Easy Streamlabs OBS Overlay Setup Tutorial (+ Free Twitch Graphics Pack Download)

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okay guys silhouette guy level here and today I'm gonna show you how fast you can actually put your whole overlay set up together in-stream lapse OBS I've been getting a lot of messages lately about one-click install overlay packs unfortunately this is not something that is available with every overlay pack you get so sometimes you download something and it's just a bunch of images but what do you do with them both you're not because it's really not that complex to actually build your scenes from scratch and for this particular video it turns out that I have a brand new overlay pack available right now at Gumroad comm slash gal level the pack is completely free it's called pride and this is the pack that we're gonna be using for this demonstration today so first of all let me start by showing you everything that is usually included in a typical non animated overlay pack for my most recent ones at least you will have an avatar template this is something that you can use for your profile picture you just drag and drop it in Photoshop for example and then it will match the color of the rest you get a background in case you want to add your own text if you speak a different language this is mostly for the offline image this is the second background for the intermission screen ish if you want to create a whole new scene you can use that as you can see on the right here there's a box for the chat in one for the events list up top or for a logo you have a twitch banner of course you have to populate that with either your logo your social media and stuff like that I'll be right back saying this is a camera overlay this is a second camera overlay and this is a narrower camera overlay here you have the intermissions scene this is where you can put your camera behind it and have it as a full screen this is the labels bar so as you can see here you have subscriber cheerer donator I call this one labels Affiliate because of course if you're able to get bits and subscribers that means your at least affiliate this one is black if you want to add your own icons and this is for non affiliates so here you have follower donor and top donor of course an offline image a starting soon scene a stream ending scene and this is the basics and then you have handles okay and you have like 20 panels including a blank one in case you want to add your own text there will be a link to the font in the product description please always read product descriptions every time you're buying anything either in real life or on the internet okay so now we can begin with our overlay setup the goal here is to show you how fast it can be but I'm also going to try to explain step by step I'm gonna delete that video capture so we can start from scratch okay so right now everything is completely empty what I'm gonna do is drag stream labs to the side just so I can have this on the other side I'm gonna go ahead and calculate the amount of scenes that I'm gonna need I'm gonna know what a starting soon stream ending may be right back and then the intermission and then the game but that is five scenes in total so I'm gonna go ahead and click on top the little plus here to add a new scene but that's too you can rename them whenever you want or if you don't want to you don't have to so see no one is gonna be my studying soon its general practice to just have your starting soon be the top scenes who can just click on it before you you go live second scene is going to be my intermission screen so I'm gonna drag and drop this boom intermission is in there third scene is going to be hello or I drag it down accidentally third scene is going to be that your game scene so we're not touching that for now four scenes is going to be a be right back with drag and drop this and then the last one will be stream ending okay so starting soon intermission game be right back ending so in this specific overlay there are spots for widgets we're gonna be adding that too so let's go to the intermission scene right now and let's add a camera source so I'm gonna click the plus on top of the sources I'm gonna go to video capture device add source video capture device and I'm gonna pick the right camera which is sparkle cam I'm using a DSLR boom so that's 1080p I'm gonna drag this down and of course you can make it match as much as you want you can move it around off like that but it looks okay to me right now okay so game scene what do we want we usually want the labels bar in the game scene we'll probably add it to every scene to be honest so let's go with the labels bar affiliate and let's drag and drop that let's place that roughly in the middle at the bottom this is just usually how it goes and then let's have a camera overlay but I want the narrow camera overlay it's camera overlay three let's drag and drop hey now it's on top and we're gonna scale it down because our game is going to be at the bottom you know what I'm gonna add a game capture source just because that's what you would want so I'm gonna click the plus and I'm gonna find Game Capture okay so at Game Capture and make sure the source is at the bottom because the the list here represents the order visually so if Game Capture is on top of course it's gonna be on top of everything so nothing will be visible except for Game Capture I'm gonna click and drag drag it at the bottom here while I'm at it I'm gonna re add my camera source I'm gonna add this same source or if you don't have a same source make another one add source and then I'm gonna drag that underneath my camera overlay we're gonna scale it down an appropriate size whoop then I'll hold alt and drag the corners until it matches until it fits and now I have my camera overly I just want to link those two by creating a group I'm gonna click on camera overlay click on video capture device click on that older thing when I call this one cam is to go fast okay now let's add our labels to this and I click plus when I go to stream labels and we're gonna look what we have first one