How to ski without the tail getting stuck | Common Beginner Skiing Mistakes

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hello and welcome back to another video in this series we're going to look at some common beginner mistakes and how to solve them today we're going to look at when the tail of that ski feels stuck or gets a bit heavy and stops us from turning and how we can help with that and so as I take off here what you might find is sometimes this tail feels like it gets stuck as I'm coming around here now I'm going but this this tail just doesn't want to let me turn as I come around here this just tail gets a bit stuck with this I find a lot of people get a bit stuck because they haven't shifted their weight from one foot to the other all it means is when I'm coming around the hill I'm kind of locked into the hill that's essentially like a red light when I want to go down the hill I've got to let my skis go a little bit and that's a green light but if you watch on the video you can see that if I keep my ski hanging on there I'm trying to both green light and red light at the same time which is why it feels a little bit strange so what I do to help me out if I'm standing on my right foot I think about moving more of me so my butt and my body I move that on top of my left foot so it can be as simple as just stepping up to the hill as you can see as I do this this right foot eventually comes off the snow that's plenty then to give me a green light to go down the hill we're going to try this moving across the hill cuz it does feel a little bit different so before I start any turns I'm just going to try this moving across the hill let's have a go what I'm thinking of is if my body is Twisted inside here I'm looking to recalibrate myself as I step up onto that left foot so let's give it to go as I slide so here I am I'm on my right foot as I come across what I'm looking to do is get most of me from my right foot up onto this left foot here I know I've been successful when my other ski comes off of the snow so I'm going to try it here the other way so I'm on my left foot I'm on my left foot here I recalibrate myself I get up onto my right foot and as you can see my left foot then came up into the air as I go if I take this into some turn turns all I'm going to do is commit to that foot and let the skis green light themselves down the hill so I'm coming here so essentially I'm red light now with this right foot I come up onto the left that gives me the green light to come around the corner with no worries so come around red light I come up recalibrate green light as I go red light to stop as I'm here right now the way I think about it this left leg here is my is my red light that's what's stopping me from sliding down that Hill there so what I want to do is I want to come off of that one recalibrate myself onto the green light which is my new outside ski so what that looks like as I'm sliding I come towards you here I'm on this red light here no no I'm not going down the hill when I want to go I recalibrate myself onto it and I come around so it's red light green light around red light gives me that control and keeps me going across the hill green light lets me go down the hill and around the corner to summarize I find moving from one foot to the other helps me release that ski so it doesn't get stuck as I'm skiing around the corner thank you for watching
Channel: SkiCoachingOnline
Views: 105,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to ski, how to ski steep slopes, how to ski parallel, how to ski powder, how to ski better, how to ski well, skiing in Switzerland, ski tips, skiing for beginners, skiing for intermediates, beginner skiing, skiing videos, skiing parallel turns, skiing technique, ski technique, improve my skiing, improve my skiing technique, skiing skills, improve my skiing skills, how do I ski, how do I learn to ski, learning to ski, skiing in control, ski with more control, ski fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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