How To Study Prepositions - 3 Tips Live Q&A

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hey how are you guys doing I am teacher bricks and I wants to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English let's see who has joined hi will how are you doing let's see more people joining all greetings from Peru hi Muhammad nice to see you again hello I'm on the way how are you doing more people are joining this is so exciting I feel so happy to be here and in another live video with you guys we're gonna chat about many things today hello everyone how are you doing I recognize them into the look I recognize the names of many of you guys it's so nice that you're joining again hi aleni hi could cut him I don't know how to say your name but hi hello Luciano how are you hi Jose away from Salvador Bahia is it hot in Vieques hearing some power it's cold it's gonna be a cold weekend here hi Justin Salazar how are you - Cisco high from Mexico I mean Brazil hi did you guys have a good week I hope so I had a wonderful busy week Luciano says he's great hi I'm mano how are you hi Jamie nice to see you again let me share the link to the live video here on Facebook so that more people can join hi Eddie how are you i meani i am brazilian how about you what are you from Oh his Sofia what's your name I'm saying hi to Recife I just don't know your name about Mia hi vom you ah today's subject is prepositions oh you just arrived home well that's great where do I post this here hey guys I'm alive I'm just posting this on Facebook because some people do not know how to get the the link to the live video so I'm just posting this yeah it's a done awesome it's live more people are joining I'm so excited for today's video it's gonna be fun hopefully my computer won't update seriously guys every week I don't know what's going on with this computer but it's updating every week it's unbelievable Jesus and I'm gonna take a look at YouTube so that I can see the messages because the messages pop up here on my cell phone very quickly all I need it's the first time you see me so welcome welcome to my channel I hope you subscribe and I hope to see you every week every Fridays I make live videos for you guys at the other saying that this subject is very tricky yes it is very tricky but one thing I want to tell you guys is that today yes Mohammed it's Windows 10 and I'm not happy about it it updates like every five minutes you know like I don't know what's going on yes it is horrible but I don't know how to use other operating systems so this is the one anyways in this video I'm not going to give you rules okay I won't be explaining this and let me say why because I made a video that will come up really soon here are on the channel about two rules and explanations about prepositions what I'm going to do in this video is to give useful ideas useful tips to help you is study the prepositions okay so that's the idea of this video today I'm going to show you three tips to help you study the prepositions more effectively tell me guys do you have problems with prepositions tell me who has problems with prepositions this was actually a question from one of you guys let me read the name here because it's a bit of a difficult person who said who asked this question was just Jang shil Jung here Ali this person sent me a message on facebook and this person asked at me hey I'm saying person because I don't know if it's a here if it's a sheep okay so let me know if you watch it this video tell me if it's he or she and if I pronounced your name correctly so this person asking me to talk a little bit more about prepositions okay uh yes Allah is saying you can speak English fluently and prepositions will always be your dilemma yes prepositions is constant work because there's always something new for you to learn I totally agree with you and that's why I'm gonna show you some useful ideas to help you study to help you save time and study this prepositions more efficiently okay um one thing that I wanted to say and I wanted to sing this live video is thank you because we are fan Heusen people 10,000 subscribers I am so happy I wanted to say super super super thank you for being part of this big family of english' students I'm so happy that we reaches this goal I told you guys in the beginning of the year I'm not sure if everyone here in the live video followed me since the beginning of this year but that's something I asked you guys I asked you to help me share the videos invite people and we got it so I'm very excited and I wanted to ask you what more do you want have seen the channel what videos you want to see in the channel so I would love to see your suggestions you can leave the suggestions here during the during the live video you can post on on Facebook send me messages many of you send me messages it's sometimes it's hard for me to reply all of them but I promise you I read all of them ok yes Jeff mohamad we can get so many more students and I count on you share the videos invite your friends to participate and be part of this family so hopefully we will get even more and more people to join us here in the live video so if you have suggestions you can always count on me hi Tom thanks for subscribing so if you have questions or video suggestions please give me your suggestions because when I say I'm putting them in the list I really am I really am taking notes and many videos that I will post this month will be from suggestions of you guys okay yes I'm I am creating more podcasts and as the website is still new I am making some we're fixing some bugs and that's why for example this week I couldn't post a podcast because we had some glitches some some bugs and my team is fixing it but I'm preparing the podcast you should see more you should see more podcast as really soon okay um now introducing the topic I already said we are gonna talk about three study tips how to study prepositions hi I'm mano I'm not sure how to tell you how many prepositions are there in English I've never really sat down to count hi Maryanne from Egypt thanks for joining I have never really counted how many prepositions we have in English I know that there are many but I don't think the importance here is the number but the quality okay one thing that I always tell my students is quantity is not as important as quality okay sometimes the students they get books of learn 100 phrasal verbs in what months the the relevance