Streamlabs OBS Tutorial for Djs

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what up people dj wally here and i uh been having a lot of my friends ask me about uh streamlabs obs and how i do my twitch streams so i figure instead of calling all my friends up and giving them individual tutorials i figured why don't i just make a tutorial video so this is my tutorial video um in this tutorial i'm going to go over basic uh functions of streamlabs obs um we're also going to set up a higher end camera that's just any camera other than your facetime camera um set up your audio like how to send your dj audio into your computer um we're going to go over how to set up your green screen how to import like media to utilize your green screen we're going to go over how to use a border maybe you want to set up a png border around your stream and lastly we'll set up the alert box and the chat box so if any of that stuff interests you i highly recommend watching this tutorial let's check it out all right y'all so this video is gonna just take a little bit step further i'm hoping you guys have already at least opened up streamlabs if not then we're gonna at least do this overview and it'll give you a little quick um you know reminder as to what things are also before i start this i wanna say this um it is very important that if you want your video quality to look the best to get an ethernet cord you need to connect it directly to your internet also as a reminder anything that i talk about in this video i will be putting the links under um so like literally anything that um maybe you might not have i'll put the links under um also anything that you'll need to purchase i'll put the links in there as well um just to make it you know more convenient for you guys okay so that being said um let's open up stream labs like so uh if your page does not look like this you probably have to log in so at the bottom left corner there's a cogwheel right here i'll go ahead and click that and then i can click stream and then usually uh if you're not logged in it'll come up with a prompt and ask you to log in um as you can see here i'm already logged into my twitch account so once you log in go ahead and just click done cool so here's the overview of stream labs this big black screen right here this is like your main uh prediction projection or like output area so whatever is on this screen that is what will be outputting to your stream right here is your mini feed this gives you live updates um when you're on and actually off line so pretty much anything that's like recent so as you can see nine hours ago uh co avila followed me it shows you bitties that you received um you know this is like your way of keeping up to date with uh your chat because sometimes it can get a little messy and it's kind of hard to keep up if you're just reading the regular chat so this little mini feed is very convenient um right here in this area where it says tutorial these are like different scenes so i'm going to go ahead and click one just to show you guys so these are like kind of different layouts that i've already made see so this is um one pre-made uh layout and as you can see like it it saves um so once you make it and you do all this stuff pretty much you know whenever i do my streams now i walk into my studio my garage and i literally just hit whatever scene i want to do it uh you know partaking that day and then i just go live and then we kind of just go it's really easy i don't have to set up a lot so let's go back to the page that we're on i want to start us out fresh so we're at this tutorial scene right right here is our sources box this is going to be our most uh used box for this tutorial um pretty much everything that we're gonna be doing is in here um and this is where you add like your sources um and like i said we're gonna get into that in a little bit but as you can see your images audio video all kinds of things this is where we're going to be working that's our main workspace right here is our mixer essentially this is like our mixing board um it might show a microphone in here as soon as you open up stream labs uh i will say that typically that microphone is your computer's microphone and if you don't intend on using that for your stream i highly recommend muting it or just deleting it um because you don't want that microphone on while you're sending a signal because it can create an echo or some feedback and it'll just sound terrible so notes itself don't do that um right here we have a record button so literally as soon as i press that it's boom it's it's recording very convenient feature uh test widgets we'll get into that later on and then go live that's quite frankly you know you click that as long as your internet's set up right um you can go live immediately now if i went live right now there would be nothing right okay so let's do um let's do this first let's add our audio first right because everybody i'm assuming that if you're a dj uh you want to send some signal you want to send an audio to your stream right okay so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to click this plus sign right here once we click this plus sign we're going to go to this audio input capture a little note of the about this is pretty convenient because pretty much whenever you click whatever source you're trying to import it'll only allow you to import related sources so like for instance if i click audio input and for some reason i'm trying to add like an image because maybe i thought i clicked the image part it won't let you do that so it'll only allow you to import things that are like relative to that source okay so right here kind of gives you a little breakdown and everything if you're ever like confused about something like oh i don't know where i need to import this you can literally just click any of the sources and it'll tell you what can be like added in this source pretty cool so i'm going to go to audio input capture and i'm gonna add source uh you can title it here i'm just gonna leave that title that's fine with me audio input capture source okay so now is here's a list of devices so depending on whatever computer you have um this will kind of vary um i have a actually an older macbook 2012 uh pro and with my computer i was fortunate