Complete Streamlabs OBS Tutorial For Beginners 2021 (Start-To-Finish)

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hi welcome to the 2021 version of my big streamlabs obs tutorial i make this every year and i take people from the absolute beginning to the point where they have completely set up their stream and this year will be the same i'm going to use this graphic pack during the whole video and you can get it for free because it's my own graphics pack and you can find it on my discord if you want to choose your own graphic spec which is completely your style or you want to get an animated graphic spec or something that's more high quality than my free one then you can buy one from the sponsor of this video which is this right here is their website and you can go to overlays and then to complete packages a big amount of people from my community have already bought the package on their website and when you click on one of them for example this poker series then they will bring you to a separate page where you can test out the pack so when i click on new donation then i will see how the alert would look on my stream then when i click on animated talking banner then i will go to the intermission screen and same thing with scene transition you can preview everything on their website the packages are really high quality they're just a good company and i'm sure you will find a design on their website that you really like i will put the link to their website in my description michael tvn will give you 50 of the price again the link will be in the description until tv check them out i'm going to remove streamlabs obs from my pc because as i said i'm gonna do everything together with you by the way this background is temporary i'm building a new studio and i'm gonna post a big or probably multiple big videos about that when the studio is actually finished if you want to see that or you want to learn more about streaming you can subscribe to my channel and if you want to follow the actual progress of building the studio i am posting on instagram about it every day so i will put my instagram on top of this video and in the description you can follow me there and then you can find my stories so to download streamlabs look for it on google click on the website it's and then click on download streamlabs now once your download is finished just click on it and then obviously install the program if you want to reset streamlabs obs then you can go to the settings and then you can click on delete cache and restart and when i click on this when i click on ok you will see that it will restart and everything will have been reset so this is the first screen that you will get when you launch stream of obs i'm gonna click on skip right now we're gonna link our streaming platform later and then right now we can click on start fresh then we can skip everything because we're going to do everything manually so just skip till you get to this window right here and now i have a fresh installation of streamlabs obs so what is this interface all about let me give you an overview so i just skipped the login screen right and as you see when i click on the plus icon in the sources they say you must login for widgets and there's a bunch of other things you need to be logged in for so it's important that you log in i wanted to show you this so when you go to the settings you can click on login right here and i'm just gonna log in with my twitch account you can log in with whatever you want now once you log in you will see a bunch of icons here on the top left but everything you see right there is for streamlabs prime it's a monthly membership you can take and as you see when i click on this right here you will get stream themes as you can see you can click on this and then you can click on install overlay they also have alerts as you see here on the left these are all alerts which you can install but for this you will need their monthly membership something else that's part of the membership is this when you click on go live you can enable multiple platforms right here and this way you can multi-stream to all those platforms but to multi-stream you need streamlabs prime now to make myself clear you definitely don't need streamlabs prime you can do everything without if you are interested in it i will add a link to the description which will give you ten dollars or fifteen dollars for free i'm not really sure it's my affiliate link but we're gonna do everything without prime in this video so let's click here again to the editor this is our screen and then here in the middle you see a minifeed and this is your recent events as you see people who follow me on twitch when you go live and then someone subscribes to you or donates to you or hosts you all that stuff will appear right here in the minifeed and that way you can easily keep track of everything that's happening while you're live then on the bottom we have the scenes the sources and the mixer and this is the bread and butter of streaming so the scenes right here these are like folders that hold the sources in the middle so for example i can click on the plus icon to make a new scene and then i can call that in-game click on done and then as you see the sources will be empty so this scene which is called scene has one source in it and then the in-game scene we just made has no sources and when you want to add sources you can click on the plus icon and this is everything which you can add which is a lot it's all your graphics it's everything the viewers will see for example you can add an image which can be your webcam border or you can add a video capture device let's double click it and now let's click on add source and then this is your webcam as you see right here gamlink my camera is connected to the computer through a cam link and then i can just click on done and then i can rescale this and then position it somewhere and that will be my webcam so right now in the in-game scene we have a source which is a video capture device which is the webcam now when i go to the older scene here on the left now you will see that my webcam disappears because i'm in a new scene then there is one more level which is when you click on this right here to drop down above the scenes here you can see all your scene collections so when i click on manage all you will see that we have one scene collection and then i can click on create new and that way i can make a new scene collection so let's call it test scene collection okay let's click on this icon right here and then let's click on done and then right now you see that we are inside test scene collection we have one scene right here and we have no sources because we just made it when you click on the drop down again then you can see this was our previous scene collection so when we click on this it will reload and then this is what we made before when we click on in game this was the thing we just made and then right here you can see my webcam so let's start over