is not to 100 phrasal verbs but how many phrasal verbs you actually use when you are having conversations so I think here in terms of prepositions is how many prepositions you effectively understand and you effectively use because one thing I will talk about here in this video isn't you already know the rules you know you have the explanations you read the explanations so many times but when you are going to speak you make the mistakes again so there are things we can do to help reduce how often we make these mistakes even though we know the rules okay so just sheer junk sheer alley asking me this question jump I'm not sure I am pronouncing your name correctly so I am sorry if I am mispronouncing your name okay well here we go tip number one and guys you see that the tips they are very simple but I promise you they are very effective this is something that I have been doing and it's working for me and for some people I know as well so I believe this is gonna help you too okay now my first tip is verbs + preposition association now a good way to study I'm looking at my computer because I took some notes so that I make sure that I don't forget anything I want to say cuz I think this these things are very important so guys I could wait to study prepositions it's just study the verbs now I'm not talking about a new verb okay like how go online Google a list of verbs and study the prepositions no I want you to start with what you already know verbs you already know verbs you use on a regular basis verbs you you are always using either when you're speaking or when you were writing these are the verbs you are gonna look up in the dictionary and check if they have specific prepositions now I am NOT talking about phrasal verbs ok phrasal verbs are completely different they have different meanings I am talking about specific verbs simple verbs that have specific prepositions when you are going to use them ok this is a very good way um uh we'll get there I'm I'm muddled alright we'll get there this is a good way to start because you way we start with an advantage you already know the verb you know the meaning you know how to use it but sometimes you confuse the preposition by studying preposition this way you already have something that is very important which is the verb and the verb will allow you will permit you to create situations create phrases that will help you memorize and understand that this preposition more easily okay and one thing that is students are worried so much is about a specific individual prepositions in on add for but they sometimes they ignore the verbs that are used with these prepositions so this is a very good way for you to save time and study specific verbs that require prepositions and I'm talking about very simple verbs for example there is a verb that students have a tendency to to confuse the preposition for example the verb depend depend on many students will say depend off now in a conversation if you were talking to a native speaker they will understand you know problems however it's not correct we needed to try to find ways to fix that now you know the verb depend now you learned you saw that the preposition is on so that is the verb that you can include in your list and start to studying that verb I will give you more I will give you more ideas to help you study this but by making associations it'll be easier for your brain to learn this prepositions okay because if you just think that means you visually because there are many prepositions it gets harder to really memorize them okay so the idea here is to study to start your studies with things that you already know okay I see that many people are giving examples I asking me to - just - to talk about the difference between phrasal verbs and positions and verbs with prepositions basically guys in the nutshell and I have a verb but hi Bader how are you I have a video I have a verb I have a video that talks about phrasal verbs and when you have a phrasal verbs you have this prepositions usually change the meaning of the verb you know the verb as one translation is one meaning but when you have this preposition the meaning changes most of the times okay not in this tip in this tip I'm just talking about the correct preposition which is a specific one which is a fixed preposition okay it doesn't change the meaning of the verb okay so by making this association by making this Association sorry popular verb + preposition you will make fewer mistakes and that's the goal here to work with things that you already have okay and that's how you are going to learn now you may be wondering okay Priscilla I will use I would check the verbs that I already know but how do I know if I am using the right preposition or not this is a good question and you know the thing that I do for example when I am studying a new verb and I don't know what preposition I should use I go online I use English - English dictionary's I believe some suggestions here when I finish the video as I always tell you guys I'm making this live video with my cell phone so when I finish the video I will go in the in the description section and I will leave a summary of the main tips that I gave you in this video and also the links to good dictionaries you can use to help you do this exercise so once you know what verbs you want to stay and study the prepositions from this verbs you can go online and you can go to the to an online dictionary and you can type this verb and you will see the most common prepositions again I'm not talking about phrasal verbs I'm talking about the prepositions you should use and not just the prepositions you will see examples okay so unfair let's say let's think about a very simple verb to talk you can talk to in very informal situations you talk with more and more people are saying with if you go to dictionaries they even give you the option of using the preposition with so you can talk to you can talk with or you can talk about a subject and in the online in English to English dictionary's no it's not it's actually very far away shine shine is saying is talking about a dog oh man Mohammed um I know you're asking me to speak faster but that's not the goal okay one thing that I always tell my students is the the speed is never the goal the goes fluency okay so I'm sorry if I'm speaking too slowly but there are other people who are watching and I think I have to go on a slower pace so that everyone