladder and performed the glitch with the ender pearl [Music] where could something else be hidden in this room now while you're thinking about that i wanted to take a second to talk about the sponsor of this video monster legends [Music] i left you here thinking but you're probably just as confused as i was [Music] of course in the next room we find out that we needed all those blocks i just wasted crazy how see what gaming just happened to know exactly the solution that would benefit him in the later sections and not soft lock him so fine let's go back in time i'll do the bow thing i'll keep my items second table and move the ladder up one hoping that i'd be able to reach it now that was a little bit taller but sadly the half a block i got from the candle was not enough to get on top of the ladder [Music] third bottle i heard a piston noise and when i looked up the dropper had shot something out it gave me one piece of gunpowder i was given this piece of gunpowder in the brewing room so it just made sense to me that i should use it on the potions to make them splash potions i had no idea why i'd want to do this though but i just did it anyway when i got to the top of this and placed the crafting table i realized this side was one block higher than the side we just came from i started exploring this new room but i was not ready for what i was about to see as i went deeper in i realized that teddy was trapped in this prison with me as i went down the hallway i realized though that i was actually at the mouth of the dragon i had done it i had beaten the prison but the problem was i had to go back to try to help teddy [Music] [Music] oh okay to be fair maybe he's not allowed to leave until he's freed his friend now i see the reason he made the splash potion because if he stood here he couldn't throw a normal potion to his friend but he can throw a splash potion his friend gets the fire resistance and he swims to freedom what a satisfying conclu what hang on so i went back in and started thinking what are you talking about if i tried it through the splash potion the effect definitely wouldn't hit it yes the particles now teddy could walk into the corner of the bedrock and grab the effect so we see in all three of these videos see what gaming will be presented with obvious solutions that he will just ignore and in all three of these escape videos he follows the intended solution perfectly just happening to know the incredibly uncommon minecraft mechanics that each one requires and along with his careless risk taking he just happens to know features of the prison that are impossible to see from his perspective it's pretty obvious that not only are these absolutely fakes but the escape rooms just suck i've come to the conclusion that these aren't escape videos they're actually showcase videos where he shows off some fun stuff he found on tick tock the other day but the catches the background to these showcase videos is some bedrock box that looks like it was made by my 12 year old brother with dimensions that were probably decided by random.org and i guess if that's entertaining for you go ahead and check him out but if you want to see some critically thought out genuine minecraft prison escapes you're already in the right place so i'll put two subscribe buttons up on screen on the left see what gaming and on the right is me you can only click on one it's your choice well okay to be fair you could click on both you know the point just whatever click somewhere good night
Channel: Kenadian
Views: 2,221,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seawattgaming prison escape, seawattgaming, seawattgaming prison, inescapable minecraft prison, impossible prison video, seawattgaming minecraft prison
Id: 1XeMlU9fMCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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