【DIY】Tear Gas Mask A.K.A. Freedom Mask #diy #experiment #mask

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hello guys I've been looking online for a gas mask but they seem to be rather expensive and since I have no money and I am a cheap bastard I decided to make my own gas mask you know just in case first we will use a bottle I'm using this Coke Zero bottle but regular coke should work as well just make sure it's not glass now remove the label to make sure you throw it on your sofa cut the bottom of your bottle like this and make sure the size of the bottle fits your face now we have to cut a hole for your face so make sure you cut out the part that has the glue otherwise you will feel like an idiot afterwards [Music] now that you creep everyone out cut off the pointy edges much better give trimming until it fits your beautiful face nicely guys I realized that throughout the whole video I was breathing through my mouth so I will look like an idiot for the next 10 minutes [Music] now the main ingredient for our mask I pop this fridge deodorant in a department store just make sure the main ingredient is active charcoal or activated carbon we use activated carbon for the filter since has a huge surface area basically this carbon will absorb all the impurities into your gas or on occurs so once you finish struggling with the plastic wrap proceed to extract the interior [Music] now remember no matter how good this looks do not eat it I also bought bamboo charcoal which is not active we can actually see some difference between the two now we have to remove the top of this cap I use a knife to do this but you can also use a spoon if you feel confident on your skills and I broke it now we will use our Beauty Cotton's that all of us have to make layers inside the can yep the hurt [Music] now pour some carbon and proceed to create the next layer repeat as many times as you want [Music] be generous with the cotton now you some tape to secure the top layer so you don't have to worry about any spills you never know when you have to do a handstand now try it and they faced like the salt containers in every restaurant then you're good to go [Music] trim it down with your scissors or your spoon until the bottle gently touches the cotton now that your can is smoother than a baby's butt we will join the bottle and the cat first I use some tape to hold it in place then I seal the edges [Music] now try it and check if it seals and because I'm an idiot I forgot to make the holes before doing everything else so with a very small knife we're going to poke some holes on the bottom not at the sides in the middle [Music] now we're going to tape the edges so that is more comfortable and also seals better [Music] amazing truly amazing now poke some holes so we can tie some rubber bands to hold it against our heads if you have a freaking big head like me you might need to tie two rubber bands together first then make sure you tape the holes so there is no leaking and finally shoo it to the feline and see if she approves alright guys I am going to try the mask we know Nia okay if I was in the US I probably could buy pepper spray or teargas in any pharmacy but unfortunately it's illegal to buy it here in Hong Kong so have to make it wait it out in so guys right now I can smell the onion I can smell that delicious onion smell but it's not making me want to cry at all yeah doesn't hurt at all it's really fun this I can really smell a lot of onion this smell is there but not the feeling that I want to cry he's not burning my eyes [Music] yeah I definitely can smell it but it doesn't hurt I want to take off my mask now and see how it affects me Wow oh yeah it's a lot I will keep chopping it oh ha that is intense Oh oh yeah feeling it now Oh Oh God Oh example [ __ ] yeah are you going for home call uh-huh yeah I know I'm feeling it Oh God keep Birds huh guys I'm going to do the audience so take a plastic bat on a challenge for Hong Kong guys put all your own in a plastic bag yeah I I can tell that the masks really makes a huge difference oh yeah oh holy [ __ ] yeah it is quite similar to the smell to your guests ah the sensation is it's quite similar when you put your head inside Oh God so teargas for those of you who haven't experienced it no mum I got up here yeah so basically what I was saying is that tear gas is like onions from space in steroids and you can put a lot of chopped on in here and get few deep breaths inside the back oh yeah oh all right guys of course I have to try the mask directly inside this bag of onion anyway let's try it we did that's amazing guys like I was breathing inside the bag with audience in it before I could only take like two breaths and I had to come out because like my I just wanted to throw up and cuff but with these I could I actually felt like I could keep going you still can get a little bit of the sensation when you breathe with this inside the bag of onion but the is this the difference is enormous is seriously seriously useful and I think we for these we actually could make a little bit better seal the sides better we can even use a plastic bag to wrap it around our head so we have no filtering at all and we can add so many more layers of carbon here we can actually use a longer can we could use two cans on the sides so it's my first time making these masks and it seems that it's working really really well I am I am actually very surprised so I'll keep one with me and see one day if I meet the cops on the street and they decide you should tear gas I am going to try my my mask but at least now I know that we can make a cheap alternative to those gas masks and it worked really really well so yeah I'm I'm amazed I'm surprised and I'm still affected after breathing in the bag of chopped onion but guys if you want to try how it feels to get to breathe teargas it's not exactly the same but I would say it's quite similar trouble a lot of audience put them inside a plastic bag and breathe inside the plastic bag and you'll get a quite similar experience and let me know how many breaths of onion gas you can have inside the plastic now tell me now tell me in the comments and let me know if you would like to get one of these if I make a few more I'm probably going to be sending them to my fours so let me know if you want one and also let me know how do you go with the onion challenge for Hong Kong uh I think for me I only could take two breaths inside the plastic bag before I had to rush away from it so guys thank you for watching to you all in another video take care and bye adios
Channel: Chilli Lucas - 智利仔
Views: 54,954
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Keywords: gas mask, tear gas, onion gas, mask, protest, hong kong, onion cutting ultra 3000, freedom mask, liberate hong kong, revolution of our time, 光復香港, 時代革命, 香港, 黑警, 死黑警, hong kong resistance
Id: _rPWM8mYG5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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