MIRA Safety CM-6M Gas Mask Overview | TACTICAL GAS MASK

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone it's me again Maximus we are back in the backdrop setting of me doing just a one-on-one video with you guys and we are doing a product review today now I have done quite a lot of I guess video footage or content on CBRN or chemical biological radiological and nuclear training and warfare and tactics in the past and a lot of people have been asking questions about you know yeah what's your gas masks like what's the name of the gas masks and these sort of things and you know with that being said a lot of people have been kind of showcasing my content other you know people who create the kind of equipment for this kind of training and with that being said I wasn't reached out and approached from near a safety or Mir a safety and they actually produce their own brand of respirators / gas masks now I know a lot of you is gonna say well how are you gonna review this mat it's a gas mask you're not gonna be in a gas hut or anything like that of course I'm not and that's gonna be kind of something that I'll have to you know think about doing it in a different environment somehow I don't know if that's gonna be a possibility but I am gonna give you kind of a broad overview and specification of this product I'm gonna put it on and have a look at it and you know me guys I do not review products that I don't endorse myself or have respect for to you as the viewer or follower because I get tons of stuff that people want me to review on my channel that I just say no it's just not relevant it's not applicable it's pointless I'm not discrediting my own you know standpoint and experience and expertise - I mean I'm not an expert for this for sure don't make that very clear I'm not a subject matter expert well if I'm to NBC but I you know it does it is applicable to you as the viewer in my channel because I have done some content recently on you know gas masks gas masks training especially me going into the gas hut with the Canadian Armed Forces so you know they threw out a product to me the cm6 em gas masks respirating we're gonna take a look at it today first of all we're gonna do kind of a walkthrough of the packaging and how it looks as you can see from a first-hand basis it looks stunning they did send me the respirator along with a spare canister so we're gonna kind of have a look at the packaging how will they see what it says in the outside then we're gonna kind of crack it up and put it on and put the mask on and how look at it because you know you never know if you are in the public sector private sector you're working in an environment where you need to use this kind of stuff and you are not part of the military where you know it's issued to you this is a perfect opportunity for you actually to go and potentially go and buy one all the descriptions all the links to the product itself are going to be in the description box below so please feel free to go check that out click the link go check out the website from mirror safety if you have any specific questions to this product feel free again to speak to me in the comment section I'll try my best to answer them for you and if not again click on the link go to a website they're gonna have their own contact page that you can talk to so as I said before I'm not a subject-matter expert when it comes to CBRN or gas masks you know I have done quite a bit of an extensive gas mask training in the British Army and now Canadian Army but this is a whole new realm this is going into sort of their own private sector it's been specifically designed for the sort of everyday civilian who can just go pick it up and use it as they wish so today we are gonna look at these see m6m respirator now just in terms of packaging then it is very well made it's it's crisp clean you know it's a professional company folks people don't make this stuff if they're not professional or not you know got some serious rep behind them you don't design this kind of equipment if you don't have that kind of you know rapport to building these kind of products so there is a warning here it says proper use of this full face mask and deployed fill of cartridges you must read and understand the enclosed instructions strictly respect its limitations and warnings misuse may result in sickness and death users of this product must also be properly trained in the correct use of this product users accept all responsibility of necessary training basically folks that means is this company is not liable for you to go and wear this thing incorrectly and die because this is serious stuff and I mean this is serious stuff now what I do want to say as a disclaimer to this video is any information or any I guess informative documentation you're going to see you know data you've got to make sure you take this with a pinch of salt I am NOT reviewing this product wholeheartedly I'm basically giving you an overview because a review would mean I would have to put it in environment where I could test its potential of reducing effects to me for instance the gas heart just like putting CS gas like I did in my previous video which obviously I'm not going to do so this is just an overview it's not really a full review because I cannot do it and I'm not a subject man experts will allow me to do it so here we are then this is the six sorry the CM 6m technology for protection utility and comfort from mirrors safety I love the fact that got the kind of the biohazard symbol it's really nicely packaged and you can even kind of see the kind of smoky haze on here that looks really cool really really