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how to set up streamlabs hey guys it's cody today we're making a streamlabs obs tutorial so if you could just drop a like for this amazing 23 carat gold poliwhirl from burger king or mcdonald's wherever i got that from as a kid i would appreciate it well let's get started so the first thing you want to do is head over to or simply type in streamlabs into google it should be this first one right here and now what we have to do is go ahead find this button right here wherever it's located there's also one up here go ahead and download the streamlabs software and then it's going to start downloading the exe and then once this is finished downloading run the exe and start up the program once you get to this page what you're going to want to do is connect your twitch account do not hit the skip button at the bottom because that's going to cause problems for us later so go ahead and click on the twitch icon and we're going to go ahead and log in with the twitch account that you made and then once you're all verified you're going to want to go and click authorize and it's going to authorize streamlabs obs to connect to your twitch account so you can do all this stuff so we're gonna use the free version it's gonna do everything that we need it to and we're going to click start fresh and then there i am right there you can actually start setting up your webcam and mic but for this i'm going to skip it right now because we're going to do it later so now there's themes if you'd like to pick a theme that's basically just going to give you a couple screens on like be right back and all that stuff but i'm not going to worry about that for now so the cool thing about streamlabs obs is that you can actually have it auto optimize all of your complicated technical settings so that way it does it all for you so it's basically going to test your internet speed and bandwidth and your computer hardware to give you the best results for your stream so now that we have this all set up this is going to be good you don't want to skip logging into your twitch account because if you actually do that you won't see any of the widgets on the right side of the screen right now so you won't see the alert box any of that you'll just see the standards all right so it should be nice and blank for you right now because we actually don't have any sources so sources are the things they're going to pop up on the screen so first off we want to capture our game right let's go ahead and boot up a game all right so i just booted up among us and this is what we're going to do we're going to go back into streamlabs obs right now you don't see anything because we're not capturing it so we're going to click on the plus button we're going to click either on display capture and add source and you can just add a display capture and this will show everything on your screen so right now i'm showing you guys my desktop and right now i'm looking at streamlabs obs but if i click on the game then you guys are seeing the game right now because it's capturing my display if you don't want to do this you can just do an alternative choice which you can do by closing this one and adding a new source here and doing game capture and this is probably more popular because it's easier and you're not showing all the stuff on your desktop so click on game capture add source and then we're going to add a new source and then you can just leave it on auto most the time it'll automatically pick it up like if you can see it automatically picked up among us i don't have to do anything if it doesn't pick it up automatically you can click on select option and then capture specific window and then under window you can actually click on among us or whatever game you're trying to play so you can use either of those options game capture or display capture both will work most of the time by the way this is a short little cut that i didn't add during recording but i wanted to add during post if you want to stream your console games you can actually do that by grabbing one of these bad boys right here you can stream your xbox you can stream your playstation you can stream your nintendo switch you can stream any kind of retro games with this and the retro adapter if you just want to do the new gen consoles with anything with hdmi just get this i'll leave links in the description down below where you can grab this and the retro adapter if you want to stream your console games i'd highly recommend grabbing this and making it a priority if you're going to stream on console because if you just stream on console it's going to be a pain to try and design your stream also if you need help setting this up i'll leave a video in the top right corner i made a tutorial on how to use this with the nintendo switch but it works for any single console that you have plugged into it same exact process i just used the nintendo switch as an example in the video so go ahead check that out if you want to stream from console using your pc highly recommend it so now you have to make sure that your game is actually getting audio so right now this top one is speakers and that's going to be your game audio if you're not seeing any game audio go in the bottom left corner click this little cog and then go ahead down to audio and once we do that we're actually going to go to desktop audio device one right here and then usually you can leave it on default and it'll work but if you click on default and there's still no game audio either your game audio is muted or you're not on the right setting so from this instance i know it's routed through my speakers through audiobox usb 96 so i'm going to head and click that and you can see that the game audio is coming through so the audience is able to hear that at this point in time if you have a microphone now is the time to do it go under mic slash auxiliary device one and then go ahead and just find whatever microphone you're using if it's plugged into your computer and it should be from this list so go ahead and select it and now you have the game audio and you have your mic audio so now that i'm talking you can see that this little bar under line audio box usb 96 is uh moving up and down meaning that the audience can hear both the game and me so now last but not least we're going to go ahead and add a webcam so add a new source video capture device add source and then we're going to do webcam add source and so right now it's trying to pick up my elgato which i don't want to use i want to go to my webcam the c920 right here so i'm going to select it give it a second and i should show up hey guys how's it going so now i can click done and then here i am i'm on the screen and you can go ahead and adjust the size uh in the corner you can also do left and right too but that'll warp it if you're on windows you can hold down alt and you can actually shave the sides off if you want a little bit you can do some crazy stuff like that and now the very very last thing that i'm going to show you is actually how to pop up your alert boxes so anytime you get a follower you get a sub any kind of those things so we're gonna go click add source then we're gonna go to alert box and then it's essential so we're gonna add source and then we're gonna add new source instead alert box so now all of these different things are enabled all of the generic things so right now if you click test widgets a follow then the generic one will pop up whatever the default is but since i already customized mine all of my customizations are through and you can customize them so if you want to click on the follows over here you can change uh the customization on how it looks by messing with the settings here so the title message all the stuff here the font click on media you can change like what pops up and what sound pops up there as well and then you can go ahead and test those either in there or you can go to the bottom right corner click test widgets and then click follow and now you can see that anytime i get a file is going to pop up on my screen so make sure that the alert box is above everything else here otherwise you're not going to be able to see it because everything else can be covering it up you can now hit go live put in your game the title everything that you want to put in there then hit confirm and go live go ahead on over to your twitch page and you should be live if this tutorial helped you make sure to drop a like on the video and subscribe for more videos because it seems that 98.8 percent of you are not subscribed so if you want to get more awesome tutorials like this go ahead and subscribe for more check out the description down below i have a course that can help you grow your twitch channel if you're starting from scratch and you don't know where to get started i also have some links to some streaming gear that you can use to help kickstart your channel to get better quality equipment some suggestions i have down below so if you want to check out some more videos on the channel i'll leave a card in the top right corner with a playlist to all of the videos that we have centered around twitch and anything streaming related so check that playlist out
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 67,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to setup streamlabs, streamlabs obs tutorial, how to setup streamlabs obs, how to setup streamlabs 2021, streamlabs obs tutorial 2021, streamlabs obs 2021, how to setup streamlabs obs 2021, streamlabs obs, obs streamlabs, setup streamlabs, setup streamlabs obs, setup streamlabs 2021, setup streamlabs obs 2021, how to use streamlabs obs, streamlabs tutorial 2021, streamlab tutorial 2021, streamlabs setup tutorial 2021, streamlabs obs setup 2021, streamlabs setup 2021
Id: V9CbBvFeo6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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