Grammar in action: Difference Between Use Usually & Be used to

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and i am live well i'm teacher pricks and i'm going to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english well hello hello hello everybody i don't know if you already see me on youtube please tell me if you can hear me can you listen to me well people on youtube i would love to know because i'm not home today so i would really appreciate if you guys could tell me if you can hear me okay so let me know if you guys can hear me people on instagram can you oh my goodness it didn't start let's see can you hear me well let's see well i think now i'm live on instagram i don't know i thought it was live oh well all right guys grammar in action lesson it's going to be fun okay tonight we are going to talk about grammar but it'll be a very active lesson today i'm going to show you you are going to learn how native speakers use the words usually use and be used to i think i forgot to type b okay on this light you can see here on the screen be used to [Laughter] so make sure to stay until the end i'm sure you're going to love this less on this lesson it'll be very interactive i prepared some really interesting exercises for you guys so let's get to work so by the end of this lesson you will never confuse use usually and be used to okay now before we get started there are two things you need to do first of all remember let me okay remember my motto because this is your motto as well give help expand and why do i share this with you guys when i give this lesson to you i come here i prepared these slides i have my slides here i'm giving you free content a free lesson and when i do that i'm helping people from all over the world people i have never met and will probably never meet and when i do that by helping other people grow by giving this information i am expanding i am growing i am becoming a better person so when you share this lesson with two special friends on your social media maybe on whatsapp or on instagram you know sending this video to someone is special on instagram or maybe on facebook sharing this on facebook you are helping me help other people okay so make sure to stay until the end alright and share now before we get started with the lesson i need to know who you are because you are the reason i am here and i have three hashtags for you guys the first hashtag is newbie if you are a newbie type here in the chat hashtag newbie n-e-w-b-i-e newbie and what is a newbie a newbie is someone who is watching me for the first time maybe the replay if you're watching the replay that's wonderful it's your first time here maybe it's the second time or the third time but you are a newbie that is amazing we also have the regular okay if you are a regular it is a little bit different it means you already know me you watch some lessons from me sometimes you catch my live lessons like fernando is a regular a regular like marcia regular that is wonderful and we also have bsa hashtag bsa bsa is my baby my student in my academy we have claudia who is the bsa hello claudia we have rubia we have hobbies on these are my babies my bsa we also have here jose regular wonderful so i like to know who you are so tell me here in the chat if you're bsa if you're a newbie or a regular and regular from brazil regular from spain regular from argentina like marco are you a regular from brazil are you regular from canada tell me here in the chat so as i said this is gonna be grammar in action so during the explanations i give you you are gonna have exercise my friend so make sure to catch them and participate yo now moving on my my setting is different because i'm not home tomorrow is a special holiday here in brazil so here we go now guys the first one that i'm going to show you is usually okay now this is a very important word in english we use usually all the time of course that in specific situations okay so usually is an adverb okay so if you understand adverb i want you to type usually is an adverb okay so type here in the chat usually is an adverb if you understand that tell me here usually is an adverb i'm at a friend's house okay tomorrow is a holiday in brazil so i'm spending today and tomorrow at my friend's place so usually is an adverb if you understand that type here in the chat okay very very important now usually describes frequency or describes uh yeah in general it describes frequency the frequency you do something okay now usually has two positions two possible positions sometimes i will use usually before verbs i usually watch teacher pricks in the morning because she makes her videos at night so i usually watch so usually before i usually watch teacher prix's videos in the morning awesome hobson understands usually is an adverb so if you understand you have to type here in the chat usually is an adverb that is amazing hobson good job now another possible position is after the verb but it is for specific situations so for example verb to be i am usually on time yeah uh-huh i i'm hardly ever late okay but i am usually on time so i can express it that way so after verb to be and the other verbs before okay i usually sleep early but sometimes i may sleep a little late okay so i usually sleep early so mars understands too we had someone here margot understands as well usually is an adverb okay elizabeth understands too awesome we have another bsa claudia awesome that is wonderful so we have two positions okay before most verbs and after verb to be and modal verbs okay so this is important information sometimes the students confuse the position okay are there more explanations yes there are but remember here my goal is to give you grammar in action to show you guys how to use information not just to study okay that is a very important thing and here in the slide i don't know if you can see this well but you are participating you are watching so whenever i say something or a piece of information that it's new to you or that you like or that