How to become fluent in English? (AT ANY LEVEL)

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hi I'm Fisher pricks and I want to help you you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English this is a surprise live video huh I usually make the live videos on Friday nights but I haven't had so much time to make the live videos on Fridays so I decided that today would be the day to make a live video for you guys and I'm very excited I have some things to tell you guys let's see who is joining if you are joining the the video say hi I want to know who you are where you're from thank you so much for joining out so it's really nice to see you here I'm trying to be able to see the chat hi Jamie how are you cuz my page is a little bit different so I'm having trouble reading the chat where is it hi I see more people are joining our okay the chat is updating hello everybody surprised live video haha I'm very happy today I just updated the the art of my channel have you seen it it's beautiful it's new I'm so so so happy about that did you like it let me know here in the chat if you liked the new art I also changed the arts off my Facebook page I'm very very proud of the results I see lots of people are joining people from Ukraine from Manaus this is great from Sudan that's awesome oh I missed you choose I'm in my life videos I intend to make more live videos the beginning of the month has been the beginning of this year has been a little bit busy but I definitely want to include more live videos here on my channel ok if you don't follow me on Facebook I will start posting 1 minute videos on Facebook so if you have a Facebook account make sure to follow me there because these videos will only be uploaded on Facebook you're very nice and very short and you Jeff really help you improve your English Oh someone from Rwanda Francisco from Brazil all from France that's awesome from Jordan that's awesome so many people that's what I like about English you know English connects people from all over the place and I am so grateful to have you here tonight well for me is tonight Oh from Syria that's amazing Shabbat thank you from Venezuela that's wonderful so I really like this fact about the language and that's why I decided to make this live video tonight to talk about English fluency I'm always trying to find subjects that you guys would be interested and I'm always reading the comments sometimes they may not have the time to reply all comments I tried really hard to reply as many comments as possible but I'm always taking the comments into accounts because into account because they give me ideas and suggestions of what I can talk about and I want to think that I see a lot of you guys asking and making comments and sharing your experiences is about fluency is about how to be fluent in English oh someone from Poland and I could do Ecuador that's wonderful I'm Marianne from Egypt awesome so people from all over the place this is so cool anyways back to the subject I really today will be a little bit short because it's a Monday's are is a very busy day for me I have glasses and shootings but I want it to be here with you guys because you are my student as well so this question is I listen to this question and read this question so often I want to be a fluent English speaker how when am I gonna be an English speaker a fluent English speaker how long does it take to become a fluent English speaker however one thing that many English students don't understand don't realize is what exactly is to be fluent do you know what what is it in your opinion okay uh what is to be a fluent speaker I would love to see here in the chat and if you are watching the replay thank you so much I hope this video helps you and I hope you can subscribe so that you can watch all my videos every week here on my channel but I would love to hear from you to read your comments on what is to be a fluent speaker and that's what many students fail to realize what is exactly it should be fluent before I tell you what I feel fluency means I wanna I want to tell you I want to make I want to give you an example that's gonna make it easier for me to explain do you run there's any of you does any person here run do you like to run had you ever run a race before or even a marathon I like to ask my mom my students how do you run a marathon a marathon is basically 42 kilometers it's a very long distance it's a very hard race that you need a lot of energy and you need to be very healthy to be able to run a marathon but if you want to prepare yourself to run it how do you do it first you start with short distances you practice the short distances and you do it every morning you wake up every every morning very early and you run for a short distance for short period of times until you get really good at it until you don't feel so tired until you can run it very quickly until you can finish very fast that's how you start after you feel a little confident you've mastered the short runs then you go to a little bit longer ones not very long yet but now it's time to do something more to do something more challenging so you do a longer distance not very long distance but a little bit longer and you do it every morning you stay healthy you eat healthy food you practice every morning and after some time then after some time you can go to a longer distance that we really prepare you for the marathon for the 42 kilometer distance and when you get to that point when you're trying to run longer distances you're we have to work hard you have to do a combination of exercises short distance more like a median distance and long distance you have to do a combination of everything because that is going to prepare you automatically that's what's gonna prepare you a combination of the three kinds of races short ones a little long ones very long ones that's what's going to prepare you I like to compare this with English what's going to prepare