Pronunciation Practice – 5 Vowel Sounds You Must Know

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hey student in this awesome lesson you are going to learn about five vowel sounds that you need to work on so that you can speak english more clearly i will also show you how to practice these words these sounds in english and by the end of the lesson we are gonna have a practical exercise so stay with me and well i'm teacher pricks and i'm here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english and i thought i was live on instagram but i'm not oh my goodness instagram is giving me a hard time i don't know why let's see it's coming here it comes thank you so much for joining me if it's your first time here it is awesome thank you instagram in this first lesson we are going in this lesson on friday we're going to work on five vowel sounds okay so stay with me now my friends as i was saying tonight we're gonna have a practical exercise by the end of the lesson and i want you to post your answers to me in the comments not in the chat but in the comments and if you want to have the answer key the corrections i will post the corrections by the end of this lesson on my telegram group so come and join the link is in the description of this video okay now let's get cracking shall we five pronunciation uh five vowel sounds that you must know in english and guys big disclaimer here you don't need to know all the phonetic symbols okay this is a more practical lesson i'm going to give you references examples of that will help you practice these particular sounds in english i'm not going to be showing movements that's not the focus of this lesson i'm going to give you a strategy that will help you work on pronunciation okay in the future if you want more technical explanations i can give them as well now moving on as usual tell me who you are i'm always reading the chat i will stop at some point here and i will read the chat so i love to know who you are people on facebook people on youtube people on instagram are you a newbie this means you are here for the first time so if you are a newbie hashtag newbie if you are a regular it means you often come to my channel you watch many of my lessons so you are always around so that means you are a regular but if you are a bsa it means you are always around and more than that you are my student in my online program the real english academy the best english program in the world that helps english learners achieve their dream of speaking and understanding english in six months in six months inside my academy you will be changed you will have an amazing transformation of english in your life so these are my bsa you know my lovely students today i talked to some students from my academy it was awesome to spend some time talking to my bsa so well if you haven't joined my academy yet well maybe in the future you will have an opportunity now guys first and foremost no funny faces you don't need to think you don't need to be a thorn no you don't need to make different faces funny faces or or really tense tense the muscles of your face to make the sounds in english some people look constipated when they're speaking english i'm i'm a teacher what are you trying to speak or are you having a stomachache okay so ah relax you don't want to get old you know when we change the face we we don't make the right sound and we get old okay this is not good for the skin good face no funny faces don't be sad like the baby here on the screen if you can see this on the screen you don't need to be sad because your pronunciation is not perfect it's okay let me tell you a secret my pronunciation is not perfect either okay i make some mistakes too it happens to me it will happen to you it'll happen to all of us okay that's part of the game enjoy the ride okay now why practicing uh the sounds in english is why is it important and guys if i i told you guys about it in a few lessons ago you know i'm always telling you that but if you want to achieve english fluency if you want to make your dream of speaking and understanding english become true in your life you need to follow a virtuous circle you know a cycle and that cycle will include specific activities not only listening or just speaking no it will include different activities and today my focus is pronunciation so by improving your pronunciation you will speak more clearly not perfectly because pronunciation because fluency is communication not perfection okay that's not the goal but it'll help you speak more clearly in addition you will also understand people more clearly more easily very often the students come to me and they say my listening sucks teacher i'm awful you are not perhaps working on pronunciation will help you understand people more easily so this is a virtuous circle because it helps you one activity if you do it properly has the power to help you in all aspects of the language okay and and finally uh by working on your pronunciation by improving the sounds you make in english as a result you become more confident yes when we feel good about the sounds we make we feel better and emotions are very important in the learning process okay so hashtag feel good so if you agree with me that emotions are important type or hashtag which is feel good okay feel good i feel good people on instagram where's the hashtag feel good people on facebook where's the hashtag feel good if you agree that emotions are important in the learning process type hashtag