nice package it's not very heavy and it shouldn't be because I mean it is only a gas and ask you're not only wearing it like brick and we also have expect canister this is the NBC 77 sof special combined filter again some warning symbols on here saying that of course it's got to be dry kept out the rain and can't go any lower than minus five for storage and can't go any more higher than plus 30 so we do have a canister for it so let's kind of just crack it up in here the good thing is it does have a kind of a safety seal here so someone's tampered with it and we're gonna pop this open here okay so inside the contents it says is the mirror of safety cm 6m protective mask on a canteen so it actually comes as a canteen that would allow you to drink from because of course when you're using these kind of things you're in the environment you're going to have to need to drink and you can't take your mask off to drink folks that's not how this works okay so again the packaging is outstanding nicely sealed that's always a good start air sealed bag okay and with kind of a spongy foam insert so we'll just put that to the side for now and then of course we do have the canteen now the canteen as I said is kind of specialized as a rubber cap here just like I did in my Canadian Armed Forces training video the water ball can be connected to the gas mask of our tube there is the seal that kind of valve seal to allow you to continue drinking so that's pretty cool and of course the most important part if anything inside this box is the instruction manual and it does have a warranty card here in order to activate the extended five-year warranty must register a product within 30 days of purchase if extended warranties not activate the standard coverage period is one year so there you go the warranty standard is one year however if you activate this product you can have a five-year warranty which is really really important now the technical specifications or the heavy-duty stuff for kind of intensive data that I can give you I'm gonna do a little bit later on the video we're gonna run through actually putting it on first to see how it feels and applying the cannister but what I will do later on the video after doing this kind of initial run-through is to kind of break down and some data so you guys can actually see exactly and what's involved in this gas mask so we'll put that away we'll close the box up because again I think the the box looks outstanding and I'll actually go through the gas mask itself so we're gonna crack the top it doesn't look like it has kind of a any kind of huge open it well rip or in here another said it is air sealed which is pretty imperative not only for the fact you want it fresh but you need it dry it does have that pretty heavy-duty rubbery smell but that's pretty expected when it comes to something like this and the protective kind of bubble wrap that we have here - now this folks you can already tell straight away this is an intense professional gas mask now I'm not saying that the army issued ones are not professional or intensive but this you can tell this from the trim almost also the the overall construction of the unit is very well made it's it's very crisp very clean you know you can tell this thing is not messing around which is cool now again I don't I don't BS here folks just because the company said me something sent me something doesn't mean I'm going to be like oh yeah it's the best thing in the world we're gonna run through this thing as if as best as I can remember it's not the full review but it is gonna be an overview I'm so very similar strapping system to that of the c-4 respirator gas mask of the Canadian Armed Forces along with the s10 respirator the British Army as well and so kind of a I guess one two three four five strap configuration with adjustable buckles on each side as you can see all the way around there and the netting mesh is nice instead of just a straight pod to allow some air because that on the back your head all the time it's not a great time it's really not so I guess on the side here we do have our drinking straw I myself like they said I'm fairly new to this system so I gotta be careful how I how I do all this so there we go there's the there's the cap that we pull off and I presume this give me a sec here everyone yeah there we go so there's the protective cap that goes over the top there kind of see that and protects it so that's obviously going to go into my water bottle so let's let's do that there there's my cap there so that connects in there like that we will pop it back out again so yeah if I want to take a drink that's what I'm gonna drink through okay so that's me attached my Stu my water bottle there and they'll be drinking there's also a valve on the bottom here you can see that I can twist left and right to open the clothes which is really cool okay so in terms of canisters then I believe we can just like the other respirator that I've used in the past swap between left and right and currently it is on a left hand configuration or left side configuration so the moment of truth I guess we're going to put this thing on I'm gonna hang up my my water bottle for that for now though we don't really need that on as of right now yes one thing about gas masks folks if you've never worn them before is it takes a bit of an adjustment to get the right size now this size I'm not too sure the exact size of this one it does not say let's have a look [Music] available in one side so I guess one size fits all this isn't it which is interesting we'll see how this goes the internal structure is very similar to that again of