Can Your English-Speaking Dream Come True Over the Next 6 Months? How?

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okay hey student i'm teacher pricks and i'm going to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english well it's another life lesson thanks instagram for joining yay this is so exciting uh thank you so much for joining for watching this lesson today i don't have slides as usual i want to have a more casual conversation with you guys to talk about your english speaking i have some ideas in mind that i'm gonna share with you guys tonight but i really wanted to have this chat today something more casual umberto your first time here that is awesome thank you so much for participating and for posting in english that's our language here uh-huh uh bsa hello moneta that is awesome someone jose from spain that is great so tell me are you a newbie are you a regular or are you my vsa i saw some vsa students have joined bsa are my students in my online program the real english academy let me explain we have a nickname so that i can understand who you are okay so if you are a newbie it means it's your first time here like umberto his first time first time watching me mwah that is awesome a regular is different a regular is someone that is always around like uh i don't know how to say your name but a regular wolfita bsa that is awesome so a regular is someone that is always watching my lesson my lessons maybe you are um sometimes you don't catch all my lives but you are frequently here watching the lessons or the replay so you find a way to be around in my bsa my bsa are my students who joined the academy my online program we work together we practice together today i spent some time talking to some vsa because i love having a chat with them so these are my bsa my students all right so tell me who you are if you're watching the replay make sure to tell me as well who you are so that i know in the chat in the comments who you are uh-huh [Laughter] now guys tonight we're gonna be talking a little bit about your english speaking and how it is possible to make your dream of speaking in english come true you know become a reality in your life over the next six months and why did i want to do something more casual tonight you know because i was thinking about my my journey uh this week i was talking to some friends um to some students and it reminded me this conversations reminded me of my journey to english fluency and maybe you don't know me very well maybe you are a regular but you don't really know my story maybe you are a beginner and you have no idea who this crazy teacher is but when i started my journey i thought that english was not for me i had a very bad experience with english and for some time i believed that well english is really cool it is really awesome but i don't think i can learn because i was suffering i was struggling i was trying really hard studying grammar studying vocabulary but for some reason it was not happening and after almost a year 10 months to be exact almost a year trying studying doing exercises at the time i'm not so old but at the time i didn't have internet at home no internet access so i really studied in a very old-fashioned way and at the time after trying for 10 months and not being able to communicate not being able to achieve my dream because it was a dream for me to speak english and it didn't happen so i quit you know i i stopped i stopped for um for almost two years maybe more maybe three years i didn't touch my books again i stopped i quit this school i went to a traditional school i had an english teacher but nothing was happening for me i didn't achieve my dream and i for a moment i thought that hey english is not for me okay so here what i invite you to think is english is for you okay i think one of the most important message i have for you today no matter who you are no matter what your level is no matter where you're from is english is for you if you dream about speaking english understanding english traveling communicating it can happen okay and it will happen you have to believe in yourself don't let temporary defeat don't let temporary problems and setbacks stop you from achieving your dream because if you are dreaming about this it means it is special to you so don't let external circumstances stop you from chasing your dream from going after what you want to do from trying again trying a second time trying a third time trying for the 100th time but don't let that stop you okay and uh for the past two years and a half for the past three years more or less i've been doing different things in my life that i never thought i would be doing and many times i thought about giving up like oh no this is not for me you know this is too difficult and i know that sometimes you may feel this way that oh my god english is speaking is just too hard i don't have a speaking friend i don't have a speaking partner i didn't have a speaking partner when i achieved english speaking in six months to be quite honest i didn't have someone to practice english speaking with me i didn't have speaking lessons so you see when you have a dream don't give up because you don't have something or because something is not exactly the way you would like that thing to be be persistent you know achieving your dream can become a reality oh but priscilla what if it doesn't happen in six months it will happen you know and here is an important thing to understand if it's possible to achieve your dream in six months it is also relevant to understand what fluency is what speaking is one thing that i always tell my bsa inside the academy it's almost like a mantra you know what is a mantra it's something we say all the time repeat and repeat and repeat fluency is communication not perfection you know and i invite you to type this here in the chat fluency is communication i am going to type in myself fluency is communication not perfection because if i don't understand the concept of english fluency if i don't understand what speaking really is i never get there and no matter how much i learn no matter how much i improve it's always it is always far from me and this is something that i realize in my journey when we think too much oh i cannot make this mistake i cannot do that i cannot do that then i will be amazing our dream gets too far dream i think that uh when you when you achieve your dream it's like a small victory every day you know there was a a particular bsa in my academy that i've been monitoring this student i'm not going to mention her name but it's