you for fluency is a little bit of the basic a little bit of the advanced a little bit of the intermediate and if you don't practice the basic you will not be a strong intermediate and consequently you will not be able to run the marathon the advanced level that is exactly what happens to fluency so many students who ask me this question they are probably between pre intermediate level and intermediate level and they are feeling a little bit lost because they don't know what to do to be fluent but at the same time they are not working hard on the level they are right now on the short distances or on the median distances and this is what you need to understand to reach the top you have to go to all the levels before you get there you can't skip any part of the process and this is something that I have noticed that happens to many students and maybe it's not because you want to do that sometimes it's because you you unconsciously do that you're so worried to being in a defensive speaker that consequently you start to ignore very important aspects of the language okay so he Carter says the way you're speaking right now this is the interesting he card I'm gonna talk about that okay Shabat said to talk to native speakers and practice every day James says to be fluent is to be able to think in English and speak naturally okay the Darvin says without a traveling to be fluent in english without travelling to an english-speaking country that's possible driving I did that and I know many people who did it too okay Gabrielle says for me it's to be able to speak every time anywhere with everyone all right to be able to hear the radio to listen to the radio in English okay these are very good answers all right but here's something I want to tell you that may make you happy or not we'll see uh and if you're watching this for the first time if you're new around here how about subscribing and if you already part of this community don't forget to click like hit the like button okay I really appreciate that that would be fun anyways to be a fluent speaker you can't be a fluent speaker in any level you can be a fluent speaker at the basic level you can be a fluent speaker at the intermediate level and you can be a fluent speaker at the advanced level okay what is the difference Priscilla because seriously how can I be an a fluent speaker at the basic level well I know many students many English speakers who believe they are intermediate speakers but they are not fluent basic speakers because they make all kinds of basic mistakes so you can't be a fluent basic speaker you can be a fluent intermediate speaker and a fluent advanced speaker and fluency has nothing to do with not making mistakes another Association students tend to make oh when I become a fluent speaker I will never make mistakes again how that would be awesome I wish that were true but that's not really the case being fluent doesn't mean not making mistakes it just means communicating effectively efficiently and if you make a mistake here or a mistake there it's alright as long as the other person can understand you that's the goal that's what I try to do here on my channel with you guys with my videos I'm not trying to make you become a perfect English speaker I'm trying to make you become a person who communicates effectively okay so communication a fluent speaker is with some definitions here because I promised you that you communicate without hesitation so imagine if I were here making video and I were like here and and I did this things like um well in the house and that's not being fluent now I could be speaking very quickly and make mistakes okay so it's natural I I have so many students who are really good students they speak well they do not make hesitations anymore but they make mistakes now am I gonna say they are not fluent not at all they are they make mistakes but they don't hesitate they make no hesitation they keep going and they keep trying that's what I want you to do that's what I want you to start thinking about okay hesitation is a sign of no fluency so if you are hesitating too much in your level remember if you were a beginner and you hesitate a lot to answer basic questions then you're not fluent at your level if you are an intermediate speaker and you hesitate a lot to talk about basic things your last weekend or your rest vacation or what you did yesterday and you hesitate a lot then you're not a fluent intermediate speaker if you are an advanced speaker and every time I ask you okay let's see let's talk about science or let's talk about what is happening in your country and you hesitate to do that then you're not a fluent advanced speaker so fluency is very specific to your level you can be an amazing basic speaker you can talk about food you can talk about week and you can talk about things you like things you dislike very very well then we'll make you a fluent speaker that means you are ready to go to the next level okay so that's the key alright you communicate within your level and that is important now if you are doing that well if you're communicating well at that level you can move on to the next one that means you're ready to do to go to the next level okay and become a fluent speaker at that level okay another thing that means to be a fluent speaker communicating with pausing so much and when I say pausing it's very similar to the hesitation sometimes the hesitation means that you don't know the word you don't know the vocabulary or you don't know how to build the sentence in English but pausing can also mean that you're thinking too much to create the perfect answer I've got some students like that they speak well but they pause because they want to think of the best answer a perfect answer the perfect words the perfect pronunciation the perfect intonation and perfect doesn't exist and consequently they pause too much they have a good level of understanding they write well they can't speak well