Protect Yourself! Do you know when to use each style of Respirator? Plus More Safety Equipment!

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hey everybody thanks for tuning in for another Eastwood live today's topic we want to talk to you about dust masks and respirators and we also have some bonus content here we'll talk about at the end but we're talking about you know what their purposes are where to use them and you know some really good stuff about them also if you guys have never tuned into one of these before we always want to make these interactive so as always we have something on the computer and today it's Matt he'll be here on YouTube he'll be able to answer your questions hey do I met a new at this I'll be answering questions for you guys there's anything you want to know about and I'll throw over some questions Scott if we have some good ones that we can throw over so let's see about respirators Scott sure so we're going to start off right down at kind of the entry level this has you know very very many good uses and we have our dust masks we have a little bit of footage of you know some of the places that's good to use this we have mark using it while he's blocking out his door you know you kick up a lot of dust great place to use it when you're sanding we also have while we're doing some powder coating another great place to use it and you can use them more than just a few sweeping your garage floor even guys who are mowing the lawn who might you know have allergies and stuff like that makes it really good to be able to where they're comfortable they're really lightweight and they're disposable when they get dirty the other advantage to these that we have over a lot of the ones you may see is that they do have the valve in the front so as you breathe into this thing it's going to draw the air in through the mask but then as you breathe out it's going to push out through that valve so you're not if you're get really sweaty it's not going to be pushing the mask on off your face it does have nice foam up top right on your the bridge of your nose because when you use this thing there's the metal tab across the top of these so it allows you to form it right to the shape of your nose so it just fits comfortably and keeps you protected against dust and stuff like that now from here if you kind of want to step up to the next level of protection this one right here now this to be not to be confused these are replaceable filters and when you find it on the website they will be two different part numbers for the mask and then for the filters because it depends on what type of filters you want to buy now these particular ones we have here are the p100 filters so these are going to be able to do everything that this dust mask can do and then some because now for this with the P 100 you can also use it for underneath your welding hood and as you can tell they're very very thin so when you bring your shield down it's not going to be able you know interfere with the hood at all it's going to keep it comfortable and then the huge advantage like I said this one can do everything that this one can and then some is the fact that you do have a nice soft rubber seal right around your face so it's going to just do a you know the best job possible at sealing against your face now one of the touchy subjects sometimes with the guys with beards is to make sure that these give you the best possible steel you will want to clean shaven face otherwise you know you could be potentially drawing in through the you know your facial hair and not what you want these are also you know very adjustable you can pull them by each side on the top on the bottom so you get a really nice seal they're easy quick on office or quick connects down the bottom so you really can't go wrong with one of these now last in our offering today what we have up here is as demo is going to be the gerson disposable mass now this is going to have the organic vapor cartridges these are the p90 5 ones these are good for painting when it comes to any kind of paint spray paint or even up to you know your paints and your clears in your car I always recommend it because nowadays with all the different stuff and paints you always want to keep yourself as protected as possible so this is going to be able to do that for you this unit's going to have the same soft rubber seal where your face goes up against and then it can also be used for everything that the other two can be used for because as you can see here there's actually replaceable kind of pre filters that go on the inside so we have those in packs so say you do want to use this just because you want to give yourself the best protection no matter what you're doing and you want to use sanding work for it if you clog these up ahead of time but you haven't actually exceeded the number of hours to use this mask you can easily change them out and that's a question a lot of times we get with these is well how long can I use them for and a good way to tell usually I think they say about 8 hours for a mask well you might say yourself how do I tell exactly what eight hours is so and it's you're not gonna sit them right down I used it for 20 minutes I used it for 38 minutes try to add it all up so the way we always go with these is if you smell something immediately toss it and get a new one so this one is disposable these filters do not come off and the nice advantage to that is just the fact that once it finally does get used up and you pitch it you just get another one that way you know you have fresh elastic you have fresh rubber resealing again starting starting anew so definitely the way to go and one quick little tech tip for both of these now I've stored it back here this happens to be the bag that the this mask comes in and then if maybe Joe can get a shot over we have the bag that also that the the bigger one comes in now both of these bags when you get them brand new and you open them up they will have a tear top that you open up but then inside there's a resealable kinda like a push seal like a ziploc what this is going to do detective is when you're done using them whether it's this one or especially the paint one make sure you put it back in the bag and seal it the reason being with that is if you ever see a guy who takes a mask off and to habit a lot of the older guys have set it down and now you have a whole bunch of paint sitting on the table you have fumes coming out of cans you know this cartridge is going to sit there and pick those fumes up and what that's going to do is it's going to wind up you know prematurely deteriorating the filter and then you