No Mans Sky Freighter and Frigate Guide 2020: Beginners Guide Ep 6

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I don't agree with his thoughts on Support Frigates being trash. IMO the fuel reduction costs and time reduction associated with attaching a Support Frigate with decent bonuses to a mission goes a long way.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wheels0132 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I only just got my first Capitol ship last night, A class with only 30 slots. That's okay I guess. Now to learn what I do with it!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ascendrestore 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to no man's sky beginner guide this is episode six if you can believe it I didn't think I'd make it this far but this time we are talking all about freighters this episode what we're gonna do is we're gonna talk about how do you get a freighter how do you pimp it out how do you make it the way you want it go on missions and the cool stuff you can get back but guys I'm gonna tell you something that I see so many people doing wrong and that is shopping for frigates I'm gonna show you why you never want to buy an s-class or only in very rare circumstances would you want to buy an s-class also why I think support frigates are junk there I said it they're crap they're trash I don't want anything to do with them I'm gonna show you why I think that and hopefully I can save you a lot of time and give you a better experience in that process I've spent a lot of time with this this is none of my original thoughts I have very few original thoughts I just try to convey what I know and an entertaining and informative style so I've spent a lot of time with KJ PC gaming this morning I actually woke her up with a bunch of questions and if you don't know her you need to check her out I'm gonna put links to a bunch of people in the description who made this possible I saw it first on sword stream who's a great streamer youtuber I watched a video that KJ had and I got a worksheet from Dark Lord's Elric and messaged him on discord a little bit as well to try to understand all the mechanics of it I finally decided I don't need to understand all the mechanics of it I've got the basics KJ helped me through that and we're gonna go over them here towards the end of the video so lets you jump in let's talk about how to get a freighter let's talk about the best types of freighters to get and how to pimp it out and then we'll build our fleet guys alright so first things first you're gonna want to get into a battle with pirates for the freighter now the game is going to do this automatically on your fifth jump your fifth warp you're going to jump into a system and you're going to be right in the thick of it with some pirates and they're gonna be going after a ship if you defeat those pirates go talk to the captain he will give you that ship for free now you don't want to take that ship okay that ship is not gonna I mean unless it's you know amazing but that ship is not gonna be a capital ship it's gonna be one of the smaller ships the capital ships are the big ones that I that's I think they're called the dread-nots and the sentinel yeah which is the big flat one is the dreadnought and the one that looks like a fish is the sentinel that's what I'm gonna get here if you decline that ship and don't take it for free then you can get one free later now if you already passed this point that with the five jumps you're gonna need to play the game for three hours and make five jumps and then it'll throw you into this fight again automatically and what a lot of people will do is keep track of their jumps and make a save right before their fifth jumps so that if they don't like the freighter they get they can reload and do it again and again and again and again and well you get the point I've got people in my discord who say they've done it for sixteen hours or something like that Bob ain't got the time for that today but if you're in a system and you see a freighter that you can go land in you can buy that freighter if you want to you don't have to be in a battle to buy the freighter the battle just allows you to get the freighter for free so you jump in you fight the Pirates and then the captain's gonna come on and he's going to invite you on the ship so you're gonna get it highlighted then you're gonna go into the ship now as soon as you land you'll be able to identify the class of the ship you can look at it with your adviser like I'm doing here and see what it is and decide is it even worth running upstairs to talk to the captain now as we saw this one was a B class thirty-two plus eight and you know what I'm okay with that so I'm gonna go ahead and take it the maximum you can get after the next update is thirty four and nine and technology so I'm to off on cargo and one off on tech so that's cool the classes worked the same way with C being the lowest BA and then s being the best now on a freighter the only thing that the class affects that I can tell is the warp range so if you're not into sit in warping with this thing a whole lot I wouldn't worry about it now once you've purchased your freighter it's going to take you on a little bit of a mission through