one of my bsa i pay attention to uvsa i'm always watching my vsa inside the academy and i remember when she first started and we were having a conversation class in group and i noticed that she was having trouble she was struggling and now looking at her progress inside the academy she is speaking more she's not as not so shy anymore and she is slowly gradually making her dream become true okay and it's important to celebrate these small victories sometimes students they come to me and they say oh but i i don't improve and i'm like well but you're talking in english to me so you are improving you just don't pay attention to the improvements you make and here guys one thing that happens after you finish your basic studies and you're going into a different level to um a false beginner pre-intermediate speaker intermediate speaker upper intermediate speaker the changes from false beginner to pre-intermediate you will see a lot of changes okay but from pre-intermediate to intermediate upper intermediate speaker even advanced speaker the changes are subtle it's more difficult to notice the changes you are in a phase to consolidate the grammar you study it the vocabulary you study it it's time to change these strategies maybe what worked for you at the very beginning of your journey because if you are here i love all my students i love all english learners from all over the world but to be here you need to understand me at least at least 50 percent okay my channel is not for complete beginners okay it is for false beginners going on the journey so what worked for you at the very beginning of your journey will not necessarily keep working now you will need to change these strategies you will need to implement different practices and one thing that i notice a lot in beginners who are now transitioning to the next level is they worked heavily on grammar and vocabulary but these things they were not connected they learned a lot of words you know but now they have no idea how to put those words together and this is when they get a little lost they're like oh i can understand the explanations i understand this lesson but how do i use that lesson and that's probably where you are on your journey right now okay if you're watching my lessons if you are following my ideas you are probably in this part of the journey okay and it's important to change that to change important aspects of your practice okay so here as i said a false beginner or when you were a beginner you probably relied too much on grammar and vocabulary so now we need to begin to change the combinations in your practice okay sometimes the students think that uh they will only fix their speaking in the future we transfer the responsibility to the future i was watching this video from a friend okay she is a friend of mine she is a financial uh coach she talks to people about uh finance and how to organize you know how to take care of your money and she made this very funny video no portuguese please and she made this very funny video where she was talking about uh the future version of ourselves okay so my future version oh no i will take care of my money in the future and the future never comes oh i will buy a new dress and in the future i can i can worry about this always in the future always in the future and what are you doing now and sometimes especially for english learners who study alone they think about their speaking in the future oh no when i have a teacher then i will improve my speaking oh no when i have a speaking partner then i will improve my speaking and time is passing time is flying by and you never do anything in your present to make your future different to make your dream become true in the future for your dream to make to become true in the future you have to take action in the present but the the catch is you don't need to to take um complicated actions it's the consistent action taking that will lead you to your speaking goal to your listening comprehension goal and unfortunately is students they they feel motivated they start okay i'm gonna follow teacher prix's recommendations because i have many speaking videos here on my channel i have many videos where i talk about speaking where i give ideas to help you practice your speaking because this speaking is a skill if it's a skill you need to work on that skill just as you work on reading just as you work on listening just as you work on writing on grammar so you need to dedicate time but because students in many cases are alone they feel like no in the future i'm going to do that okay now i don't have anyone i i don't know how to do it and then they leave this responsibility of their dream to the future version of themselves no no no my future me my future me will think about this you know no no no my future me will have a teacher then i will speak and the time is passing and you are not making a dream come true so think about today is july 23rd in six months july six months today oh my god july august september october november december january january what is your present self doing today to make your future self from january 2022 make their dream come true so what are you doing to make your dream come true so that your version your new future version of january 2022 can be like yeah i got this yo you need to take actions today and this is a challenge that's why i come here on my channel every week i'm here giving you lessons or on instagram with shorter videos you can come to instagram and follow me on instagram as well if you are here on youtube to give you ideas sometimes to give you motivation because you know i'm a teacher i know that sometimes we lose motivation we feel a little down we feel a little sad we're like oh today i don't know what to do today i feel a little tired i'm feeling a little lost so how about checking teacher pricks for some inspiration because we need that we're humans we're human beings and it is part of the journey okay and that's why whenever i make a special events and special weeks of events i always call journey because i i'm trying to remind you that on your journey to achieving your dream of speaking in english understanding people in english will be a journey full of ups and downs ups and downs happy moments bad moments moments when you feel awesome moments when you feel terrible but it's important to remember that always thinking in the present what am i doing today you know i was talking to some bsa today because in my academy i i like to have these moments when i as much as possible when i talk to my bsa when i talk to