1 DAY CARVING TRANSFORMATION | 2 Drills to improve your Ski:IQ™ with Tom Waddington

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Today we're here to look at  your average intermediate skier,   what we want to do today, is to help that skier   to learn how to Carve and ultimately get a  better ski performance, and have more fun. Hey everybody, my name is Tom Waddington, I'm  a BASI trainer and British demo team member. So we've looked at the data, we've crunched  the numbers, and only 12% of Carv users   can make those really advanced, accurate  Carving turns, with a Ski:IQ™ of over 135. So today we've been out and  we've found the perfect skier,   who can do parallel turns, can ski the whole  mountain, and um, here is, come on in Aidan. So we're going to go skiing with Aidan now,  we're going to have a little look at his skiing,   we're going to analyze that, look at the  Carv data, and give him some tips and drills   to really help him smash through his plateaus  and take his carving to the next level. Okay, we've had a look at the Carv  data, and Aidan's SKi:IQ™ is 126,   so it's around that intermediate piste  skier who's not quite yet fully carving,   he has a narrow stance which means he, often  loses his base of support, he is actually   not using his lower legs to ski and create edge  angle, he's just leaning with his upper body   into the turn which means the edge angel comes  late. he often allows his hip to fall back over   the backs of the skis, and it kinda stays there,  so that means that he doesn't have access to   the front of his boots and therefore,  to the shovels, which is going to affect   his outside ski pressure, especially at the  top of the turn, which means it's harder to   balance at the top of the turn and it's harder  to roll onto an edge to create a platform. Okay, there are three areas that Aidan  can improve his score and, these are   early edging in the turn, overall edging, and  outside pressure, if we can improve these things,   Aidans going to get higher Ski:IQ™ and  his carvings going to look way better. So let's go jump into these tips and  drills to improve Aidan's skiing. So, the point of the turn that we really want to  focus on at the moment with you is the tip of the   turn, and building a better platform and more edge  angle, that's what you're lacking in your skiing,   so what I want you to do, its actually just  practice skiing from the feet upwards, we are   going to get into a little bit of a drill for you  to practice, which is just looking at foot roll,   where we're going to. to roll onto an edge, roll  onto a flat ski, and then roll back onto an edge,   so just getting your lower joins working together  and practicing going onto an edge, so just   going across the hill, make sure you are looking  up for safety, just look at rolling onto edges,   and then rolling off, and we should make  these little C shapes as we are going along,   so picking up a little bit of speed, we're  going to roll onto and edge, roll off. Okay, and a good thing to do is actually look  back at your tracks, and you can see your edge,   your stance width, which is another thing we're  going to work on with you, and look at how well   you've rolled onto both edges, so I'm just going  to watch you now, have a little lookup first. So Aidan, You see here where it's not that clean,   you can see here, and you can see  here, where it's scrubbed a little bit.  That's because you are actually rushing in with  your inside leg, and forgetting to roll in with   your outside leg, so really concentrate on  your outside ski, importance. that we can   create edge angle simultaneously  like this, let's go for it. Have a gradual roll, and no try to  sort of just straight onto the edge,   so you feel the build-up of pressure, yeah  that's a bit better with the outside ski,   that's a bit better, still got a little scrub  there, yeah, you see the difference in tracks.  That's actually really good to highlight,  you see the C shape almost of the tracks,   and then the scrub with yours. Okay so we're going  to go off and practice now and let Aidan do more   of these Garlands, and then hopefully when we put  this back into his carving skiing, he's going to   feel that he's got the ability to create better  edge angle, through the use of his lower joints,   especially after practicing a lot of this drill. SO we've been working on kind of part of the  turn now using these Garlands, and we're just   going to start to put that into our skiing on  flatter terrain, so you get, now you're used   to going from outside ski to outside ski, but  trying to keep the lines like we did over here,   as clean as possible, from edge to edge. So  using those lower joins to roll onto an edge. So here we go, I'll give you a demo, give it a go. So, Rolling  Rolling Rolling So we've been working on some Garlands to help   develop Aidan's edge angle and the use of his  lower joints, but looking at the video, sorry   Aidan but you ski a little bit like a skittle, so  he ends up tipping in too early and get's stuck   on the inside ski, so moving forward, I  think it would be really good tip number 2,   it to work on some javelin turns, and that  should help his balance, his separation and   especially help his outside ski pressure  scores, so have you tried Javelin turns before. No I haven't So for me, there is quite a lot of different  variations of the Javelin turn, the one we are   doing today is the one that is aimed more