feel good you know help teacher pricks am i the only one who thinks that jesus christ anyway moving on that being said the first sound i'm going to show you and some shouldn't they they go a little crazy about this they're like oh my god this sound is terrible it's not terrible i'll teach you a tip that will help you practice this sound on your practice in your routine and it is very simple remember i'm not gonna show you movements here in my mouth i'm gonna give you a reference so that when you're studying it gets easier for you to learn okay so many people are typing feel good i'm happy to know that you guys agree with me pauline or hobisson joselini jose fernando maria ana that is awesome i'm happy that emotions you understand the power of emotions and if you are watching the replay i invite you feel good hashtag in the comments okay i love to see your comments after the lesson is over now the first is the schwa is the upside people on instagram you can't see okay but people on youtube and facebook can so it's the e the letter e upside down okay the schwa is uh reduced is a neutral sound that perhaps in some languages will not exist okay so that is why for some students this sound may be a little difficult and and if you're learning english just looking at this symbol may make you feel anxious oh my god i don't even know this symbol how do i use this symbol you don't use the symbol you use the sound this is a moment when i like to compare with the babies and children they don't learn phonetics they learn sounds okay of course that we need to adapt these strategies because children and adults learn differently that is very important if you see people around telling you no just learn like a baby are you a baby no so you don't learn like a baby do you eat like a baby no because you're not a baby you changed you evolved and that is a good thing but you need the right strategies so simply doing things that babies do will not work for you but we can borrow some concepts from the way babies interact with the world the way children interact with the world but we need to adapt because we are different people we are at a different moment in our lives okay so always remember that you're not a baby anymore grow up now so this is the schwa sound but how can i put this into context because that's why you're here you're not here for me to show you beautiful symbols you're here to learn words in action towards sounds in action so that you can get better okay how do you practice my biggest recommendation for you pay attention pay attention this is important my biggest recommendation for you to work on the schwa sound and the other four sounds that i'm going to give you is to practice by becoming familiar with words you already know okay remember this lesson is not for beginners i am speaking 100 in english so i imagine you know some words maybe not all of them i don't know either okay but you know some words and here i give you some examples of words that have the schwa sound for example the uh uh the the thursday the the third the uh sound okay now the t8 the earth thursday uh about uh uh about okay i'm speaking slowly because i want you to listen to the uh okay so i'll repeat again tennis okay the the thursday uh about t er teacher here we have the letter r okay teacher so it's not always uh sometimes i have the letter r er teacher actor okay so sometimes we have this variation because we have other uh letters next to each other okay that's very natural so do you understand do you know these words tennis the thursday about teacher over actor if you know these words you type yes okay and what is the recommendation here you get better at sounds at vowel sounds learning because there are more sounds okay i just brought five in tonight's lesson you will get better at making these sounds as you practice with familiar words simple words so that your tongue so that your mind memorizes the sound okay and this practice can include a short list of words you don't need to watch many men you don't need to to use many many many words okay you can have like this one two three four five six seven seven words and then you practice okay oh but teacher how do i know the word has this particular sound this is something i always tell my bsa and i give them this in the academy whenever they learn a new word they listen to the pronunciation but i also recommend my babies to go on a dictionary english to english and whenever there is a new word they have to check if they see the schwa sound or they have to check the sound my goal is for you to become familiar with the sound so that in time you recognize the sound more easily okay why do we memorize sounds because we listen to them okay so that's why the lists have to be short and as you are studying you can check some sounds of the words that you're learning the symbols but don't go crazy on this on the symbols okay you don't need when i achieved fluency in six months because that's how that's how long it took me to achieve fluency i didn't study phonetics okay as a teacher i study phonetics but when i started my journey i focused on the sounds and i made these connections when i saw the words oh i know this word has the schwa sound so let me connect with other words that i know that i feel good so you probably know teacher you probably know actor you probably know over so these are easy words to help you remember the sound okay that is very important so if you are enjoying this lesson if you are learning