How to protect yourself from Tear Gas

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hello everybody I wanted to do a video about protecting yourself from tear gas I sort of talked about this in other videos but it's one of the ones I think a lot more people are interested in the full chemical warfare because as I've said to people before I think one of the most practical uses of goning and gas masks as a civilian or any sort of respirator is actually protection from tear gas because I think that's the most likely thing you ought to encounter now tear gas is sip typically CS gas there is a couple of other types of gas that can be used as tear gas of is typically CS and despite its name CS gas isn't normally a gas it's a particulate which means it's like a powder so if you get a drum of CS it's like a you know a big barrel of powder and then from that powder you would turn it either into a gas by dissolving it in something like methylene chloride or you would burn it to release a smoke from it now both of those things can be stopped by masks quite easily and they're going to go into that now so you have a kind of few options here so I'm not going to go over every option but I'm going to go over the most practical ones they can think of and also give you some more information on sort of CS as an agent and what you want to avoid of it so any sort of military respirator ideally would recommend the full face respirators upon going to other options in a minute because it protects your eyes now CS is a bit like pepper spray sort of a bear spray kind of thing where it primarily you know can burn your throat cause swelling in the throat sort of dry throat sneezing sort of snot everything like that obviously it will do damage to your eyes gets into your eyes it will cause you to want to close your eyes from this you know strength of it your eyes will water your eyes will burn it'd be like a you know like chili or something in your eyes so ideally a mask with a lenses is what you want a full face military respirator now this is something that I can't find much information on so I'm going to try and give it you as obviously as possible in this video for the most part CS being a particular a powder you can block it with a particulate filter particulate filters are very cheap because there so used as well as an army filter they are used for you know like DIY type stuff so this is a pee free rating filter I would always advise if you get a particulate filter to go for a pee free rating one because a pee free filter I should say somewhere on that think about that p3 means it box pretty much everything that's a particular even the very very fine powders we're here to p1 particulate filter it wouldn't you know do as much of that this have a sack I got by the way it was really cheap on Overson it's like a modern one just sort of thrown out there it's quite useful for carrying a mask in here's my Avon CT 12 so got a particulate filter on it I'll see you put the mask on yeah up ever so slightly I'm your good to go you've got your mask on nothing can get in your eyes and of course nothing can get in you're completely immune to teargas CS gas one thing I do need to mention note is I would recommend wearing a boiler suit whatever you want to call that sort of overalls siren sink one of those kind of things you know something like if you were spray-painting you'd run on because all those CS gas primarily attacks the eye using the respiratory tract it doesn't isn't nice to get on your skin for some people especially if they have sensitive skin it can really burn or cause like skin irritation things like that so I recommend you wear like need to prove the raincoats or this stuff this is a waterproof but it should at least keep it off your skin unless there's so much in the air that it becomes soaked into the suit at that point you could rip it off and fry off and still be wearing a clothes underneath so I'd say your best option outside is a full face mask now this is what I was going to say I can't find out as much information on it because particulate filters block particulates and they block CS as a normal agent what I don't know is if it is dissolved in methylene chloride to make it into a vapor if this would actually stop it because I imagine even if it's somehow still blocks the particulates the methylene chloride will get freedom Aston you don't want to be inhaling that either to be honest so that's why I'd say maybe you want a full NBC filter on because pending on how they you know distribute the CS gas if it's burning I think this would protect you absolutely fine however if it's you being is a non-player Technic way being sprayed as a gas as a vapor I would not want to be using a particulate filter only I would recommend the fall in DC filter doesn't even have to be a full on NBC feel to what you want as a particulate filter combined with a filter to protect against papers now the reason and that's quite easy to do here I have a free m/45 one half face mask I actually use this as part of my volunteering now four to five one that protects the brown is in part of the ABEC stuff the brown means vapor the white means particulate and while this is only a particulate to rating that should still be good enough for teargas but like I was saying p3 is ideal so it's a one protection so that's the a from the a back which is vapors so it's only one I've ideally a free P free is what you want for maximum protection that depends on your budget and what you can find now if you are using a half face and a suppose get out to show you if you are using a half face mask like this you obviously have to be aware it won't protect your eyes so I'd recommend swimming goggles or something like that to cover your eyes because otherwise the teargas is still going to get into your eyes now you can see on the band around there it's brown and white that means it's just showing you it's the a and the P protection I think it even says on there somewhere yeah a one p2 which probably is hard to see on the camera is actually on there so I said something like this is ideal he's quite comfortable now the reason I'd also recommend these is if you live in a country where the police all like the government is you know a bit like a dictatorship because the same it's especially Venezuela at the moment people have been asking me from Venezuela and other countries what they can get to protect themselves from their own sort of government I must like this are ideal if you can get goggles of them because in most of these countries I can imagine you can still buy like spray painting gear and you know like hardware gear even if they block the sale of military masks so what you do is you get a civilian mask like this you put this on you do you know do you fit check policy as an additional strap around here that you do up this is very comfortable and lightweight you can wear glasses with this which is an advantage for people like me where you can't weight glasses or full face mask your pressure check yep the mask is pressurized then what you want to do is get swimming goggles or something airtight to put on your eyes to protect your eyes while you're wearing this so as I was saying the good news is that most half face masks or even reusable spray painting masks always have a particulate and a vapor protection because if you're doing spray painting and you know stuff removal that makes dust that the masks are designed for people that do that's the basic level of protection a one so what you've probably gotten here is I imagine activated charcoal as well as the particulate protection or rather activated charcoal it's got some sort of particulate later layer that absorbs the vapor you know and that gets wet rather than you inhaling it so there you go you've got the option of either a full face mask or a particulate respirator obviously as I said this is much more preferable of an NBC filter on or just a sort of a 3 p free filter if you can find it or one of these with goggles or a full face industrial master spray painters with goggles you can get them around that should give you full protection from CS agents I said it is nasty stuff this informations here to protect you hopefully you get good use out of this if you need to as I said full face masks are preferable because it does everything at once you can change the filters another reason I would advise against using cheek filter masks a big military cheek filter masks like the USM 17 check em 10 Russian PBF all those sort of things is because simply once the filters become clogged with particulates that you can't take the mask off you know without exposing yourself to change the filters and it's not an easy task to change the filter mas like this you can just unscrew them a lot more so as you can throw it away you know easily if it becomes saturated with a full face mask if the particulate filter gets you know too clogged and you can't easily take the mask off or change the filter you could suffocate because the particulate layer sticking to the front and the filter would be like somebody covering your filter intake so bear that in mind get spare filters if you can but if you are in a country where you can't get access to proper gas masks and filters look for a free P free spray paint masks ideally if you can only get a one p one that's better than nothing but ideally a free P free rated little spray painting thing and there are goggles with it so hopefully this has helped you if you are thinking about how to protect yourself from tear gas you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 24,375
Rating: 4.9115481 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, How to protect yourself from Tear Gas, protect from tear gas, protect from cs gas, tear gas neutralizer, tear gas protection, How To Defeat Tear Gas In A Riot, how to deal with pepper spray and tear gas
Id: 44DGGG6M1ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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