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how to record on xbox one i'm going to be showing you four different ways that you can record from your xbox one so if you don't mind dropping a like and subscribing for more content because i know 98 of you are not subscribed just hit the button it's free and it helps me out a ton also drop a comment down below if you're confused about anything in the video and i'll try and help you out i'm gonna start with method number one and work my way to number four four is my all-time favorite so stay tuned to the very end if you wanna know what that is method number one is locally recording with your xbox one this requires you to go to the broadcast tab and then you can start screen capturing the benefits of this is that you only need your xbox and possibly a computer if you want to edit your videos the downsides to this are plentiful one reason being that you can only record in two to five minute chunks meaning that you're gonna have to record stop record stop record stop if you wanna make like a full gameplay video so i'd highly recommend against using this method because it's going to be a real pain in the butt another downside is that you actually have to download an app to be able to upload your two minute chunks to one drive if you're unfamiliar with what onedrive is it's basically just like a cloud storage and that's going to be where your videos are stored so you're going to have to upload it from your xbox to your onedrive and then go to your computer open up your onedrive account and then you can find your video file so then you can go and edit it on your computer which is just a whole bunch of steps that are really confusing you don't really want to do it you want to make it as simple as possible keep it streamlined method number two is very similar to that however it allows you to record up to about an hour of gameplay depending on what kind you get and this is basically the same method but you actually go out and grab a usb stick or a usb drive it has to be 3.0 and formatted to ntfs which is quite simple to do however you're still going to run into that same issue where you're not going to be able to want to set up the video the way you want it to if you want to have like overlays or if you want to record yourself playing with it it's just a real pain in the butt but if you're dead set on trying that method i'll leave a link down below on a couple of different usb drives that'll fit the bill and you can try it that way all right so methods three and four actually involve using a program called streamlabs obs it's 100 free if you're wanting to get into gameplay recording or possibly live streaming i highly recommend you get this program 100 percent free i have a video on it in the top right corner if you want to learn how to use it i make it very very simple to understand and use and it's going to save you so much time and effort especially if you want to turn this into something bigger than just a little side hobby so pause this video go watch that one if you don't know how to use it if you do know how to use streamlabs obs continue watching all right so method number three is not as good as number four but it is still an option so this method basically consists of you streaming your xbox one to your computer via bluetooth and let me let me explain this further i'll go ahead and show you what i mean so i've gone ahead and opened up my computer and what i did i turned on my xbox and this is only going to work for windows computers as far as i know but basically you're going to want to go ahead and install an xbox console companion app through the windows store on your computer and what this is going to allow us to do is play our xbox through our computer and when we want to actually record that's when we're going to bring in streamlabs obs but let's go ahead and head over to where i can actually play my xbox so give me just a moment to navigate there so you're gonna have to go and click this tab it says connection as you can see my xbox is connected make sure you're on the same wi-fi alright so once it's connected you'll actually see that it says stream so i'm gonna click stream and now it's going to connect my xbox one and project it onto my computer it says it's yelling at me because i don't have any controllers so let me go ahead and plug in a controller into my computer i got my xbox pro controller highly recommend this it's so professional it feels very heavy so it's got that nice weight to it i'll leave a link in the description down below if you want to check one of these out all right so i've connected my controller it's allowed me to go here as you can see my mouse is currently on the screen meaning that this is being projected for my computer but now you'll see if i move my xbox controller i actually have control over this so now let's go ahead and boot up a game i'm gonna go ahead and boot up outlast real quick so let me boot this up and let it load up so give me a sec all right so i've gone ahead booted up the game as you can see i am controlling it and this is from my computer so now you're wondering how do i actually record this kodi that's a great question let me bring up a screen grab so you can see exactly what's going on behind the scenes so this is what's going on behind the scenes as you can see that this is streamlabs obs it's picking up my mic it's picking up my game volume right there and you can see that it's recording so now that we have this let me just show you how to quickly set this up if you're unfamiliar with it once again watch my video on how to use streamlabs obs i'll just give you a very very quick guide on how to use this so let's go ahead and open a new scene alright so we're going to have a blank slate open right now what we want to do is go ahead and add a new source by clicking this little plus button down in the sources and then now we actually have a couple options you can use display capture which will capture everything that happens on your computer screen sometimes it works for people sometimes it doesn't i've heard mixed bag otherwise you want to use a game capture most people use game capture because it simply works the best in my opinion and if both of these are not working for you go ahead use window capture you have a bunch of options but for the purpose of this i'm going to use game capture just because most people use it and it seems to work best for me so go ahead click game capture click add source i'm going to add a new source instead let's go ahead and call this xbox capture recording or something whatever you want add the source that's going to automatically look for one if it doesn't find it which i'm not thinking that it's going to uh let's just go ahead and click capture specific window and then we're going to find the window we want to capture we're streaming from the xbox app.exe so we're going to click this one right here and lo and behold there's our game so now we hit done and then now all you would have to do if you wanted to record your gameplay is just hit this little record button down here go to the cog wheel in the settings and then you can go ahead and see video and then that's going to be the resolution that you're going to be exporting at also if you want to go ahead and just click output and then recording you can also mess with some settings here like what you want to output it as like mine is outputted as mp4 and you can mess around with a couple other settings here once you've done that as long as you just hit record your recordings will go through and you'll be recording your xbox through your computer through the xbox app on your computer once again i don't know if this works for apple but i do know it works for windows 10 and up so the big reason why i don't like using this third method is because there's a lot of latency involved so like you'll do an action on your controller and it won't like automatically happen in game there's going to be a small delay and sometimes there might be some lag or choppiness so it's not the greatest method which is why i think method number four is the best all right so for method number four my personal all-time favorite is drumroll please streaming using a capture card yes