let's click on scenes on manage all and now let's click on create new and let's call it slopes2021 tutorial okay this is the scene collection we are going to make and then i'm just gonna delete the other ones delete and then delete this one there we go now we are in a new scene collection so when you go to the settings on the bottom left and then to the audio tab right here you will be able to add audio devices and these devices which you add right here will appear here in the mixer so for example mic auxiliary device one this is your microphone when i click on it and then i change it to the microphone i'm using right now which is chat mic from my go xlr let's click on it click on done and then right here you see right now the microphone has been added here in the mixer you can use these sliders to make it more quiet or make it more loud and then for every audio source here you can click on the settings icon next to it and you can go to filters and there you can add a bunch of filters which will allow you to make your audio much more professional make it always the same volume remove your keyboard sound remove the fans of your computer stuff like that you can make your audio perfect right here but we're not gonna do it right now i'm gonna go over this later in the video when we actually add all our audio let's close this right now you will also see a settings icon next to the mixer title and when you click on that one that's the general settings of the whole mixer so these aren't settings for one specific source like your mic this is everything as you see we have two sources in the mixer and these two sources are also right here you can change the volume here you can hide them in the mixer if you want to do that if for some reason the audio is only being played in the left ear or the right ear you can make it a mono signal and then that will be fixed the same thing will be hearable in your two ears instead of one so that's a fix you can apply and here you see sync offset if your audio isn't in sync you can play around with all this right here and then you can add 200 milliseconds of lag to the desktop audio source for example stuff like that then audio monitoring this is really handy you can select monitor and output and this way you will be able to hear your audio source in your headphones so that you can check if everything is working if the microphone volume is good stuff like that this is really handy these tracks are advanced and i'm gonna go over this later in the video let's close this right now and the last thing for the interface overview is this right here the layout editor this is the interface we have been using you can just change the layout right here and then you can get a different layout now you can drag things around if you want something to be on another position and here on the left you see other things which you can add now this right here this preset layout is the only one that has six places and that's perfect if you want to add something extra for example here you see website when you drag this on here you can add a website and this can be handy if there is something that you want to display instagram abso bs something from a page that always updates stuff like that for example when i add google here and then i click on save changes then you will see that google will open right here and you can just interact with it just like with any other website so this is really handy you can add something right here now let's go back to the layout editor let's go to the first one click save changes and i almost forgot there's one extra thing i want to show you and that's this right here the studio mode when you have multiple scenes on the left for example in game intermission stream ending then you can preview the scene here on the left let me quickly add something okay so i have added another scene here the talking scene now let's say you want to transition to that scene while streaming but you want to make sure that everything is right when you are in studio mode here on the bottom left then you can just click on the scene and as you see right now it pops up on the screen but this right here is what will be live on your stream so you can just preview if everything is right here on the left and then you can click on transition and then this will be what's live on the stream if you want to go back to the other scene you just click on it you click on transition i just saw something else i want to show you i swear is the last thing before we continue it's this right here to check your stats when you click on it you will be able to see your cpu usage your fps your dropped frames stuff like that you can just enable them all and then you can close it and then you will always be able to see them on the bottom now pay attention to this the cpu usage is only what streamlabs obs is using when you click ctrl shift escape and then you go to performance right here you will see your real cpu usage so it's eighteen percent and here in streamlabs obs you see is two percent so when you're checking if your pc can handle the stream which we're gonna do later in the video then you have to check the performance here because this is your total cpu load this cpu load is only from streamlabs okay let's go out of studio mode because we're gonna edit our stream we're gonna add everything now again we're gonna be using the free overlay pack you see right there you can follow with that one or you can buy one from our sponsor you will be able to follow everything together with me so let's do the settings first on the top left you can click on settings and then these will be all your options for streamlabs obs now delete cache and restart i already showed you this when you click on it and you click on ok then stream of obs will completely reset and everything will be as new and maybe one thing that's pretty useful is automatically record when streaming if you set up your stream settings and your recording settings and you want to record all your streams so you can edit it later or stuff like that and you don't want to forget to push start recording then you can enable this right here and then every time you click go live you will also start recording right here hold keys this is really useful you can add your basic hold keys like start streaming stop streaming recording stuff like that but a really handy thing is scenes right here so on the left you see we have a scene that's called scene and then called talking now right here you will also see those two and when you click on talking for example you can scroll a bit to the bottom and then you see switch to scene now when you click here you can add a hotkey so let's add one let's click on done and then when i click on that hotkey i will transition to this scene this is really handy to switch to another scene while you're in your game or while you're doing other stuff you don't have to go to streamlabs and then click on under scene you just click on your shortcut that's really useful so let's