How to Learn English Alone: 3 Tips You MUST Know

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if you want to learn english alone this is a must watch video because here i'm going to show you three useful and practical tips that every english learner who is studying alone must know so stay with me hey student teacher prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english now first and foremost teacher can i learn english alone is that a possible thing for me well guys absolutely i believe that if you put in the hard work you can learn not just english but any language you want to but there is a catch you know you will have some challenges along the way on your journey to fluency and consistency in my opinion will be the biggest challenge you may encounter on your journey to fluency that's why this video is so important because here i'm going to guide you i'm going to give you three practical tips to help you get there and the first step the first recommendation you must follow is connected with frequency and skills as i said at the beginning consistency will be students biggest challenge so to learn english alone the name of the game is consistency that's why i said frequency you need to follow the right frequency so that is the first how to ideally you are going to follow a frequency of three to five times a week from 45 minutes to one hour and a half now i also mentioned skills because there is a catch simply listening to podcasts or watching tv shows or studying vocabulary saving new words checking new words well that will not be enough if you want to learn english alone you will need to combine active and passive work in addition you need to implement the virtuous circle basically that is something i always talk about here on my channel a virtuous circle means that you will combine different english skills to achieve the results you want fluency understanding people talking to people anywhere anytime if you want to study alone if you want to achieve english fluency throughout your practice as i recommended a few minutes ago from three to five times a week you will need to implement reading writing vocabulary grammar listening pronunciation and speaking activities that's why i said just listening or just doing vocabulary well that will not be enough if you want to study english alone so throughout the week whether you study three times or five times a week you will have to work smart and combine reading and vocabulary listening and speaking pronunciation and vocabulary speaking and grammar because that way you will be following the virtuous circle that everyone should respect if their goal is to speak english with confidence anywhere anytime and here as i said before from 45 minutes to 90 minutes one hour and a half but teacher i have more time girl i can study more well guys studying more does not mean you are going to learn faster especially if you are still getting around the subject becoming consistent learning to develop the habit of studying being disciplined so maybe you have three hours today but are you going to have three hours consistently that's what i'm talking about consistency always wins i prefer that you sit down and study for 30 or 45 minutes as i recommended instead of studying for three hours one day and then for the rest of the week you do nothing in addition to that if you don't follow good guidelines good strategies you will begin to lose motivation because even though you are studying a lot of information that information may not actually be the best one for you and remember our brain needs rest time okay you need to rest you learn some then you rest some then you get back to the game okay that's why the frequency is important so respect your time do something else now the second tip is connected with the first one which is connect the dots okay as i explained before you have to follow the virtuous circle but how do you do that in practice you know when you sit down to study how do you actually respect the virtuous circle if you are alone the easiest way for you to respect the virtuous circle and connect all the english activities is by having a course book with you guys there are many course books available in the market and i have a big disclaimer here using a course book does not mean you are going to study every little thing in the book or do every little silly exercise that's not what i'm talking about can you see a compass here on the screen why do we use a compass nowadays not so many people use it unless you are in a forest or doing something really specific but i like to use the explanation of the compass because it gives you direction it shows you the way north south east west i confuse the direction sometimes but it just shows you the way at the end of the day you are in control and you have to make important decisions okay it's the same thing with the course book the course book will be a compass in your study routine on your journey to fluency it'll give you directions but you need to use the course book wisely because unfortunately course books they follow is cool standards and they have a lot of unnecessary activities therefore you need to be careful and choose the activities well so the cool thing about a course book is that it helps you organize what grammar to study what pronunciation practice to establish what kind of words to study materials for you to listen to there is a subject in the lesson and that will help you stay focused you know it'll help you stay on track if you're trying to learn english alone but as i told you you need to be careful okay you don't need to do every little thing from the book take what is good and ignore what is not so relevant to you one good series that i always recommend here on my channel is american english file it's a very good material but as i said there will always be extra stuff in these books that i don't recommend you spend time doing okay in addition to using a course book as a compass i also recommend following one teacher to give you directions okay you can follow me or your favorite teacher i'm okay i won't be hurt but it's important to follow a teacher here on youtube or instagram and that way that teacher will give you more directions more guidelines more strategies to help you stay on track you know to help you keep going okay even though uh it's on youtube or on instagram there are many lessons here guys but i recommend choosing one because if you choose one teacher here one teacher there one teacher there well there will be too many strategies and the name of the game is choosing smart so i recommend not going crazy about the number of teachers you follow to help you on your strategy on your study routine the idea is to use this teacher's materials to help you complement your practice and give you more strategies just as i am doing now okay here on my channel for example i have more than 500 free lessons so use them okay and if you don't connect with me so much you know as much as you would like to find someone you click and follow that teacher and use their recommendations and complement your study routine and hey if you're enjoying this lesson hit the like button and subscribe to my channel because every week i have new lessons with the strategies grammar lessons vocabulary phrasal verbs speaking strategies to help you become a better and more confident english speaker now to tip number three establish a weekly oral practice if you follow the virtuous circle the correct way you will always speak english even if you are alone especially if you are alone you need to find a way to include speaking exercises on your english study routine that's what is going to help you speak english and gradually build up this skill to communicate clearly because remember fluency is communication not perfection this is something that i always tell my bsa in my academy that's how i call my students in my online program baby sardines in the area all my academies based on the ocean theme because we swim together in the direction of english fluency there i i guide them i give them the direction so that they can use all the lessons they have inside the academy and combine with speaking exercises and why is this so important especially if you are studying alone you will be conditioning training teaching your brain to connect the lessons you study with speaking which should be i think which is every student's goal to speak and understand but if you only receive information you just take notes and you never try to use the information you study even if you are alone your brain never understands that so it'll just receive no i just receive i don't need to do anything but when you establish a speaking exercise routine you are constantly conditioning your brain to speak despite your fear to speak despite the mistakes you make to speak despite being alone and that way even if you just speak a little bit for like two seconds well two seconds now but one minute 30 seconds you will already be teaching your brain that you want to speak english and not just study english okay okay teacher interesting idea but how can i do that alone how am i going to speak what what am i going to talk about well remember the virtuous circle and the two other recommendations i gave you in this video if you follow a course book every course books lesson will have a different subject okay and based on the subject of the week if you follow my two recommendations the ones that i gave you before you will be able to talk about those subjects so let's say you're using a book and in that lesson in that particular lesson um the conversation the the things you're listening to what you're reading about is uh about uh let's see buying food at the supermarket okay well then you can talk about your supermarket routine do you go to the supermarket then you can talk about it and you can download a recording app a voice recording app and practice okay i go to the supermarket once a week when i go to the supermarket i usually buy vegetables and fruits i go to the supermarket on the weekends because i don't have time during the week my favorite vegetables are my favorite fruits are i also like some junk food because all of these uh words the vocabulary to talk about this being the lesson you're studying okay so you see you're not just studying you are connecting the lesson with a speaking practice and i am not going to lie to you at first this will be a little bit difficult but as you keep practicing as you keep conditioning your brain that's exactly what you're going to be doing it'll get easier and easier for you to get your phone and start talking and that's my entire goal with this video i hope you enjoyed this lesson make sure to subscribe and share it with your friends other than that i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 4,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english alone, how to learn english alone, english alone, study english alone, how to study english alone, how to study english, english, teacher pric, speak english, learn to speak english, speak english alone, fluency, english fluency, best way to study english, esl, tips to study english, improve your english, english lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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