A Brief History of Nerve Agents

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hello now this is going to be a recap video on nerve agents I had talked a lot about nerve agents recently because I was doing my Chemical Weapons series on them or other chemical weapons that nerve agents are off see included in that list because there's some most famous chemical weapons in existence but with all the stuff about nerve agents being in the media again I do a quick summary video so some people might prefer to watch this rather than you know watching series on nerve agents so prior to nerve agents existing so if we look at all the World War 1 agents chlorine phosgene things like mustard gas blister agents with all of these chemical weapons you could protect yourself by wearing a respirator or a gas mask the reason being that all of these chemical weapons to do the most damage have to get into your body into your lungs you know through inhaling it the exceptional must-have gas that it damages the skin will damages anything it touches causing blisters and slim blister agent the majority of these chemical weapons especially phosgene are very dangerous when inhaled can kill very efficiently if inhaled but they can't do much if you haven't got a mask so obviously you've now got to the stage where chemical weapons are great as a terror kind of weapon but they're not that great for killing people anymore because people can simply put a mask on like this one obviously this is not a one mass but just bear with me as a respirator you could put a mask on you know any working mask of a working filter and these of chemical weapons weren't such a big threat anymore so obviously people wanted to develop more deadly chemical weapons and in Nazi Germany surprise surprise they were developing new kinds of pesticides or insecticides and one of the things they came across was a chemical name named haben now if your worst happen was too deadly to be used as a pesticide because it would kill the person spraying it as well so they then said you know what this will be a really good fair enough law people develop it it's a chemical weapon so what they then did is they developed haben and into tabla me guess and haben guess the reason it was so much more deadly is a very small amount would kill you through inhalation so if I didn't have my mask on I would die but what might have been so dangerous was the fact it could kill through skin contact now I think with Tabon it was something like half to a third of a gram was needed to kill something like 300 mg and that sort of number but the point was the unlike the previous agents which would cause damage to skin potentially but would kill you through inhalation tab on itself was able to actually kill through skin contact a mask was not enough now lots of the countries during World War two were making civilian respirators but they didn't make them when you think more than that so your respirator itself and protect you if I put this mask on and there was having a gas attack for example I'd still die because I did solve the tavern through the pause of my skin you know or any cuts on my skin things like that tavern still gets into my body it shuts my body down so how just happen and nerve agents work well nerve agents are primarily primarily so I should say sorry organophosphates and as I said before I'm not a chemist or a biologist so I can't give you all the details on all these chemicals work and I wouldn't want to be a dunning-kruger and assume I know and make an ass of myself but in plain layman's speak what they do is your body's nervous system has on/off switches chemicals in the body with reaction from the brain you know turn these things on and off constantly it's a reason why your heart beats on its own and you can't turn your heart off and you know for the most part until you think about it like sorry I'm going to do it you know your breathing isn't manual your breathing is done by your body of course once you think about it you're now breathing manually aren't you and for the most part you know your nervous system controls all these things so what happens is once this nerve agent or a gallon of phosphates are absorbed into the body what they do is they block your abilities to turn your body's ability to turn off these functions so basically your heart rate would accelerate or the accelerate to the point in kills you you know you can die from suffocation because your lungs aren't going to actually be breathing in or out they're going to go one way and not the other you'll have muscle spasms things like that so basically nerve agent exposure normally starts with twitchings salivating you know you can't stop dribbling saliva everywhere because your saliva glands are just working non-stop you'll start having you know bigger and bigger spasms you'll then you'll wet yourself you know pee yourself all that sort because you lose control over all your body's functions until you eventually suffocate or have a heart attack the nerve agents were very efficient and what Marci Germany did was they said you know it's a tablet he's not their Aliza deadly enough they'll it'll make it more deadly so they came up with sarin gas Ari has been a very famous one and then so man each of these more deadly didn't last you know less was needed to be inhaled or come into contact with the skin to kill sarin has become most famous of the chemical weapons probably because the one that's been used the most actually against people there's so many is the more interesting one because it's the hardest to have an antidote against now there's a chemical called atropine or entropy and what that does is if you're injected of it it basically is very good at kind of blocking nerve agent from you know stopping