my baby sardines i call them baby sardines because sardines stay together they protect each other and that's what i like to do with my bsa i protect my babies i'm not a mother i don't have babies but i have my bsa and they are my babies in my academy you know um as i was saying i was talking to a student and we were talking about books and movies and i said oh are you watching movies in english is this something you want to do and she said yes it's something i want to do and you know me i'm always talking about being careful with the amount of practice you have but if you want to enjoy watching a movie you occasionally have to watch some movies don't leave this to your future self oh in my future version i will be awesome understanding movies and tv series and everybody but your present self is not doing anything your present version is not creating that future version of yours that version that wants to be speaking and understanding so you see i i i'm always coming here and trying to give you different ways to understand this concept so if you are here you are watching this lesson you are at a certain level and you can get to the next level i am a firm believer that in six months you can have a real transformation in your english and every day guys i read comments here on my channel i get emails i get feedback from my bsa and they share incredible stories of how much progress they are making but they are taking action in the present they are not only trusting the future and something magical that is going to happen in the future a miraculous method that is going to change their lives you know in my program i don't promise a miraculous method i do feel that you are gonna be awesome in six months yes absolutely but only if your present version does the work consistently and not hope for the future to be something that the present is not working for okay now uh if you're enjoying this video make sure to hit the like button now guys every day is an opportunity to practice every day you can create an opportunity to practice your english speaking and if you are studying other languages well take notes it's important another bsa thanks hobson for joining and it's important that you understand this okay i don't have a speaking partner today i study italian i don't have a speaking partner okay thank you very much people from italy who offer to be my speaking partners but i'm not uh i'm not saying this just to have people talking to me that's not the go okay but i'm just sharing with you what happens to me okay and it doesn't happen only to me to myself it happens to many english learners from all over the world but because i am a teacher i i i work on my method i use it all myself i am familiar with the challenges you go through i am familiar with the pain you feel because it's painful it hurts when we don't achieve our goals as i told you i've been in for the past two years and a half i'm doing a lot of different activities in my life and sometimes it's very painful to do those activities sometimes i feel like oh my god i'm not smart i can't do it you know but i keep going because i remember my future self who is the future self i want to be and then i keep going i get the motivation to keep going so as a an english student because i still study english as an italian student i always remember that every day is an opportunity to practice despite the fact i don't have a speaking partner because i don't okay i could have one i could have one maybe i could find a teacher you know but i'm not looking for that anymore at this moment i'm not looking for that you know of course that my my goal with italian is a little different i i don't know because after this pandemic i i wanted to go to italy my goal was to be in italy this year you know in france having a nice gelato but no i'm here so i don't know what is going to happen to me in the future but i keep studying and uh i always encourage myself because it is self motivation you know you need to motivate yourself weekly every week you are for the for the baby sardines my baby sardines in my academy i'm there helping them talking to them giving them feedback telling them no you can do this let's go keep working do you have a question let's work on your english but if you don't have that you have to do that alone and it's painful it is hard but you need to create the habit of practicing and this is perhaps many a very specific problem that english learners have after they finish the their basic study because they focused too heavily on grammar and random what is random not connected random random vocabulary and now they don't know how to take the next step and for pre-intermediate speakers and intermediate speakers it's something very similar they they have a good grasp of grammar they understand sentences they understand teachers perhaps they understand some native speakers but they don't know exactly what to do in our last class last week or last friday you know last week i showed you that you can understand native speakers aha make sure to catch this lesson i proved to you that when you have the right strategy you can understand native speakers of course that you need to continue the work okay i gave you jay-z jay-z i gave you jim carrey and i gave you cameron diaz baby sardine bsa okay a baby sardine is a student in my online program i like to call my students baby sardines because i like the the allegory of the sardines in the ocean why do i use this allegory because a sardine alone does not survive in the ocean okay and i feel that many students who study alone face this challenge they are in the ocean they are alone that are sharks and they are not baby sharks baby shark doo doo doo doo no they're big sharks [Laughter] so together sardines survive together sardines prosper you know and they are in my academy my private ocean where i guide them where i show them the way where i give them the directions they strategies to improve their english to make their dream of speaking come true you know but as i was saying i forgot what i was saying okay i don't know i don't remember what was saying that completely out anyway as i was talking about this speaking because i really forgot what i was saying you know uh as you were oh yes pre-intermediate speakers pre-intermediate speakers intermediate speakers they have a good grasp of grammar they understand concepts they understand sentences they understand teachers like me non-native speakers native speakers i gave the example of last week's lesson as i proved to you that when you follow a strategy it's