How do I control my turns when skiing? | Common Beginner Mistakes and how to fix them.

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hello and welcome back this is Steve from ski coaching online and this series we're looking at some common beginner mistakes and how to fix [Music] them today we're going to look at when we're trying to do our snowplow turns and that outside ski feels like it's locked on and taking us somewhere that we don't want to go let's have a look so I take off I'm pretty comfy gliding here as I start to turn all of a sudden I feel like I'm locked in and I'm just going off to the side where I don't want to go so I'm coming around here I try and go this way now but when I'm going I feel like oh I I'm just locked on so with this one a common mistake is that people try to get too much Edge as they go and it makes sense I want to get that grip but what happens if I get all this edge here I can't actually articulate my feet and my ski where I want them to go so I'm not trying to balance against the ski here what I'm looking to do a bit more of is balance on top of it so what that feels for me is that my foot here is actually a little bit flatter than I think it needs to be that way then I can guide my toes where I want to go so as we go down the hill all I'm looking for is if this boot was full of hot chocolate instead of trying to pour it all out at once I try and pull the tiniest amount I can while still being able to point my toes where I'm going let's do a couple of turns down here and we'll show you what that looks like so as I come here it's the difference between okay I need loads of grip but hang on I'm stuck now and then I kind of come up here I need loads of grip I'm I'm oh I'm trying to go against the ski and I'm a bit stuck so instead of that with that boot I pour hot chocolate a little bit but I can still guide my toe where I'd like to go so with this left one now I pour it over a little bit and that's plenty and I can still guide my skis over that way the right one I can still point my skis as I go so you can see here I'm much more on top of my skis than balancing against them and this gives me that little bit extra control when I'm gliding around turns great so with that one just remember that I'm not trying to balance against the skis I'm trying to balance on top of them that gives me a little bit more control then and I don't feel like I'm locked on to the side thank you for watching
Channel: SkiCoachingOnline
Views: 117,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to ski, how to ski steep slopes, how to ski parallel, how to ski powder, how to ski better, how to ski well, skiing in Switzerland, ski tips, skiing for beginners, skiing for intermediates, beginner skiing, skiing videos, skiing parallel turns, skiing technique, ski technique, improve my skiing, improve my skiing technique, skiing skills, improve my skiing skills, how do I ski, how do I learn to ski, learning to ski, skiing in control, ski with more control, ski fun
Id: FvMpcVu0O_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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