5 Tips on How to Teach Yourself How to Ski Better

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g'day wonderful skiers in this video we're going to learn how we can teach ourselves how to carve better this video is based on my experience both as a ski instructor and freestyle coach these are some methods that has worked for me to become pretty decent in the park and i'm using it on myself at the moment to hopefully pass level ski instructor exam sometime in the next year we'll see it might take a while i'm not quite at that level yet we're gonna look at a couple of drills feelings how to analyze a video and yeah quite a few tips let's get started [Music] the first step you know to be able to teach yourself how to ski better you first have to learn what good skiing looks like so you know what to strive for this was true for myself with freestyle skiing i was watching the pros all the time how they were doing it and trying to imitate that good carving looks something like this first of all he's leaving clean cuts into the snow while maintaining stable speed so it's not speeding up or slowing down and the edging is nice and gradually increasing and then decreasing at the end of the turns there is no steering at all of the skis they are just following those cleaned contracts in the snow if you look at the posture looks nice and natural the movements are smooth there are a rather large range of motion just looks brilliant and the balance from side to side and for and off is looking wonderful learning by yourself is great but you might hit a plateau then you can join one of our ski technique camps see that once you know what good skiing looks like you need to know how to analyze your own ski in relationship to that good ski performance i really like how the basic ski instructor association has a nice model for this with splitted in outcomes and inputs and the outcomes are things like is the skier maintaining control of the line in a nice way yes or no and then you ask yourself why same thing for the next part is a person maintaining or controlling the speed nicely yes or no if no why and then you look at the inputs the first type of input is steering elements we often like to look at rotation of the skis yes or no or why and then edge like how much is it doing it smoothly in unison etc is it good is it bad if it's bad why why why is it good for example last one is pressure there it's kind of hard to see it so i'm kind of better to feel it it's quite difficult you can see that something can get a little bit squashed the last part of the steering element or or like the input is body management and there are things like posture and you know good posture like a sporty person ready to catch a football inside of the goal for example next one is balance is the person having nice balance sideways or also back and forth yes or no if it's no always ask yourself why and then the last one is how it is so quickly posture it's movement yeah and movement you can look at things like how large is the range of motion is the person really moving enough is the accuracy good of these movements for example so that's a way of analyzing some skiing and let's look at my turns now first thing we're going to do is look at the outcomes is the skier in control of the speed yes totally control of the line yes to that too we can see that the line the radius of the turns is pretty short things because of the skis compared to tom's skiing here he's got much larger radius skis and he's really in control of that line he's shortening the radius thanks to his good skiing and after you looked at the outcomes you can look at the steering elements and also here do one by one first we look at the rotation clearly no rotation on neither tom or my skiing and the edging tom's edging is much higher higher edge angle than mine and he manages to pressure really nicely even better well better than me totally everything's better than my skiing and in the body management that's where i think you can see the biggest difference between tomski and mine on the movements he's got a larger range of motion as he's getting that hip almost all the way down to the snow his transitions are also a little bit lower than mine and it just looks so nice and accurate i wish to ski this nice soon the next little tip for you is to stay motivated by tracking your progress this is where doing this is create a little folder on your computer called video analysis maybe yeah you just save all videos of yourself when you're out skiing if you have someone to film you so that you can look back at it later and laugh just like i'm gonna do now look at this fool skiing powder here ah gross sloppy off just staring with the upper body that's how i used to ski not proud of it but um you know an expert is someone who did all the mistakes like in this video all the mistakes are shown it's bouncy rotating the whole upper body it's wonky sideways ah gross too but i am getting better and hopefully one day in the next year so i'll pass the highest level ski instructor exam but you know i gotta ski much better than that but using video you can track some key metrics like how high edge angles you're getting how tight radius turns you can make which is cool and how dynamic they look you can see a lot of things another way i like to track key metrics is using carb so nowadays when i go training for that lawful ski instructor exam i put it in my boots and i go for a ride and today i said on the first round carlos i need a warm-up run because i've not used these skis i've been on park skis or free red skis for for the last weeks i think and yeah that didn't go so well you weren't recording were yeah i don't think i got it oh that's good oh it's embarrassing what are you doing with your camera this is a moment of weakness obviously that flawless you know attracted key metric outside ski pressure it wasn't enough it was 61 so now on this run i'm going to push that 61 up to 80 85 maybe let's go for a spin let's nail that out just keep pressure this time [Music] ah hey also me at 68 percent yeah let's try again [Music] [Applause] [Music] see how that was oh it says great job you improved your focus areas today started to turn now it says keep pressure went up oh nice the pressure went up a little bit happy about that feels like i'm in a much stronger position but i'm not going to fall over on the inside note yourself i'm better than that another key metric i like to keep an eye on is my four and a half balance something i still cannot stock at and this is what i monitor for that i'm moving forward at the beginning of the turn in the middle i stand in the middle of the foot basically at the end i move a little bit off so it's forward middle off and i find it tricky so that's why i'm measuring this metric a drill for you to work on your pressure and posture is the four button drill or whatever you want to call it that's a turn one third into the turn imagine there's a button that you want to really press down with the front of your feet so from the transition you're a little heel you move forwards and you like want to hit that pressure point right there so now i'm just thinking about a little four but then i'm like press it and under here press it and then relax press it yeah simple if that's too easy for you why not spice it up with some one leg skiing trying more or less the same thing four backwards forward middle backwards forwards middle backwards exciting time another key metric i like to look at is edge angle and i see there's a bit of a measurement on how much effort i put in and also how much accuracy i have when i have a pretty good run i might have like 67 today and then i could make it bigger by just blasting down the steep run here and i had to put in a fair bit of effort and then i would get that edge angle up but also when i get it up i usually lose some accuracy and some other scores tend to go down you need to practice more so all of these metrics are staying up high if you notice that your edge angle for example is a bit too low you can try the following drill that you're on a pretty flat slope pin it with speed and try to do some aggressive turns really try to maximize that edge angle just for a few turns and have a rest and you can try it again and i'm going to do a couple of turns with a lot of effort it's a little bit too flat here to be honest but you get the point right better skiing is not just better it's different and it's going to feel a lot different it's very common that people rely on old comfortable feelings that are not going to bring you to the next level so now i'm going to show you three different levels of feelings you can search for depending on how skilled you are the most basic sensation is a feeling of that pure carb cutting across the slope you'll notice that if you're skidding it'll be loud and when you're carving it's so quiet [Music] really feel for when the skis are purely carving through that snow and now the second level of carving is the a gentle build of pressure on one leg and then gentle release of pressure and feel how the pressure moves on to the new outside leg just like this that feels good i like it this is healthy both eggs just skis equally also give a bit more pressure on the outside leg [Music] and for this video the third and the most advanced feelings to search for is that rocking motion of for and aft so basically you finish a turn well not that oft but here i can stand on my whole foot without hanging off the back of the boot but clearly aft so i'm finishing a turn here to make the tails grip and then i have to go from the most off position to the most forward position where the feet are more under my body like already one third into the turn and then gradually put the pressure on the middle of the foot then the heel again and then repeat that rocking motion is quite tricky heel toes middle heel toes middle quite tricky i'm still working on it it's hard for me so depending on your video analysis use your imagination to find drills that can fix your issue perhaps if you do the drill correct so for example you're a little bit backseated maybe try to do some one leg skiing it's almost impossible to do if you don't have nice posture first and that's going to give you nicer balance and the drill is going to challenge your balance onto the outside leg this is the most important part of the video that you get that analyze yourself and compare it to your ideal skiing here you can see that he's got way more edge angle than me and that's connected to his movements after transition that he's really laying it in letting them skis jet away from him you're going to analyze your own skiing do you have a posture issue use your creativity to come up with a solution to fix it and i'm sure it can get better and you can also change the entire steering and body management by changing your control of line for example with a funnel drill the standard funnel looks like that you start with big terms and then you make tighter and tighter carb turns for example another one you could do is reverse funnel start with big turn no i mean small turns and then make them bigger and bigger try to keep it nice and fluid as you do it play around with it see how many finals you can do last thing about these drills play around with it all go from doing actual drills to just focus on a sensation in the turn and i think you can develop your skiing quite a lot it's a good time thank you for watching and maybe join one of our ski technique over there or learn more about skiing here see in the next one give it a little like maybe subscribe ciao for now
Channel: Stomp It Tutorials
Views: 191,581
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Keywords: how to ski, how to ski better, how to carve on skis, better carving on skis, how to teach yourself skiing, ski technique, skiing how to, carve skiing, ski tips, beginner ski technique, learn how to ski, expert skiing, ski technique videos, ski carving exercises, ski drills, como esquiar, skidåkning, skifahren, горные лыжи, как кататься на лыжах, スキー, 如何滑雪, 滑雪
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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