the freighter where you're gonna have to talk to the guy who gives up the missions you're gonna have to build out a fleet command center and you're gonna have to learn forget fuel and I'm not going to go through all of that with you I'll show you a little bit of it as we go so as you start you're gonna have one frigate that comes with the freighter I'm gonna mess this up I know it the freighters the big one the frigates the small one I say I'm wrong sometimes so forgive me it's going to happen so you get the one it's kind of random what you get and then the game is going to make you go talk to the guy and send it on a mission and he's going to tell you you need to build a fleet commander room first there's no reason to build more than five fleet command rooms I don't think there's a reason to build less than five fleet command rooms so I always build exactly five you can send up out your guys on five missions so let's go ahead and slap one here slap one here slap one here here and wait what happened I'm out of gold aren't I yep three short on the gold son of a gun alright so I gotta get some more gold let me show you a quick way to get some resources from your ship unfortunately this will not give me gold but it'll give me silver and tritium now when you look at your freighter all the empty space is actually a room that has been built so the natural state of the freighter is yeah basically no no free space so building a free space is a room now here's why that's important because I can go here to my build menu if I'm on PC I'm gonna hit left ctrl to delete whatever your appropriate delete key is and then I'm going to delete this empty room right here and I got 120 silver 20 tritium right there I want delete that one I'm gonna get some more so I'm gonna delete these and that's gonna give me the materials that I need to build what I'm looking to build now I'll come back out and fill this out at some point so once you do the fleet command you're gonna come over here and they're gonna teach you the fuel for the frigates yep yep download the data so we've got frigate fuel now frigate fuel requires dihydrogen and tritium now in a pinch you can refine tritium into dihydrogen in your refiner but as I showed you earlier a few episodes ago my go-to is to buy dihydrogen jelly anytime I find it and then refine it down to dihydrogen so again it refines the jelly turns into 50 dihydrogen just like that you're gonna need a lot of this for the fuel and you're gonna want to have a lot of fuel because you're gonna want to constantly be sending your guys out on missions notice when we have the freighter we've got exosuit the starship multi-tool and now we've got freighter so in my freighter I'm going to store my fuel so we're gonna go in here and I always craft the most I can do let's go ahead and craft ten of these bad boys cuz I got lots of materials well I don't anymore but I did all right so now they want us to send our support frigate out on an expedition so we're gonna go talk to the navigator and we're gonna look at the missions we have now I have one si class frigate and that is all you want to be at a star level generally one higher than the mission you're going on so because I've only got this one guy if I sign him it's only gonna be one star he's got a pretty good shot at coming back damaged and then I'm gonna have to fix them and my gosh fixing these things is cool the first time to run around them and explore them but after that it's kind of a pain in the butt and it ain't my first time so what I'm gonna go out do is I'm gonna go outside I'm gonna buy a few more of these before I send them off on their merry way what's up fellas one of the cool things about the freighters is that you will have NPCs land in here you can buy stuff from them all of your ships will magically appear in here which is really cool now I'm gonna fly out here and these ships you got to be careful because you will smack right into that stuff so you got to be on your P's and Q's when you when you come out of there or you will smack into it all right now let's go get some frigates when you go for frigates you want to go to a three-star economy you want a wealthy or one of those words that means wealthy that's gonna give you the highest chance of getting multiple freighters and multiple fleets flying in so if you don't get fleets coming into your system just go to another system look for a three-star this one is a prosperous and tranquil so there's no conflict level the conflict is very low and it is a high economy so you can see we've got a fleet right over here we're gonna warp over there to it and this one is kind of always here and another one will be showing up in just a moment so if I can get it to show up while I'm over here then yeah they're all right next to each other now when you are shopping for frigates you go near them and you see the green thing pops up on them and that allows us to try to purchase the ships so when you come up to it the radio signals gonna come up at the bottom you open up your menu and talk to the dude and he's gonna offer to sell your ship can you take a look at it now let's look at what stats are important right and to know what the best stats are we need to know a little bit more about how frigates work now