some of the other gas masks you've probably seen out there there's the drinking straw that's protruding there so if you want to have a drink okay so we're gonna kind of stick this on here and see how we go Wow no this is interesting because I don't know how well you can hear me but it's it's actually really comfy and the interesting thing is that I have more field of view than I would with a standard gas mask that I'm used to with kind of monocle style lenses which is great because it gives me again I can see more my my depth perception and my field of view is a lot better and the seal is good and you should probably tighten up my straps here to make sure the seal is perfect the straps are just nicely which is good sometimes you can have masks that the straps fight you a little bit I'm hoping you guys can still hear what I'm saying okay so the vent the vent is really cool oh yeah so you can't see it very well right now but the vent is just under here it's actually sending the airflow into my neck and down now you can probably wonder why that's a good thing one good example of this is if you're operating piece of equipment like lenses or scopes okay if that air that warm misty air and cold conditions flutters up and goes out this way and up into your scope it's going to mist your lenses of your scope or your whatever kind of optics you're using this is actually sending that hot warm air straight down and out literally down my neck like but this watch watch my shirt here you can see the air kind of blasting through my neck through my shirt there so that's really cool that's a neat feature and I can also tell that my speech is extremely unimpeded like you could I can hear myself very clearly through the mask and that's that's pretty cool you can feel it's not uncomfortable it's it's it's fairly snug for sure it needs to be but again I'm not having any problems with it being uncomfortable it doesn't smell bad at all sometimes you get you know new gas masks with the rubber smell that's really intensive this doesn't feel that way and the most impressive part to me honestly with this mask so far because this is the first time I've worn a kind of it's like an outside of the public sector gas mask it's really nice the vision is the best part like I don't have any obstruction in the central partition there with the kind of monocles they're really really nice it sails perfectly no matter where I look sometimes when you wear these kind of masks okay they can break seal when you're looking in a certain direction there's plenty of room there for my big fat double chins and again the two opposite side mask mouth points there if you wish to change the ports out here's the filter only might as well stick the filter on as we're here again the filter is airtight seal nice and tight that's a good side we might have to get the knife out for this one code so maybe I can get her open with the pen just give me a sec here I'm gonna crack this something now the filter pack will probably have a shelf life and a filter life which means yeah so as I pull this open you can hear that air rushing out okay yeah so there's a be a rush down to that whoops okay so there we go a protective cap on the threaded portion there - like so very similar to my other referee as I've had in the past in it yeah kind of a paper fill filter pack in the middle aged fine see so just like any other gas nice we're gonna screw this on here there we go again really comfy not too heavy it is a little heavier than what I'm used to you can tell it's sealing perfectly because when I cover it the whole mask sucks into my face this is really cool guys really liking the vision and also that I feel on some of the other masks I've wore in the past seriously your speech is impeded war and I don't feel that's the case as much with this one on it feels a lot more like my voice is being sort of I know projected a lot more out of the front of the mask the canister I will admit is heavier than what I'm used to so it is putting a little bit of tilt a little bit of weight on the side of my head here but nothing that I think's too much I think for prolonged periods like extended patrols just like any gas mask it will probably be a little tiring you could probably if you have the ability to change to the other side you should it'll could but it is a little hefty of a filter pack but that's okay but seriously I really like this mask the most key things I'm really enjoying about is math so far like I said the speech the vision and you know a lot of masks going that way now away from the model size type of lenses and the venting from the the bottom port here I think that's awesome that it's jetting literally away from anything that I'm going to be operating in front of me that's that's pretty important to me cuz the worst thing when firing your rifle with a gas mask on in cold environments is that mist is getting portrayed like projected out the front and it's kind of filtering into your lenses and it just steams up your lenses not much you can do about it with this it's kind of sending it into the clothing and the material absorbing that moisture in that mist and that kind of steam which i think is really cool direct porting that's very nice of course I do still have my straw here and if I wanted to have a drink like I said I'm just going to kind of plug it into the port here just like so I don't have a drink there we go bee dish drink another go I'll pull the little straw out so this isn't actually a valve I apologize I think this is actually to a yeah so this is actually moving the straw internally there you go now from one cup of green I would