but they pause so much that I cannot say they are fluent speakers so if you're doing this think about it you want to communicate you don't want to be perfect you don't want to have the the perfect intonation I do I do believe that an intonation is very important but you need to respect that and when you want you when you pause too much because you're thinking too much that's not really fluency and I'm not saying that I don't think about what I want to say I'm just saying that if I were here trying to talk to you guys and at the same time you think of all the words I wanted to say all the mistakes that I probably have made because I'm a human being I'm a teacher I study a lot but I also make mistakes I wouldn't do it I would pause and I would I would freeze I would get stuck so this is something you need to work at your level so if you are a beginner and you're pausing a lot to construct the sentences it's natural you are starting your journey so you need to work on that you need to do some exercises that will help you change that okay if you are an intermediate speaker who is pausing a lot now you're probably you have probably learned a lot of structure and consequently you're trying to bring everything together there's a lot of information so it's something you need to practice before you go to the next level and to an advanced level and when you are in the defensive speaker even more so pausing means you're a fluent speaker if you're pausing too much to think about the exact words you have to say that means you're not a fluent speaker it has nothing to do with perfection with the best words with the best vocabulary okay someone says I have a question for you Lillian is it possible to achieve fluency without leaving abroad for a while yes it is possible someone had just said that you don't need to travel to another country to speak English fluently what you need to change is your concept of English fluency again what I'm explaining here is the concept of fluency then you can be fluency at any level okay you have to respect your limitations so if you are a beginner you're probably not watching this because it's going to be more difficult but if you are a false beginner you have good listening but you can't communicate you're probably a false beginner you have to respect your level you are a beginner so you have to be fluent at your level okay hi hi oh how are you and if you are an intermediate speaker you have to respect that now you don't need to go to another country to become a fluent speaker that is a misunderstanding that people have because what happens when you travel to another country you're not working because well you left your country now you are the US or in Canada or in Australia so consequently you are spending you are dedicating all your time to English so in the morning you go to school probably interpreter in the afternoon you go to school then probably after school you go to the movies or you go to you go around the city so you are studying English all day long of course you're going to learn so that is the the concepts that people misunderstand all it going abroad will learn not really if you are dedicated to your studies here in in your country I was gonna say here in Brazil not in Brazil for whatever you are so if you dedicate yourself to studying English to being consistent to your studies and you will need to you will have to make some investments because you can you study alone but at some point you have to talk to someone you need to have a teacher a coach and an instructor you need to be talking to someone at some point you can study alone and I have met many people who study it alone but at some point all these people I know invested in an English class an online class to talk to people so at some point you're gonna have to do that so maybe not at first at the beginning but at some point you're gonna have to do that shyam says how can I be a fluent beginner speaker Jaime you need to think about all basic conversations that you need to be able to master so for example if I have a beginner student and I ask how was your weekend and this student doesn't know how to answer that is not a fluent speaker you need to be able to talk about your weekend as a beginner you need to be able to talk about likes and dislikes so someone from South Korea I cannot read your name and it's a little bit hard for me but hey welcome to the channel so as I was saying you need to be able to master basic conversations likes and dislikes hobbies and interests you need to be able to talk about future plans basic future plans basic past activities things you did you need to be able to introduce yourself to people you need to be able to talk about your job okay this is something that is very relevant imagine you go to - in English school abroad and on the first day you have to introduce yourself and you have to talk about your job think about three phrases that would define your job that would explain your job well that's what I do with my entry with my basic students we talk about very basic subjects and then I I make this shouldn't become a master at talking about very simple subjects and at the basic level we repeat that and we repeat it and we repeat it until that is shouldn't completely feels comfortable feels comfortable like completely talking about those subjects that's how you know you are a fluent beginner because then you can move on to another level and starts to learn different things more challenging things okay ah Darvin says I can understand people that speak English as a second language but I can't do it with native people so uh here driving it's what can you do you need to work on your listening like 24/7 so if you can't understand native speakers you need to to expose yourself to native speakers you need to listen to a variety of different shows a radio shows podcasts videos one thing that I work with all my students all my students that is start with me I