go back to the hot case when you check out the other settings for a scene for example the talking scene we were just in you will also see other options for every source that's been added to the scene so for example we have the video capture device right here you will see show video capture device height video capture device so you can also control separate sources which is really useful now you can check out the other things here it's all kind of the same then next we have the advanced settings what's useful right here it's this the stream delay when is this useful for example when people are stream snapping you when they are looking on your stream to see your location on the map and then they walk to you and then they kill you from behind you can add a delay right here you can click on enable then add something like 60 seconds and then whatever happens on your pc will have a 60 second delay before it actually shows on your stream next we have the scene collections some graphic packs will have an import file when you click on import overlay file then you can search for it and then when you open it the whole overlay pack will get installed immediately and we're gonna do that with my overlay pack and also the overlays from our sponsor onto tv they also have an overlay import file so when you download my overlay or you buy one from the sponsor you will be able to import it in one click we are gonna do that in a minute so i will show you how it works after going over the important settings here because this is really important you're gonna be streaming for a long time take the time to go over these settings see what's important see what's useful and once we've set up this then we will continue to the overlay setup so let's go to notifications you're not gonna be using this let's go to appearance here you can swap from night mode to day mode this is all really weird so let's go to night mode and this here is really useful you see this arrow here on the right this is your stream shot when you click on it you will see the chat so let's type something first because i want to show something else okay so now when we go to the settings and then we go to appearance you see here we can change the size of this text when we make it bigger you will see that the text in the chat will get bigger and that's the only thing that you're changing with this slider here and then when you enable this here you will show the chat on the left side if you're streaming on twitch you also want to enable these modes then the next step is remote control and this is a prime feature it was free in the past this is the end result of it you can control stream apps obs with your phone for example when i click on another scene you will see that the transitions on my screen but apparently they made this prime so yeah looks like you're not gonna be able to use this unless you have streamlabs prime again if you're gonna upgrade there's a discount code in my description but we're not gonna use trim ups prime in this video so let's go to the next thing virtual webcam you can just skip this then go to game overlay this is a handy feature and it's free and you can add your chat and your recent defense on top of your game while playing so if you only have one monitor then this is really useful because you can just play your game and then you can add your chat to the top left corner something like that i have a separate video going over this and i will link it on top in the cards if you want to check that out after setting up everything in this video then install that that's the last thing this is also mainly for streamless prime so we're not going to go over this right now let's go over these four tabs right here because these are the main stream tabs first of all we want to go to video now here you see base canvas resolution and then output skilled resolution you want to make sure that these are the same and right now is the time you want to choose in which resolution you want to stream people used to advise to streaming 720p instead of 1080p because otherwise people with a slow internet speed wouldn't be able to load the big 1080p stream but where 2021 most people have a pretty decent internet speed so if you want to stream in 1080p i'd say go ahead and do it we are gonna set up everything in 1080p right now if you want to stream in 720p then the only thing that will be different will be later in the output tab when we change the video bitrate for 1080p you probably want to choose 6000 we're gonna go over this later but if you're streaming 720p you got to remember that 4500 will be enough but we're gonna make it 1080p right now so let's change the base resolution to 1080p and then the output scaled resolution also to 1080p then next thing downscale filter you can just take bi-linear they say it's fast but blurry is scaling but since we're not scaling that doesn't matter so we can just choose bilinear then the fps type can be common fps values and you will probably want to stream in 60 fps because that's much more smooth than something like 30. if you have a really slow pc and you can't handle the stream after setting up everything you might want to consider going to 720p instead of 1080p and then if you still can't run the stream you might want to consider changing 60fps to 30 but know that it will be less enjoyable for people to watch your stream in 30fps because it will be kind of weird to watch instead of a smooth 60 fps stream then next we have the audio theft now right here desktop audio device when you set this to default it will take your pc's default device so when you right click on your sound on the bottom right and then you go to open sound settings right here you will see your default device for me it's my headset right now this is perfect stream of obs can take my headset but if you want to choose another device you just select your device right here and then whatever this device is hearing so for example my headphones that will also be sent to the stream as you see right here in the mixer so when i play a song on youtube let's click on play then you will see that the headphones right here start moving the song is playing in my headphones right here and because of that it's also going to the stream because everything that the headphones are hearing is being sent to the stream let's keep this open because on the mixer will keep moving and then next i already showed this but as your mic right here you can add your microphone which is the chat mic for me and i will also see it moving right here in the mixer now earlier in the video i said that i would go over all the microphone filters to make it sound more professional but i've been recording for 1 hour and 30 minutes right now so i'm not really confident in the fact that this video is gonna be short enough so i'm gonna add the video for the microphone effects which is this right here the filters these are really useful i'm gonna add the video for that in the cards it's a really good video i go over everything