No Man's Sky Exotic Ships Guide 2021: 🔥 How to Find S Class and Exotic Ships 🚀

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hey guys and welcome back to no man's sky this is survival bob and in this installment of our beginner's guide we are going to go over how to find the coolest ships we're going to show you how to find s-class ships we're going to show you how to find exotics how to find fighters explorers whatever it is you're looking for we're going to hunt ships we're going to find ships we're going to buy ships and we may even pimp one out who knows let's see so guys there's really two ways to do this one is early game when you don't have the glyphs and the other is when you do have the glyphs now if you've already got the glyphs and you want to jump right to the cool ships i was showing you i'll put a timestamp down below but if you guys are new or just kind of want to enjoy the hunt of the ship like i do sometimes come along with me and i'll show you kind of what we do now guys if you like what you've seen on my channel and you enjoy this video and it's helped you out added some value please subscribe to the channel hit that like button guys we've had a great journey the last couple months and we are on our way to 10 000 subscribers and i hope you'll be a part of it so the first thing you need to do is you need to understand where the ships spawn and what's the best chance of finding ships so everything in no man's sky is based on percentages and chances to get things chances for things to spawn so you're going to get more fighters spawning in viking systems you're going to get more explorers spawning in quarterback systems and you're going to get more haulers spawning in gek systems now you're going to be able to find all different classes of ships and types of ships in each one of those races systems however you'll just get more of the one based on what that race likes more now if you're looking for a higher class ship like an a or an s or something like that you want to go to a three star system three star economy that is now if you don't know how to search for economy you need an economy scanner go to the anomaly get an economy scanner and you search economies and you go find three star systems we'll do that here in just a sec the three star systems are going to have a higher chance of spawning a and s class than the lower tier systems now again i found good ships and exotics in uh two and one star systems that just have a lower chance of spawning so your best chance for spawning is going to be in a three-star system if you're looking for a fighter your best chance of finding a fighter that you want is going to be in a viking three-star system so let's start searching and let me show you kind of how i do it so i'm on the hunt for another fighter i've been digging fighters lately so let's find a viking system let's see if we can find a three-star one that's close here we go alright so one of the important things uh when you get to a system is to look at the colors okay if you're like me uh there's certain color combinations you just don't want to have anything to do with so as i fly into this viking system i'm kind of looking at the colors of the ships i'm going to see because they're going to be pretty much the same if i get some weird you know green and pink color combination or something that's not my thing i'm going somewhere else first place we're going is to the space station ship hunting uh takes some time guys okay uh so this is this is something that's one of the more chill things you're going to do you can do some scrapping while you're waiting i do that for sure just to kind of pass the time um you know jump in discord chat with your buddies uh if you don't have a discord check mine out links in the description but uh but yeah so i just you know chat with my buddies while i'm hunting ships and uh see what i can see what i can find sometimes i'll scrap some if i see something worth scrapping to earn a little nanites but uh not getting anything spawn in here if you don't get anything spawning just reload a lot of people think you should do this right from the get-go um you know if i can help it i don't want to all right so reloading your auto save should bring in a fresh wave of ships and give you an idea of what what we're working with in this system i've been to the system before i honestly just cannot remember what we got so let's see who's coming in you can see him coming in now please i see you out there get in here there we go there we go all right so yellow and red got a fighter another fighter and a shuttle we got some blue not seeing any that's an ugly grain yikes another fighter now what you see is kinda what you're gonna get you'll get the same ones in different classes coming in um but if you wait a wave or two you're gonna pretty much see everything you got nothing in here is it's super exciting to me at this point but uh we're gonna wait another wave or two and see what we get that's not horrible but it's really not what i'm looking for it's not my style not a fan of the big pointy thing there in most cases i think it works on uh on this one over here just because of the as the wings that it's got now at this point in my gameplay i'm not as worried about the uh storage or the uh i'm not as worried about the number of slots it has because i've got a bunch of upgrade augmentation storage augmentation upgrades that i can i can fix that no problem i'm really interested in what does it look like um love to have an a-class s-class uh but if i find a really awesome one uh that's a that's something else besides an s-class i'll i'll go ahead and get it and upgrade it i think i have a blood ton of nanites let me see yeah i got 122 000 nanites so it'd be fine i've also got uh 30 60 yeah 67 storage augmentation so i am not sweating that and if you don't know how to get that check out my night video where i get it all so as you may imagine this is kind of what it's like you may spend a couple hours doing this um if you don't you know pick one out online and go straight to it [Music] well that's not what we were looking for but kind of like it and it's already an s-class take a look at this maxed out need some more tech but see i like these fan haulers i really do kind of got the gooseneck though now i'm not gonna get it yeah thanks buddy next morning look at that look at that oh a blue squid is that no it's a white squid look blue coming in i'd like your squid please there you go give it give me give me yes