enough to get a feature uh see this built-in input feature i actually have a built-in uh input where i can send like a booth signal out from my mixer and i have like a 3.5 jack it's like equivalent to like a headphone jack but it's not the headphone jack it's a different it looks different anyways i can plug that directly in and i can send the signal directly to my computer and it'll start to come in a very convenient convenient feature however not a lot of computers have that so if you do not have that you will need a audio interface and an audio interface i mean there's a bunch on the market the one that i use is called a scarlet also um i have a h6 and that's actually what i'm using for the microphone but typically these audio faces interfaces can run from like 70 dollars to i don't even know like the sky's the limit you can buy really high-end quality this scarlett right here i got on offer up for like 60 bucks so this is pre covered of course so the prices i've noticed online they've gone up but regardless you can get a pretty good audio interface for pretty cheap so i'm going to click this scarlet i'm going to add the source okay cool so now that we've added our audio input our scarlet right you'll notice over here on the right it's automatically sent to like our mixing board area so this is pretty much where all our audio signals are going to be uh sent to if i added more they'd be in a list here um okay cool so now you'll notice uh we're not getting any signal right now so it has this level right here um it's actually split too just as a little tip it's split into two bars so it's a left and right signal so like i said we're not getting any signal now i'm going to go over to serato i'm going to play something now look at that i get the signal now you probably don't hear it because um i'm not recording it in that form i'm recording it with that age zoom mic but if this was outputting you'd be definitely hearing if i went live right now you'd hear that signal so and then now you notice the signal's gone i turned the volume off but that's that's essentially how you set up the audio if if you don't get signal in that area then something's going on wrong um something is not being set up right maybe you didn't send your signal right to the scarlet um or maybe you're having a usb issue but that is essentially as simple as it should be and so if it's not then you know feel free to ask me or ask somebody because like i said something's going on cool so now we have our audio let's go ahead and set up our video camera so i'm going to go to video capture device i'm going to click video capture device add source i'm just going to leave it as camera all right so now again we have our device list here we're going to select whatever device we're going to use now uh if any of you have seen my streams i feel like there wouldn't be much argument and to say that my streams look pretty good and you know the quality i have people ask me a lot like man what kind of camera do you use and i just tell them i was like man i just use the iphone um you know like i don't i didn't and i still don't really have a lot of money to go buy it like a brand new high-end camera so i really had to work with what i had and fortunately you know uh iphones have a pretty good camera and it looks great on here so no complaints and um i highly recommend it if you know you're balling on a budget so that being said you can't just connect your iphone to your computer and think that it'll look uh crystal clear or at least i haven't found a way to do that i actually had to get an application the app that i bought was called shutter cast um i'm no way shape or form receiving payment for using shutter cast but it it seemed the best route because i actually bought the obs camera and it it didn't work as good um and that's that app was actually 15 so i'm trying to save you some money here um but back to shutter cast it's a dollar it's really easy you literally like download it open it up and it's ready to go um so now because i have shutter cast open already i have to have my phone connected to my computer and it's connected via usb um also a little a little thing that i added in the the notes for this tutorial okay so let's click iphone now uh if i click that notice it comes up but if you look behind this right here you'll see that yes it came up but it's vertical and it has these big like black borders on the side of it you know it doesn't look ideal so actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to go right here where the dimensions are and i'm gonna pick hi and that's the feature that shutter cast allows is i can pick this and now i'm gonna click done and now we have like my entire video right looks nice so i'm actually going to rotate the video because it looks good but it's just not the right way right so to rotate it i'm going to right click and notice this little transform section here i'm going to rotate it clockwise boom now we have the video up right looks pretty good and again this is my iphone camera uh like pretty clean it's like an iphone a2 it's not even you know that new new so um let's crop a little bit because i noticed that some of this top is coming in and i don't want that in the screen um it doesn't really matter the order that we do this as far as like the green screen goes but let's just start by cropping first so to crop i'm gonna right click again i'm gonna go to the filter section click filters click this little plus sign right here uh pretty much this is where you can choose whatever you're going to use i'm going to use the crop feature i can leave the filter name crop is fine um so now because of the way that it shows the direction of this camera so it's like vertical um this is how it's gonna correspond as far as your cropping goes so the top is gonna be at the very top your left side is gonna be right here on your left side and then this is just a measured this is just measured in pixels so usually the number is kind of large so let's just say the top part that's not a lot to crop so i'm just going to assume let's just try like 30. cool the 30 it looks perfect now right click done yeah it looks great like you couldn't tell the difference um if i wanted to nitpick i could probably crop this out a little bit but it doesn't look