you need to know for your microphone effect which microphone you should use how you gonna position it then how you gonna add all the effects to remove other sounds like your keyboard and your pc sound and then also boost the volume or keep it down when you're shouting stuff like that if you want to sound professional in your stream you really have to go check that video out after setting up all this so let's go back to the settings we've gone over the audio tab now it's time to tackle the streaming tab and this is the most complicated thing out of this whole video so right here we see output mode and we want to change this to advanced and then here we can see settings for streaming and settings for recording if you want to set up the recording settings you can go to that video i go over everything right there by the way all the videos that i'm pointing you to are from my stream absolutely as playlist which is a whole playlist of around 15 videos where i go over everything instruments obs it's all dedicated in-depth videos so yeah most things will be explained in this video but sometimes i'm gonna point you to another video because i can't explain everything in depth right now so we're gonna go over the streaming settings right now again recording settings in the cards so audio track this is a track that will be used for your stream we can see one through six right here and when we click on done and then here in the mixer we click on this settings icon you can also see one through six right here so for every audio source that we have for example our microphone we can enable or disable to which track it's going so when i disable track through then my microphone will not be going to track two so then when i go to the settings to the output to the streaming tab where we were and then i changed the audio track to 2 then everything except for my microphone will be going to the stream so you want to change this to one and then you want to make sure that for all the devices that you want to go to your stream the first track is enabled let's close this and then let's go back to the settings output streaming and then the next setting the encoder this is the most important thing right here you want to choose between software x264 which is using your cpu or your processor to do the encoding and then mvnc new if you have an nvidia graphics card that's pretty recent if you see mva ink here that means that you have a decent nvidia graphics card and then you want to select that for your encoding if you don't see it here then you want to choose software x264 now if you have an amd graphics card you will see something else right here that's amd specific and to be honest it's kind of bad so that boils this setting down to the simple fact that you want to enable mvnc if you have it and then if you don't have it you want to select software x264 i'm going to go over both these settings right now but i'm going to do mv ink first you want to disable and for streaming encoder settings then you want to change your rate control to cbr if it isn't then i'm going to skip the bit rate for a second the keyframe interval you want to set this to 2 the preset can stay at quality the profile can stay at high disable look ahead as it is by default enable cycle visual tuning gpu to 0 and max b frames 2 2 then the last thing you want to select is the bitrate and for that we're going to go to our browser and then we're going to search google for twitch streaming encoder settings now don't freak out if you're not streaming on twitch this will work for other platforms so when i click on this right here i see an overview of different resolutions we can stream in and then the amount of bit rate you need to stream in this resolution you can use this chart for any other platform or you can search for your specific platform and then look for the amount of bit rate you want to use to stream in a certain quality for example on youtube or facebook stuff like that so we are streaming in 1080p 60fps and as you see they say that the bitrate should be 6000 kilobits per second now before you go to the settings and you enter the bit rate of 6000 you want to make sure that your pc can handle this and this will depend on your internet speed i just tested my internet on you can go to the website click on go and then you will get the result like this now right here you see my upload speed is 19 mega bits per second and you want to pay attention to this because the streamlabs settings right here the bitrate this is in bits per second not megabits per second so because of that we want to enter our result which is 19.24 and then we want to multiply it by 1000 to transform it from megabits per second to bits per second you just click on this so my maximum upload speed is 19 000 bits per second which is more than enough for the 6 000 we need but this is my maximum upload speed you want to keep a margin for things like netflix or youtube or someone in your house that's downloading stuff like that so you want to multiply your maximum speed by 0.7 which will remove 30 from it and as you see that leaves me with 13 000 bits per second so i can definitely handle the six thousand we need if your result right here is lower than six thousand then you wanna go back to the chart and you can check what you can handle with your internet so for example for 1080p 30fps we need 4500 instead of 6000 and for 720p 60fps we also need 4500 and then if your internet speed is even lower than this then you can see that for 720p 30fps you need 3000 so this way you can decide if you can handle 1080p 60fps if you can handle it then you just enter 6000 right here and you're done if your test was really low and you want to use the 3000 here then you will want to go back to the settings change this to 3000 and then as you see 720p 30fps so then you want to go to the video settings you want to change this to 720p add this to 30 fps so that way you can make your settings specific for your own pc and your internet speed so let's open streamless obs again and then let's make our bitrate 6000. so now i'm going to go over the software x264 settings you want to disable and for streaming encoder settings also disable rescale output your rate control should be cbr and then your bit rate i just gave a big explanation for the bit rate in the mvyank settings and is the same thing for the software x264 settings so just go a bit back or probably a lot back because it was a pretty long explanation and it's really important i'm gonna add 6000 right now but you wanna make sure that you check the previous thing because this is an important setting and your stream will lag if you add a number that's too high right here then you wanna disable use custom buffer size the keyframe interval should be two let's skip this for a second the profile can be set to high the tune to none and you want to leave this empty so then the last setting is the cpu usage and some people find this complicated but in fact it's pretty easy the higher you go in