5 ways to stop on skis FOR BEGINNERS

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in this video I'm going to share five ways to stop on skis for beginners that can help make skiing a much more safe and great experience for [Music] you the first way to stop for Fe what I like to call the snowplow to stop let's go on to slope and I'll show you how to do [Music] it the snowplow technique on skis is this position where your skis form a triangle just like a snowplow or a pizza slice the wide base of support makes it easy to balance and gives you lots of stability the snowplow position allow you to control how fast you're going and you can make nice turns at very slow speeds this makes it a great technique when you're new to skiing the snow plow only works well if the terrain is not too steep so make sure you choose an almost flat slope start out standing still in a snowplow position with your heels out wide and your toes pointing inwards to start skiing and go faster just pull your feet closer together to go slower push your heels out and make the snow plow wider keep making the snow plow wider and you'll come to a full stop there are two important things that I see many people don't do but you need to be aware of to be successful with the plow stop and the first is having your skis wide enough so if you have a look at my skis here I want to have them really wide here but the ski tips one or two hands uh close to to each other here but the the tail of the skis needs to go out wide enough so as soon as I start to ski I need to have them wide enough in order to work the second thing you need to be aware of is to get into a white snowplow early so as soon as you start to Glide get into your to your white snowf plow get into your white snowf plow as soon soon as you start to Glide if you wait too long and the speed picks up too much it gets more and more difficult to get back into a wi snow plow and control your [Music] speed standing in the snowf plow to stop Position will be tiresome at some point so what I suggest you do is that you shift your weight from foot to foot and what that will do is that you'll have more pressure on one foot and and the other leg will be resting a little bit so pressure on this one resting on the other one so let me show you how to do it as you're gliding forwards in your white snow plow controlling your speed you can start to shift your weight from one foot to the other and that'll give you relaxing leg a little bit of rest and the good thing about this is that you'll start start turning the key here is to maintain your snowplow position while you shift your weight from foot to foot don't push on the ski to create pressure but simply balance on one foot more than the other bend your outside legs slightly through the turn to help you move your weight more towards that side once you get the Rhythm it almost feels like a pedaling movement and you can continue doing this pedaling movement with more and more emphasis until you come to a Full [Music] Stop So this leads me to the Third Way of stopping on skis which is by turning so now you're not only controlling how fast you're going but also where you're going which is pretty important on skis right just like the second way to stop on skis in this video You're shifting your balance from foot to foot but now you also guide the way you're going by gradually pointing your foot in the direction you want to go you can imagine that you're drawing a c-shape with your foot to create a nice round [Music] turn so as I'm turning here I take a little bit of speed off in each turn so that way I control my speed and I can even come to a full stop if I want to before we get into the fourth way of stopping on skis I want to give you something extra to help you succeed on your skiing Journey these five ways of stopping on skis I present in this video they're all great but they work a lot better if you have a good balanced athletic stance on your skis that's why I've created how to ski guide in a PDF format so you can bring it onto the slopes with you that shows you the basics of balance on skis that's going to make a huge difference in your skiing just follow the link in the description type in your email and I'll send you the guide for free as my gift to you now let's jump back into the fourth way of stubbing on skis for [Music] beginners so once you start linking your turns you may experience at some point that the speed increases and you start losing control so there's one simple tip that can help you overcome that and that is to continue your turn for longer if you continue your turn turn turn turn turn turn eventually you'll start going uphill and you'll come to a full stop if your speed picks up a little bit too much when you're turning you can simply keep on turning and you'll go uphill and eventually come to a stop so I'll show you to the other side as well so you ski down here and you keep turning and come to a full stop to make your uphill plow turn work effectively you should make it gradually first aim to go across the hill and then simply continue the ark until you go uphill and come to a full stop when you continue the ark the pressure will build up through the turn so be prepared to stay strong on your downhill [Music] ski so I got a fifth way for you to control your speed that will help you come from a more plow position into a more parallel position and that will help you control your speed and come to a full stop when the terrain gets a bit steeper so as you turn just continue turning put your weight here and soon as you feel light on the uphill leg you can let it come into a parallel position just like that and comes to a full stop so let's try it again here turn move into a parallel position before you can move it in to the parallel position you need to have all your weight on your downhill ski in this case so I'll show you one more time here I start turning all my weight here and I can let the other one come in in a parallel position this parallel position is a much stronger and more comfortable position than the snowflower position so once you master this snow plow to parallel technique skiing steer terrain becomes much easier and soon you'll be ready for the hugy Stop which we have made an entire video about so you can learn this technique too and that will open up even more of the mountain for you so there you have it five ways to St on skis for beginners now it's time to subscribe to the channel and hit the [Music] [Applause] slopes
Channel: Inspirational Skiing
Views: 94,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beginner skiing, How to stop on skis, Ski technique
Id: QXb9h8M2nys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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