catches up but all I know I feel very comfortable speaking in this speed again the speed is not the main goal here but thank you for your suggestion so as I was saying you will see examples of the verb being used in real examples of contextualized examples so you will see the correct preposition being used with that verb so it'll be easier for you to learn and again it's with verbs that you know you are familiar with and believe me sometimes it shouldn't know the verb they know what the verb is they use those verbs all the time but they never remember the preposition because they never really focus on the preposition they focus on the verb okay and consequently it's natural that we are going to make mistakes okay very well another thing you can do I was talking a lot about verbs but you can also do this with adjectives okay and with the adjectives remember adjectives is like a quality alright like I'm giving a quality to something or to someone a nice feature friendly dog so in this case you can also do this because adjectives also have specific prepositions I am interested in music this is my interest I am interested in music the adjective the adjective interested has a specific position in okay so you can also do this exercise that is tip number one with adjectives not only verbs okay and you will follow the same idea choose adjectives you know choose adjectives that are important for you you use very often okay someone house elsewhere said good at that's perfect I am good at English okay so use adjectives that are popular that are common for you that you use very often okay um yeah well I think we were frozen for a second I think it's back so by using adjectives and verbs specific verbs specific adjectives hi Marcelo how are you doing thanks for joining so by doing this kind of exercise choosing specific adjectives and choosing specific verbs that you know you are familiar with and studying the prepositions it should use you will improve I am positive that you will notice improvement okay and keep in mind that your list doesn't mean to be longer like okay teacher so I would choose 15 verbs that I know and the hundred adjectives that I know because you know just on fire you don't need to do that keep it short keep it smart okay and remember you can practice a list of verbs and adjectives this week and then on the following week you can practice another okay we have plenty of time so I'll choose the verbs wisely and keep practicing them okay remember it's not wanted look it's it not quantity its quality okay very well my tip number two is something I love to talk about here think in English yes here I want you to think of the specific situations that will require prepositions okay if you watch my videos you know that I am always talking about the the importance of context she's always making some questions I said many of you are asking questions about specific prepositions okay now in this video I'm not going to talk about specific prepositions okay because it's very longer to make explanations about one preposition than the other because I'm sure that the more of prepositions I explained in more questions will come so this is something that I will work on it slowly okay I am planning more videos about prepositions here on the channel so stay tuned because I will post videos about this but we have to start somewhere and I want to start from the beginning so that we can have a sequence in history okay now what do I say about thinking English and wise situations because when you have situations when you know what situation you are going to talk about it's easier for you to understand what kind of vocabulary what kind of expressions you need so when you are going to think in English to exercise prepositions it's important that you have specific situations in your mind because if you just sit down and say oh okay I'll think let's do this another it you are not gonna do it because it's hard your brain needs directions or bijective instructions I'm gonna think about what about location I'm gonna think about food I'm gonna think about my day or bijective instructions so if you just sit down okay I'll think about prepositions and know try to remember the prepositions Ian okay you what on oh no what it's not gonna work okay so you need to sit down take some time to plan what kind of context you are going to think about and then you will think about it okay now there are three situations that confuse 99% of English students in terms of preposition okay place time and transportation okay and this I'm not talking about verbs and prepositions adjectives and prepositions no I'm talking about place I'm talking about time and I'm talking about transportation the prepositions we use in these situations and I am making a video just to talk about these three situations okay so that's why I'm not gonna go into details of explanation of winter using when you use on which you use add students confuse this all the time and it's natural gas okay and some shouldn't they get so frustrated when they are having a conversation and the means use the preposition and they say ah future I'll never learn this preposition it's so annoying I can't remember it and guys let me give you a practical idea in this situation I see some people are giving examples knives so farms I'm looking at there they're correct because the situations can be so confusing repetition will help you become more confident and make less mistakes but to do this repetition I understand that sometimes we don't have so much time to do that that's why I suggest thinking in English because this is something you can do when you have five minutes at lunch or when you are going home from work these are the moments when you can think about situations that require prepositions to talk about place prepositions to talk about time prepositions to talk about transportation okay now should do this exercise it's important that you know the rule okay so you need to take a step back and sit down and read the definitions for place the definitions for time and transportation and one thing that also are each one mistake that students make here is we have specific expressions for time for place and transportation what what do I mean specific expressions x fixed expressions that we already have a specific preposition it's not it's not going to be a different one even though it's the transportation of example or a place it is a specific one and even