How To Stop Translating In Your Head - 3 Tips

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in this video i'm going to show you three different tips to help you stop translating in your head so that you can finally speak english with more confidence and not feel nervous anymore coming up [Music] hey friends natureprix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english now guys before i give you tip number one one very important thing that you need to understand is to stop translating in your head at the moment you are having a conversation with someone or when you are practicing you need to change the process okay because you will only be able to feel better about speaking and feel like you're not using translation anymore if you change the way you study vocabulary the way you study reading listening writing grammar because all these skills are connected the way you are currently studying these excuse not currently but since the beginning of your journey could explain why you translate so much one thing you shouldn't forget is oh i'm translating now okay i don't know what is happening to me no no no no the translation problem is the result of repeated actions so you were probably repeating the same kind of actions in your process that now make you translate in your head all the time that being said let's take a look at tip number one use the sherlock holmes strategy wait don't go i will explain the the sherlock holmes strategy this is something that i always teach my students in my online program private students friends who study english you should be like a detective what do detectives do to find a solution they investigate maybe they have a case they have something they need to discover so to find the answer they investigate the investigation is a process so the sherlock holmes strategy consists of following specific steps in your vocabulary practice so that you can study a word before using translation because i'm going to be completely honest with you there will be moments when you are going to need translation it happens but if you follow the sherlock holmes strategy the translation should be the last resort the last option and even then in tip number two i'm gonna give you a tip that is going to complement tip number one so that in case you translate there is something else you can do and as i said at the beginning of this lesson the translation is a result of repeated actions so your process needs to change and the sherlock holmes strategy will help you change the process there are five things you're going to do in your vocabulary practice first you're going to use google a lot i imagine you already use google but there is a sequence when you are trying to study vocabulary in english okay there are different options different alternatives that you can follow before trying to translate and remember when you are studying you are teaching your brain so if you translate a lot it's probably because you use a lot of translation when you study okay so the first thing google the word plus meaning here you can see an image on the screen where i give you an example okay so the first strategy and i will explain each one of them google plus meaning so the word plus meaning the second thing you're going to use is google images you can get a lot of ideas when you google images does it work to all words in english no but it works with a lot of them okay the third thing you're going to do is uh uh google the synonym so word plus synonym or the opposite so word plus opposite or opposite off and the word you're trying to learn and another thing word plus example sentence okay this phrase is not really correct but it's just so that you can tell google what to do sometimes you find a word you understand what it is but you don't know how to use it so when you have a word that you are familiar with but you need more examples this is the best way to use google google will give you many results with explanations examples actually okay and five you can use youtube youtube is also a search engine but it's going to give you videos instead of websites blogs and articles okay now if we put this into practice here is an example let's say you don't know the word struggle so if you follow my recommendation in the sherlock holmes strategy first you're going to go to google you know in the search bar and you're going to type struggle plus meaning and there this is gonna take time okay you really have to analyze the the options google will give you an immediate explanation but there are other results if you if you scroll down the page you can check some results you don't need to check all of them there are millions of results okay the next thing you can do is to use google images you will see that things will begin to make sense you will begin to understand after that you can google the synonym okay so struggle plus synonym or opposite of struggle okay so this would be another way the tip number four sentence example so struggle example sentence why did i type example sentence this is the way most people type on google search okay it is not the most correct way to say it but if if i type i have a an application extension in my google that shows me the most popular search words an example sentence is probably what what most people search so word struggle plus example sentences would be a good way for google to give you results where you can see phrases with the word struggle and finally you can go on youtube i did this before preparing this lesson for you guys so i went on youtube on the search bar and i typed struggle plus meaning and then you will be able to find some short videos long videos where there are people mostly teachers explaining the word struggle is this immediately going to help you stop translating in your head no absolutely not this is a process what i'm trying to do here with you is to help you change your process by following this step you are going to be exploring a lot of things in english you will be immersing in the language you know some students talk so much about immersing how to immerse in english well you can do that anywhere anytime when you study the right way in my academy for example i'm always directing my bsa my students to follow a similar kind of process they study vocabulary in english they have explanations in english the next step is connected to tip number one because what will happen to many of you is okay i followed the sherlock holmes strategy i didn't understand the word what do i do do i need to i need to translate teachers so what is next well if you need to find the translation okay you followed the sherlock holmes strategy you investigated but you were not successful it happens okay you did a good job though you tried so now you google the translation okay i did it that's it no we're changing the process you are teaching your brain to change the process so we continue now you're going to use the tip number two which is to paraphrase even when you translate what is that supposed to mean you will use your own words in english to explain the word you needed to translate so let's say you google struggle and you could not understand the