you agree then you can type hashtag value okay whenever you type hashtag value i will understand that huh this student learned something this student is having a haha moment so there's value in the information that i'm giving so you can use this hashtag anytime during the live so that i know that hey this is a moment my student my regular or my newbie is having something interesting so hashtag value okay now let me give you some examples here on this screen so that it gets easier for you guys to understand okay most people are visual learners the vast majority of the population is visual so i like to give you these slides i like to give you examples so that you can see examples to help you better understand how to use the words the lessons that i'm giving you so here i usually go to work by bus okay how do you go to work do you go to work by car do you go to work by train do you gotta work on foot so i usually go to work by bus not me i don't usually go to work by bus because i work from home so i don't usually take the bus okay now negative example i don't usually stay home on weekends if you pay attention here the position is the same it's before the verb i don't usually stay it stays the verb it's before i don't usually stay home my sister doesn't usually go out on fridays my friend doesn't usually call me on weekends he does but this is just an example i usually read the newspaper while having breakfast do you read the newspaper while having breakfast or do you read anything while having breakfast or do you you know oops do you check your phone while having breakfast tell me here do you read anything or do you watch anything while having breakfast so that is my question another example with verb to be in the negative form i am not usually late for work so remember verb to be if you use verb to be and you need usually it's after i'm not or i am if it's affirmative i am usually late for work not me i'm not usually late for work in my case i'm never late for work well never is too strong i'm hardly ever late for work okay so this is the use of usually all right so hobson says value marcus value if you're learning something new hashtag value teacher this is not new but it's interesting value okay reviewing repetition are important things so reviewing lessons repeating lessons are very important if you want to become a better english speaker and we see usually all the time we use the word usually all the time and here how do i know that well i checked if you can see here on the screen 11 phrases from movies and i only put 11 because i had to set a limit because honestly i could go on and on and on with more and more and more examples from movies where the actors uh are using the word usually okay so uh eleonora i usually check my phone i usually watch videos on my phone while i'm having breakfast so some corrections here okay now movie examples these are are phrases that i listen in movies i usually like to smoke outside i don't smoke okay you but it's a phrase uh i usually ignore i usually ignore tip line calls what is a tip line call do you know what a tip line call is tell me here in the chat do you know what a tip line call is tip line call what is a tip line call for example i see a criminal on my street and i know he's a criminal because i saw on tv okay i saw the man on tv and i know he's a criminal so i called the police and i'm like hey sup so i saw the guy on the news on my street hey but don't don't don't tell it was me okay this is a secret but i saw the man on my street so i call the police and i give them some tips okay like hey that guy that criminal or from tv you know that i saw on tv he's on my street come help me so this is the tip line call okay this is very this was a in this scene they were talking about a criminal investigation and someone called the police station and gave them a tip you know like hey the person you're looking for is here another example i i am usually the one playing therapist to play to play therapist is to pretend you are a therapist you are not really a therapist so i am usually i am the person i am usually the person playing therapist so this was a conversation in a movie you know during a movie and they were giving this example another one here i'm not going to mention all of them i usually pay for things in cash so when i go to the supermarket i usually pay in cash do you usually pay in cash or by credit card ah do you usually pay in cash or buy credit card i usually pay by credit card okay i sometimes pay in cash all right so tell me about you do you usually pay in cash or do you usually pay by credit card ah let's see do you carry money with you i have money with me but when i pay i pay by credit card it's just easier you know much simpler so there you have it sorry i'm not usually late so here i'm using verb to be and remember after verb to be usually i am usually if it's affirmative i'm not usually if it's negative she's usually or he's usually and why am i giving examples in the present because it is more common in the present i think in the first slide i showed you if i go back here one second i use usually to talk about present habits okay i give a certain frequency of something i normally do in my present can i do this in the past it's possible i can't describe something i usually did in the past but you need to find a context so that's why i'm giving you pre uh simple present examples because it is much more common and if you pay attention to all the movie examples and these 11 examples are 11 different movies okay i didn't have the time to mention each movie because it would be time consuming and to show these lights but these are different movies so they're all in the present okay because it is more common to do so so jesus says i usually pay in cash good for you girl awesome marcos credit card that's great musa i usually like to watch your videos while laying in my bed great so using correctly that is awesome we're gonna have an exercise real soon so these are some examples okay so