turn this valve and inside of here it's moving the valve into my mouth right I back the valve is taken away from my mouth and secured out the light that's really cool um it kind of hooks back in it's not really a clip as I kind of app in here and there's a little latch on the end and you kind of just latch it on which is nice you don't have to try to force it in anywhere should really close that up before storing it that's bad drills there we go no get in there nope it's a little fiddly I must admit there we go we're locked back in place so overall guys really really nice the the water bottle itself the canteen is a fine quality very similar to the canteen I've had in the past okay you can see the the one-way valve there to prevent any of that nastiness getting inside it looks like the only clothes I have with this mask the chemistry is hefty I mean it feels like it's time to pull my head a little bit more to the side I would I don't really have any other negatives we're gonna take it off I don't really have any other negatives it feels amazing and as you can see from you taking off my head I don't have any kind of tight marks there's no red patches on my head where it's been super tight it fits really smoothly really comfortably the you know the headband is super comfy the straps are nicely adjusted a really nice respirator folks are really nice gas masks so this is the mirror see m6m so anyone who's going into the sort of police service you know even just need it for working environments or hazardous you got a seeker professional this is the key here do not take this video as kind of hearsay I would much prefer you go seek professional advice for the environment you're going into but if you feel like you need something that's gonna be of a high quality and high standard I would strongly suggest you check out mirror safety you know as I said before I don't just endorse anything and I'm not gonna lie to you guys that's not what I'm about you need to you need to really take into consideration where you're going to use this what environment you're gonna use this in and I think just from the the overall kind of overlook of this thing that I've looked at so far the quality is outstanding like everything is crisp there's no sort of excess rubber you know like little little trimmings or they haven't trimmed off everything is tight neat there's no cord of creaking in the plastic it's it's solid built there's no sort of there's no give anywhere the lens is crystal clear I'm curious as to whether or not this is kind of shadow resistant I'm sure it is the netting and the straps themselves again high quality you can tell that the elastic isn't kind of gonna run out and break on you in cold conditions I'd be curious just to see what conditions this could operate in to how cold it could operate into and the voice projection is amazing from this speech a device at the front here the voice you can it just sounds like it's going further in the wood with some of the other masks that I've used in the past and if I wanted to of course as I said I could change this canister over to the other side which I'm not going to do right now and I would just have to change the ports out we're not gonna go through the instructions of operating it too heavily as I mentioned this isn't really a video to tell you how to operate it I'm sure if you actually checked out mirror Safety's website you're gonna see a lot of different lot of different you know options for how you can set this thing up so this is a special combined filter I'm curious as to what that would really initiate but we will go through the specifications right away here and let's take a look at this mask in a little bit more in-depth of the mirror see m6m respirator [Music] so guys if you do wish to purchase this gas mask please feel free to check out Mira safety comm the link is in the description box below I have to say this is an outstanding piece of equipment a lot of quality in the hair and effort has gone into producing this respirator and if you do want to purchase it it is retailing for around about two hundred and twenty dollars right now which is an extremely respectable price for something that literally could potentially save your life if you're using it in that kind of situation just like anything you never know if you need something at the very last minute that's really important and you don't want to be left behind if you do come into situations where you may need one of these things so go check it out and if you do wish to you know leave a like or a comment for this video I'd really appreciate any questions you may have our try my best to answer best thing to do though is go check out that website have a look around there's other products on there too that may you know appeal to you that aren't exactly like this mask but I hope you enjoyed today's video and I will see you again next time all the best bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matsimus
Views: 24,574
Rating: 4.8975554 out of 5
Keywords: survival, bushcraft, shooting, guns, knives, self defense, tactical, military, mira safety, cm6m, gas mask, masque a gaz, cbrn, respirator, gas masks, respirators, face mask respirator, air respirator, surplus gas mask, bug out bag, doomsday prepper, get home bag, preparedness, nuclear mask, post-apocalypse, shtf, grid down, economic collapse, riot gear, teotwaki, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, full face respirator, gas mask review, survival kit, survival gear, nuclear fallout
Id: BacjLOutMcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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