How much should a Gas mask/Respirator cost?

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hello so today I wanted to do a video on how much a gas mask should actually cost you so we're going to look at two things in this video the first being it's going to look at this one quite quickly is or historical masks collecting arson military reasons how much it may cost you so it is World War two masks cold the masks are sort of same and then we're going to have a look at sort of a prepping reasons if you are buying a gas mask to protect your life how much would you be signing on one of those acting options I'll run you through them so let's quickly jump away and look at a quick World War two example that sort of thing and then I'll get onto the prepping side of things so here we have a British World War two Mickey Mouse children's mask so World War two Malfoy so generally may cost you a bit more somewhere thirty pounds plus normally a lot of the time what I do of gas masks is go on eBay look for bids that are starting on a mask and then simply go for a mask when it has low bids and the times ending soon to try and get one cheaper sometimes you'll find good deals on Buy It Now sometimes a person selling it won't know the name of the mask and they just want ten to twenty pounds for it anything like that they're obviously as mask get older as antiques the price goes up with both new and old masters of supply-demand factor more masks of a certain type on the market and the less people that want them to lower the price the more the demand goes up the higher the price gets and if then you have very few of the masks on the market and there's a high demand in your house are gonna have to expect to pay quite a bit so by that logic will one masks always cost more than world war two masks but the numbers produced at a certain mask and the demand for it will affect the price Cold War masks tend to be a lot cheaper if you're wanting to get them as a collector because there were lots and lots of them made and then never actually use because a cold rule never kicks off so I said World War two masks and that sort of thing you're going to cost you quite a bit more Nana Cold War mask and in global one once again will cost quite a bit more that way so if this historical masks there's always a supply demand factor play and the age of the equipment so let's move on to the prepping side of the equation here I have an Israeli for a one last meet Michelle on these are very good masks for sort of buying if you can find one cheaply he's a very good source of libel masks one of the great features about this mouse because it's designed for one-size-fits-all solution so basically the straps are very wide and then you tighten them to fit your head it means often it's not the most comfortable of masks to actually put on but it should save your life and make a good seal regardless of your head shape and everything like that a lot of other masks are more comfortable but you have to know the right sizes before you get the more you'll find they don't fit you properly so if you can find them cheaply for a1 mark is good these can be sometimes thirty pounds or dollars on eBay or Amazon but quite often they can be more or less than that so you have to look for one at a good price I've said in other videos but I'll mention it again when it comes to masks although if you're using it for survival this is although a newer mask is always better that doesn't mean all the masks don't work quite often your masks have nice features are more comfortable they've got better speech diaphragm sometimes they have drinking tubes sometimes they can take two filters rather than one or those sorts of things that doesn't mean they're any actually better as masks often generally it's just an intake in an outtake valve and the rubber and lens as being in a good condition making masks work the other day I tested a world war ii mask and it's surprisingly still worked i put a new filter on it but the valves all and everything still worked in the mask so you don't have to be paying ludicrous amounts and money for something they're sort of the marketing scam where it implies as soon as the last gets beyond a certain amount of years old it's totally useless and that's not true militaries normally take them out of service after ten to twenty years simply because of the fact they have very high standards regarding their masks and contracts to keep buying new masks so that's why they often gone to the surplus market you know beyond that sometimes it could be defective masks tall surplus market surplus masks it pardon the pun but it's simply generally because they have a shelf life for their masks they need to keep them in so once it's out our life the mask is still totally practical but health and safety those kind of standards say you can't keep using a mask after that time period now where pricing is more important I would say and year of production is filters so a mask won't work routers filter in this hand my left hand probably you're right I'm holding an NBC filter which sounds a nuclear biological chemical they call these CBRN filters now which is chemical biological radiological and nuclear I don't know why they changed that because as far as I'm concerned radiological and nuclear the exact same things and what we have here is a lightweight particulate filter very light compared to this filter and a particulate filter is basically just paper or fiberglass and material like that with tiny holes in that's designed to stop things getting free now you'll see here on a particular filter hopefully all speed visible in the camera that says pee free that means is particle resistance of free and this is when you go away from military filters you normally start to see an ABEC type rating and ABEC is basically all the different types of chemicals the filters protect against so a stands for a group of chemicals B stands for a group of chemicals etc filter that's a BEC which is alpha Bravo echo kilo essentially it means that it protects your gains all four of the elements they call those combination filters they do multiple things and what you want to get is what's called an ABEC p filter which means if you're buying it through the industrial method not the military method it means it pretty much stops all known chemical agents plus particles so when you're getting those you always want a particulate filter that says P free because particular with any of the aiviq letters or particular to P a high and a number the better I think it only goes up to three but for example P 3 gives better safety than a P one rating because P 3 means that you can be working very fine dust and such as thus when drugs are being manufactured pharmaceuticals whereas P 1 