this list the easier it will be for your computer and then the lower you go so the slower you go the harder it will be for your pc so you want to start at very fast and then finish the whole setup of this video and then you want to go live and then you want to start your stream start your game and then you will want to test if your pc can handle this so you press ctrl shift escape on your keyboard then you go to the performance tab and then you want to select your cpu and then you will see a graph of your cpu usage now this setting right here the cpu usage preset will have a huge impact on how hard your cpu will be stressed during your streaming but it will also have a very high impact on how good your stream will look so you want to find the balance here between power and result i advise you to start at the very fast start the stream start your game start gaming and then check your cpu usage if it was really high something like 80 90 then you will not be able to use a higher setting right here because your cpu is already pretty stressed if your cpu usage was something like this something like 20 then you can obviously handle a higher setting so then you can change it from very fast to faster so when we go to the bottom it's a higher setting so you change it to faster you click on done you do it again and you check your cpu you search and this way you want to find a setting right here that will make your cpu go to something like 70 percent while you are actually streaming okay i'm gonna change this back to mvnc because if you have mv ink you definitely want to use it and it has reset everything so let's change it to 6000 this to 2 and those were the settings we want to use the last step here in the setting is the stream tab and this is for at the end of the video when we actually go live okay i had to take a break because my camera battery died but right now we are going to install this graphic spec right here now again you can choose your own graphics pack you can buy one from the sponsor doesn't matter i'm going to show you how to set up everything for your graphics instruments obs right now so if you want to use my free graphics pack you can join the discord in the description and then here you will see free stuff on the left and then under that you will see neon overlay pack now inside of that there's the preview of the pack and then a link to google drive where you can download it every time i update the spec i tag everyone and then i add the updates right here so you can check what changed now let's click on this link and then you will get brought to the google drive page now instead of clicking right here and then browsing through stuff you can just click on this download button on the top right and then it will download the whole pack in one zip folder then when you go to your downloads folder you will find the pack right there so you can right click it and then you can extract all the files you can use winrar for this you can download 7-zip stuff like that you just install the program and then you right-click your file you go to the name of the program and you tell them to extract here and there we go now we have a folder which we can open and inside of here we have all the files for example alerts there we go new channel member this is the alert for that there's a bunch of stuff in here and we will set up most of it but you can take a look at everything if you want to change the color of something there also is a psd file in all of these folders for example for the labels stuff like that if you want to change it you can go to a website called photopia once on the website you can go to file open and then you want to browse for the photoshop file you want to change so let's go back to the neon pack and then for example to alerts and now let's open this alerts psd now for all of these psd files i made one gradient effect which you can use to change the whole design so let's stretch this out a bit to make it more clear and then as you see colors changes gradient overlay effect i added instructions in all the files and then when we double click on the gradient effect we can change it to color so you just click on it then you double click on this and now you can change one of the colors let's click on ok and there we go it has been changed in most of the files you will also find another folder which has all the different variations we can disable new follower and then enable new like for example there we go if you want to change the text yourself you can go to the text tool on the left then you can click on it then you can delete the text right here and then type your own text that way you want to download it you go to file export as and then png you click on save and there we go right now we change the alert we change the color we change the text you can do this for all the files inside of the pack now let's go back to streams for a second and maybe you remember that i told you that you can import some overlay packs in one click with the scene collections here in streamlabs now my overlaypack has that import file as you see on the main level here i have a file called neon overlay import file now that's the one you want to import in streamlabs so you go to streamlabs to the settings scene collections then to import overlay file and then you just browse for the neonpack in your downloads where we extracted it and then you choose this overlay file and when it's finished you will see that we have five scenes here on the left and the transition also has been added as you can see now before i forget if you want to add your own transition you just go to the settings icon here in the scenes and then you click on add transition you change it to stinger and then you browse for the stinger transition for example in my pack we can go to stinger neon stinger and the transition point is the point in your video where the graphic is closed completely because at that point you want to swap your scenes and then it opens again and then you're in the new scene so check out your custom transition if you have one and then right here this is in milliseconds for example if you add 1000 right here then after one second it will transition this is the new one we made let's select it when we click on done and then on another scene you will see that it also works but let's go back to the default one so i'm gonna show you how to customize all these scenes right now the first one is starting soon and it has an animation in the background and this animation is right here in the neon pack in screens we have animated background when we open this you will see that this is the animation that's in streamlabs right now and i gotta show you this because if you have another graphic spec that you got from somewhere and it has animated graphics you have to add them in a different way than static ones if you have a png then you just add a source by clicking on the plus icon and then you choose image as your source now if it's an animated graphic then you want to