have listening problems they understand me which is awesome it's it's a it's a win but they have problems to understand native speakers and that is natural so because they study with me every week every week they have a listening challenge every week they have to listen to a different native speaker and that is building the excuse so this is something that you have to persist and keep doing if you want to improve your listening and remember a variety of materials for example I like to listen to all kinds of things motivational videos recipes interviews science videos history videos because I want to be able to understand all kinds of people from different places is speaking all kinds about all kinds of subjects so this is something that you need to be working on all the time okay Tong GUI is asking how can I learn phrasal verbs specific situations I would say by context I have many students I have had many students who showed me their phrasal verb books and there were so many kinds of phrasal verbs for all kinds of situations but that's not a very effective way to learn phrasal verbs you need to learn phrasal verbs that will be relevant to you that will be important for your everyday English okay so if you just watch videos on YouTube okay I will I will learn 100 phrasal verbs with get that's not a good now I just posted a recent video twelve phrasal verbs to talk about daily routine it's a very specific conversation daily routine is a conversation is a subject that everybody has to talk about I asked this question to all my students basic are fluent advanced why because it's a it's a very common subject and this is the kind of subject when you that can help you learn phrasal verbs and then after you become a master phrasal verbs for daily routine how about changing the subject how about learning phrasal verbs to talk about your interest things you like to do that's a good way to learn phrasal verbs okay and a king he is afraid of speaking in English and making mistakes this is another problem - English fluency if you are afraid you will never be fluent because the fear will stop you from communicating because what does fear do fear it stops you fear doesn't let you answer a question fear doesn't let you share your opinion and fear is what is going to stop you from getting to the level you want so the first thing you need to do is fight your fear talk and make your mistakes and make the silly mistakes the silly pronunciation mistakes and keep going fight it because the best way to overcome fear is by fighting it and how do you fight fear of speaking speaking okay so this is I've had many students who started with me and they were really afraid of communicating they they were very fearful of speaking and making mistakes because the fear I think the fear is very connected to the rejection not being able to understand because I believe that what's happening inside your head is you're thinking about what the person will think about you oh this person would not understand me oh my god this person will judge me oh my god I'm not good enough so all these feelings will cause the fear and the fear will make you anxious and consequently no communication will happen okay so keep going keep fighting let's see Patricia is saying our phrasal verbs the same in British English and in American English yes and no there are some differences okay so I would see slight differences they they may have some specific phrasal verbs or sometimes a phrasal verb that is very popular in American English is not so popular in British English so you have to pick the one you like the most so I like American English so everything I teach here is from American books or the knowledge that I got while I was in the u.s. go culturally speaking historically speaking so everything I try to teach I try to teach from from an American perspective I'm not an American I'm not a Native American speaker but that's what I learned okay and finally guys this was the main message I wanted to send you you can be an amazing fluent speaker at your level okay now one thing that you may be wondering okay Priscilla I am a beginner and I am okay I'm a fluent beginner how can I get to the next level baby steps remember the marathon you can't run 42 kilometers if you don't know how to run 12 2015 so you have to master all the kilometers one by one the same thing with English if you want to become an amazing advanced speaker that can talk to anyone anywhere anytime with the specific subjects you need to be able to start with the short distances with the basic subjects and then when you become more confident you can move on and try different subjects and go from there talking about different subjects you will consequently learn your vocabulary learn new structure and when you feel confident at that you can read you can get ready to go to another level and try to face the challenge of the advancement level okay it's just like a marathon you have to respect all the steps and that way you are going to become a solid confident English speaker that can talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English very well guys I gotta go I hope you enjoyed this live video and I hope you liked the the new art on my channel on my Facebook remember to like my page if you haven't already I will be posting one-minute videos on Facebook only okay anyways guys I hope you all have a good night if it's not for you or a good day if it's a new day for you thank you so much and I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 15,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to become fluent in english, english fluency, fluent english, speak english, teacher prix, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa, how to reach english fluency, speak english fluently, fluency at any level, spoken english, learning english
Id: SbviefR47Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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