This Minecraft Video Will Read Your Mind

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[Music] hello and welcome my name is Lee fees today we are going to be conducting an experiment this experiment will read your mind in Minecraft I'm about to show you or I'm gonna try at least to predict where you are going to move and when it's a very simple experiment and I hope you will join me for the remainder of this video as we will attempt to read your minds as you may have noticed below me or right here there is a grid a 5x5 grid of random blocks in Minecraft this experiment will have you start in the stone section of the grid during this experiment you are allowed to make moves a move is a horizontal or vertical motion but not diagonal so as we start on the stone you can either move to the / / or the slime and from the / / to the lapis or if the sticky piston and from the lapis to the log etc etc Buhl there will be turns in its experiment each turn I will instruct you on how many spaces to move my goal will be to guess on what square you end up after each turn I will eliminate the square that I do not think you are on hopefully I get it right because there's a chance I will get it wrong let us begin the experiment for the first turn let's keep it simple you have to move one spot that limits your options to the / / or to the slime take your pick are you done my first elimination is of the stone block obviously but this is where the fun begins now move five times if you want to go back onto a square you're previously on that's fine just remember you cannot move diagonally move five times to wherever you want one two three four five only one block at a time now I predict that you will not be on the pumpkins is that correct now I would like you to move four times one two three and four now I know you you clicked on this video and something tells me you wouldn't have chosen purpura block unless you did this next one is quite a big movement so make sure you don't lose track of where you are but I would like you from your current position to move eight times one two three four five six seven and eight are you done well something tells me you won't be on the barrel at least I hope so are you still in the game that's good move once that's an easy one now that you have moved once choose your spot wisely I'll all remove leaves I don't think you're on the leaves block there is still a lot of blocks to eliminate so far you are somewhere I do not know where you are but I know where you are not and now I would like you to move six spaces one two three sorry four five and six are you selected a new block have you moved diagonal I hope not I will never move blue stained glass I don't like it I don't think it fits in would you agree of course you would you're not standing on it moving swiftly onwards I would like you to move three spaces one two three did you go back to where you were started from this turn or did you go to a new block either way I know that you are a very bright person and you don't want to be outshined so I'm gonna remove glowstone I hope you're not on glowstone now move one space have you done it good I'm gonna remove lapis I don't like blue blocks I would now like you to move 9 spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 hope you're not in a sticky situation like on red clay re on red clay I'm not sure but I know that you're not on slime that's for certain now move 3 spaces 1 2 & 3 now I know I said last time and now I'm sure that you are not on the red clay now move 6 spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 are you on the path block I surely hope not cuz I'm gonna remove it we are now halfway done so to celebrate half way move 7 spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 now it looks like a nice hat and we don't want them so magma box you're gonna have to go I'm sorry next I would like you to move 3 spaces 1 2 3 we don't want this to suck out all the fun so sponge you shall leave the group we are now down to the final six blocks move two spaces one two I'm not going to remove the observer block if you are still here thank you I sincerely hope I have not guessed what block you are on yet or not not known what block you are not on I really know however I would like you to move two spaces one two yes again I will remove chiseled stone bricks I don't think you're on that now move three spaces one two and three I will now remove the nether wart block kind of ugly isn't it we don't want it there once again move three times one two three I don't think you're on the sticky piston we're on the final stretch move four times this time one two three and four I would like to remove the N stone how about that now please make five moves one two three four and five I will now proceed to remove the hey block I don't think they're on it now please move 4 spaces one two three and four I'll move the log I think the log is a good choice you're not unlocks are you I don't think so is there are only five more blocks remaining so move six isn't that nice one two three four five six I would like to remove the crafting table now move three one two and three are you on the cobblestone I hope not because I'm going to eliminate it we are now down to the final three blocks and I want you to move three spaces to celebrate one two and three I will now remove the redstone ore we are now under the final two blocks I think you know what I think I'm happy I think there's one block that I think that I'm pretty sure that I'm pretty sure that you're not on which block is it how could I know how could I know which random path you would choose that would take you here because I am very quite certain that you are not on the glass because you'd like to finish first you like to be at the end so of course it's only right that you finish golden thank you for watching hey guys thank you so much watching this video if I did get it right then comment if I got it wrong I think you messed up I can't get it wrong that that's the trick thanks for watching hula mouth hope you have a good time here if you'd enjoyed that do consider subscribing thank you so much I'll see on the next one peace out goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Wifies
Views: 2,032,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, minecraft, this minecraft video will read your mind, this minecraft video, minecraft magic trick, minecraft trick, read your mind, mind reading trick, minecraft mind reading
Id: WguZJ2iqzJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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