know you might only get half the life you should be getting out of it before you to throw it away so do yourself a favor and just make sure you always throw them back in the bag when you're not using them you know whether it's the p100 or it's the the Gerson just make sure you get them in there seal them up tight and then put them in your your toolbox to keep them protected so at this point see how Matt's doing on questions over there with the microphone turned on all right it's a craziness here alright so first question Johnny's asking us are the filters flame none of these are going to be rated to be used around flames so make sure that you're you're using environments where you know they're good clean still you know oxygen-rich environments you don't want to use these anywhere that you would normally not want to go because they don't have enough oxygen so keep that in mind when you use it with these and the last one was do these masts protect from welding gases from while you're welding the p100 will certainly be able to take care of you technically speaking this one will step up as well but you can't fit these underneath of a welding helmet I've tried just to see if it would work and I haven't found a lot of home wide enough so yeah the the P 100 is perfect to wear while you're welding to keep yourself protected that way at the end of the day you're not sitting there blowing blowing a black snot out because of all the stuff you've inhaled during the day and you think back like wow what did I inhale so certainly that's something to take into consideration and for good on questions that's it that's I got four questions one things I could also say is I don't have it here as a demonstration but if you guys want yourself you know one step even higher than this which certainly is a good idea we do offer a line of Xavier products and they're going to be an actual air supplied turbine system so you can choose them in either half mask or full mask and you put a box outside of where you're painting and you have a 40-foot hose to run air into you so that's that's even one step higher if you want to certainly can't hurt a lot of guys like to keep themselves as protected as possible but and also for anyone just tuning in we're today we're discussing the different types of respirators and stuff you can use where to use them so a quick breeze through we have our dust mask which is going to be perfect for powder coating sweeping the floor standing your bodywork stuff like that great place you can use them outside you know if you're mowing the lawn yes mal jeez it's a great way a lot of guys I see using them from here we have our our Gerson now this one's going to be two different part numbers in the web sites and make sure you pick up a pack of the p100 filters go with the respirator as they are replaceable but this one's going to be nice it's going to fit underneath your welding helmet you can also still use it for sanding this personally is what I use all the time if I'm doing any kind of sanding or anything in the shop that's creating a dust or grinding I have this thing on right away and then from here you step up to our p95 organic carpet cartridge or I should say Gerson this is a disposable mask so when it's done you can go ahead and just dispose of it you and then you get yourself a brand new clean one so so something else we wanted to be able to talk about today we're proud to introduce is that if you check out our website we have a new section called our safety gear now so we just brought these out about two weeks ago these have come out so now we have stuff like ear muffs cuz a lot of times you're working with and this black shirt does not do well for these earmuffs they kind of blend in a good shot sorry Joe to make you move all around there you go I just realized looking at that you can't see them these are great doing grinding using an air chisel something like that you want to keep yourself protected saying quick grab out of your tool box and use believe there are 25 decibel rating that could be off on that one I think it's close to so they definitely give you a lot of protection we've also now brought into two pairs of different types of safety glasses depending on exactly you know the ones that fit you most comfortably so I mean if you're sitting you're making an order of a bunch of grinding and sanding stuff like that pretty much anything actually throw a set of these in your in your basket I mean you're going to save yourself in the long run while you're working and then from here we've also brought out two grinding shields one of which is going to be in a shade 5 which is perfect for using torches and plasma cutter stuff like that where you're not having the intense arc and then we also have a clear version and the really nice part about these both of these are impact-resistant are rated sorry impact great just like safety glasses so a lot of the shields out there may not be impact great these actually are and they do have the the z87 rating on them so certainly check these out these are really nice they have the ice bubble around your face you're not just having a perfectly flat shield over you so you're you're very very well protected so again as always we brought in all these things are kind of safety related so check out you know for our full line between respirators earmuffs safety glasses you name it we even have gloves we have suits for all your paintings so make sure you check that stuff out we'll check in with Matt one more time real quick we are all good I have answered all of the necessary questions sounds good well hopefully you guys enjoyed this video as always you know comment if you want to see next videos coming up if you know somebody who could benefit from this who's working you know starting a project make sure you you tag them or you can share the video to their page to get them get the information but again thanks for tuning in and make sure you tune in every Monday Tuesday and Wednesday for our lives and you guys have a great day you you
Channel: Eastwood Company
Views: 136,193
Rating: 4.773994 out of 5
Keywords: Eastwood, Eastwood Company, East wood, respirator, safety equipment, safety gear, dust mask, respirator mask, n95 mask, breathing mask, 3m respirator, full face respirator, n95 respirator, surgical mask, paint mask, welding respirator, 3m full face respirator, p100 respirator, p100, painters mask, chemical mask, gerson respirators, fresh air systems, hobbyair, hobbyair systems, safety glasses, safety mask, face shield
Id: jD0eja3gIUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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