What is the LONGEST Death Message in Minecraft?

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[Music] let's get right to the point when you die in minecraft you are greeted by a death message both on screen and in the chat there's a whole variety of ways to die and as such there are a ton of different death messages also apparently being too soft for the world is one of them in his video the red festival technoblade spams the chat when massacring the dream smp producing a very long death message for sure but what is the longest death message possible well this question doesn't seem too hard to answer but you actually have to dig quite deep there are tons of different death messages in minecraft that are all along in their own way let's look at a few simple ones player was pricked at f player drowned player experienced kinetic energy player blew up and so on you get the point so which one of these is the longest while some honorable mentions include the anvil death and the stalactite death and the weeping vines death but the longest base message in java is actually the sweet barry bush death message or player was poked to death by a sweet berry bush as for the player name if we want to get the longest death message we need a 16 character name [Music] obviously the name wifi's isn't close to 16 characters but let's just pretend it is and here we are if we use a 16 character name and the sweet berry bush death message we are left with a 57 character including space death message that's certainly lengthy but we can make it much longer but how because as i'm sure some of you know the player's name isn't the only unfixed thing in a death message case in point the trying to escape blank death message for example player got pricked to death whilst trying to escape zombie as such we can combine the pricked berry bush death message with a certain mob to extend it even further how much further though well to figure that out we need the longest mob name in minecraft any guesses well the longest moment in minecraft that can hurt you to my knowledge is the zombified piglen whose name is a lengthy 16 characters if we combine this death message with the previous we get a total of 98 characters and that can't even fit on one line anymore but this actually isn't the longest death message possible because there's one more obscure format for death messages that enable us to make this already insane text even bigger remember back to the intro where i talked about techno's massacre to my knowledge the most unfixed and longest possible death message is player went off with a bang due to firework fired from item by player mob basically not only is message super long we have three spots to play around with with the player dying the item name and the player or mob shooting the crossbow we have a lot of freedom to explore and make this death message super long we already have the first player name but what about the item name how long can we name an item after doing some basic testing the limit of naming an item in an anvil is 35 characters or the whole alphabet plus the first nine numbers this also combines with two brackets around the renamed item i sadly don't have two accounts with max letter names but in theory the limit with a renamed crossbow and another 16 character named killer would be 124k characters but that's not all using commands we can spawn in a pillager with fireworks in one hand and a crossbow in the other thus he can blow us up and we can rename this pillager to the same abcdef etc halloween rain and the crossbow this would result in a 143 character death message and also do know for whatever reason pillagers have awful aim with fireworks that doesn't matter but it is kind of something funny so is this the limit of death messages well yes and no there's a second method that i'll touch on soon but i'll first discuss the more interesting one if we want our death message to be any longer we have to redefine our definition of length if we define length as the amount of characters there is little we can do in this scenario but if we define as length as how much space the death message actually takes up in chat for example we can increase it substantially for instance what if instead of a b c d e etc we just used 35 w's it would still be the same number of characters however since w is wider than all the other letters except for m it would take a bit more space in chat and this begs the question what is the widest character in the english alphabet it is w keyword english in ascii there are a lot of different characters but the longest is this one an arabic character this looks like it would mean a ton of different words which it does but in reality it's just one symbol the computer treats as one unit for reference here is a sheep named abcde etc and here is a sheep named 35 infinities a pretty long symbol and here is a sheep named 35 of the arabic character the longest ascii character it's not super notable but it is longer so while a normal death message can only take up around 2.5 lines this one takes up a solid three again it's not a huge difference but it certainly makes an impact on the topic of language though we can actually increase the fixed portion as well previously the only part of a death message we could alter was the item name and player name but if we care about length and not characters we can change the language take up even more space after some very brief research the longest language i could find was tamil a language spoken in sri lanka india and singapore truth be told i didn't search every single language in minecraft i just went on first impressions however our once three line english death message now takes up four lines in tamil certainly longer and this is where you run into a bit of a roadblock but again there is one more method i have in store that can make it even longer in fact my last strategy is so grand it can have more english characters tamil characters whatever than ever before and that is command block naming items you see previously i've been naming the pillager with a name tag when he spawns in however an alternative method would be assigning him a custom name in the command block with this the previous limit of 35 characters no longer applies and we can have absurdly long names for our pillager and crossbow in fact we can copy and paste the longest arabic ascii character many many times in and when you look at the name tag of the pillager it stretches across the entire screen as far as the eye can see so what is our limit now well there are actually two conflicting sources on how many characters can fit inside a command block googling it the result is 32 767 characters while the minecraft wiki states that it's actually 32 500 characters let's stick with the minecraft wiki for now because i don't want to type out 32 500 characters i'll just discuss what it would look like and it certainly is insane although a bit boring you see in english we have the potential to make this interesting with whatever letters we want we could literally make the whole b movie script however if we want the best of the best in terms of length length we're just going to need to spam the arabic symbol considering the limit of a command block is 32 500 characters the longest we can name both our pillager and crossbow equally is 16 101 arabic symbols each that's nuts and it would look something like this very bland but still very cool at the same time and to my knowledge this is the longest possible death message in minecraft an immense 32 276 characters jesus this death is very rare and probably actually definitely never going to happen speaking of rare though what are some of the rarest death messages i know there are a ton of videos like this on youtube and i know you don't want to see the same squish to death message over and over you want something new right well how about illegal death messages these death messages are either unable to happen but still in the game's code straight up unused or removed from minecraft for example the death message player was roasted in dragon breath was added in snapshot 15w 31c to show that a player had been killed by a dragon fireball however because the dragon fireballs actually don't do any damage unlike ghasts for example this death message will never appear in minecraft another example is attack.death it is a strange name and was coded to occur when a fish dies from being on land well unlike wolves fish can't be tamed and swallow wolf could in theory have a death message in chat your fish wouldn't thus making this death message also unsendable until you contain fish there are also tons of death messages that exist in a language file but have no code to make them appear these include pay a player was doomed to fall and all of its respective variants player fell too far and was finished and player was killed by even more magic there's also player was too soft for this world but that was only added for a temporary nightmare mode sounds like a fondy video these final death messages were actually removed from minecraft and they had an interesting format that we don't see much of following the format of player first and player last for instance player fell off some vines and into a patch of cacti or player was pummeled off a ladder and got finished off using item or my personal favorite player got blown out of the water and fell out of the world there are a whole bunch of combinations that you can mix and match with then it's a shame that they were removed from minecraft however with all of that said that wraps up today's video thank you so much for watching and please do subscribe and as always peace out have a good one [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Wifies
Views: 2,080,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, amazon mumbo, amazon grian, dream, skeppy, grian, georgenotfound, george not found, sapnap, die in minecraft, death message, what is the longest death message, longest death message, minecraft death message, ways to die in minecraft, vsauce, minecraft vsuace, rarest death message, how fast can you die in minecraft
Id: C3VKBQxe2do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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