that bad so i think i'm going to leave it so the next part is our green screen we're gonna go um right click on camera again go back to the filter section click this plus sign now we're looking for chroma key so chroma keys here i can leave the filter name click done boom it automatically uh has eliminated that green behind me this is where you can choose the color depending on your uh your screen because you can use different colors um i just use green um also there's there's a lot of settings here so let's just say that when you do this it doesn't look as clean as mine you might need to fine-tune some things so you can just mess with like the contrast the brightness just mess with those settings and try to like figure out how it fits best also a little side note if your table is close to your green screen and you notice that your gear starts to look kind of transparent and maybe like your images are getting projected on your gear then you might need to move your table a little bit forward and not be so close to the green because pretty much what's happening is the green is reflecting off the wall and going on your decks or your gear um or another route uh you could do is just add more lighting on your deck so that it looks like it's actual color and not green so i'm gonna click done now and that looks pretty good um again you know this is just off of iphone you'll notice too what i was talking about it's a little green right here on my decks but i mean that's that's pretty damn good um so let's go to our next part you know how to add some something behind us because we don't want just like a black screen like yeah that looks cool that it's not green but you know ideally you want something cooler i'm gonna go back to that plus sign click that now i'm going to skip the image portion because the image portion is really easy literally you can click image and then just select whatever image you want from wherever you know you have that photo and then you can click done and it'll be your background so if i click like a forest or i click um literally anything that i'm trying to use my logo it'll immediately be back there and actually we will go over a little bit how to use the image when we incorporate the border so i'm going to skip that let's just go right to a media source so i'm going to click media source i'm going to bring in a video um i like to have music videos behind me or some type of motion behind me just for like a added like you know cinematic um i don't even know the word just just to make it look better we'll keep it we'll keep it we'll keep it straight here um so i'm gonna add source i can leave it at media source whatever that's fine now it's going to show this area where i can choose the video so local file that's pretty much where it's like looking it's looking on your computer uh your computer is like immediate hard drive um you have this option here to loop it i typically press that um because i just want it to just go you know in circles uh as soon as it ends i want it to continue to go uh we start playback when active i don't really it doesn't really matter to me these are all your preference um this one however i think is a very important piece um i try to always click this button close file when inactive this is really important because as you'll notice down here this is your computer cpu so this is like kind of like how much stress you're putting on your computer and i actually do my streams all from one computer my computer has been able to handle it so i haven't needed to get another computer like a lot of people have and i think that a big part of it is this like if you can kind of maintain this and make sure that everything's functioning within a low cpu i think it's very doable for you to do the same um that being said that's why i have to click this right here because i don't want things going on in the background when i'm not using them and when that is happening when those things are going on in the background that's just gonna put your cpu like through the roof and whenever that cpu gets too high it starts to shut down applications because pretty much your computer is like being overwhelmed and so you don't want you don't want you know anything to close when you're using it in your stream you know you don't want your stream to stop you don't want your music to stop so uh very important piece right there all right let's go ahead and click browse we're gonna look through our videos i have a make it last a theme night that i do it's all r b so i'm going to go ahead and just click this click done boom we have our video um music video up if you click this little corner right here you can resize things um but you'll notice i'm in the background right and the video is in front of me so really easy fix i want you all to think of these sources as layers and pretty much whatever is on the top so whatever is closest to this word sources that's the top layer so this media source is above my camera as you can see here so that's why the video is projecting like over me as opposed to behind me right so if i just click hold and drag this under my camera boom the music videos are right behind me and again it looks really clear right so again i want you to think of these sources as layers um these little lock areas right here very great rule of thumb is to keep them locked so reason being is the more stuff that you start to put in the sources area and then the more that like things start to get added here you'll want to move things around like you know maybe you want your videos over here in the top right and then you got like a i don't know your chat box over here on the left and then you know you'll have all these things on the screen so it's a really good rule of thumb to to lock the layer so whenever you lock it it's pretty much you can't move it now mind you when you need to move it you need to unlock it right so that's the lock feature right there also since i'm here these eyes right here these eyes will shut off like the display of whatever the item is now audio input capture there's actually no display so you're not going to see anything get hidden right there but the media source boom you see that get hidden camera it's hidden right cool so now i mean this is a pretty good you know basic setup we have