choose media source you click on that one then if there are some other ones already you enable adding new source instead you click on add source you click on browse and then you can search for something that's animated for example in the screens you have this animated background you click on it click on ok and then there you will have your animated source and as you just saw the media source has disappeared from the scene if you have something that replays all the time if you have a video that's on the screen or an animated webcam border stuff like that then you want to make sure that when you add it let's double click it again that you enable loop right here because otherwise if the animation has been finished if the video file reaches the end then it will just disappear and it will not come back unless you go away from the scene and then you enter the scene again but we can delete it right now we don't need it this was just to explain you how to add your own graphics so as you see the socials have been named after mine and there's a bunch of other things in these scenes that you gotta customize for yourself so i'm gonna go over everything with you and then tell you what to change and maybe some other stuff you gotta know so animated background this is what i just showed you don't need to change this colored handles that's just the things on the side you can remove this if you want if you think this looks more clean but then socials here this is what you want to change so let's open the folder and then here you see twitter name you just double click it and then you can just change the name to whatever you want you click on done and then there you go it has been changed and then the same thing for youtube name double click it and then change it click on done if you want to disable any of these sources you can disable them by clicking on the i right here let's enable the handles again and for example you can disable all the socials together that's up to you and then same thing for starting soon you can double click it you can change the text you can change the font these are all google phones so you can go to google phones search something you like and then you can find the name in here they will all be in this drop down let's click on cancel right now and then the last thing is the alert box i gave the alert box a different position in all scenes for example in the in-game scene it's here in the middle of your screen but in the starting soon screen it's here on the bottom left and then in the intermission screen this black thing right here will be your webcam and then the alert box is right here so it doesn't overlay your face you can always reposition this let's go back to the starting zoom screen if you want to test these alerts if you want to see if they are working you can click on test widget on the bottom here and then click on follow and i will see if the alert works now this will be the standard alerts and if we go to the neon pack you will see that there are custom alerts right here so let me show you how to install them because you will need to display the name on top of the alert instead of under the graphic as you see right here in the preview so we will need to change some things double click on your alert box here and then you will see all your possible alerts now if you have multiple streaming services linked to your streamlabs account you can find your streamlabs account when you go to the settings and then right here you will see the account you've been logged in with but i've linked more than only my twitch account here so when i double click the alert box i will also find things like superchat from youtube or likes from facebook so you only need to change the things that you're actually using i'm gonna show you how to change the follow alert and you can change all the other ones on your own because it's all the same principle there are a few settings that are different but they are really easy to recognize and to know what they are so you will be able to do that yourself if you want a full explanation on these alerts if you want me to go over them one by one on the streamlabs website instead of on this tool right here because that's the same thing you can also change these alerts on the website then you can look in the description because i have alert tutorials for facebook youtube and twitch and i go over all the specific settings one by one in those videos so if you're stuck at any point you can watch those videos i will link them in the description okay so right now let's change the follow alert i'm gonna make this a bit bigger so it's easier to zoom in on it and then on the right you will see three options for your layout and this is what i was talking about so by default this one will be selected and then when we click on test widget follows you will see that the alert graphic is displayed above the text and when we enable this one right here the text will be displayed on the graphic and that's what we want right now we want to change the graphic so let's click on media here and then click on change media then click on drag and drop upload and then we want to go to downloads to the neon pack to alerts and then you want to choose your alert i've made a bunch of them and i've already shown you how to change it so you will be able to make your own alerts and then i'm gonna choose new follower now when it's done uploading you will find it right here so then you just select it you click on done and right now when i click on follow you will see that it has been changed but now we gotta change the layout of the text so let's go to title message and then here you will see message template now the name between parent thesis will be the name of the person following us for the test it will take your own name and we don't need anything else besides the name because new follower is already on the alert graphics so let's delete everything here let's make sure there's no empty space after the name now let's click on follow again that's better already and right now we can change the text color if you want now the text color secondary will be the color of the things that are between parentheses that's the same for all alerts if you type extra text and then you click on follow you will see that it's white and that's the color primary so i'm gonna delete it again and then i'm just gonna change the secondary color to white because that will look better and i'm also gonna delete the animation because i don't really like that so right here you will see title message then media and then animation and you wanna check these three tabs for all the alerts that you're changing because there will be different options in them but as you see animation we can just delete this text animation it's wiggly right now let's click on none click on follow and there we go this is just perfect and if you want to make it smaller you can go to title message and then make the font size a bit smaller click on follow again one last thing if you