How Much VOCABULARY You Need To Be FLUENT in English?

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watch this video and learn how much grammar and vocabulary you need to learn in order to become a fluent speaker hey friends teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English hey thanks for joining me on another video and if it's your first time here thank you so much I hope you enjoy this lesson I hope I can help you become a better English speaker you know I have an email list and in this email list I send weekly emails with English tips and suggestions and ideas I share my experiences in other countries everything connected to English and many of you guys send me emails with your questions and your feedback so if you want to become part of this very exclusive mail list click in the link in the descriptions and sign up for my newsletter it's free and on top of that you're gonna get a free ebook so check it out and become part of this exclusive email list where I share very exclusive tips with you but you know one of you guys asked me this question teacher Prix how much grammar and vocabulary do I need to learn in order to become a fluent speaker hmm what do you think and that's why I decided to make this video because the truth is that many of you guys have this question how much grammar do I need to learn and how much vocabulary do I need to learn today if you go to a book shop well you don't even need to go to a book shop today if you go online on Amazon or many other websites you will find hundreds of books today on Facebook communities I'm always checking English pages and communities and there are so many questions from you guys of what's the best English book what's the best course book by the way I have some articles about that on my blog so check it out but it's interesting because you guys are always trying to quantify how much vocabulary you need how much grammar you need and the truth is that the more you focus on how much you need to learn, the harder it gets and the further the more distant the further you get from English fluency because the point is not how much the point is how you're going to use them if you follow my videos if you follow my channel you know that I am always talking about context in conversations context in everything you learn and there is a reason why I'm always repeating this over and over and over because if you focus on quantity on how much vocabulary you know you may not be a good English speaker and why do I say that well I have many students who have very good grammar I give them exercises and they get all the answers correct they do their homework and it's perfect but when they are going to speak it's not why because it doesn't matter how much grammar you know it doesn't matter how much vocabulary you know when you are speaking you may not be able to use that why because the way you study grammar and vocabulary and the way you speak are disconnected and that's why you are not feeling that all the grammar you know and all the vocabulary you know are being used efficiently so when I'm when I'm talking to my students when I'm talking to my clients I don't like them to focus on how many new words they learn on how many grammar lessons they study because that's not gonna be helpful as a matter of fact you need very basic grammar to become a good communicator to become a fluent communicator in my opinion fluency is being able to talk about many different kinds of subjects being a flexible speaker that has a reasonable amount of vocabulary and this reasonable amount of vocabulary is enough to help you communicate in different kinds of contexts in different kinds of situations that's why knowing how much doesn't matter now what do you need to focus on what are you learning this grammar for oh, Priscila, that's obvious I'm learning because I want to become a better speaker wrong why are you learning this grammar point why are you learning this vocabulary point because someone told you it was important because you believe it is important see that's where you need to fix that's where you need to reanalyze and make sure to understand that the main reason why you should learn it you shouldn't learn something just because it's important you should learn something because you're gonna use it okay of course Priscilla I know I'm gonna use it hmm I got a question for you what are you going to use it for Priscilla to speak in conversations everyday conversations see the more general you are the more difficult it is for your brain to understand that subject is important so what do you need to do what conversations can I use this for in what conversations can I use this grammar point in what conversations can I use this vocabulary point that's why context is so important if you watch my videos you see that I'm always giving you some conversation subjects weekend, talking to the doctor checking in at the airport going through customs and security let's see what else talking about your daily routine likes and dislikes about food about personality why there's a purpose I am preparing you to use those grammar points to use those vocabulary lessons in contextualized conversation because it's easier for your brain to make associations and remember those words and remember those grammar lesson because if you just open a grammar book and start studying that's it they're just words you're not giving them meaning you're not giving them importance all right so you don't need much as I said you don't need much grammar to become a fluent speaker the ugly truth is that many times many students many English learners do not master basic grammar points such a simple present simple past future if you don't know these three guys you can't talk it would be difficult for you to communicate if you don't master them what I always tell my students is lack of practice if you're making continuous mistakes in such grammar points like present past and future it's because you're not practicing enough and the only way to improve that is by practicing and you don't need to only practice by speaking you can practice by writing by reading by listening by watching by interacting with that grammar point not only sitting down and doing exercises or speaking to someone there are other ways to become a better communicator a better English speaker and it's not just speaking especially if you are studying alone instead of trying to understand how much vocabulary or how much grammar you need focus on what conversations do I want to master I want to be able to talk about DNA I want to be able to talk about genetics or I want to be able to talk about sports cars I want to be able to talk about my job I want to be able to talk about nature and flowers and biology so what exactly do you want to talk about and that's a good way to start to help you improve your vocabulary and believe me when you do that you don't improve only at the subject you want to improve but so many other aspects of the language improve as well because you are focusing you are being strategic about how and what you study but more importantly your brain has a reason has a why why you should learn what you're learning not just because it's important or because someone told you so but because you want to use this for some very specific conversation subject I hope you enjoyed this video make sure to sign up for my newsletter ok and download my ebook thank you so much and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 35,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how much vocabulary to be fluent, how much vocabulary to be a fluent speaker, english vocabulary, how much english grammar, how much grammar to be fluent, fluent english speaker, vocabulary in english, grammar in english, english grammar, how to be a fluent speaker, how to be fluent, english fluent, english, fluent in englsh, teacher prix
Id: EW-hzkLtNI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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