hashtag value okay that's the hashtag of the lesson whenever you are learning something wow teacher this is awesome value hashtag value that's how i know i am in the right direction to help you achieve your dream of speaking and understanding english speaking with confidence that's my mission nice and as i said stay until the end because i have an exercise for you and i will give the answer to the exercise on telegram okay so stay there now the next sound i may have to say some bad words teacher pricks oh my goodness girl saying bad words during a live lesson yes i'm such a lady i never do that such a lady i'm such a lady now we have the e and the e sound okay these are also important vowel sounds that it shouldn't confuse this these two letters okay these two symbols are very confusing to students so the best way for you is to make exactly this chart that i'm showing you here on youtube and ins and facebook i have a chart with the it sound like is oh [Laughter] with the other word that is really bad but i have to teach you it's my job to teach you the right pronunciation you pay attention to my lesson you not you this is just an example i promise because it shouldn't confuse the words so these sounds are confusing to students so make uh two columns one side for one column you put the e sound quick fix this is and on the other chart you're going to put the e sound he see she sheet excuse me she sheet sheet is a bad thing sheet okay so you see the difference when you start pronouncing both of them together sheet sheet beach beach is the place we love going you know there's water it's hot and we can swim beach is the bad word okay no here y'all just beautiful people watching the lesson these will help you understand the sound fix free e-e-e you know the word free free willy you know easy so these words are simple i'm not giving you complicated words why because my goal is not to teach a vocabulary that's not the focus of this lesson the focus of this lesson is to teach you a practical way to learn sounds in english and these vowel sounds are important and students confuse when speaking english i sometimes make the mistake because it's practice guys and when i don't know a word i need to check i need to check the sound so the more familiar you become with the sound the easier it gets for you to speak okay that's why this is such an important practice that you can dedicate like five minutes a day you don't need to spend a long time doing this exercise but remember consistency so if you set aside five minutes weekly five minutes weekly okay that is very important live leave excellent hops on this is a very good example some students confuse if i don't pay attention i may speak too fast i can confuse too because i'm human because i'm only human i'm normal just like you guys an ordinary person okay so pay attention to that so and remember you can hit the like button if you want to you can say value because i like that very much but also like moving on oh yes i speaking of like i i think i got too excited you know share this lesson with your friends because remember my goal here in this on this channel in this universe give help expand if you know me i help people speak and understand english and above all my mission is to give to help and to expand when i give this lesson for free when i come here and i create this content i'm giving to the universe i'm giving to people from all over the world useful lessons as a result i'm helping you guys but it doesn't stop there when i help you i help myself i grow i expand i become a better teacher i become a better english speaker so i invite you to do the same by sharing this lesson maybe hitting the like button leaving me a comment tagging me on stories you know take a screenshot and then tag me on stories that would be awesome that way i know you are part of this okay you are participating and doing your best because i come here and i do my best too i try every week okay now moving on to the next two sounds boot ball guys another the same strategy i'm not gonna get technical this is something that i do for myself okay i'm a teacher i'm always trying to find the best strategies to help students have results i would love to stay here and talk about the mouth opening the tongue positions okay that's nice but you need this you need to memorize the sound and the best way for you to do that it's by listening to short lists of words and comparing them with confusing vowels okay so students will confuse these words school ball food pool group good to put cool look boot push these are words you know maybe you don't know one word here but these are basic words okay very basic words and why because the goal is not vocabulary the goal is pronunciation the goal is becoming familiar with confusing sounds because maybe in your native language we don't have this sound okay you don't have these particular sound in english so the best way for you to do that in a more practical way is to include these short practices that will be much more efficient okay so school ball food pool group good two put cool look boot push okay simple words and as you repeat and here i don't have the pronunciation from a native speaker but if you don't like my pronunciation dude go to you can listen to these words this is what i tell my bsa like every single day hey check the dictionary listen to the pronunciation and why by the repetition of the sounds you it becomes easier for you to understand remember the virtuous cycle