Dark Lord's Elric created this workbook the NMS frigate cheat sheet I messaged him on discord he said he worked on this for a couple months this was updated as of 2.33 so we're at 2.55 now I'm not sure if much of this has changed or not but I think the basics are still the same so we're gonna go over them of course we want to give special thanks to everybody he does Zane's world golden geek sword Kage a PC gaming lava lamp 64 action pants gaming and funny and these guys are the ones who figured this out bombs just telling you about it all of these links to their channel are here check them out these guys are amazing they do great content and they really really care about the no man's sky community and helping it flourish so hats off to these guys now there are I don't know I didn't count them like over 10 12 13 tabs here you can get as deep as you want to into this thing I'm not gonna show you how the hotdogs made I'm just gonna show you kind of where to get it alright so when you're shopping for frigates some notes in here I'm going to read to you guys looks may be deceiving as frigates can level up and it tells you that when you're looking at them they can level up a lot of people don't really realize what that means so they can level up a total of ten times and they can be upgraded up to s-class so you don't have to buy an s-class or pay to upgrade it it's gonna upgrade on its own as we go this is based on the number of expeditions a frigate has been on and 55 being the last level up so after 55 it's not going to increase levels anymore or stats also to note that some frigates you may come across may look good but they may not be able to level up to s-class be sure that you're aware of how many expeditions that has left and if it has enough levels to reach as class talks about the types of frigates here talks about fuel cost I'm honestly not that worried about fuel cost the information about the primary secondary and tertiary traits as well as negative traits here I'm not going to touch on all that kind of gives you a minimum price range that they have noticed how do you know what level your frigging is on so levels 0 through 10 so there's actually 11 levels there's there's it hasn't leveled yet in that's level zero which is zero to three expeditions four to seven is going to be the level 1 8 to 14 is level 2 and so on I'm not going to read them all to you so as it levels up its gonna get stats added to it I'm not going to get into this either that's more of how the hotdog is made you can look at the number of expeditions and know what level it's on so this is level 0 1 2 3 4 5 and so on so this is Dark Lord's minimum stat recommendation so this is his recommendation ok it's based on the information that he has gathered and months of studying this so I'm gonna go with it for the most part because I know he's smarter than me so if it is level 0 you want the minimum stat to be 20 okay if it's level 1 you want them at home stat to be 21 now this is easy to remember level 0 to 0 level 1 to 1 level 2 to 2 now it does change after that but I don't go much past level 2 so when you're at level 3 he bumps it up a little bit and bumps it up a few more times ok now he does not say don't ever buy a a B or S Class he tells you if you come across it you can look in here and determine whether or not it's worth it now I don't have this up all the time when I'm looking for ships so I try to kind of stick to the basics to the first couple levels and get stats that are higher than this now you will come across an S class and I actually did find one that was right here it was a level was that 5 and it had 33 points here so I did buy it even though I said you don't want to buy as classes that was the exception there you'll find those but I have definitely found C classes with 0 expeditions that had more points than s classes that cost three to four times as much so as far as how to put your frigate list together what sword recommends is he does eight combat eight explore seven trade and seven industrial he doesn't do any support and I get that and here's why the purpose of all of this is to get to a five-star rating on your mission okay so to get to a five-star rating you need to have a hundred and one points in the main category that you're looking at so if I've got five ships which is the most I can send that are a minimum of 20 points each I'm gonna get to a hundred if I have four ships and a support vessel the support vessels maybe gonna have five points in whatever stat you're looking for maybe six I don't know but you're gonna have to push yourself up the scale a while to get to it and honestly fuel is cheap if that's the only benefit I'm getting I'm not getting any stat boosts I'm not interested according to this this combination of eight combat eight explore seven trade and seven industrial will cover any variant variation of frigate missions to which I can send all five missions out with five star rankings the extra combat explorers are so I can use the explore to find ruins and the combat to help with pirates now if you're not interested in that maybe you pick up a support frigate or two that's that's that's your thing I don't really use the Explorers to search for ruins I have used the combat once in a while but