How to Ski Black Runs

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for someone who says that they're  never going to be able to ski a   black run my answer to them would be  that's not true and it just takes time   and some effort and practice and  someone to kind of show you the way so few things that can be really  intimidating about skiing black runs   and people can get a little fearful of is  the steepness as well as bumps there's also   trees there could be some rocks there's some  gullies there's some break overs there's lots   of different more natural features to  manage after you you go through today's   lesson I think you'll find that you're going  to feel a lot more comfortable in the bumps   a little more confident especially with lots  of practice and you'll also be able to start   looking at black runs and runs with obstacles  and look at them through different lens where   where there are some tools to help you start  a turn and not just obstacles and things to go around so here we are at the face of Olly  in Aspen and this is a steep black run uh   it's groomed and it's a great intro into skiing  black runs and working on steep terrain because   it's fairly short so there's not a whole  lot of commitment we're not skiing a big   long run um and it's we're going to get  into some tips and some tactics on how to   move forward on some steep runs when you  are back or you're standing too straight   you're not perpendicular to the slope  of the Hill it becomes much harder to   direct pressure to the front of the ski to  engage the tip of the ski and start the turn so when you're really gripped one of the things  that you can use is a stem turn or a step turn   and that's simply taking the ski and picking it  up and placing it almost into the fall line so   as you can see here my skis went from parallel  and I've picked it up and I've placed it down   in the fall line and basically you've cut off  the first part of the turn and all you really   have to do is finish the second half of the  turn and that should give you a sense of some   confidence and stability and as I step onto it  though I want to make sure that I'm trying to   move forward and be perpendicular to the  slope of the hill and not just sit right   back onto the Tails of my skis cuz that's not  going to be very effective for us so here we   go we're going to ski down and I'm going  to step that ski out step it out step it out so that's just a quick little thing to use  when you get really intimidated on a pitch and   basically you can't think of anything else but  how steep it is and how are you going to get   around that's always a safety turn to make  and so now once you've gotten a little bit   of confidence doing that I've got a couple other  tips to share with you that's going to help keep   both skis in a parallel relationship as we move  down the hill and still work on moving forward   and controlling our speed so another thing to  try when you're on a steep hill is what's call   the patience turn and this is where we can  start in a parallel relationship and we're   going to move forward onto the ski until the  ski starts to creep its way down the hill and   so this is going to give us a little bit more  flow a little bit more connectedness but still   relatively safe right we're not jumping straight  into making ripping carving turns down here on a   black run so as I'm standing here on the slope  I'm going to drive forward onto my boots wait   for the ski to start slipping and then finish  the turn and then same here on the other side   move forward the ski starts to move and bring  it around and see if we can start to connect them so we've gone over a couple different  ways to help us manage steepness and terrain   and moving forward on our skis to be more  perpendicular on the hill now we're going   to use the carve fora monitor to help check  in and see how we're doing so as a practice   run we're going to use the Monitor and it's going  to tell us how we're doing as we get forward over   the skis and ideally the monitor is measuring  from 0 to 100 basically zero being as far back   on your Tails heels as you can get and 100 being  all the way far forward is almost hanging up on   the front of the skis and 0er and 100 are we're  going to to be virtually impossible to achieve   so our Target ratio is between 45 and 60 so  when I'm skiing down the hill here I'm going   to listen for the monitor with my headphones  and I'm shooting for 45 to 60 if you really   want to push yourself find a run that goes from  steep to Flat to steep to flat and it's going   to be really challenging to adjust your fora  movements to match the slope of the hill and   be perpendicular 46 50 52 45 50 so now I'm on the  splatter pitch 47 pretty mow don't have to work so   hard still hitting right in the range of where  I want to be between 45 and 60 and I'm coming   up to a roller and I'm going to have to make  an adjustment as the terrain changes here in   about one turn here I go 59 57 46 50 and another  change6 55 51 53 the 4 a monitor is a great tool   to practice using on steep runs just to measure  how well you're moving forward onto the ski or not so most runs are smooth groomed this one isn't  this one is really bumpy and so the next tip that   we're going to go into is how to ski some bumps  right some tactics for the bumps and one of the   common mistakes that people do because they have  apprehension in the bumps is they lock out their   downhill outside leg and that causes some chatter  it also ends up pushing them uphill when they're   trying to move down the hill so uh little