our music videos going on the background we have um our decks we have our audio input like already like being received if i send audio as you can see so that's a pretty good uh setup so far let's take it a little step further for those of you uh overachievers or you know maybe you just want to really make your your setup look nice and i respect that because i'm all about that too so i'm gonna click this plus sign right here i'm going to add an image um pretty much the borders the stream lab borders that you see that i utilize in my streams um they're just photos they're png photos so if you're not familiar with that format essentially what it is it's like a photo let me let me show myself real fast because i'm using my hands it's essentially it's like a photo and it's just cut out in the center or whatever like you want to be displayed and we'll go ahead and iterate that right now so i'm going to click image i'm going to add source um i'm going to title it layout all this stuff is really good habit just so you know exactly what things are and you can adjust them really fast if if need be um it's good to have it organized okay so i'm gonna click browse right here type so that's my that's my layout um this is actually an outdated one but it it doesn't matter anyways so as you can see here so this is not locked i can move this around you can see how it's just a frame and then the center is like cut out right so i have it sized perfectly for the stream labs [Music] pretty much the screen right um now you'll notice though that like you can't see my decks and yeah i just i look kind of like overwhelmingly big so you know what we want to do is i'm going to lock this layer because that layer is good the layout is nice i'm going to leave that i'm going to go to my camera because like i said i'm kind of oversized i'm going to click that resize myself shrink me down a little bit cool that looks pretty good now i'm going to lock it again now that's locked in now this looks a little weird like having this cut off so i would i if i was doing my stream i would probably cut that little part off like i'd crop it out but just to continue going forward um that's how you would import your png file um if you have photoshop if you're familiar with photoshop then you'll know like kind of how easy that is i highly recommend getting familiar with photoshop if you have the time i mean we are in quarantine lockdown so um that's definitely not a bad thing to learn otherwise you'd have to ask ask like a graphic designer to do it or you can um search on like fiverr and have someone do it again this is all gonna be like money out of your pocket and like i mentioned you know balling on a budget so i made my own um okay so let's uh let's add our chat so i can click this plus sign right here now i'm gonna go over here where it says widgets and i'm going to click right here where it says chat box i'm going to click that i'm going to add the source leave it at chat box cool so up right here on the top left you pretty much get to you can like adjust the dimensions you can also like live uh live adjust the dimensions on the screen but this is like if you want to get like very specific like maybe you have like a designated area on your your um border then you need it you need it to fit in that specific area you can adjust it right here okay and then this is just like an example of like um the settings and like you know what the font size is going to be like um you know what the color is going to be all that stuff so any customization is going to be in this area right here i'm just going to leave it at done right here now um you'll see like this invisible frame there's no actual frame for it so that that frame has to be built in like your border if you're gonna if you wanted it to be like in a designated area otherwise it's just to be on your screen so if i just leave it right here um and then i lock it that's that's exactly where the chat's going to be now there's no example right now because i don't have i'm not live streaming there's no live chat but that's exactly where it would be um and then mind you whenever you are going live you can you can um adjust things you know live you can like readjust your frame or whatever if need be let's set up these areas right here where it says newest follower recent donation latest sub so these are like where you want these like auto you know these live alerts as to like who is your newest follower and people can see that live on the screen right your most recent donation and your latest sub so let's go back here to the sources we're going to add now we're going to go over to this widgets area again and then we're going to go right here where it says stream label so this is the part where i kind of like took me a long time to kind of figure out where all this stuff was and so i hope you appreciate this i'm going to add source here stream label i'm going to title it whatever i'm gonna set it at so let's just do newest follower okay cool so now all you gotta do is search through here and find where it says uh your newest follower and it'll automatically live update so let's find that cool so now that i've found that i can adjust the font i can change the color of it add a drop shadow if i want again a bunch of little customization features but i'm just going to leave it generic for now i'll click done you'll notice it automatically gets sent up here to the top left corner so now i'm going to click it drag it put it to where i need it so right there where my newest follower is lock it boom live update and you'll notice too in this minifeed it corresponds so my newest follower right here has followed boom they're right there live um and it's the same for everything else one example i will say though or i will show you is what happens when you don't have one of the the following so let's say i try to set up this recent donation area uh now when i'm going to add another stream lab make sure that you click this part right here or else it's just going to re-add the existing source so it says new source instead click that i'm gonna type donation now you'll notice that i added the stream label it's here but i don't see anything so that'll happen if you don't have the following so i actually don't have any recent donations so if you