word struggle you google the images you google examples you google the the opposite the the synonym but you don't understand the word yet so you translate it then it clicked you were like oh [Music] now it's clear i understand it well here's what you do now you're going to sit down you're going to grab a pencil a piece of paper and you're going to practice writing down an explanation that you are going to create and you're going to create that explanation in english what explanation well you will explain the word okay try to explain the word with some words it'll be very easy with some words it'll be more difficult what is going to help you get better at this is the continuation okay the consistency let's try to explain the word struggle so what does this struggle mean there are many definitions okay but i'm going to focus on a very popular one okay so to struggle means to experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do something okay so when you struggle you are ex experiencing a lot of difficulty so if i if i use my own words okay a struggle can be a verb and a noun action and just the name of the action so let's use a struggle as a verb and as a noun well i am struggling to improve my english vocabulary so i am experiencing difficulty improving my vocabulary i'm having problems improving my vocabulary and the and here i'm using my own words to help me understand the word struggle so here i use the struggle as a verb okay i am struggling to improve my english vocabulary i am experiencing difficulty improving my english vocabulary i'm having problems improving my english vocabulary now getting up early is always a struggle for me oh is waking up early i struggle for you let me know in the comments this is a question i want to know is getting up early in the morning i struggle for you let me know here i'm using struggle as a noun okay so struggle is a very difficult task is something very difficult that i really need to work hard to do okay so getting up early is always a very difficult task for me so what is the deal here even though you needed to translate you had to translate a struggle you googled you tried but you couldn't understand now in tip number two you are introducing a new system a new process you don't stop at the translation and be like ah oh well i couldn't understand in english so i translate it no now you have another step you're trying to show your brain different ways to use that word in english you are using your own words even if they are simple even if you make mistakes but you are using words in english to explain to help your brain understand that word in english not only in your native language so you are changing the process and when you change the process you change your results and hey if you're enjoying this video make sure to like this video and share it with your friends the more you like the more you share the more you help my channel grow and the more i get to help english learners like you and if you're not subscribed yet hey subscribe now guys to tip number three guys our native language may be different okay i speak portuguese portuguese is my native language maybe your native language is spanish or italian or french but the thing is don't panic when you don't know a word in english during a conversation because when that happens in a conversation it is almost like um an instinct to immediately start thinking in your language in your head so this is going to happen okay and this is happening because your native language is the first language so whenever you are in a conversation with someone and you don't know how to say something or you feel nervous or anxious you will immediately switch to your native language this happens to all of us now here's where i'm going to get into the tip number three this is going to happen it's not that when it's not about when this is going to happen this is going to happen that's why you're going to use tip number two and tip number three because in tip number one i gave you an exercise for you to do when you are studying so you sit down you paraphrase and you write but what makes the fluent speaker is not the number of words they know but it's the ability to explain what they don't know ah yeah this is important so you are going to use paraphrasing in your conversations that is actually what i tell my baby my baby sardines my students in the academy to focus on work around i don't know how to say this in english but i want to hear your story i want to know what you want to tell me so paraphrasing is the ability to express the the words that you don't know even when you don't know them so you express your ideas you don't focus on specific words otherwise you're never going to achieve english fluency you're never going to make your dream of speaking to people in english come true because it's an illusion there's thousands of words and we're never gonna know all of them and when we get nervous it gets more difficult to access memories vocabulary things we know okay some people even forget their phone number their names when they're like panicking why because we lose access to information we already know but paraphrasing can be a very good strategy that you can gradually implement because as i've been telling you this is a process okay so the next time you are in a conversation and you begin to have this mental battle this mental fight and you feel like oh my god i don't know what to say well stop take a deep breath and focus on explaining what you need the best way you can okay that is what is going to make you someone who can talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english so tip number one and tip number two will help you implement paraphrasing in conversations because one thing is when you are studying at home and practicing and another is when you are in front of someone and you need to speak english so paraphrasing is the best speaking strategy for someone who tends to translate a lot because that is going to take away the pressure that you feel when you believe that you need to know a certain word no you don't need to know a certain word you need to know what you know okay what do you what do you know for that moment is perfect this is a skill that needs work that's why tip number one and tip number two are so important okay because paraphrasing when we're studying and paraphrasing when we're talking are different things and again remember stay consistent change the process and your results will change so that you can eliminate translation from your head i hope you enjoyed this video like share subscribe and other than that i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 3,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: engligh fluency, eliminate translation, how to stop translating in your head, how to stop translating in my head, how to eliminate translation, how to learn english without translation, how to learn english, english translation, stop translation, think in english, teacher prix, english lesson, lesson in english, speak english
Id: ct-yhd0tFXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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