your nerve endings are you know responding to each other however it works in scientific terms so what atropine does is it basically it's not a pleasant thing to do apparently you know if you use atropine and you don't need to even kill yourself that way but if you come into exposure of nerve agent inject yourself of atropine very quickly what ends up happening is your body is able to fight off the worst effects the nerve agents you might be all for quite a bit that you'll protect it so then Nazi Germany was the only country to develop chemical nerve agents during World War two however once Nazi Germany surrendered all their research was taken by the Soviet Union and the Allies lost their scientists work for either side so then you know everybody else now had access to nerve agents so what was known as the G agent happened sarin so man were developed by the Soviet Union Soviet Union and the Western Allies now there was also I think cyclo sarin somebody came up with at some point that that wasn't that's not very well you know widely known about and it was kind of a stopgap on so then we need to go on to the V series of agents however the X will ultimately come in and how these agents work is apparently the Soviets had developed I think it was VE at some point on their own and they stuck with that for ages what happened is in Britain there was a pesticide again the pesticide cuz they always were developed that ended up being you know making people very ill and killing them and then they said oh we're on to something here so this was what's known as VG and it happened the exact same way as with the Nazis you know they came up with a nerve agent because there was a pesticide that was too dangerous agricultural use so then Portland down kept working on the v-series nerve agents often trading lots of the stuff of America for thermonuclear weapons research and obviously soon the Western Allies had lots of really dangerous nerve agents now when it clean cake Burk you lumely can live with us hold accumulates maybe with VX venomous Agent X which was you know widely for was the most dangerous substance on the planet now VX can kill through only 15 milligrams of skin contact Eve far far less if you inhale it to give you idea how someone 15 milligrams is there's a thousand milligrams in a gram I think of how a tinier ground is if think of a couple of little grains or something was pretty much a gram so basically it's about almost a hundredth of the gram is needed to kill somebody so if you think of the point of a needle covered in VX something like that a very small surface area object you know there's enough film up the X on that to kill several people through skin contact alone so that gives you an idea of how dangerous the VX is now it was fought the Soviets haven't come up with VX and sales they been have said probably using ve or something similar very deadly still but you know not as deadly as the X but anyway with VX the important thing of the V agents compared to the G agents was that they were persistent so what that means is the the G agents and non-persistent so the V agents if you sprayed them somewhere they sit around for ages they don't get blown around by the wind as much they don't evaporate sunlight doesn't destroy them as quickly you know you could coat an area with v-series nerve agents and then you know it's like in no-man's land that you walk in there without the proper protective gear on and you're dead so V agents became very you know scary in the idea a bit like where you'd have a nuclear war and you'd have a nuclear winter for the people who survived that with nerve agents it'd be there we massive areas of land that are just completely on habitable because if you step on them you know you come into contact with nerve agent live awesome you're dead so another thing I don't know if I mentioned is how efficiently and quickly a nerve agents kill through inhalation they can kill in minutes through skin contact lay can kill again in minutes potentially but normally within you know 10 15 minutes to an hour kind of time depends of course on the quantity and everything else the purity of it which is something we need to get onto because there was the sarin attack on the Japanese underground in laughing as 1995 and only about 12 to 20 people died in that depending on which sources you look at however thousands I think it's between four and five thousand people were ill had to go to hospital with temporary blindness headaches nausea muscle spasms things like that the reason was sarin made wasn't proper sarin it was like if I try to make sarin or oh so you have a bit more chemistry knowledge to mean the equipment but they'd almost got it but not quite and what that meant was thankfully lots of people who would have died just became ill and recovered I'll see people did die but for the most part their sarin was impure so how does another chopper come in because I mentioned that for the first time in a video the other day because you know Nava choc is now in all the news media and they're definitely saying stuff about it that's not true so I've tried to do quite a bit of reading on lava truck because quite well or choc was considered it's a theoretical chemical weapon we don't know if it really exists so another choc is apparently Russian for like noob agent or new kid agent you know like newbie agent and what it basically means is um you know it's the newcomer and apparently the Russians or the Soviets idea of designing lava chalk was that they wanted a chemical weapon that wasn't classed under current chemical weapon laws you know getting around it like all the countries try and do various things you know when America used Agent Orange it was a defoliant that's okay as my via chemical weapon