Improve YOUR skiing in the MOGULS | How to ski MOGULS

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hi and welcome back this is Steve from ski coaching online and in this video we're going to look at how to ski Mogul if you've never skied them before or bumps um so this is good for if at the end of the day it gets a little bit chopped up and a little bit mogly on the on the ski home or if you see some bumps off the side the piece and you fancy a little go in there then this tip's for you let's check it out so the first step is here I find myself on the side of the past and there's a little bit of a ridge line um so the way I think about Moguls is that they're very small uh mountains so as we ski down the mountain um you've probably been told before that you need to turn back up the mountain to slow yourself down um and if you go down the mountain you're going to go a little bit faster so it's the same way then if um if we see the bump as a mini Mountain if I go up the bump that's essentially like me going up the hill and as I go down the back side of it that's like me going down the hill um so the tip is as you go up the bump you're going to be going up it on one foot um as you get to the top that's when you can then switch and go onto the other foot as you then come back down so for example as I ski this ridg line here I'm going up the hill on one foot and I go down the hill on the other so I'm going around here on my right foot and I switch to my left as I then come down um that that way then it enables me to get a little bit of grip on the back side so I can continue to ski with a little bit of control um if you find you come over the top and we switch a little bit late whoa then you might be able to see there that the ski then goes without you um as it starts to go down the hill a little bit faster um so keep that in mind and use the ridg line just like this here up on the left down on the right up on the right down on the left it just the important thing is is to swap feet so if you go up on one foot make sure you go down the back side on the other foot let's check it out in the bumps so here we are then off the side of the piece with some bumps so I've tried it now on the ridge line and I've made a couple of turns and I think I can link a few of those turns together whilst changing my feet as I go up and over that Ridge so essentially practicing going up the hill on one foot and down the hill on the other so what I'm going to do is give that a little try in these bumps so as I go down I come up on one foot down on the other so I go up on one foot down on the other up on one down on the other so it doesn't matter if you have a little bit of a slide in if you're sliding up on one foot you can slide down on another doesn't matter if you're kind of carving in and then trying to carve out the same thing goes each time I go up on one foot and down on the other so here I come the faster I go through them I might need to bend my legs a little bit um as I go up one and then extend as I go down the other but it's just important to remember to keep yourself balanced um on that outside foot as early as possible um that you go up one side on one foot and then come down the back side on the other foot that way then you can have a bit more control as you come down the backside as those skis are starting to go a little bit faster hey welcome back this is Steve from ski coach online in this video we're going to look at how we can ski some bumps a little bit smoother and get a little bit more speed control when we're in the bumps so essentially the fastest way down is in a straight line down the hill um so what we want to do is add a little bit of distance across the hill when we're skiing it so how that translates to the bumps is instead of sticking kind of in the in between the bumps and skiing in the troughs as we go down that's essentially if I had some water and I pulled it down that's where the water would flow what I want to try to do is try and go my feet somewhere near to where the peaks of the bumps are I don't need to ski over the top of the peak for example I don't need to stand here I can stand um here is fine but then when I go to the next bump I want to see if I can come around and then ski towards or in line with the peak of the next bump so what that looks like when we're skiing is a little bit like this so I'm skiing down I find this p Peak find this peak this peak this peak this peak Peak to Peak peek to peek to peek to peek to peek to peek to peek to Peak as we go that way then it's a little bit easier for me to get a bit more side to side if I was to just ski down without going Peak to Peak I can keep my ski kind of in between the bumps here you would just end up hitting bump bump and and then you can see there's not much for me to do here in terms of trying to slow down apart from skidding and hitting the bump kind of with my skis going to the side which is a little bit difficult whereas if I can come peak to Peak what I can do then is I give myself a little bit of space for example here I'm On One Peak if I can then come across I come all the way across I can ski then around to the next one and it gives me a bit of space then to allow my skis to turn without getting caught up in the holes as I'm skiing so for example as I come around here I go to one Peak I come around to next Peak peek peek peek PE peek peek peek as I go hello and welcome back this is Steve from ski coach online and in this video just a quick one on how to improve your Mogul skiing a little drill that we're going to look at so let's have a little look at the S slip drill um where we need to be when we're doing it and then we'll take it into the bumps make sure we're actually taking what we need to and applying it into our Mogul GE let's have a look when we doing that side slip what I find is a lot of people focus on the flattening of the skis which is cool cuz then that can help us to slide down the hill like this what I want to look at though is I want us to slide for a second and then I want us to actually engage our edges when we're doing this I want us to feel where we are standing on our foot okay if I just side slip down here and I'm kind of on the front of my feet on the hole of my foot all good sometimes you can do it and the foot can actually get stuck behind you like this um where the issue is then if I take that into the bumps and I hit a bump really hard it's going to be hard for me to actually move this leg and to bend it if I'm coming down here and I'm doing a bit of a side slip okay I can feel the front of my boot for sure but I can also feel my heel so that then when I stop here I've got space and room and I actually have access to move my legs so the intention is when I'm doing my side slip here okay I can slide sideways but as I start to tip those skis up onto their edges to come to a stop I'm not worried about moving forward or backwards I'm just thinking about tipping the skis over I'm just aware of where I'm feeling on my foot so I actually