I usually just don't even worry about it honestly if you get to of any mission and three balanced submissions in the five daily missions it's impossible to send all five out with five star rankings without this set up on frigates especially as you are upgrading them now as you upgrade them you'll be able to hit five stars with three frigates I was talking to KJ this morning and she showed me a screenshot of three ships with 117 total points so five stars three ships so as they level up you won't need as many to go with them and you can add extra stuff on there to get better goodies as they're coming back which golden ghek is all about the goodies shiny golden and storage but other than that I agree was stored I think I got it but just in case tell me the whole thing again I wasn't listening alright so let's review the max freighter you can get is thirty four storage plus nine tech now if you're not concerned about warp distance then I wouldn't be concerned about class I'd be concerned about what it looked like and how many storage slots it has you can reload as much as you want while you're trying to get the freighter but just make sure you pay attention to the value of your time versus the return you're getting on this freighter once you get your freighter you can build it out and you can have 30 frigates you can have five missions at a time with five frigates on each mission so you cannot send all your forgets out at once but to have the best chances you still probably want to have thirty all right so when picking frigates my concern is that I get the best return with the least amount of damage because I don't like fixing stuff and I like getting free goodies so if that's the point that I'm starting from what I want to do to get no damage is to have five stars that doesn't guarantee no damage but it's the most likely scenario to get you no damage so we want to go with five stars how do we get five stars well you want to have 101 points or more in the primary skill of the mission you're going out if it's an industrial mission you want to have over 101 points and industrial if it's a combat 101 in combat you get what I'm saying now if it's a balanced mission you want to have over 40 in each of the skill sets to get 5 stars if you have under 40 in one of the skill sets you won't have 5 stars all right what about getting the best loot well the best loot is not determined by the points the best loot is determined by the class of your ship so while your c-class can level up to an s-class the s-class will bring back more loot however if your s-class doesn't have enough points to get you over the hump then it's not going to be doing you any good in the no damage department so make sure you balance your points with your class to get the best loot always remembering they will level up over time the more missions you send them out on with the max level coming at mission number 55 look at your ships make sure your frigate can level up and choose appropriately I'm generally gonna pick a frigate that is at least 20 points in the main stat not including any bonus points that are in the same stat so if they all have 15 points regularly but if it has 5 points in the same thing so if it's a combat frigate and it has another bonus of 5 points in combat and that gives me 20 that's not what I'm looking for I'm looking for 20 points pure without the bonus stats in there it can include the 15 but not the bonus stats does that make sense I hope so and then I'm looking for three or fewer missions so that it's a level zero and then it would need to be 21 points if it has four to seven missions check the description below everything I've talked about is gonna be down there with links to everybody who had a part of this research as well as the actual document itself if you found this video useful please consider subscribing to my channel I find that about 89 percent of my viewers are not subscribed to my channel I'd love it if you would subscribe make comments down below let me know what you like what do you want to learn more about and Bob will go out and figure out how to do it and make a video for you guys I enjoyed this one it took a long time please smash that like button for me and thanks so much for all the new subs our channels growing like crazy and it's you guys who are doing it thank you so much for coming on this journey with us and remember if you're gonna be a bob have fun with it and if you're gonna shop for freighters that weight frigates yeah if you're gonna shop for frigates mm do it the right way don't see you next time
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 305,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky freighter, no mans sky frigate, Freighter guide no mans sky, no man's sky freighter, no man's sky frigate, no mans sky freighter guide, no mans sky frigate guide, no mans sky s class frigate, no mans sky freighter 2020, no mans sky freighter guide 2020, no mans sky beginner guide, how to get freighter in no mans sky, best freighter no mans sky, best frigate no mans sky, no mans sky, nmsb, 2020, freighter, freighter guide, nms freighter, no man's sky freighter battle
Id: 6hVTs6z6xGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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