zoe and i usually watch hbo so here maybe zoe and the purse the other person zoe and i usually watch hbo i don't negative i don't usually watch hbo i usually watch netflix [Laughter] do you watch netflix i suppose so many of you probably watch netflix it's so common nowadays most people have an account on netflix now guys it is time to practice i know you were posting some examples but now it's the real deal now i want to read your examples but it has to be three i want three examples with usually and something that is real to you okay that is very important to me i want you to say something you usually do you know it's a present habit something you usually do you normally do it's a present habit that you have and then you're going to post here for me in the chat and i'm going to give you some corrections okay so maria is posting her first example i usually exercise at 4 00 pm in the afternoon okay so she usually exercises in the afternoon that is wonderful you need to post two more examples and an example that is real for you so i'll post more examples and i will be correcting i want to see examples uh jessica i usually go to the gym five times a week that is awesome and people on instagram i want more examples hey ho let's go uh hope so i usually work out you don't need to say do my workout it's possible but you can use the verb workout i usually work out in the evening okay in the evening not at evening okay often can i use often yes but it's a different frequency okay and here the point is to show you usually use and be used to because these are words the students confuse often is just a different adverb but with the next explanations i'm going to give you see that sometimes these students confuse use and usually be used to and usually and they are different things marcos i usually get at i don't understand what you say what is t-o-m-e to work i don't know what that is i usually watch teacher prix lessons at seven sao paulo time zone i wouldn't usually say that example okay i would probably say i usually see teacher pricks videos at night i usually watch teacher prix live okay this would be better ways to say that uh who else i want more examples where are you people on instagram you don't want to post my examples yes so i usually work out in the evening now it's 100 awesome correct what other examples you have for me people on facebook that would be awesome to see your examples i don't know how to see the the comments on on you on facebook because i'm on facebook too but for now i don't know how to see the comments on facebook technology [Music] all right i usually watch teacher prix videos at night perfect i usually visit my father once a week too much frequency okay but it's possible it's correct so uh it's a possible way to say that you've usually visit your parents once a week unless something else happens uh then it's okay marcos i usually get on time to work so i usually correct this i usually get to work on time whenever you give time expressions it is at the end on time okay or at the beginning it depends there are some exceptions okay so i usually get to work on time perfect uh i usually practice running a a week then i you need to finish okay i usually practice running uh twice a week or it would be too much frequency but i usually practice my running in the morning i usually run in the afternoon i usually run at night this would be good examples okay i usually sleep late perfect i usually hang out with my friends uh almost every weekend um okay that's too much frequency again i usually hang out with my friends on weekends that would be okay because then it would be too specific because i would simply say i hang out with my friends almost every weekend so you see sometimes you may not need to use usually so i hang out with my friends almost every weekend because almost every weekend is very specific so i wouldn't use usually because it's not necessary okay i usually visit my mom once a week okay here rosalia it's once a week not one time you may hear one time informally but it's not entirely correct the correct way to say it is once once a week okay that would be better very nice so i saw some good examples uh i eat all the time that would be better to say i eat all the time i usually run in the morning okay very nice and remember hashtag value if you are learning because i've been giving you some interesting corrections value okay that is very important that way i know you are learning you are active and remember that i i talked to you guys a few weeks ago when you are participating when you are posting in the chat you are telling important information to your brain you are reprogramming your brain okay very important i usually have lunch while watching tv it would be better okay while watching tv very nice so okay so hashtag value if you're learning something new anna i usually watch a film or a movie in the evening okay that is that is better you can say a film i would stick to movie i usually watch a good movie in the evening or because it's a general sentence i usually watch movies in the evening it doesn't mean that you're watching many movies in one evening but it's something you usually do you watch movies in the evening you know that's what i do i read books in in the in the evening but that doesn't mean you're reading a lot of books or watching a lot of movies okay awesome i'm happy to know you are getting value from this lesson that is amazing and people you on youtube you can hit that like button for me you know that's very helpful give help expand [Laughter] that's my motto that should be your motto give help expand anyway moving on let's see what else i have to say now we move to the next one to use to use is a verb okay so type here in the chat to use is a verb okay i will be the first one to chat to to to type this to support my my myself to use is a verb okay marcia i usually swim in the morning wonderful perfect example so to use is a verb if you understand this type here in the chat to use is a verb because you