want to change the sound you can go to media and then here you will see sound file you click on change media and then on the left you will see stock files and then sounds and right here you will find a bunch of sounds some of them will be free and then some of them will be only accessible if you have streamlabs prime and once again there's a discount code for streamlabs prime in my description it will give you 10 or 15 dollars for free i'm not sure but we're not using prime in this video let's click on done let's click on done again and right now when i click on test widget and then on follow you will see that the follow alert has been changed and this will be available in all your scenes as you see right here and then when we go to intermission it's displaying right here we can go to the second scene which is in game so here we see the alert box does the same thing we already changed this and then we see two webcam borders one of them is with your name on it and then the other one is without now let's delete this one because this is pretty easy you don't need to change anything so let's delete it and then the next one with the name this is a folder now we can open it and then we can double click on the name and then you can change it to your own name now if your name is too long for this border for example something like this if it doesn't fit you want to reposition it but it's hard because it's really small to work with so you just click on the folder here and then you can make everything bigger something like this and then you can just click on the text file and then you can rescale it a bit make it fit like this then you select the folder again and then you can just make it smaller again and there we go now this name has been changed perfectly then right here you will see webcam if you're following this video without installing my pack you will need to add it manually so you click on the plus icon and then you choose video capture device this is to add a webcam you enable adding new source instead let's call it webcam 2 and then you click on add source and then you will get the same thing as you see right here the webcam source has this webcam icon webcam through the same thing it's a video capture device now let's click on cancel let's delete this when you want to link your own webcam you just double click on it and then here in the device drop-down you just select your webcam if for some reason it doesn't work you just deactivate it and then you activate it again and then it will probably link you can also change your resolution here change the fps stuff like that but you will probably not need this so let's click on done and then let's just make it bigger and as you see it's behind the webcam border and that's because all these sources work like layers just like an editing program like photoshop for example if i would close this webcam border and drag it beneath the webcam then you will see that the webcam will be above it so that's not something we want to do just know that they work like layers now let's click on the webcam and my webcam will fit perfectly right but if yours doesn't fit this looks weird now if this is your webcam and you want to position it like this and then it just sticks out you can hold alt on your keyboard and then you can just cut off one of the sides if you want to position it really precisely you can select it in the sources and then you can use your arrows on your keyboard to position it pixel by pixel the last source here is the game capture and this is to add your game to the screen now you just want to double click on this and then you want to change the mode from auto to capture specific window and then in the window drop down you want to select your game which in my case will be overwatch you click on done and then if it doesn't fit your screen if it's too big too small stuff like that you right click the game capture you go to transform and then fit to screen now for some games game capture doesn't work an example of this is csgo and there are two more options you click on the plus icon and then instead of adding a game capture you want to choose window capture and this works the same thing you add the source and then as your window you just select one of the windows for example explorer alerts this is literally a window on my computer it's windows explorer and you can do the same thing for games now if game capture doesn't work and then the alternative window capture also doesn't work then your last option is display capture but you really want to avoid this because it's really hard for your pc to run but when you click on the plus icon to add a source you can go to display capture you can click add source and then you can just select a whole monitor so for example my second monitor which i'm using to record it's positioned vertically so i can right click it i can go to transform and then rotate 90 degrees then right click transform fit to screen this is the third option to add your game try to use game capture then window capture and as a last resort display capture if you add it yourself don't forget to drag it to the bottom like this and then it will work just fine now let's delete the display capture let's keep the game capture and then let's go to the next scene which is the intermission scene we also have a webcam source here and our webcam isn't linked but we can double click on it then select our webcam again right here click on done and then if it didn't work if you can't see your webcam again double click on it and then click on deactivate click on activate and then usually it will work and you will see your webcam if it doesn't work you can always delete the source click on the plus icon video capture device and then instead of clicking add a new source which we normally do you want to disable this and you want to add the webcam source which we already have added in other scenes you can just copy it click on add source right now we have a webcam source now we want to make it a bit bigger and as you see it's overlaying things so we want to drag it to the bottom and then we can reposition it we can reposition this corner and then we can just scale it like this then the next thing to change is the text i already showed you how to edit the socials you just double click on the text file and then you change the text and then that way you will be able to add your own socials on the right you will see a chat window and here on the bottom you see chat box when you click on it you will see the chat box and depending on the resolution you chose in your video settings some things might not fit you should never hold shift and then change the aspect ratio like we do with other things you want to double click the chat box and then you want to change the width and the height here so maybe the height should be something like 800 let's test this there we go it's a bit too small so 820 this will probably work let's click on done let's reposition it if we click on this arrow on the right we can