feel it just ever so slightly in front of my heel so when you're practicing this side slip nice flat skis rolling the skis flat using your feet and your legs as you roll them up onto their Edge and they bite just see where you're feeling okay along the length of your foot once you've practiced it both sides so with your downhill ski being your left foot and your downhill ski being your right foot what we want us to do is pop it together so as we go down here I'm going to have a slide my left foot being here as I start to tune up pull my skis up onto the edge I feel just in front of my heel great now let's go the other way okay so I have a little bit of a side slip just roll those skis up okay feel just in front of my heel on my right foot cool now what we're going to do is I'm not going to stop this time I just tune into the feeling of side slip roll it up feel just in front of my heel what this is doing is just tuning me into where I'm standing on that outside foot as I now start to link them together it starts to get me going I can link some turns together now feeling the outside foot and where more importantly I'm feeling on that outside foot so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go take that into the bumps or to be be truthful just to the side of the bumps um so that way then I can have a practice of this sliding in more of a short style turn get the tempo right before I then take it into the bumps on the right hand side of this slope there's uh some bumps and on the left it it's kind of bumped up but not really it feels more like the past um the ground is a little bit soft we had a bit of snow last night and the wind has kind of moved it around so there is as you can see underneath my skis there is a little bit of fresh going on um but this is still okay for me to transition from the piece to the off piece to the bumps I'm just thinking again of that side slip or a little bit slippy and then just as I come to the end of the turn I'm just going to roll those skis up okay I'm going to feel what it's like and where I am um along the length of my foot so just in front of the heel that's so that when I go into the bumps and I hit them and I bend my legs that my foot doesn't get stuck and it actually will keep the ski moving and so I can have a little bit of flow in my bump skiing as well so as I go down here I'm going to have a little play there we are so I have a bit of a spin roll my skis up onto the side there's actually some bumps here that I can practice it with so that way then when I'm doing it I feel just in front of my heel cool and I'm having a very kind of quick slide I'm not looking for heaps of grip I'm just tuning into balancing on that outside foot and when I do start to roll them over that I'm rolling it over whilst being connected just in front of that heel so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to step kind of one my right foot into the bump and then my left foot not in the bump just so I get the feeling of um the timing of it of when I'm going to hit hit that bump is when I start to kind of roll that foot over um and I'm going to just be in contact with just in front of my in front of my heel so it looks a little bit like this I come around we right foot on left foot no right foot on a fo KN so what I'm doing here is I'm just tuning into that feeling of when I land on a bum let me get over to a bump so you can have a look cool so as I'm here okay my right foot is touching this bump here um and what I want to make sure is that as I hit it I'm hitting it and I feel connected just in front of my heel okay what that'll do that will allow me space to bend my leg so that if I go a bit faster boom and I bang into it quite hard then I can bend that leg and it my foot won't get stuck I know we've all had that feeling before where the skiing in the bumps moving really fast then your feet like feel like they get stuck or caught up on a bump um so if you have a play with this go in and out of the bumps and you'll get a feeling for okay I hit the bump for sure but my ski doesn't die and it doesn't stop okay I'll show you I'll give you a demo of if I hit the bump my foot's way behind me like the that it's kind of not worth snapping my leg for a YouTube video but there we are so if I get if I hit a bu here like this my balance right now is just in front of my toe piece and what that'll do is it means it my foot will will stop and I get caught back this is one of those ones where if you ever get that feeling that you keep getting bucked over the front when you're skiing in the bumps and that's that's kind of that could be one of the things that's happening so as we're sliding down here I've got that feeling of okay I'm on my heel we I can bend my leg and then that ski there then doesn't get stuck and doesn't get caught back okay let's go up and have a look at it I'll go and ski those bumps we'll see if we can see it in action when we're actually in the bumps there here I am in the bumps um so you can see here the kind of feeling I'm going to have is if I hit this bump here I'm just just in front of my heel that way then um my ski are free to keep going where they want to go if I get caught back here as you can see my tail could get caught up um and my my foot will get stuck behind me so I won't be able to absorb or do any of that good stuff so let's give it a go here I was holding this camera cool so you can see there that when I hit if I land hard boom if I land here then I've got loads of space if I wanted to I could have absorb that much so that way then I'm not going to get caught up my feet aren't going to get stuck and I'm not going to get bucked over the front like that what will happen is I can then start to use how I how quickly or slowly I absorb my legs or bend my legs to control my descent down the hill okay you can also use how strongly you edge set or how you side slip down the bumps to control your speed as well that one gets a little bit more difficult when you you start to go a bit faster cuz if you haven't quite got it right and you tip those skis over they might move you somewhere where you don't want to go um so sometimes having a bit of a flatter ski sliding into the bump and using absorption is a bit easier to do when you start to go a bit faster anyway let me know how it goes give this a try um and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: SkiCoachingOnline
Views: 4,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to ski, how to ski steep slopes, how to ski powder, how to ski well, ski tips, skiing for beginners, skiing for intermediates, beginner skiing, skiing videos, skiing parallel turns, improve my skiing, improve my skiing technique, skiing skills, improve my skiing skills, how do I ski, skiing in control, ski with more control, how to ski with flow, skiing controlling speed on steep slopes, how to look like a pro skier, Ski drills for intermediate skier
Id: kokHANIM1Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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