are reprogramming your mind whenever you type something you are learning whenever you repeat something i say you are conditioning your brain you are reprogramming your mind just like cristiano just did awesome job so to use is a verb okay that is a very excuse me very important concept and when i use use the the idea will be a little different from usually because remember usually is an adverb i use usually before verbs or after verb to be in modal verbs so to use means to do something with a machine with a method with a computer with a phone it has a particular purpose so basically the verb use talks about actions actions you do with something if you can see here on the screen there is a girl and she is she's using her phone okay so use the phone so i am using an object there is a purpose for the object just as you use the computer just as you use a phone so it's a different way it's a different idea from usually okay usually describes a present habit used describes the purpose of something okay that is a very different idea for example um today i'm at my friend's house so i asked i didn't ask but this is just a realistic example oh hello my friend can i use your camera today because i didn't bring my camera i only brought my computer so i asked for her camera so i told her can i use your camera because i haven't brought mine and i need a camera to be here with my students with you guys that's why you need to hit the like button you know lie so can i use your camera all right that is a very important thing so she said of course you can use my camera she said and i'm using her camera now here can i use your computer mine's broken you can use my new camera anytime you need to maybe it's a different kind of camera maybe it's a just a a camera that is not like a cell phone camera oh i'm afraid she's not your real friend here's a different use i'm afraid joanna is not your friend she's using you oh my god so maybe you have a friend her name is joanna and joanna is not very nice joanna is bad joanna is bad business and joanna is using you you are serving as a purpose to joanna okay so joanna is not your friend she's using you so we use computers we also use people unfortunately but this is an in a negative way okay so when i say i'm using you this is not good whenever someone says in a conversation or maybe you're watching a movie don't listen to her she's using you she's manipulating you it's a negative idea that person doesn't care about you that that person is only having the benefits that you can offer so she is receiving that she's using that okay just as you use your phone to call people just as you use your computer to do your work okay so that's the idea of the verb use now going back to other examples from movie from movies okay she's using her cell there is an income an incoming text an incoming text okay sorry about that don't mind us she just needs to use the elevator use the elevator why do we need the elevator we use the the elevator the service of the elevator so that we can go up and down we don't need to go upstairs you know because taking the stairs can be tough especially if we don't like to take these stairs you know we don't like to exercise uh we can we can use our knowledge exactly we can use our knowledge to help people and then you follow my motto give help expand okay so that is a very important thing so i can use my knowledge and share with you guys so you have to share this video because this is the virtuous cycle giving helping expanding that's awesome right another example here she used a fake name using a fake name so my name is priscilla okay that's my name i'm not teacher pricks my name in my document is priscilla but then i go to a museum and i use a fake name my name is consuelo i don't know consuelo so i'm using a fake name not cool maybe illegal depending on where you are okay so this is another way to say so i'm using a name the name is giving me a purpose but it's a fake name okay here this was a a movie about fighting i think it was batman do you know do you want to know why i use a knife i don't know because i didn't finish watching it because i was just get catching the lines where they used the verb use so she said do you want to know why i use a knife yo i use a knife because it's more fun you can use a gun that's the example number seven you use guns i use pens ah that's very powerful some people use violence i use information i use knowledge to teach people some people use violence to teach i use knowledge you know that is very nice um so do you get the idea that's the the the point here okay that's a very important point okay awesome moving on now we have participate now i want to see your examples with use three examples again okay and remember if you're learning something awesome or if you are reviewing something awesome hashtag value because then i can see that i can see clearly now you are learning with me so hashtag value all right so she's using my car did you let her use your car awesome um let's see what else here on instagram i use my cell phone to work yes some people use their phones to work this is this happens to me uh pronunciation will be will be different okay hobson used to i'm used to get used to used will be different if i'm using the simple past of the verb used okay u y u s t used but if it's the past the pronunciation may be different and if you are saying i used to then it's it's the used to okay uh i use my hair dryer to dry my dogs when i wash them or all right i use a hair dryer or my hair dryer that would be okay i'm using my computer to watch your lesson awesome i use my cell phone to text you great i use my cell phone to work i already saw that that's awesome come on people on instagram i use my phone to study awesome and i use my phone to make live videos on instagram cool people people usually use computers to type essays i prefer i still prefer using a pen and a piece of paper that is the best actually and you know then easy something you can do and today with my babies