is subscriber gonna rename this just for clarity I'm gonna type most recent sub once you send subscriber now we're gonna add that as you can see here it's up top so we're gonna have to drag it down okay now I could just redo that same step over and over again but here I'm gonna copy it I'm gonna paste a duplicate duplicate means that it's a whole different source even though it's the same thing but if you paste reference it's actually gonna be the same thing just duplicated that means that if you modify the first one the second one will also be modified and you don't want that this is a separate thing so I'm gonna double click this and was it cheer okay we're gonna type recent cheer boom we have that that's fine don't worry about the size or anything right now and let's right-click and paste another duplicate and place it there can't even see what that is oh it's top donor last one is gonna be top donor Oh double-click that or just right-click and go to properties then we have that okay cool so we're gonna go ahead and make sure that it's aligned and the way you see this is by those little pixels here so if we click on the first one we'll see that nine there's ninety ninety two pixels from the top so we're gonna make sure that we have the same thing even see a to a nine - okay that's great let's right-click on this on the first one click filters add filter go to scroll and now with your eyeballs technically I we don't even need the right side anymore so we can go fullscreen here let me tap back to this okay cool which your eyes are gonna have to guess the width of this okay so click limit with and then add values until it fits at the container pretty much in c200 is just a little too much let's go 190 180 okay that's fine and and then let's make it move horizontal speed go with something not too fast because it's distracting so it's just fine all right and of course loop it's checked and now we have at least one label that is moving at the perfect width one thing you need to do is kind of make sure that it's correctly placed but you should be fine let's move that here a little bit I'm using the arrow keys on my keyboard to make it move and now I'm gonna right-click the first one I'm gonna go to copy filters then right-click the second one and paste filters and right-click the third one and paste filters and now I have my three labels placed can take more time to make it even perfect but what I'm seeing now you can group those up right so just make sure that just make sure that the actual overlay the labels bar is selected with them you can hold control select them one by one click this and then labels bar well now the cool thing here is that this labels bar I can right-click it click copy and then added to whatever scene I want to add it to I can right click and paste you can pay some reference here because if you want to change the color for example it will change everywhere and I'm gonna paste the reference okay so in that specific case this is a reference that means that if I add a filter to this it will probably it will totally affect the other one so we can do this I'm here you can even press ctrl V on your keyboard if you want to sometimes it bugs a little bit and you might have to manually just paste it and make sure that the filters are in there so yeah control-v seems to bug a little bit for me right click is reference nice okay do we have it in the intermission no not yet let's pace my friends and you know what I'm actually gonna make it even smaller on this scene we'll place it right there okay just eyeballed it alright now we're gonna do we're gonna add the chat box while we're here I'm gonna click the plus on top of sources and I'm gonna find a chat box there we go okay add source chat box and we're gonna start by just adding it like that and just see that container you see the size of this container and we're going to roughly place it around where we want it to be I'm gonna click on that little arrow on the right side here to unfold my chat and I'm gonna type some messages that i know nightbot will respond to you just to see how it's looking right now you can play around with the size you can scale it down too bad I'm just gonna scale it down a little bit and then I'm gonna drag it all the way down then I'm gonna double click on chat box and on top here where it says height I'm gonna play around with the height and so I'm satisfied I should have dragged it up let's do this and turns out this almost fits perfectly just drag it down a little bit and now it fits oh if I type my chat it appears okay so good now for the events list you can do the exact same thing but up top here you can really put whatever you want but I kind of had events lists in mine when I did it well let me click advent event list I can speak to what it looks like real quick there you go - kind of bug because I have some custom HTML in it you might have to play around with this on your own and remember you can hold alt and drag the sides to crop it or in my case I have to do some crazy things to make it fit so I'm holding alt right now cropping the bottom okay and then I'll crop it until it fits this actually it's still too big there we go okay that looks fine by me so we can do the same thing and copy we can even group those actually we can group those as widgets actually what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna also add a an alert box because you kinda want your alert box to be in every scene right the thing with alert box is that if you want to place it differently do not group it up but in this specific case I'm gonna keep my chat box events list in alert box the same spot so I'm gonna add the alert box right here I'm not gonna do any modification to it just add it click done keeping it in the middle like I'm gonna move it maybe around here and I should really keep it around here like that and then I'm gonna group up all of that so all three widgets are gonna be in the same thing and I'm gonna call this one widget all right boom widget and now I can copy this and I can place it in every scene including the starting soon maybe not the game although we