despite all the horrors that's done since so the idea of knowledge shock was that they could produce it themselves and it could be produced by pesticide factories and chemical factories you didn't need special chemical warfare equipment to make it now another interesting thing of noroc is it has two chemicals that made it that you mix together and the idea was that you could make to the chemicals separately with which we you know like not really scary horrible chemicals on their own made it much safer to transport when you want to use it as a weapon you have some sort of machine I guess where you put one vial of one thing in one vial of the other thing it mixes it for you and then you can spray it will pressurize it into cans or showers or however you love distribute it so the other interesting thing of knowledge shock is apparently it has the same things as so man and so now as we were saying earlier was the one that's very resistant atropine is very hard to treat people if they're poisoned with it you know they always guaranteed to die the other thing with normal shock is there are several in the lava chop group of hairier finical things like nava chopped $5 $7 chop 10 I don't know the difference between Lots this is classified information when the journalists on the mainstream media try and tell you that they know all this stuff they don't because a lot of this information is not out there anyway the West became aware of lava trucks supposedly because one of the main Soviets working on little Russians work on it defected he took his research with him and now you know America and everybody else who wants it can manufacture nor the chalk if they want to if they bother to you know all this sort of stuff apparently not the chalk is quite complicated to come up with but once you've got all the stuff for it is very simple to make so you don't need as I saying all these proper military kind of facilities to make it and get it working just right so lava chalk is I'm assuming it's persistent I don't have that knowledge but it's supposed to the 8 to 10 times deadlier than VX depending on how you look at them that assists a bit I find kind of crazy because the same VX could kill through 15 mg through skin contact not inhaling skin contact this is 8 to 10 times deadlier so it says 10 times deadlier that's 1.5 mg needed to kill a lot man 1.5 mg is tiny as same a thousand mg in a gram 1.5 mg if we said it was 1 mg or term G that means it could kill 500 to a thousand people with 1 gram of the stuff through skin contact not inhaling it skin contact so you know very very dangerous stuff this is why I've my doubts that it was obviously used in this poisoning thing we've had in the UK where I keep changing story non-stop about it because they don't let the facts come in first they blame Russia before doing anything else so you know the story just keep changing but yeah not the chalk if it did exist to the degree it was meant to in all things it's you know a real doomsday weapon I mean ordinary agents of WMDs weapons of mass destruction but nah the chalk is one way you know if you sprayed a canister of it somewhere people just drop you know through inhaling it all skin contact I mean if only 1.5 mg was needed to kill people you know like you could just save terms you could kill 500 people through one milligram of it one gram you know one then to 2 milligrams kill 500 people far less is normally needed to be inhaled so I guess that if everybody inhaled that one gram you'd then kill several thousand people with it so yeah knowledge shock is really scary so nerve agents are obviously banned for the most part and or you know like all the weapons and sort of conventions act that they should be nerve agents are really nasty horrible things as said because of the fact that as well as being you know killing through skin contact as well as inhalation quite hard to treat lead to all sorts of horrible symptoms for the most part though if you're poisoned of nerve agents and you recover for the apparently you don't really have any lasting damage at least and most people from what everything I've read you can sometimes have depression and weird like anger fits or like it's hysterical fits for mumps but then they eventually go as well but nerve agents are filler most part are colorless and odorless you know you don't know it even sprayed by that point it's too late and then you'll be spasming out on the floor as you die so living hopefully ban doing good reason they are a very scary and horrible chemical weapon you know if they were used in the big exchange like nuclear weapons they'd be the death of everything on the planet just like with nuclear weapons because the destructive power of them is insane as I saying if you imagine let's say a liter water bottle would have enough of a strong nerve agent in to kill maybe you know a few hundred thousand people you start to get an idea of how deadly this stuff is especially when it's made into massive shells you know when spray tank for airplanes and everything else so yeah live agent is horrible stuff so it started off of the German G agents then the V agents and now apparently Nava shock but again there's not enough information on it so we'll have to wait and see what happens of that but yes very scary stuff you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
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Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, A Brief History of Nerve Agents, nerve agents, nerve gas, G series nerve agents, V series nerve agents, Novichok nerve agent, Novichok nerve gas, tabun, sarin, soman, VG nerve agent, VX nerve agent
Id: D2EgsgapIko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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