because i have an online program with my bsa and this afternoon we had a writing workshop i gave them a lesson about writing how to use writing to improve your english your english speaking i gave them tips that i learned at harvard so it was a great lesson with my bsa and i gave them a competition a contest and if you didn't watch bsa the replay will be uploaded very shortly on the platform and the thing that denise is said is something that i always recommend my bsa first you can write uh by using a piece of paper and a pen and after that you should type okay you can do both exercises first you write you know by hand you grab a piece of paper grab a pen write it down and then once you finish then you type this is a good exercise okay it is tiring but uh it is it is complicated okay now hobie so your example is incorrect and here this is a very common mistake students make so thanks for contributing to the lesson so teacher prix uses to adapt song lyrics and that's fun so here what you need is usually so teacher prix usually adapts song lyrics and that's fun so what you need is usually to describe a present habit now you could change teacher pricks use songs in her classes and that's fun but then you change the idea of the phrase okay so i use songs i use music in my lessons to have fun but she usually adapts song lyrics and that's fun so do you understand the difference that is a very common mistake students make i use my energy to learn english awesome all right let's see what else i tried to use the new words in english as as much as possible so here what you can say i wouldn't say the new words i try to use new words in english as much as possible okay you can remove the same mistake again my cats used to run around usually run around okay uh this is a mistake remember usually before verbs use i use something i use a product i use my phone i use my computer but i don't use to go you usually go i think that's the the catch here when you use use it'll be very difficult for you to find another verb it'll usually be a noun i use a computer i use my phone i use my energy i use my time but if it's another verb then you don't need use you need usually i usually check my phone i usually my cats usually run around the house when they are happy okay very nice i usually go to the beach since it's near my house oh you don't need to say buy my house it's near my house okay that is awesome very very nice uh i prefer to use pen and paper instead of tight instead of okay bsa instead of taipei all right very nice i usually use pen and paper now i usually use correct i usually use pen and paper to write things down okay to writing down download to write to write things down to write information down but i would stick to to write things down that would be a a good example i use my money to buy things me too i should stop using my money to buy so many things i should save more money but well life is not perfect is it now did you learn something new here value okay remember if you are learning or improving getting information or reviewing information hashtag value that way i know that you are learning something awesome something new okay writing and typing i'm sorry it's a nice exercise it's a nice practice okay so let's see who else finds value in this lesson am i alone am i the only one who sees value in this english lesson that i prepared with so much love and and love loving can hurt love hurts you know love hurts when you ask students to post value and they don't post about it it hurts lord i usually practice my english teaching music for native i don't understand that example so well i usually teach music to native speakers is that what you're trying to say so leah thank you jesus value marcia wonderful rubia maria you are learning i'm so happy i'm not alone because i'm learning too you know i prepared your lesson i had to review i had to study so whenever i come here and i give you a lesson i study the lesson before giving it to you because a teacher is always learning so should students okay that is a very important thing so we had some good examples here and it's nice because then you get to see the differences between usually and used to okay and the verb used not used to the verb use all right now let's go to the next one be used to and tell me guys before i explain be used to are you having fun if you're having fun tell me yes hashtag yes if you're not having fun then tell me no you can you can be honest okay if you're not having fun you can say no my friend is so nice she has a wonder woman uh cup you know our mug and she gave it to me she's like oh you can drink water on wonder woman's mug you know that's awesome so if you're having fun hashtag yes i want to know if you're having fun 20 people watching me on instagram are you having fun are you leaving are you leaving me don't leave people on facebook are you having fun yes i'm having fun teacher i'm having a good time dave is you're not having fun what are you doing here man you're not are you torturing yourself being here uh alien i'm having fun rubia yes buddy yes that is awesome learning lots of new things today thanks rafael that's awesome marcelo yes renato yes rubia robinson as usual awesome great lesson i'm having a great time yeah so so far only davis dave is not having fun guys so hashtag sorry dave's sorry dave life's hard for some people you know i get it i get it brother you're not alone or maybe you are oops anyway guys be used to it's a verb as well okay so we have two verbs in this lesson the verb use and the verb be used to so it's a combination here but they are different they are different very very different so type here use and be used to are different okay so use and be used to are different okay so if you understand this use and be used to are different so if you understood that then type here in the chat be excuse me use and be used to are different because then i know of course you're having fun davis i know your strategy many people do that you know like no i hate to teach