will need to add a another box to the game scene that way your events list and your chat box can still be visible in here all right now something that you probably noticed with the chat box is that everything disappeared once I changed once I duplicated it right and you don't want that to happen right it's something that happens by default but if you click somewhere else and you come back your chat disappears right here's how you fix it so if I show up the widget group double-click alert box not alert box what am i doing chatbox and then I go to source here there's shut down when not visible you don't want it to shut down you want to stay up okay so it doesn't clear your chat and of course as usual if you don't want the messages to ever go away you may you need to make sure that this is on zero right now if I type anything and here and then I move away and I come back the chat is here and it's in every old other scene right okay let's collapse this collapse this widget we have gave em captured wait video capture device that's my camera and in game we have game capture this is representing game catcher you would have your video games behind here so the only thing missing here is the alert box for the game scene so we can re add it it's fine you can add the same source unless you're gonna modify it our add filters to it so we can place it wherever you want here we could even test the widget just to see what it looks like there you go oh I see that there's a little animation I don't mind the animation but it's pretty much the same thing as the chat for the events list if you don't want the events list I'll pop in every time you can just go to source and make sure that shut down when not visible is not ticked with that it appears once you move from scene to scene it's still there right now quickly if you do not want to use whatever is included in the pack and you want to create like your own you want to put up your own language for example what you would do is use one of the backgrounds in that case we're gonna use the background from the intermission screen ish we're gonna drag and drop it here and you can add you click on plus on top of this source list and then you click text then you type your text for example if in your language it says starting su and you put whatever it is which you have downloaded because you've read the product description right right I advise you bumping up the size and then you can later on do whatever you want font style regular text transform let's put this everything uppercase and you can just place it here ooop if widgets in the clipboard we can right-click and paste and there it is boom you just made your own scene from scratch ish if you want to change colors obviously same thing you can still go to filters in that case I know it's kind of it's a pride plug it's the pride flag colors but you can still add a color correction if you want it to match your own colors you will have to modify it in order for it to be one color basically let's say your color is red can go here click red and wow would you look at that it's red now click done and boom you're done you can do that to everything that has multiple colors or everything that you just want to modify ok let's say cherry on top ok cherry on top you want to add a transition so you click on the little cog wheel on top of the scene list here you will see cut as a global transition you can edit that and then in type you can put whatever you want really I like the slide because it's look it looks professional even though it's a default transition and click done and now every time you switch from scene to scene there's a little there's a little swap thing a little slide if you will I like it to be a little smooth so 300 milliseconds is not a lot let's make it take a full second so that's 1000 milliseconds like done done and now it should be way smoother see that and that's technically all you need that's that's a full overlay setup so now you know how to pick and choose and and place every single thing separately if you are using OBS studio instead of stream labs OBS the only thing that's gonna change is the method of importing the widgets themselves swimlabs OBS is kind of made by Stream labs so their widgets is super accessible you just have to click plus and add them but would OBS studio it might be a little different I'll look up on that and maybe make a different tutorial just or will be as studio users but if you're looking to get that Oh specific overlay pack it's right there Gumroad comm slash gal level everything is included it's completely free just put 0 in the price box and and then you'll get everything please read the description every single time even if you're downloading something that's free especially if you're downloading something that's free and yeah that's the video hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you did please remember to leave a like follow me on social media I have a discord channel that will be linked in the description check out the other links in the description there's some interesting stuff here I would say my most important social platform is Twitter because this is where I announce what I'm doing giveaways I do stream reviews on my twitch channel this way and announce them to on the Twitter so follow me follow me and subscribe to this channel of course or in the meantime I will see you guys next time thank you again for watching my video go out there make me proud yeah level out [Music]
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 156,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamlabs, streamlabs obs, streamlabs obs tutorial, twitch, twitch overlay template free, twitch overlay free, twitch tutorial, obs tutorial, streaming, how to, slobs tutorial, slobs overlays, streamlabs obs overlay, tutorial, how to stream on twitch, how to setup overlays on streamlabs, streamlabs tutorial, twitch tips, streamlabs tutorial 2020, stream overlay, free overlay twitch, free overlay template, streaming tips
Id: T7UCsuv0EmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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