tip  you can do this at home um you can jump off uh   a box at home your coffee table down a step or  whatever but the idea here is that you want to   jump and when you land do you notice that my legs  Bend when I land I'm absorbing the impact I don't   want to land with my legs straight it's jarring so  as we ski down the bumps we want more of this nice   soft Bend to absorb the terrain that's underneath  us so doing this static exercise in your living   room or here outside on the slope is a good way  to just mimic exactly what's happening in the bump   that you're going from a a compressed position  into an extension into a compressed position   and extension and you're trying to be as soft and  quiet as possible and not rigid and jarring your   way down the hill so we know what we need to do so  we're going to go through a little exercise that's   going to help us get better at it and it's  a retraction extension pivot slip so here we go I'm going to start off retracted and I'm   going to extend as I pip at my  feet finish the turn retracted extend you see I'm getting quite  flexed as I do this exercise and   allowing my feet to then extend  pretending I'm on the back side of a bump so we've learned how to do retraction pivot  slips and now we can challenge ourselves by going   into the carve app and going into the pivot  slip training mode and seeing how many levels   we can get through using this retraction pivot  slip and when you've gone through a few levels   feel free to to bring it back into the bumps  and see if you can feel more comfortable and   confident in there and remember the idea in this  is increasing the amount of flexion through your legs so as you guys can see over my shoulder  there's a selection of black runs which we'll   ski here together in a minute but one thing I  wanted to bring up before we jump in there is   this notion of adaptability being able to change  and make a variety of turn shapes and sizes as   we ski down as opposed to holding to one type  of turn or one shape of turn or one size of our   turn as we ski these runs there's a variety  of obstacles in our path there's going to be   some trees there's going to be some gullies  there going to be some high Banks there may   be some big bumps small bumps irregular shaped  bumps gullies and so the idea is is to be able   to have a variety of turn shapes and sizes so  that we can adjust and manage the obstacles as   we go down the hill standing up here and looking  down can be really intimidating right like we're   looking at the length of the Gully we're looking  at sort of obstacles a good way to start looking   at the terrain is where can I possibly like  start my turn where can things be easier and   here up here to start your first turn something  that might come in handy is that step turn that   we talked about sometimes we just need need  momentum to get going and things start to flow   down the mountain a little bit easier and so  that stem or step turn that we worked on was   great or even a patient turn to start um and once  we get moving we start to scan the terrain and we   can look for opportunities to make those turns  happen easier so skiing runs like this require   to be very focused and you're constantly looking  and scanning ahead of you and making decisions on   where to make your turn where where to shift your  line to rather than just looking at the trees and   staying below like I can already see behind me  that there's a couple little bare spots over   there like I don't want to go over there as I'm  looking over here there's going to be some spots   and my decision- making is going to just keep  changing as I look down the run and figure out   what's going to be the smoothest and most fun line  for me to make so here I've got a big steep pick   I'm going to tighten up my turn for a couple bits  here and now I might actually do a couple little   short ones and now I might take one longer one  come out over to the side cuz those look gnarly   check take this one nice and wide cut in half  couple little short turns in the mix to keep   the speed under control another long one another  long one cuz they're fun and I'm using the tops to   kind of start my turn here I go just varing some  lines to where I think is going to be easy and fun thank you so much for following along into the  intro to Black runs I really hope you enjoyed   some of the stuff that we talked about today  and just to wrap up a little bit so one of the   first things that we talked about was moving  forward um and that helps to match our body to   the slope of the Hill being perpendicular  next thing we kind of talked about was uh   bringing in some more flexion into our legs as  we start to attack some of the bumps and Mogul   that we encounter on black runs and lastly  working on versatility and adaptability and   being able to ski a variety of turn shapes  and sizes so that that we can avoid some   bumps trees rocks and pick certain areas  on the slope you know that might be easier   for us to start a turn and if you go out and  practice them you will feel more confident and   more comfortable on black runs and skiing runs  like one we're about to go down is going to be enjoyable
Channel: Carv - Digital Ski Coach
Views: 659,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skiing, ski, skiseason, control, how to ski, ski tips, ski instructor, get carv, carv digital ski coach, balance, snow, ski tutorial, skiing black runs, advanced skiing, aspen, skiingUSA, ski trip
Id: CzJNhl2lhdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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