your pricks then i'll mention your name and then you're like ah she mentioned my name you know those memes so if you understand that use and be used to are different tell me here in the chat because this is important this is an important explanation okay so remember i'm programming your mind when you type here you are giving important comments to your brain so use and be used to are different just like leah cardone has just posted she did an s an awesome job now guys it is a verb okay b used to so you need to conjugate b so when i say b you will need to conjugate b what are the conjugations in the present tell me here in the in the comments what are the three conjugations of verb to be in the present tell me here in the chat instagram tell me here on on youtube what are the three conjugations of verb to be in the present i see people posting use and be used to are different awesome awesome anna awesome shima i can't read your name hobson awesome marcos awesome mayor excellent rubia excellent use and be used to are different so you know this now you are amazing so what are the conjugations of verb to be in the present oh you guys are you guys are so intelligent my students are the best i'm gonna put this my students are the best congratulations you are so awesome you are awesome i love the hashtags you know you guys are hashtag awesome hashtag the best hashtag amazon hashtag whatever m is r so when i say be used to i'm talking about the conjugation of verb to be and is are okay so that's very important oh teacher can i use bus2 in the future yes you can use it teacher can i use uh be used to in the simple past yes you can use it okay it depends on the context it depends on the conversation that's what you need to pay attention to okay now marcos i used to be is different that's not my focus tonight i can make another lesson if you want to but that's not the focus today okay now when i use be used to i'm trying to describe something that you always do but the difference is that it's something that you are accustomed to it became a habit you know so i'm going to describe something that i ah it's okay i'm i have no problems anymore i'm comfortable doing this for example i'm teacher pricks i'm used to waking up early in the morning when i say i'm used to waking up early in the morning what i'm trying to say my idea is that this is normal for me this is not a problem for me anymore i'm okay you know i'm used to it i'm used to waking up early in the morning okay jesus thank you sweetie bye bye so i'm used to waking up early in the morning okay so when i say that i'm saying that i am accustomed to this activity it is not a difficult activity for me anymore so tell me here in the chat is waking up early difficult or easy for you so is waking up early difficult or easy for you i want to know is waking up early easy or difficult now in my case waking up early is easy because i'm used to i'm used to waking up early i'm accustomed to it it's not a problem for me and why probably because i've been doing this for a very long time you know for many years so now this is easy now i am used to waking up early okay so buddy says not for me it's difficult for me so in your case buddy you can say i am not used to waking up early this is not my habit i don't feel comfortable with this this is not easy for me okay so if it's not if it's the answer is no like for leah it's difficult so i am not used to it so here uh uh fed because i'm not used to it you said it's difficult so i'm not used to it okay so henat in my case it's easy so in your case henato i'm used to waking up early because for you it is easy so you see that's the difference okay for you it's like piece of cake you know it's easy so that's the idea now taking a look at some other examples here i used the same example actually oh my goodness so there's a conversation between jack and lily you know so jack says oh my goodness you wake up at 4 00 am every day my god lily you wake up at 4 a.m and then lily yeah [Music] i'm used to getting up early it's not a problem for me i am wonder woman so when lily says that she means that she is accustomed to it it's not a problem for her she always does that it's not a problem anymore okay now we have some movies examples okay she's used to eating shitty food anyway so when i say that she's used to eating shitty food this is from a movie that's not from teacher pricks okay she is used she's used to eating shitty food what is shitty food it's bad food junk food french fries i love french fries french fries crap junk okay things that are not good for you so she's used to eating shitty food now if you pay attention after i use she's used to i will probably need a verb and this verb will be used in ing mart marta i am i am used to waking up early so i need verb to be i am used to waking up early i don't understand why you use the verb eating eating no okay i'm used to waking up early now claudia i was used to having dinner with my father before he passed away i'm sorry he passed away i'm sorry to hear that this is a good example though okay you use it correctly and you used in the past i was used to having now in this case i would suggest simply using i used to okay i have a lesson here on my channel where i talk about used to i you don't need to use i'm used to but if you want you can and you used it correctly okay if we only focus on the grammar it's correct uh okay i'm used to eating i'm used to eating vegetables five times per week what that is awesome i'm used to learning english from teacher pricks awesome jessica i'm used to waking ing okay waking every time you use a verb after i am used to you you need to use ing in this verb okay uh let's see what else henato i'm using the same mistake i'm used to waking up early when you use be used to if there is a verb next to it this verb will need ing okay i'm used to practicing my english a lot that is wonderful perfect example uh okay let's see any other example because now it's time you guys are learning you guys are