English Abroad - My Life in Boston and Travel Experiences

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hey student i am teacher prix and i'm going to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english well well well it is thursday night maybe morning for you and i am here tonight to to have a more casual hangout with you guys you know a more casual life lesson right now i am live on youtube on facebook and on instagram hey guys what's up tell me who you are and where you're from tonight i'm gonna be talking a little bit about my international experience i lived in boston massachusetts in the united states for two years so i'm going to be telling you a little bit about my experience while i lived there some problems that i had some challenges i will also answer some questions regarding do i learn english abroad or can i learn english from my home what was my english like when i went to boston you know before going to boston what was my english like what was my study routine like what did i learn in boston you know a little bit about the american culture and the things that i did there my everyday life my routine because i imagine that many of you would like to travel abroad someday or enjoy the experience that is true nancy today is thanksgiving and americans uh celebrate thanksgiving it's a very special holiday for americans and tomorrow is black friday so it's like it's weird on one day they're like yes thank you and the next are like shopping so it is uh really a very interesting culture if you don't know me very well i'm always here on youtube making different kinds of english lessons to help students achieve one thing speaking speaking english so that they can talk to anyone anywhere anytime when you understand what fluency is you become able to talk to anyone anywhere anytime you know there's a process that you need to follow english doesn't have to be complicated and that's my mission here on my channel as usual during live lessons i like to know who you are so make sure to post here in the comments your name where you're from i really like to know uh uh where you guys are watching me from it's really special to see so many different people from so many different places joining me tonight now guys uh why boston i think that when you're choosing a place to go and maybe you want to go because you want to study maybe because you want to work maybe because you want to break free i want to break free i don't know what your reason is but it's important to choose really wisely where you want to go okay and sometimes for some people the choice is connected with money oh i can afford i can pay i can afford going to this place so that's where i'm going so make sure to always research about the place you want to go okay so if you want to go to america why do you want to go there okay so really understand why you want to go and i say this based on my experience boston was not my first choice united states was not my first choice my first choice was england i wanted to go to england so bad but at the time i think it was well when i decided that i was going to travel i was about 19 years old 19. i'm older today anyway and at the time when i decided i wanted to go to england then i went to a travel agency and i had to adjust my my reality england was too expensive i couldn't afford going to england even if i pay for a trip in england that's when i started to really wonder okay i can't go to london what do i do what is my second best option so when you're deciding to go abroad i imagine you have your priority london australia toronto and canada but always have a second choice because you never know what amazing what an amazing experience you may have with your second choice today i am absolutely in love with america okay i think that it's absolutely one of my favorite places in the world i've been to london i went to england and i cannot say that it was amazing i had some problems in england i had some problems in italy i had some problems in spain i think everywhere i go i have problems and i am going to share some of them not not all of them because you know some of them are private but i'll share some stories with you guys so uh when you're deciding to go abroad always have this in mind okay i have my number one place that i would love uh going to and then i have my second place which is okay and i'll be happy there i'll be happy there as well because going to a place means that you're going to get in contact with the culture with the people with the history it's not just the language it's not just miki you know at disney it's not just times square in new york you were gonna be next to close to the reality of the people you're going to in that particular country so therefore it is important to become family familiarized with the place you're going to and simply watching movies like hollywood movies you may not have really a clear picture of what a country is like based on the based on the movies okay uh here in brazil there are many movies that happen in rio rio de janeiro i went to rio de janeiro and uh well i didn't get the the the movie experience okay why because it's a movie everything is perfect in the movie now is rio nice yes absolutely rio de janeiro is very nice but in movies we get a different picture we get a very romantic way a romantic view of the place and the environment so whenever you watch movies about america always remember that that it may be a little bit more than it actually is okay not saying it's bad i love america but movies are movies they are supposed to help you play with your imagination they are supposed to make you desire things okay make you wish for that thing and making you want to go there that's what movies are for they are there to make you to intrigue your imagination and they do a very good job but it's important to get back to reality and realize that the reality is a little bit different therefore when you plan a vacation or an international trip it's important that you understand that okay the place may be different from what you expected and this happened to me in london i had this completely different picture of what london would be like and on my first day in london i was like oh boy i was not excited i enjoyed my trip but it didn't i didn't click i didn't connect with the london style now would i go back absolutely it's a beautiful place i loved many aspects of london but i clicked way more with boston boston is in my heart i would live in boston for the rest of my life so getting back to the point why boston i decided to go to boston when i realized that um london would be out of the picture so i started to do more research about the united states and i was already a teacher okay so if you think that oh she learned english in the united states well i improved my english but i was already a teacher before going to boston so by the time i went to boston and was already a teacher i even helped people in boston with my english you know with my teaching excuse so when i went there i was already a teacher so i really wanted to choose a good place to go because i had a goal in mind i wanted to take a course to take different courses to improve my teaching skills so it was it was important to me to pick a place that would help me improve my career as a teacher so i picked boston because i started reading about the united states i i i was interested in some in some cities but the one that really spoke to me was boston and at the time at the time i decided what did i decide i didn't remember [Laughter] oh what did i decide oh yes okay i i had many interviews oh yes i remembered i remember going to boston was not that simple to me because when you travel abroad you have some options you can go as a tourist okay you can stay a week you can stay two weeks you can stay three weeks four weeks a month six months it depends on how much money you have you can go as a student really nice depending on the visa you have as a student you may need to go to college or university or depending on the student visa you may just go there to study english it really depends on the kind of visa you have and you have different programs i did the au pair program do you know what au pair means tell me here in the chat hashtag yes or hashtag no do you know what the au pair program is actually for the young girls watching me au pair is actually a very nice program if you are between 21 no between 18 to 28 years old you can apply for this program the au pair when i decided to travel abroad i'll pair you don't know what au pair is silvia okay elizabeth knows what au pair is what else guys do you know what au pair is tell me here yes or hashtag no people on facebook as well tell me if you know what au pair is hey sean why did i pick boston to improve my career because of harvard i went to harvard i was able to attend classes at harvard but i will get into more
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 1,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, speak english, how to speak in english, speaking in english, achieve english fleuncy, teacher prix, intermediate english, english lesson, learn english online, meetup wednesday, teacher prix lesson, why is my english stuck, english stuck, how to improve my english, english lesson to learn, fluency, stuck english, Q&A
Id: 50p-5W5zqd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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