add our chat and then when we type a message you will see that it appears right here if you want to change the text size if this is too big for you double click the chat box and then on the right you will see font settings and then here you can change the size click on done and then there you go let's test it again now it's a bit smaller now if you want to add stuff like recent follower top donator top donation stuff like that you can add it somewhere on the graphic here and the way you do it is by clicking on the plus icon make sure you're logged in with your account on streamlabs and then you will see widgets here and there we go we just got a subscriber that's amazing and there we go that's the other alert the third one will probably also trigger after this one that's the third one thanks a lot for subscribing but to add things like a recent follower on the screen you want to scroll to the bottom and then you will see stream label and this is what it's called it's stream labels so for example recent follow and then you click add source and then on the top you will see label type you just open that and then you type something like follow this is a search box and then you can choose most recent follower you just click on that you click on done and then there you go it has been added on the top left you can just reposition this for example here and when you double click it you see label template here and right now it only contains the name of the recent follower so you can type recent follow and then that way when you click on done you will see that it hasn't been changed but it will change in a minute you just gotta wait some time let's continue this tutorial you can do this to add other things like top donator stuff like that it's really easy and then one thing i want to show you here right now we are using this intermission graphic but there are other designs in my pack so when you double click into mission graphic and then you click on browse we can go to the pack so downloads neon pack and then intermission screen let's click on that and then as you see i have a version that's full screen your webcam or your game you can choose that then i have a version with one thing and then your chat or a version with a big thing like your webcam then your game here and then your chat so let's click on open here and then as you see the intermission graphic has been changed so if you use this one you want to double click the chat box and then you want to change the resolution to something like 650 click on done then reposition it you want to change it some more and then to add your game here on the top right you want to click on the plus icon you want to choose game capture if that's what you used for your game so you double click on it and then we can import the game capture that we added before so you just select it you click add source there you go we make it a bit smaller we position it here and then we want to drag it to the bottom under the intermission graphic and then you just want to position one corner correctly and then you can rescale it and make it fit and that way we have an intermission screen with our webcam then our game right there and then our chat on the bottom as you see when i add some text there we go now it all works let's go to the next thing which is video watching now to watch videos with viewers you want to capture your screen right so to do that you just click on the plus icon then you choose display capture you can call it monitor 2 or something like that you click on add source and then as your display you want to select the monitor that you're watching your videos on you click on done and then you want to rescale it to something like this okay and then before adjusting it perfectly because it's overlaying everything you want to drag it to the bottom under this video watching graphic then you want to reposition it to something like this you want to rescale it so it fits perfectly then right now i'm going to grab a youtube video i'm going to drag it to my second screen maximize it and then right now i'm going to double click it and as you see now it's full screen here on our stream now we wanna add our webcam on the right just delete your webcam click on the plus icon video capture device choose the one we already added before click on add source there you go now you want to reposition it and right now we will need to cut off one of the sides so make sure that it's on the bottom here below our graphic and then just position one corner scale it till it fills the screen then hold alt on your keyboard and cut off the other side that's sticking out of the frame and then that way we have ourselves here on the top right we have our video in the middle and then when i type some text you will see that it also appears here and it doesn't fit so you can just click on your chat box and then change the resolution by double clicking on it and then changing the height here to something like 650 something like that reposition it and then it will work fine the last thing is stream ending and this is the exact same thing as a starting zoom screen so there's nothing to explain here now the last step is to go live and for going live you just want to click on go live here and then on top you will see the platform that you're signed in with and that will be your main platform to go live from so this was a really long video i almost lost my voice in the process but if you enjoyed this video then please give it a like maybe subscribe to my channel if you want to see more content and placing a random comment really helps me a lot in the youtube algorithm this is a long video i will need all the help that i can get to get this to people's pages so if you're still here click the like button add a random comment or ask me a question it doesn't matter and if you want to see more content you can subscribe to the channel if you want to learn anything else about streamlessobs i have a playlist where i go over everything streamlabs obs related some things are more in depth than this video some things have already been explained in this video you can check out everything see what you want to learn and besides that thank you so much for watching and i hope that i will see you in my next video have a nice day
Channel: The Video Nerd
Views: 123,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamlabs, streamlabs obs, streamlabs obs tutorial, streamlabs setup, streamlabs guide, streamlabs tutorial, setup streamlabs, streamlabs 2021, streamlabs obs guide, streamlabs obs tutorial 2021, streamlabs obs guide 2021, slobs, how to setup streamlabs, how to set up streamlabs obs, streamlabs obs alerts, streamlabs obs overlays, streamlabs obs graphics, streamlabs obs settings, streamlabs obs setup overlay, twitch, youtube, facebook, the video nerd, tvn, slobs guide
Id: yq7w9y93d9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 10sec (3070 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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