possible to understand native speakers and improve i know i gave a very short practice last week but it was just to prove my point to show you that if you follow the right strategy you can understand people in english anyone anywhere anytime okay but it requires practice if you only do this practice that i showed you last week only once i'm sorry your future self will never come true because you only dedicated yourself once now if we get our attention to english speaking we have to think about it the same way okay so the idea is when you wanna when we think about our speaking practice it is important that you develop a habit a routine a speaking routine what kind of subjects do you want to talk about what kind of conversations do you want to have in english that's something that students don't think so much about you know inside the the my program i'm always telling the bsa to focus on conversation subjects oh okay one example you know today i was talking to a bsa we were having a quick conversation and we talked about books and then dizzy shouldn't told me no i don't like books i i don't have time to read books i focus on movies she doesn't read books because she's busy she doesn't read because she's busy so she watches movies what would i tell a student who is alone today if you go on google and you type conversation books in english questions i'm just saying words here okay questions about books in english conversation about books in english you will find hundreds thousands of website recommendations with questions in english okay questions and then you see the first question do you like reading in english then you grab your phone push record and then do you like reading books then you can imagine me in front of you you know imagine that i am in front of you and i asked you this question do you like reading in english then you grab your phone hi teacher pricks um so so i i read a little i'm very busy i don't have time to read in english but i like but i i don't like to read an english teacher i'm sorry i'm i'm i'm honest okay i don't read in english i read in my language imagine having a conversation you can imagine having a conversation with me okay or with someone you like you're your friend you don't have anyone so you have to to make the best situation possible you have to be to make the best of what you have okay and then you will see the next question when was the last time you read a book in english i'm just thinking randomly but you will find these questions i i could i can't show you here because i don't i i with the with the platform i'm using it's not possible for me to share my screen but the next question could be when was the last time you read a book in english okay pricks the last time i read a book in english was in college and then you tell me the story imagine telling me the story ah teacher at university i read books every day now i don't read books i don't have time fine it's okay then you will see another question because you will find i'm not joking take the time again last week i showed you a listening practice today i'm showing you a speaking practice you can have every day okay so uh another question let's see um do you prefer books or movies teacher i prefer books i prefer books i prefer movies because like i was just talking about i don't have time i don't have time okay so i prefer movies because they are more exciting i finish those books in two hours so that's good for me you know that's more than enough for me and i i like to watch the movies because i really like um uh the special effects i enjoy being able to see the characters and there you have it oh but teacher my voice is terrible oh my god teacher i made a mistake and i don't have anyone to correct me guys first things first the focus here is let's establish a speaking practice it's exercise is it perfect no is it the best way no but you are doing the best you can and believe me when you understand that you are doing the best you can you are working with the best tools you have you will improve but don't do this only once today you get excited you try to follow my idea you find a website you see some questions then you practice once you listen to yourself and you're like oh i'm awful my god that's how i speak in english and then you stop and then you don't try again is your future self the speaker the english speaker going to come true probably not okay now in six months are you going to be fluent awesome perfect maybe not and i don't think so okay but are you going to be speaking in english probably yes if you follow the strategies consistently if you follow the plan because if you follow only once i tell you here okay do it and then you do it once you know you were excited and you're like yeah you know good that is great but then after some time you don't do it anymore you do it once you do it twice and then you stop so you see speaking will be a result of consistent work consistent effort you know and otherwise it's not going to work out oh here we have a bsa alessandra i don't know how to say your last name my god and she says i have a speaking practice every night before going to bed it is useful talking about your daily routine that is awesome alessandra that's the way she is a bsa she's following these strategies she's following the recommendations because she understands that this helps it works it helps you exercise your brain exercise the lessons you study because if we just say oh i'm just going to study and read more books and do more exercises and do more lessons and then you never speak you never try to explain so for example here there is an article okay it's about job interviews so i can read the article and then i can talk about it okay in this article i learned i'm not reading anymore okay but i remember that the article talks about three questions that uh interviewers ask in job interviews the first question is blah blah the second question is blah blah the third question is blah blah is this the perfect the best practice no but it's a good one it is a good one to help you stay consistent to help you practice what you read to help you practice what you listen to to help you to help you practice the grammar you study to help you get out of the passive work and put you into the active work so you need to make some changes in your practice if you are a false beginner who wants to speak if you are a pre-intermediate speaker who wants to feel more confident who wants to remember words more easily because one thing that um i see a lot in my bsa inside the academy is where i ask