in these cases many English students make mistakes okay so this is a good way for you to start to by taking a look on the on these okay let's see Alan is giving a suggestion tell everything you do in your daily I'll loud questions will come up and you go through it now let me see here if I can read it because I couldn't finished okay and you will go through it to get to know in order to succeed okay so basically his tally Alan is suggesting you guys that you think about everything you do during your day okay and then there will be questions that's a great suggestion island because when you think about everything you do during your day you will have questions about what kind of words you don't know what kind of prepositions you are going to need I go to work I go at work I go in work what's the right preposition okay so this will give you the right questions that you need to ask yourself because when you have the right questions when you know what you need to study it gets easier for you to do the studying for you to sit down and study what you need okay so many students is still confused for example very simple example in the morning many students will say in morning or many students will say on the morning and it's in the morning okay so this is one example of a specific expression then many students to get confused about okay so when I say thinking in English I'm talking about this kind of exercise you really need to have specific situations so if you're gonna talk about transportation you can think about the transportations you need to take to go to work while I go to work by car I am on the bus and so on and that's how you will contextualize the situation in your brain and that way you can do this if you are going toward you can do this if you are on the bus you can do this if you are in the car it's easier but only if you have the rules clear in your head if you have really understood the rules okay and let me tell you the rules per se they are not difficult most students know the rules they understand the rules typos Adi how are you doing thanks for joining most of students they already know the rules okay the problem is to put them into practice put them to really use them okay now I will be very honest with you okay guys I would be very honest you will keep making mistakes there's no such thing as perfection okay it's natural my goal with this video is to help you make fewer mistakes okay learn specific expressions that we tend to misuse but I needed to keep in mind that you need repetition okay prepositions are can be learned you can learn prepositions you can learn the most common situations but only if you practice okay now tip number three I see that many people are asking me different questions and because I'm focusing on four positions today because it was a question from you guys I'll be answering this question now what I want to ask you if you have this questions tag me on Twitter because if I receive these questions during the week I can prepare a video just to talk about it here the live video okay for example this question of today was asked by Zhang shir early on facebook you can I prefer Twitter but if you don't have Twitter and you prefer Facebook go there leave me your question you can post you can send me a message I will read your message and I will prepare the video alright cuz that gives me time to prepare to come up with a good and complete answer to give you guys and I say that there aren't many questions and I really appreciate them but they are from their different subjects okay so it'll be very interesting if you can give me these questions during the week and then I can organize the the video organize a video class alright my twitter is as I told you better there's Facebook I told you at the personally I'm answering the question today asking me the question on Facebook so I prefer there because it's easier for me to find the the questions for example Facebook many people posted in the comments posted questions in the comments and it's more difficult for me to find the questions because I post on Facebook every day and many people post too many comments every day so sometimes there are questions but they get lost okay when someone tags me it's easier for me to see the questions not because it's the preference it's just because it's easier ok but as I told you you can send me a message on facebook when I read the comments in u2 on YouTube the the comments that you leave God that you leave me in the videos I also take into consideration I read all the comments and I make videos out of those comments many questions that people post in the comments on the videos I make them I turn them into videos ok so I'm always watching what you guys post to me um on all my social media even Instagram ok cuz there are some people who make questions there too alright so my last tip my tip number 3 is mind maps hmm if you are a visual learner mind maps will help you to study prepositions now I don't know if you watch my videos I hope so I hope that I hope you watch my videos every week every video I post but I recently made a video to talk about four types of learners in the best study tips for each type of learner and visual learner is one type of learner okay and mindmaps what is a mind map right well what is this a mind map is a visual representation of something you make some kind of drawing you make some kind of connections author information okay and you can use the tip number one where I told you to study prepositions with verbs and verbs plus preposition sorry adjectives bless prepositions and organize them into mind maps and you can separate this into subjects for example all teacher this week I study it adjectives about feelings okay and I saw the prepositions that we use with adjectives of feelings so you can make a mind map you can draw it doesn't have to be a perfect drawing okay and you can grab a piece of paper and you can make the connections you can write down all the feelings that you study it all the prepositions you should use or you can do a different mind map with adjectives that use the preposition off and then you can make all the associations you can write you can draw me means that will help you remember okay so that's how you can use mind maps to help you study the the prepositions the the the verbs both prepositions that you are learning the adjectives plus prepositions that you are learning okay so this is a great