the hd60s or the s plus whatever you can get your hands on this is going to be the best way to stream xbox one and now i know a lot of you people are gonna be like oh my god cody this cost so much oh my god i can't afford this well let me tell you if you want to start streaming or recording your gameplay and take it to the next level and you actually want to make something out of it consider this your very first investment in your job career whatever you want to take this to it is 100 worth you taking your time saving up the extra money and putting it towards something that you can use to possibly build a future for yourself another reason being is that if you save up the money for it and you buy it you're gonna value it that much more and the fact that you have money invested into it is gonna mean that you're not gonna quit as soon as something goes wrong you're gonna learn from it you're gonna fix it you're gonna test fail learn grow and repeat and that my friends is the secret to success by the way link for this capture card down in the description below alright so let me show you how to use this capture card i'm going to use footage of when i was setting up the nintendo switch for the elgato same exact process the only thing different is that you're going to take the hdmi cable and plug it into your xbox instead of what i did and i plugged it into the switch you don't even see it because it's off camera but let's go ahead and check it out all right so please excuse this gorilla style videography i have i'm using my phone and it's not the best but basically once you have your hd 60s there's going to be a couple plugs the left side is where you're going to plug in your nintendo switch and then right next to that it's like a smaller plug which is the micro usb and that's going to plug into the computer the other side says out so if you want to have the output of that so basically your nintendo switch is going in and the out is going to go to your computer so that plug that i'm looking at right now next to the out that's our output so that's an hdmi and you're going to take that hdmi cable find your computer and plug it in the hdmi slot if you have a mac you're going to need an adapter the other side see that little plug that's going to be a usb so you're going to plug that into the usb side of your computer and then that last one right there the opposite of the outside you're going to plug that bad boy into your nintendo switch all right so now that we have the capture card plugged in when you got your capture card you should have gotten some software if you didn't just google elgato game capture hd software and it should give you something like this so we're gonna go ahead and open up our game capture hd which is this piece of software right here you can see that it recognizes our device game capture hd60s is the model i'm using you can use the plus if you'd like right now it's capturing our switch so all i have to do grab my switch controllers and you can see that we're moving around and now let's just say continue you can see that it's picking it up so that's all good and great so that's half the battle so now that we have our game captured and by the way if you want to mess with some settings click this little cog wheel right here and then you're going to have a bunch of different settings so if you're having trouble getting the picture going up you can mess with all this stuff here here are my settings if that helps for your audio input you can change it to like 1080p you can make it high definition you can change the quality uh you can do a whole bunch of other stuff mainly this comes down to when you're using like retro games but if you're having any trouble mess around with these settings and tweak it until you get what you like you can also mess around with the picture the audio you can make different profiles so like if you have like your retro stuff plugged and you want a different profile go ahead and switch in through there once we have this set up you're going to want to make it full screen so you just right click this little area here enter full screen and then you still have these annoying stuff on the side just right click it again hide sidebar so now that we have this let's head over into our streaming software by the way if you don't know how to stream already and you don't know how to use streamlabs obs or regular obs then go ahead and watch my video i'll leave a card up in the top right corner which basically shows you how to start streaming from nothing and what software you're going to need and it's going to make a lot more sense to you so if you don't already know how to stream using obs or streamlabs obs go ahead watch that video pause this one and come back when you're done okay now that we have streamlabs obs all set up and plugged in i'm gonna have this on a nice blank slate for you so this is a brand new scene so in order to capture our game on our nintendo switch and our capture card let's go ahead and add a new source and then we're going to go ahead and do a window capture i believe you could use a game capture as well but i'm going to do window capture for this so go ahead open up a window capture add the source we're going to add a new source or let's call it elgato game capture because this is gonna work for anything that's plugged into our elgato so we're gonna add the source and then now uh we're gonna change our window and change it to game capture hd right here this little bad boy and right now we're gonna hit done and right now there you go that's our that's our game if you wanted to just stream like that then you could just hit go ahead and go live and then you know start streaming you know all that stuff make sure you got your game audio uh every time i move you can see the little uh action happening by the speaker right there so we're getting our game audio you're not getting game audio go ahead go to settings go to audio and then you can go ahead and change whatever your desktop audio device is until you get the game audio uh capture source now let's go ahead and set up our webcam uh so let's just go hit plus video capture device if you got a webcam add source and then here's my webcam right here and then we'll add the source and then we can make it smaller and then we can go ahead and put in the corner we can start up our game and we'll just start it up as you can see our game audio is going through right there and now i'll just wait for it to load up real quick all right so our game is all nice and loaded up all right so those are the four different ways that i know how to record the xbox one if you're still here drop a comment down below letting me know your favorite method of recording the xbox if you have any questions make sure to leave them down below as well everything you've seen in this video links are all in the description if you want to get some gear or if you want to purchase anything that you've seen me use in this video i also have a course available in terms of live streaming on twitch if you want to learn how to stream or grow your channel and be able to ask me one-on-one questions on what you're doing wrong and what you could be doing better check it out link in description down below see if it be a good fit for you otherwise thank you guys for watching so much i appreciate it make sure to like and subscribe 98 of you are not subscribed so let's change that number down to i don't know 4 that would be insane wouldn't it anyways thank you guys so much for watching i appreciate it and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 125,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to record on xbox one, how to record xbox one gameplay, how to record on xbox one for youtube 2021, how to record xbox one 2021, how to record on xbox one 2021, how to record xbox one guide, how to record xbox one gameplay 2021, how to record on xbox, how to record on xbox 2021, how to record xbox guide, how to record xbox guide 2021, how to record xbox gameplay 2021, how to record on the xbox one 2021, how to record, xbox one recording guide, how to stream on twitch, xbox
Id: SE27of60aig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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