you know the circle you want to improve your listening comprehension this is one piece of the puzzle this is one tiny little thing that once you dedicate more time to your ears will open okay it'll be easier for you to understand but with a consistent practice okay that's very important and as i said at the beginning of the lesson you don't need to memorize all the phonetic symbols this is a journey to fluency this is a journey to help you speak and understand english i strongly believe that that is why i always say six months because i strongly believe that at your level right now if you're watching this lesson over the next six months if you apply my method if you apply my strategies you will be awesome you will be able to talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english but we have to follow the virtuous circle that are specific strategies you need to follow and in this lesson i showed you five vowel sounds okay i may have spoken a little too fast because i i just need to show you the sounds but there are five important vowel sounds here that you need to practice because these are one of the most basic sounds that we have okay so keep listening to them and as i told you you don't need to learn the phonetic symbols as i showed you here like the the phonetic symbol of the ooh the phonetic symbol of the uh oh the the oh it's hard for me to just pronounce the the the sound alone i need to be to say it in a word good put so i i'm showing you here on the screen the symbol but that's not really the answer to your fluency okay the sound is this practice example that i'm giving you that's what is going to help you okay so don't go crazy about remembering all the phonetic symbols you don't it's nice but you don't you don't need to okay as usual screenshot tag me or stories so that i know that you're studying participating that would be awesome you know now exercise time are you ready for the exercise tell me if you are ready for the exercise yes or hashtag no we have exercise time tell me here people on instagram are you ready say yes are you not ready say no i think this will not be copied okay i see some answers people are ready that is awesome okay okay very nice good people on instagram being active today i like that marcos roger giuliani maria marcos everybody ready now you will listen to 20 words okay 20 words that's what you're going to listen and basically what you have to tell me if it's the first sound and i put here in the chat the sounds if it's the uh sound if it's the e sound if it's the e sound if it's the uh sound or if it's the per uh o sound okay the pert luck pull okay and then you will listen to the word you don't need to see maybe the word is a small here on the screen but you will listen to the word that are 20 words so put one somewhere and then put if it's a b c d or e the o sound the e or e sound the u sound or the the last one okay that's it the answer key will be on my telegram that's where i'm gonna share the answer now people on telegram um it'll be difficult for you to do this exercise okay you have to come to youtube i'm sorry i will read the words to you but that's all i can do you can i don't think you can see the options here so i would strongly recommend coming to youtube okay so let's go american fish tree do computer meet boot these full rich earn easy blue first cheap big new choose good cook okay i think it's ended it's ended now right yes people on instagram i couldn't keep going because i know that on facebook people would be listening so that's why i stopped okay so come to youtube i have no choice you have to listen to it here okay i will repeat the words again let's go again and you have to do you will need to do this exercise calmly but then you will have the answer okay we repeat twice more american fish tree do computer meet boot these full rich earn easy blue first cheap big new choose good cook one more time american these full rich earn easy blue first cheap big new choose good cook okay excellent guys so the answer key will be on the can you hear me well yes i think so the answer key will be on the on the telegram okay you should be able to see that the answer key there join the telegram for people on youtube you didn't listen okay because it's only on youtube make sure to come to youtube and watch the lesson here remember five vowel sounds that are very important make sure to take a screenshot share with your friends on stories when you tag me on stories i can see and then i will repost your stories it is really nice that way i know you guys understood the lesson had a good time other than that my friends let me say goodbye here to people on instagram thank you guys i'll see you next time and people on youtube thank you on facebook thank you so much and i'll see you next time and finally people on youtube thank you guys you are awesome i'll see you next time okay join telegram to get access to the answer key bye foreign
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 1,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, speak english, speaking in english, teacher prix, intermediate english, english for intermediate speaker, english lesson, learn english online, pronunciation in english, learn english pronunciation, english teacher prix, study vowels in english, vowel sounds in english, learn to speak english clearly, pronunciation lesson
Id: p7ht7QDnXbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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