don't have that then it then it kind of has nothing to work off of and you won't be able to put it where you want so that's just like something to to note um so let's just say you barely started your stream and you don't have any followers you're not going to be able to set that feature up if you don't have any followers um but yeah just something again just something that i learned kind of the hard way um i will say whenever you do get that whatever it is that you're missing so let's just say your latest sub or your recent donation whenever you do receive that and you and you actually already have that feature set up it'll just pop up in your top left corner and if you wanted to if you like noticed it you could totally like adjust it and put it where it needs to be really quick and then continue on with your stream so let's get to the last section of this of this tutorial and that is adding your alert box the alert box is pretty much whenever you're watching a stream and you'll see like their most recent follower come up and then they have like a cool like gif with it um or you know something of that nature that's essentially what the alert box is like letting it's you know it's another form of a live update essentially so i'm gonna go ahead and click alert box i'm gonna add source i'm gonna leave that title alert box now there's a bunch of things in here that essentially they're the same so i'm just gonna use one example and then the rest i'll leave it up to you guys to figure out of course if you guys have any questions you're always welcome to message me email me dm me whatever the case is go ahead and ask away i provided this so that it helps you and i'm trying to help you so let's go to this followers area um now you'll notice it shows you as soon as i click that it shows like what the default is so that's currently what i have set up whenever anybody follows me so if you wanted to see this live i can go here and test widgets i can go to test follow click that so that's currently what it looks like when somebody follows me so let's just say i wanted to change that okay i can go over here to media notice it has the file right here i can click change media now if you just started the only files that you're going to have access to are these stock files right here so this is pretty much like twitch's default files um they're not you know they're just generic files they don't you know they and it's you know twitch essentially was like designed for gamers so that's kind of why i assume that everything's kind of like you know little cartoon or gaming uh people personas um so if you wanted to add your own image you can add right here uh you can click right here this is where any of the the media that you upload is going to live this is hence why it says my uploads uh let's say i wanted to change it to this bad bunny right it's bad bunny jeff so i'm going to click that click done now let's test it boom that's set up if i wanted to change anything about it i can go back here maybe to title message and you'll notice anything right here within these brackets so that's pretty much like their coding system so if you'll notice when somebody followed me it'll say like the person's name and they'll say it in a different color um this is how it like knows to auto populate that so don't mess with this part but you can change your message like if you wanted to change if you wanted to change it to whatever you want it to say you can type in here and edit it here's your font type here's your size of it the color of it uh and pretty much this text primary text color is um like the wording so the word like after anything that's in the bracket and then anything that's in the bracket is going to be this pink this color right here so whatever you have also you can set up the image so that the text is below the image or over the image um because a couple customization features right here if i go to anime animation here uh you can kind of adjust like kind of like a little animation has to tech sometimes it'll bounce in it says when it hides it fades out um so on and so forth click done now you'll see that it's like this big box on my screen so if we tested it and i'm going to lock these things that's a good habit right if i tested it i can go down here to test widgets i can test follow because that was the one that we edited now it looks cool but it's covering my entire screen right so maybe i don't want that and maybe i want it a little bit more uh you know a little bit cleaner a little bit more in the background so i can unlock the alert box now notice the border came up so this is like where the area of like wherever that gif is going to come up so i'm going to resize it and let's just say i wanted it over here in the top right corner so now i'm going gonna lock that go ahead and test that again boom it's all set up and for the most part people that's that's everything um i mean i don't mean to say that that's everything that's everything that i'm gonna say in this tutorial i mean you know the sky is the limit with twitch uh and streamlabs obs like there's really a lot that you can do this is just like kind of like the things that i've learned and you know i think that this is a really good like foundation as to setting up your profile making it look nice and clean and then you know as you want it to progress like you're totally welcome to do that but at least you have the essentials um once again my name is dj wally uh follow me on on anything you know on twitch on instagram is dj wall underscore e again i will put all my information in the description um i'm gonna add all the links there um i also for any dj's out there that are listening and are not following already i also have a dj podcast it's called from behind the booth um where i interview djs and we talk dj shops so if you love anything related to djing i also highly recommend checking that out um and that's all people thank you so much for watching i hope i really hope that this helps and like i said my door is always open so any questions feel free to send them my way peace
Channel: From Behind The Booth
Views: 7,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: W2ZkyiDD1N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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