learning fast i want three phrases with use two b used to excuse me so realistic okay i'm i'm used to watching hear your great lessons you would say you would need to say in the plural whenever i give general ideas i need to use plural nouns it's much more common so i'm used to watching great lessons from teacher pricks yeah that is awesome now meyer i used to have healthy food it's incorrect here you need usually i usually have healthy food in this case i don't need the verb use i need the adverb okay you will hardly if not ever you know use use plus a verb you will use you will use use plus a noun i use uh sugar i don't use sugar but i use um i use my cell phone to give lessons on instagram i use uh my computer to create videos for you guys i use paper and pen to write essays okay genato says i'm used to running in the morning perfect okay perfect i'm used to listening english audios while i drive my car perfect claudia excellent example uh i'm not used to working at night uh wadian uh wadim here we need to understand are you talking about frequency or talking about something you're not accustomed to okay so i don't usually work at night or i'm not used to working at night because the ideas will be different if i say i'm not used to working at night i'm saying that this is not something common for me it may even be difficult for me to do that because i never did it's not something natural to me but if i say i don't usually work at night i'm just describing something that doesn't usually happen in my life i'm not saying i have a problem with it that it's something that is not okay or that it's difficult for me i'm just saying that it's something that is not part of my present habit so when you say i'm not used to working at night and i don't usually work at night you are giving different ideas okay i'm used to reading a book before i sleep okay i use your videos to learn english very nice so i use your videos so you see the correction adriana i use your video i use your videos to learn english my r i usually watch you i usually watch teacher pricks lessons so you see how important it is for you to participate because i'm giving you important corrections marcia i'm used to studying english excellent i used my money to get the best lessons in english with teacher prix that is awesome i'm glad you did i'm used to studying vocabulary every night i wouldn't use vocabularies in the plural just use vocabulary i'm used to studying vocabulary every night i'm used to watching movies in english perfect marta excellent let's see who else here come on people participate yo i'm used to playing football football very often excuse me i mispronounced i um let's see all right that's good that's good so you see guys these are important differences okay very very important differences and remember are you having value tonight because this is important i want to know if you're having value because the more you learn the more i can come here and teach you more lessons and give you more explanations okay now i'm used to drinking coffee and eating buns with some butter at breakfast that's awesome i'm used to eating eggs for breakfast i like to eat bread but it's not something i should eat but i like it i like bread i like bread so much bread and i have a very intense relationship i love bread but my my abs don't like bread you know they it's just not possible anyway my friends we gotta get cracking anyway now we have an important moment now i need your help okay i'm serious now you pay attention to me you pay attention to me as well as you can see here on my screen you don't see me but you can participate don't worry we are gonna have a photo moment okay what are you going to do if you are watching this lesson if you finish this lesson if you got to this moment i will not now the next slide okay stay here this is just explanation the next is light i will make a pose you take a picture and then you will go on your instagram stories and you will post the hashtag of the day the hashtag of the day is awesome okay simple easy awesome then you will take a screenshot with your phone or with your computer [Music] you will go on your stories you will tag me at teacher prix and write awesome okay that is your mission that is your job for tonight so now is the slide okay you can see this light now because today you have learned how native speakers use use usually and be used to so now it's time to take a screenshot okay so i will make a post here you smile i will smile here and then here okay then you take a screenshot and then you post this image that you can see on the screen now on stories you tag me where stories what are stories on instagram okay many people have instagram accounts so go to your story post this image tag me at teacher prix and then i will repost yes i will repost you guys so one two three now guys you can take a screenshot now you know like awesome so i would love to see it because that will mean that many people learn tonight's lesson if you enjoy tonight's lesson your job is to type awesome teacher it was an awesome awesome lesson i learned so much and the only way for me to know is if you post on the instagram stories and hear in the comments as well now my friends i gotta get cracking instagram thank you so much i'll see you on wednesday we have another wonderful live lesson on wednesday okay thank you guys and now people on youtube thank you so much you guys are awesome i'll see you next time
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 3,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, teacher prix, intermediate english, english lesson, english speaking, grammar lesson, english grammar, grammar in use, advanced english grammar, grammar in practice, how to study grammar, difference between use and usually, use and be used to, be used to, usually in english, usually or use, how to use be used to, used to, advanced english
Id: M852FsdrHsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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