Palworld - How To Breed Pals - Beginners Guide On Mating Pals - Everything You Need To Know

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So within power world you can breed those poers make more powerful babies even crossbreed certain poers and create unique monsters but the breeding isn't straightforward unless you know what you're doing it requires a bit of work and getting used to in this video I bring you a complete guide on everything you need to know about breeding as it going guys my name is dpj and if you do enjoy the video leing a like really helps out and if you like what you see and want to see more be sure to subscribe also guys to meet new friends playing power world come and join my Discord Community Link down below so you want to breed your powers people make powerful babies cross breed powers and find secret hybrids I fully understand I dedicated a whole day trying to figure out exactly what you need to do in order to breede and finally guys I fully understand what you have to do here so I'm going to pass on my knowledge so first things first first to initially even begin the process of brooding you need to be at a level of 19 at this level you can then unlock the brooding pen blueprint now to build this it requires wood Stone and fiber all easy to obtain but beward this breeding pen is pretty big and for myself find the place to fit it I had to more or less rearrange my entire base to fit this in I really didn't think it was going to be this big but I managed to fit it in within the end so once you've made space for it and you've got your breeding pened down there's more you have to do firstly you need a male and female of the same P unless you know of any that will crossbreed either or you still need a male or female keep in mind hybrids are in this game right now as I made this video before the game's even being released I don't know of any as soon as I do videos will come but for now for this guide to keep it simple we'll stick to breeding two of the same pal so you need a male and female and they need to be placed inside of that breeding pen now if any of the mating pair have any negative status effects this can stop the breeding process so keep that in mind if this is the case for you and they ain't breeding uh put them in your power box and give them a rest so once you see that progress bar basically them breeding it doesn't end there I wish you did you also now have to have a cake and that cake needs to be placed inside of that breeding pens box so where do you get these cakes from well this is the semi hard part there are two ways of getting these cakes the easiest way in my opinion is to set up your own cake crafting Farm or you can Trek across the map at night up into the colder areas and find a rare pal Farm them for a chance of them dropping these cakes but do keep in mind they hit hard they're high leveled and you will need to be stacked early on to even stand their chance at going up to these areas now the P itself is called lavenda it only appears at night and is a stretch to go and get so in my opinion it's way easier to setting yourself up to create your own cakes so that's what I'm going to explain to you guys let's craft our own cakes so to bake cakes you need that cooking pot this requires wood ingots and Flame organs which drop from M fire type PS so upon you crafting this cooking pot you can now see the ingredients needed for that cake and they are five flour eight red berries seven milk eight eggs and two honey now luckily with my help you will not struggle to get Mass amounts of any of these now there is a nearby vendor who stuck some of these items but I will also show you guys how you can produce all of your own of these ingredients at the same time firstly the vend is location seen right here on the screen now you can see where the initial starting point is it isn't far away whatsoever so come here guys and follow the path I take to this vendor you can see he sells milk he sells wheat with those seeds too which is needed to make flower he sells red berries as well as their seeds and also eggs now if you have plenty of gold stuck up now there are a few items missing here which he doesn't sell but I'll show you how you can get these twoo so first things first guys flour so to produce flour you first need that wheat which that vendor did sell now for the long run and to make it more efficient on yourself in that long run to get wheat guys it's best to create your own wheat Plantation which is an early on luck to craft this it requires wheat seeds wood and stone keep in mind when this is created you need a base p with watering and a base pal with that planting trait as well as a base pal with that Gathering trait two to actually gather these ingredients and store them for you so make sure there is a nearby storage container for them in fact in regards to wheat as well as berries which they will also gather for you they normally do place them inside of that food box so if you have one of them check that often but we'll talk more about that in a quick second so yes with your own wheat now you now need to make that flour to do this you need the MK this is easily crafted and again requires a watering pal to get this to work and produce that flow for you now the same traits as in planting and watering gos for the Red Berry Plantation too early on though there are so many Red Berry plants uh this shouldn't be a struggle but even or guys should probably get this down anyway for the long run so milk you can also buy from that vendor I just showed you guys but there's also a pal called the masarina which has that farming trait and will drop milk for you now the location of where you can get these uh you can see on screen now eggs again you can buy from that vendor but catching egg couple of the little chicks um these little pals because they have that farming trait they will drop eggs for you now these chicks are also are everywhere so you shouldn't really struggle finding them whatsoever and then there is the honey now there is a pal called the beardi and elizabe these have that farming trait and will drop honey for you now the location of where these can be found you'll see on screen now now keep in mind the powers that drop these ingredients so the the milk the honey the eggs they only do so when there's a ranch within your base and make sure these poers overin That Base power section within that power box you also here like I said when a water in power you want a gardening power and if you've got room you want one that gathers two now keep in mind there are poers that do multiple of these jobs for you so it isn't rare to find a power which offers multiple of these traits which is pretty cool now as I said earlier when you have those Base PS Auto dropping those ingredients within your lanch within your base if you have that base power that will gather said items they usually take them to the food box which by the way guys your powers will eat so just keep that in mind and check it quite often and if you can craft a cooler box too to store said items as it also drastically increases and makes better of that spoiled time the cooler box though to work will also need a pal with that cooling trait on so now you have all the ingredients to make that cake so now you want to go ahead and do so keep in mind actually making a cake takes about 5 minutes of crafting it's wild how long this takes okay so now you have your cake you now guys want to breed said two Pals male and female so put them in that breeding pen now guys with that cake placed within that breeding pen box and upon the breeding pairs progress bar being filled up you will notice an egg will appear and well now guys you have to hatch said egg and to do this you need the egg incubator now to unlock these guys you need to have ancient technology points you can get these upon defeating powerful enemies these consists of will bosses and those trainer bosses too now upon you having these and you unlocking that egg incubator you now need to craft it this requires ancient civilization Parts these are some of the rarest materials in the game and a not that easy to get but to get these guys to get these ancient civilization Parts they drop from a few different sources shining Powers which are the super rare big and Shining variant of Po you'll see around the map I mean these again are super super rare but if you catch them take them out you should get them dropped for you also dungeon buses will drop these parts as well as World buses too so it's quite a few places you can get them there's actually quite a few easy dungeons you can take part in as well and take out the bus quite easy easily so once you have what's needed guys go ahead and craft that egg incubator and then simply put your egg within it now these eggs require different climates which you if you get right can speed up the process of them hatching but when said egg is done and it's finally incubated you now have a new member to your family and well guys there we have it that is more or less everything you need to know about breeding power within that power world now if you have any other questions let me know Down Below in that comments section or you can hit me up on my Discord linked down below now guys on my channel I've got plenty of guides for this game uh secret power location secret vendor locations guides and this and the other so do check them out guys if you enjoyed the video leaving a like really helps out if you like what you see want to see more be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 57,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld servers, palworld breeding, palworld mating, palworld eggs, palworld hatching, palworld guide, palworld breed guide, palworld breeding guide, palworld how to breed, palworld how to mate pals, palworld hybrid pals, palworld game, palworld pc, palworld xbox, complete guide on breeding, dpj, dpjsc08
Id: Fav6bjz1SGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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