towards  Carving. Which means we will be going from edge   to edge, and outside ski to outside ski, which  is really important for you, and for your early   edging, and. outside ski pressure. Essentially,  what we're doing, is we're moving onto an edge   angle at the top of the turn, okay, and then we're  actually going to lift the inside ski so it points   across the other ski like this. But it will be  much more simple when I actually just show you. So here we go. Okay, good job Aidan, not a bad  first effort for Javelin turns,   I think that they are one of my favorite drills,  there is a big positional element to them,   you know, being in the front of your boot,  you have the. separation from your upper body,   so you can balance more over the outside ski, and  then we're moving from edge to edge so we can work   on our edge angle as well, with it being on one  leg, it kind of forces you into the positions that   we need to be in, in skiing. One of the mistakes  people do in this drill is that they actually   fall onto the inside, because maybe they are  rushing the turn, or they are not quite balanced   enough on the old outside ski, so they fall into  the inside, and they don't have the patience to   move, set up on an edge angle, and feel the  platform, and then take, lift off the other ski,   what you need to do to maybe get a little  better at Javelin turns, is try to have more   shin pressure, make sure that you keep the sort  of hip over the foot as much as you can, good shin   pressure, and that's going to help you because  something we see in your skiing beforehand is   that that hip drops back and that we don't engage  the front of the foot and the front of the ski. So just looking at you coming down there Aidan,   when it gets steeper, this drill becomes harder  because you have more forces to deal with.   So what was happening was that you were letting  the hip drop back, and a telltale sign of this,   is that you see the ski like this, with the tail  touching the ground, so the hip was dropping back,   you were losing contact with the shin and the  front of the boot, and then with the front of   the ski, so, really try when it gets steeper, that  we are always moving along the length of the ski,   we've got good shin pressure, and we are in  this position, and no this positions, yeah,   so making sure that we're here with the Javelin  turn, and then when we move, we make a nice,   progressive move onto that new outside  ski, and then we can lift the other ski up. Okay so Aidan, I'm really impressed with the  developments you've done there with the Javelin   turns, you know were can go away and practice this  now for a week, two weeks, a month, and a javelin   turn is something I practice in my own skiing all  the time, I think it's brilliant to get better at   skiing and really improve those Carving turns, so  what we're going to do now, is just go put that,   put some of those fundamentals from the  drills and put that into your carving turns. Okay, so we've just finished off,  putting the skills back into your skiing.  And, I'm really happy with the way it's  gone, it's looking a lot better in my eyes,   I think you are working the ski a lot more,  it looks like there is a better edge angle,   and overall, a better performance,  so good job, now the crucial point,   is we're going to have to check the Ski:IQ™ and  the data, so let's take a look at your score.  Let's have a look at what it is And, ahh, Ski:IQ™ of 140 Nice, well-done mate, well done. And ahh, can we see the breakdown in that? We've got a much better edge angle,   we've increased that by quite a bit, and  you've also increased your early edging,   what about pressure, and, amazing,  your outside ski pressure has also,   it's a much better score and  has increased again so nice one! Can really see it in your performance, you can  see that you are much more active with your lower   legs, that you are balancing a lot better with  you're upper body, you're not tipping in anymore,   your overall position is  better stance width is better. So it's a great improvement in a day. If you look to the videos from this morning and   put them side by side with the videos from this  afternoon you can really see a clear difference. So Aidan how does it feel? It feels great, it's good to   see the metrics go up, but what really  mattered to me was that feeling of,   particularly the outside ski really doing the  work through the turn so yeah, it feels amazing. Nice, nice, good work mate, good work.  Really improved your skiing today.  We're happy, well done. So I've really enjoyed skiing with Aidan today,  I've seen some great improvements from him,   If you enjoyed the video, please hit like  subscribe and comment, see you on the slopes soon!
Channel: Carv - Digital Ski Coach
Views: 1,505,307
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Keywords: Skiing, carve skiing, how to ski, ski instruction, Carv, ski technique videos, ski training, expert skiing, ski improvement videos, スキー, горные лыжи, 滑雪, Skifahren, Sci, ski, ski carving, how to turn, ski vlog, learn to ski, alpine skiing, how to turn on skis, ski instructor, ski lessons, ski balance, skiing balance, steep skiing, ski with balance, ski stance, bend your knees, ski mistake, ski tip, Tom waddington, Sölden, Skiing Austria, skiing tyrol, carving balance, Ski:IQ
Id: 10f5T2Blpf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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