way to combine the ideas and turn them into a more productive exercise okay the mind map is a very good idea if you want to know more about visual learners at the end of the video I believe in the description okay I will leave the link to this video in the descriptions but it's a very recent video I made so I'm sure many of you have watched okay now guys to to finish up this part there is no shortcut okay there's no quick way to master prepositions if I have to be very honest with you I'm always a studying crepitations because I make mistakes too I'm pretty sure that during this video I made some mistakes because I'm not I'm a little native speaker even though I'm a teacher and I'm always studying I'm always practicing prepositions is something that you can always learn something new okay there's always something new for you to learn all right so my recommendation is never stop adding words to your list I have my list I have my verb list my adjective list and this list is always growing because there are so many words someone asked at me all can you give me a number of prepositions I can't I don't have this number but I am sure that it's a huge number because there are many words okay there are many different prepositions and many different ways to use prepositions okay I see that many of you are giving me video suggestions I really like the suggestions don't forget to post because after the video is over I don't see any of this chat okay so all the suggestions of videos that you are giving me now I will lose them all right that's why I'm asking you to go to my other social media and post your questions because then I will answer them whether you post on Facebook whether you post on Twitter whether it post on Instagram I will always answer the questions sometimes I get emails with questions so if I don't turn if I don't talk about them in the live video I will talk about them on the Tuesdays and Thursdays videos by the way I didn't post a video yesterday because I had a technical issue I lost the Tuesday video and so I use it the Thursday video Tuesday which was posted on Wednesday and on Thursday I didn't have a video that was so sad I work at all day on Tuesday to edit the video but it didn't work out so on Wednesday morning I was like me and I got a posted video so I use it the Thursday video but for next week you should get the videos on Tuesday and Thursday and the live video so I'm just reinforcing here if you wanna if you have a specific question don't forget to post your question to me on Facebook or Instagram or on Twitter just saying I prefer Twitter but you can post it on on the three other ones and then I'll make sure to turn this into a video alright guys that is all for today okay I hope these three ideas can help you better organize yourself to study prepositions because I think that for everything in English we need to develop the best strategies to study because if we just sit down and start writing for positions we're not gonna we're not really learning the prepositions okay it's just like when we are watching a movie and that mean prove our listening but if you were just sitting down and watching that doesn't necessarily improve your vocabulary for example because you're just watching and listening your listening will improve right considerably but not necessarily your vocabulary so there are specific exercises to work on several different aspects of the language and I think these three tips will help you improve your use of prepositions okay you start with what you know and you will get better at prepositions all right very well guys I kept it sweet I kept it short oh I have one thing to say to someone who left me a question on Twitter I just need to remember her name to explain to her why I did not answer her question because her name is a little bit difficult neasha Tunisia um I'm gonna talk to you I'm gonna send you a message here on Twitter I'm gonna tell you after this I saw that you asking me a question that whenever you were trying to talk you don't the words they fly as you said and you can't remember the words I'm not answering this question today because I believe I already answered this question on my last week's video when I'm talking about speaking anxiety and the importance of preparation so I talk about that in that video so I would ask you to watch another video I will post the link to you I will try to link to you I wish I just wanted to tell you this in this video and if that doesn't help you if you feel like it you need more help and you need a better explanation let me know and then probably on the following week I will talk about that during the live video again I'll think of other things other strategies to give you alright very well guys then it's gonna be all for today I hope you enjoyed this tip look this tip and please share this video with your friends invite your friends to watch this videos every week over every Friday at 8:30 p.m. Brazil time okay uh thank you so much for being here with me 40 minutes of listening to English learning more techniques to improve your English and remember the best lesson of the night is quality is better than quantity okay so thank you so much for being here with me have a wonderful weekend alright everyone everyone that has joined have a wonderful weekend and come back later because I will update the descriptions because I can't really do that right now but as soon as I finish the video I will update the description and I will leave the links to dictionaries and oh it's 1:00 a.m. and in Egypt oh my god thank you for joining it's so Farley and you were here that's great leave a summary of what I told you guys in this video okay so that is all for tonight and have a good night thank you so much guys bye-bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 4,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prepositions, how to study prepositions, learn prepositions, prepositions of place and time, why are prepositions difficult, teacher prix, teacher prix videos, english grammar prepositions, best way to learn prepositions, best way to study prepositions in english, how to study prepositions 3 tips, tips to study prepositions, tips to learn prepositions, verbs and prepositions, adjectives and prepositions, fixed expressions and prepositions, english grammar
Id: E6oargWrW0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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