justbe if you're maybe doing some drilling awesome sounding so I've said p2 is better than p1 but you want P free because it works getting smaller particles in higher concentrations and p3 filter like this brand new is only about six pounds so there's no reason not to go for the high ones if you just want the filtered X teargas then a particular filter like this will do the job I've said in the UK these are only six pounds on Amazon brand-new made by Scott a reliable company that makes gas masks and this will do this job against tear gas eventually this will clog up when the particles will get stuck on the front then you'll need to change it or risk you know having difficulty breathing through it however with military sort of MDC filters or there is a particular layer right of the front these also have activated charcoal and part of the filter now the activated charcoal is designed like how we a back part of an ABEC tea filter would work anything that can get through a particulate filter because it's such a fine sort of size I get stopped by the charcoal it's absorbed to the side so what that means is basically if you've got some if you've got a filter that's both an NBC CBRN or a back P filter stuff than you get through the first layer is stopped by a second layer however the charcoal will eventually expire so you want to keep these filters sealed until you're ready to use them and this is where the date of the filter come in more importantly this one's dated 1986 it--it a bit as a training sort of practice filter this one I've tested it does still work but obviously if your life's on the line you don't want to be trusting an old filter you want to splash the cash a bit and get a few new filters now this is where between an industrial mask and a military mask things are really going to vary because what you want to do is find a mass that suits your need and look at the cost of masks but also bear in mind the filters with NATO military masks I'd advise you only to go for NATO ones and not sort of Russian ones because the sources are harder to get further modern safe filters on the Russian line is always a 40-millimeter Stanek connector so there we go that's the filter on that mask and this would fit on the Israeli mask just the same because they all use the same connector so if you're going for a military mask you can look up the prices of 40 millimeter filters and take it from there however if you're going from an industrial mask often the filters have built only to fit certain models and masks so free M filters for example might have a different fitting and draggers sort of industrial masks and other brands of industrial masks so as well as taking a price consideration in on the mask you also want to take in the price consideration of how much the filters are going to cost because personally I'd rather pay slightly more for a mask and then be able to buy a same field as much cheaper than the other way around when you're buying sort of filters if you're keeping them sealed for actual intended use what I would do is personally buy one or two filters keep them sealed so you know they've got a 10 to 20 year shelf life on the filter and then buy some surplus filters on top of that users training filters or when you might need a filter but there's not immediate risk to your life so that way you're keeping yourself safe but you're also um you know saving your money that way and you've got something to train with right hopefully that videos explain things as for pricing of the masks you'll find you get industrial masks are just a sort of smaller lower face piece in the UK anywhere between 50 and 30 pounds you can buy ones I have the filters built into them and then you thought eventually run the mask down after dispose of the mask or you can get the ones where you can put replacement filters on but then you have to take into account the price of filters for full face industrial masks you're looking anywhere between 70 to over 100 pounds for brand new ones the military surplus mask so I was lucky enough to get this Avon C t12 very about 30 pounds or less at the time so this is the equivalent if it was brand new to well over a hundred pounds sort of industrial mask set these Israeli ones you can get pounds quite often not the most comfortable thing but it will save your life and take the same filters just to demonstrate that here is the 40 millimeter NBC question filter dragger filter it just screws on there like that then you can of course put the mask on there you don't mask is airtight I've said not the most portable thing that is designed to save your life so something you ready to take into consideration with these is how much you want to be spending on the filters on the masks themselves and all those other factors so obviously getting something that's going to save your life isn't necessarily going to be cheap you can also with military surplus models get really lucky with a good mass or a good price but then bear in mind the otters are still going to cost something so what you have to do is are completely up to you look around for something that's in your price range to protect yourself with and I've said that can vary quite a lot but take into consideration both the price of the filters and the price of the mask and the availability of the filters one thing I like about surplus models compared to industrial as I said is all the NATO on to take 14 millimeter filters so it's much easier to find more competition between the prices on the filters but that being said you still have to shop around sometimes I can see sealed new NDC filters for about 30 pounds or less over time for 60 plus pounds the exact same filters also some industrial companies make their industrial filters on 40 millimeter thread so you could still get an ABEC p filter for one of these masks and it would work the exact same way as an NB c-- filter it's just classified not as NBC or CBRN but as a bec PD industrial standard so hopefully this video has enlightened you slightly on last and what you should pay for them I've said is the supply-demand thing and the availability of filters if you're using it as a prepping thing you really need to take that into consideration but thank you for watching and I hope it's been informative you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 35,099
Rating: 4.9647059 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, How much should a Gas mask/Respirator cost?, gas mask price, gas mask cost, respirator price, respirator cost, preppers gas mask, gas mask filters, abek filters, 40mm nbc filters, cbrn filters, avon ct12, israeli civlilian mask, shalon 4a1
Id: LPPD9P_ccE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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