How To Improve Your Listening - 7 Tips

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is that a right way to listen to things or a wrong way to listen to things how do i improve my listening skills that's what I'm gonna show you more specifically with seven tips to help you improve your listening skills hey friends teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English if you're new here thanks for watching this video and I hope you enjoy these tips if you're coming back hey welcome back for another video oh and by the way if you're new don't forget to subscribe the first tip is focus on words focus on what you're listening to one big problem students have when they are listening to exercises or listening to a conversation is oh my god this person is speaking so fast oh no oh my god I don't understand anything what's up with this accent dude what what did you say oh my god it's difficult guys I can't do it yeah that's exactly what you have to stop focus on the words I know it's really hard you have this brain does intelligent brain that is telling you to focus on everything else but if you don't pay attention to the words you're listening to it'll be really hard if you start focusing on the person's dress or on the person's accent are on this person's speed try to focus on words and this will lead me to my second tip this person is probably speaking many many words focus on key words okay not all the words you listen to are necessary to help you understand what the speaker is saying what are key words we can also call them content words because they are usually verbs verbs are important their actions okay that's why you need to improve your range of vocabulary another Content word is adjectives qualities depending on the conversation you need to pay attention to the qualities you're listening to to the adjectives you're listening to you need to pay attention to the nouns a house a doctor school computer these are all nouns it's also a content word WH questions where when why how who's who which these are very important words and if someone is asking you a question and you didn't listen to these WH question words at the beginning it'll be difficult for you to answer the question now if when I said tip number one you are not paying attention to the conversation because you were a little bit anxious or you were focused on the speed on how fast the person was saying or you were too worried because the accent was difficult you were listening to someone who's British then it gets a little difficult to understand this WH question tip number three is become familiar with the subject and this is something that is very interesting most of the times students want to improve their listening skills by listening and that's awesome keep doing that however if you're having trouble with the listening activity it's time to become more familiar with the subject and you can do this in different ways you can read about it you can search vocabulary about it alright when I listen to a certain video or audio or podcast and I don't feel comfortable because there were way too many things and I didn't understand everything I search the subject I do exercises that have a similar subject so the other day I was practicing my listening skills and I listened to like four different audios about anthropology now anthropology like really I don't know anything about anthropology so after I finished the first exercise and I felt like my vocabulary was not as good I started studying I read some articles I studied some specific vocabulary then I went back to the audio huh it worked like a charm so that's what you got to do if you want to improve your nay in specific situations search the subject you're having problems with and that's gonna help you improve your listening skills as well tip number four many students ignore the study of intonation pronunciation rhythm stress they just let go you know like they don't focus on this study and then when they're listening to a native speakers speaking or in a talk show or a movie or a podcast it's sometimes hard for them to understand words because of the way Americans or British or Canadians speak they connect everything and when I am rising or when I'm falling there is a reason why I am doing these things and you have to learn this at the beginning however this is not the reality most students do not study intonation most students do not study pronunciation phonetics and when they are listening to real native speakers talking they get confused because many times the words are contracted many times the sound is different when a specific word is used in a specific phrase so the sound will be different it's not necessarily because they're speaking fast it's just that in spoken language it's all about the sound and the rhythm and intonation so if you don't study that it will be difficult for you to understand listening audios in general okay so think about that tip number five active listening versus pmassive listening also another problem any students have and I understand many of you have this problem because you don't have time so you try to include English as much as you can but you are not always doing that effectively so I have many clients who go to work in the morning by car and what do they do they're driving and then they're listening to something you know to a podcast to me sometimes why not listening to music I'm listening to something in English and then during class they tell me teacher I listen to podcasts every day I listen to the news while I am in the car but I don't get anything I'm not improving this is what I call passive listening you're not really there you're there but you're not there you're listening but at the same time you're driving you're paying attention at the people around you other cars the traffic lights everything around you is distracting you from the exercise because let's be honest the exercise is not your priority therefore you're not really working on your listening skills okay so should you stop doing that no not at all it's better than nothing but if you want to improve your listening skills it's time to do some active listening and active listening is a little bit more difficult because you really have to focus 100% of your attention on the exercise that is to say you have to sit down play the audio take notes really focus forget everything around you and really do the exercise like there's nothing else for you to do you know I was talking to a student of mine and then he told me teacher um I can understand you're just fine and there are some youtubers I can understand just fine but there is this youtuber that is so difficult to understand I don't know can you tell me what's wrong and then I was like okay well who is this person let's check the channel then I checked the channel I found the channel the videos and I started watching it and I was like ah this person is British the tip number six is listen to different accents alright if you just listen to only one source of audio only this teacher from America only teacher Prix know you have to listen to other sources of materials as well different accents okay we also need to take into consideration the level is this video appropriate for you is this the video for your level because if it's not then it's gonna be more difficult that's why listening to specific exercises to audios that respect your level will help you and remember listening is one skill to improve this you have to work around it vocabulary grammar reading writing it's all connected very nice guys if you like this video if you liked this 7 tips please share this video with your friends by sharing this video you are helping other people find this information so I hope you can share it and click like thank you so much friends and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 42,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to improve your listening, best tips to improve listening, how can i improve listening, improve listening skills, tips to improve listening, my listening is not improving, best way to improve listening, esl, teacher prix, listening tips, como melhorar o listening, melhorar o listening, dicas para listening, videos em ingles, videos para praticar ingles, como entender listening, como entender nativos, aulas de ingles, como melhorar o ingles, aprenda ingles, learn english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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