freaking squid and bob love squids so give me this uh yeah do it all right and here's the glyphs for where i got this white squid i'll put them up go ahead and pause the video all right now let's use the glyphs and go find something else cool okay guys for this next step what we're gonna do is go find a ship with coordinates through a portal now if you don't know how to use a portal i've got a portal guide i will link in the description as well um but uh yeah you need the glyphs for this so i happen to have the no man's sky coordinate exchange reddit linked to my discord so i'm just in here kind of scrolling through looking for things uh if you haven't checked out my discord check it out guys we're over 500 members a lot of help in here and hey if you don't have um all the coordinates and you need a ride somewhere uh maybe some of the guys in my server can help you out uh as well i'm not saying bob's driving you okay bob's not running an uber service but there's a lot of folks in here that are hanging out helping people so uh let's see and nothing's grabbing me [Music] nope um you can go on the actual website and search uh wait what is this omg oh this looks cool all right so this is the actual no man's sky coordinate exchange it's linked from my reddit so we've got a blue and yellow t2 fighter droid long nose e-wing with box uh yeah it's the box back these are the wings it's got a droid it's got an r2 it's blue and yellow it's not really my color but it looks pretty sweet and i think i'm gonna get it just to make hawks jealous because uh that looks like something he would really want so uh we'll get it and uh hold it over his head and and laugh as he wants my ship but uh but yeah so let's go get it it's got the coordinates here so this was posted here uh what two days ago by cox aldi i don't know i'm bad at names but uh audi audi al day fox all day let's go with that wait a minute that clocks all day [Laughter] all right guys so anyway we're gonna go check this out you can click on this and get this blown up a little bit but he's blown up the glyphs he did a really good job posting this uh no comments i only got he's got three update votes now let's give him another one because hey bro thank you um we're gonna go get this and yeah so let's go now in order to get this ship we're gonna have to go to the eisentam galaxy so uh luckily i have been there a few times and have a few bases there so we're going to go ahead and filter this by not stations but bases and i've got two there so let's just go to this one here and uh go over there and find a portal and get the ship all right got our portal charge let's go ahead and put the glyphs in activate the portal whale and pp this is my favorite part looks so cool all right let's go see if we can find this bad boy all right let's see what's coming in that looks like a shuttle you guys seen this cool ship yeah you don't even talk to me are you all right oh is that it that's it that's it won't be a good class be a good class b-class oh yes this is it look at this thing um i'm gonna wait for an a oh here she is come on this is it this is it i'm at the point where if it's a b class i'm still going to buy it because i don't care but it's going to be an s thinking positive it's going to be an s-class slots i can't do it you know what we're gonna buy this i don't care if it's b class i can upgrade it i got stuff to do aha i that's all i had to do was commit to one and then the next one would show up trade you a b for an a how about that like a good deal right let me um do this for about now do that let's see what we got oh there we go oh i love the ship and hawks is going to be so jealous that's the best part what should we name it not space cheddar one there yeah that's it that's it right there uh not yo cheddar all right guys that's been fun uh let me show you a few of the uh cool ones i found on the no man's sky coordinate exchange reddit i'm gonna share these posts with you now so you can uh just see some other cool ships go check out the website on reddit or check out my discord as well for more information this one was posted by ash in veal i'm probably messing that up uh who was the member of the month actually looks like he's done a lot of great stuff on this so thanks so much for this all right and this one is a t3 fan hauler which is awesome looking this was posted 25 days ago by emma 78 who is a ship hunter specialist according to the no man's sky court in exchange thanks so much emma 78. wow i just had to include this one it's a red yellow and blue ball hauler and a viking tier 3 economy in euclid posted by can 209 just eight hours ago and if you're down with ronald mcdonald this one might be for you all right we gotta throw an explorer in here too this one is in a rich economy viking system in euclid as well found by sir nerd alotsky thank you your highness awesome find and we appreciate it all right let's finish things off with this exotic we found in euclid this was posted by xx incognito xx67 on the no man's sky warden exchange reddit about 20 hours ago thanks so much man we appreciate an awesome find all right guys that's going to do it for this episode i hope you enjoyed it i hope you learned something and i hope you're going to go out there and find some cool ships let me know what you find post some stuff in my discord or in the description down below let me know do you like to hunt ships yourself or do you want to just go find them on the cordon exchange and pop over and pick them up let me know guys if you enjoyed this video again hit that like button subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and uh yeah this is survival bomb saying if you're gonna be a bob have fun with it and uh if you're gonna hunt some ships uh get some cool ones right orange is the best get an orange one
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 491,333
Rating: 4.905251 out of 5
Keywords: exotic ship guide no man's sky, no man's sky exotic ships guide, no mans sky exotic ship guide, no mans sky how to find exotic ships, no man's sky s class exotic ship, no man's sky exotic ship, exotic ships no man's sky, exotic ships no mans sky, exotic ship, no man's sky s class ship, s class ship no mans sky, no mans sky s class ship, How to find s class ships in no man's sky, guaranteed s class exotic ship, s class ship no man's sky, ship, no man's sky, 2021, Guide, no, man's, sky
Id: bQ0soU4dvM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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