them a question and then they don't know a specific word but what changes is how can i explain that word because see in the world of a real speaker a real english speaker you don't focus on oh i need a specific word no you explain you communicate your idea even though you don't remember an exact word and in the beginning it may be hard you may be like i want that word but with time go as time goes by you will work around faster because you want to talk you're like i don't have time for the drama i'm going to go and i'm going to find a way to explain and this will happen if you put in the work if you put in the practice time so i don't know what your routine is like nowadays i don't know what kind of practice you have nowadays okay but one thing i recommend is you study writing talk you study reading talk you study listening talk you study grammar talk find a way to talk about the lesson you study even if it is for 30 seconds 30 seconds even if it is for 20 seconds even if it is for 10 seconds even if it's one sentence every day okay do you see how simple i am making your speaking practice even if it is one phrase that you were able to talk in need that you were able to speak not read you're not reading oh this article is about job interviews congratulations you are taking action you are taking your english speaking seriously you are taking the necessary step to make your dream of speaking understanding become true that's what i'm talking about and as time goes by opportunities will present themselves maybe you will get to know people and you speak that's the perfect scenario that is awesome in the academy i always tell the the sardines the students find friends in the academy we have the facebook group we have our community make friends there you know talk to each other and i know some of them have already made friends and they are talking because this is the next step but if they don't build the confidence if they don't have a speaking practice alone they never have the courage to talk to other people because they never practice they got out of the basic they are false beginners but because they never included speaking practice in their routine they never feel ready to talk to people because they feel like they can't do it they only study the books they only did exercises you know so how can i go and talk to someone by practicing your english speaking even alone because it is a skill any skills need to be practiced skills need to be reviewed okay i know that you want to talk to people have conversations you know i know that you want to make friends but there is a step before that that you need to make today because if you wait if you wait for the perfect you know perfect scenario to happen you are putting the responsibility in the future and the responsibility starts today if you want to make your dream come true for your speaking version come true to come true you need to take action today otherwise that is never going to become a reality in your life and if the situation if the the your situation today is not perfect which i believe it may not be it's okay what can i do given the circumstances what can i do with what i've got i got teacher pricks yes you've got me you've got a friend in me you've got a friend in me yeah you know bye and uh you've got a friend in me i've got lessons here i'm giving you tips last week we focused on listening today we're focusing on speaking maybe next week i'll focus on vocabulary i'm always coming here and giving you strategies a few a few times a year i open the registration for my program where i can give you more attention work with you closely but i'm always here i'm always around so don't wait for the perfect scenario start today with simple practices as i said one sentence a day will keep your speaking coming you know it's not it doesn't rhyme i know it doesn't rhyme but if you focus on this let me speak for two minutes today for one minute only one minute that's okay no pressure okay no pressure and no judging uh what is judging oh i'm terrible i'm listening to my voice oh my god that's terrible now no you are a winner you are taking your english seriously you know so just because you recorded yourself your voice is not perfect okay your voice is cracking oh my god okay no problems but you practiced you know you tried you gave it your best and every day you do this your future version the one that achieved their dream of speaking gets closer to becoming real because that's how dreams come true dreams come true because of the actions you take not because of miracles not because of his special talents not because of extra things no you know my dream came true because every day i did a little bit of work and in six months i was in six months i was speaking and understanding was i perfect no i wasn't am i perfect today no i'm not do i still need to work on my english absolutely i do but i'm working on myself every day to become a better teacher to become a better english speaker and each day my dream gets stronger a little piece of my dream becomes real maybe not in english i feel like i achieved my dream in english i feel great about it but i have other dreams you know my italian dream my friends you know florence dream that doesn't depend so much on me you know but every day i work a little bit to make my dreams come true because i can't wait for the future i only have the present and if in today in my present i only have the opportunity of following these recommendations that i give you recording myself practicing answering questions that's all i'm gonna do today that's good that's okay and i will keep taking my english to the next level okay so this is something that i wanted to share with you guys today i hope you enjoy if i can ask you guys one favor it would be to share this lesson with your friends hit the like button you know and other than that i will see you next time thank you so much let me say goodbye bye bye instagram see you next time and bye bye youtube thank you so much and i will see you next week okay bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 5,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, speak english, how to speak in english, speaking in english, achieve english fleuncy, teacher prix, false beginners, intermediate english, preintermediate english, english for intermediate speaker, english lesson, learn english online, english speaking, english speaking lesson, conversation in english
Id: jLN4TBU293g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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