How to make a gas mask to survive ANYTHING! - well almost anything

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Today involves using 'clever' engineering to outsmart the Coronavirus. Oh, he also gets all up in some cat piss..

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/localptsd 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
Fan it, Fan it, aw that. I like smelling things like glossy printed books new electronics and chlorine on my hands after I've been for a swim at the same time there are a lot of things I don't like smelling things that can make me dead like various solvents viruses and this skull and femur juice one method to avoid these odors is to use an air purifying respirator however these are limited in what they can do because there's still just filtering toxic air so a better method is to use what they call an atmosphere supplying respirator this normally involves compressing clean atmosphere into a bottle that you carry around with you perfect but if you cheap like me and early using a beer carton as a fume extractor then an affordable alternative would be to bring air from clean atmosphere to your body via a long tube which is pretty much how you spent the first nine months of your life anyway and that's what we're going to be doing today building an air tube facemask pump things so I can have air for my face while doing painting and whatever else I do in the shed if you didn't catch it in my last video we jumped into the weird online world of buying snorkel face masks online and we've picked up a face mask that we're going to use for this project all right so we have masks now to work out the rest of the plan This is what i'm thinking at this stage. So we've got the shed that's got bad air in it. Outside good air and then here's me we're gonna put a mask there then there's gonna be a hose and a pump and battery and then an intake filter of some kind to stop cats picking into the intake and that going into my face and dust okay plan this is let's do it yeah with our masks on hand we can remove the snorkel fixed we don't need that anymore and we're gonna need to adapt a fairly decent-sized hose onto the top of the snorkel I wanted something with a wide diameter and fairly strong in case I stand on it in the shed hose that fits that description that came to mind was the pool vacuum cleaner hose which is quite long as well it's made up of a bunch of different segments and can be shortened or lengthened which I figured would be pretty handy I figured the first thing to do would be to see if it can handle my breathing capacity and it turns out it has about ten years worth of cobwebs in it and smelt like sun-damaged plastic the size and strength was about what else after so I made the commitment to buying a full eight meter length of hose that's new and doesn't smell like old chlorine spider gas dust then it was time to put some fresh packaging get this hose to work the size was perfect and the strength was better than the old perished plastic hose it was then time to give it the old breath test turns out it makes some pretty cool noises when I blow into it and you can lay down some sick beats while you're working with fumes overall it wasn't too pricy but there was added value in the fact that you could turn the front cover into a hat. So the first thing I did was try and find something to adapt to the top of the snorkel mask it was a weird size but it turns out a pool fitting which I do repurposed for dust collection on the belt sander was a perfect fit seriously this is pretty rare in the shed let's take a moment to enjoy this now a problem that came to mind early on with this whole concept was it when exhaling there's a chance that some of the air could be pushed back up through the hose against the flow of the pump which I might then re-inhale over and over which would be bad so I figured we need some kind of valve at the mask end so it only travels in one direction I thought about using the one that came with the snorkel but this only works underwater sorry we have to make some kind of simple Reed valve these are one of the oldest types of valve used in all sorts of things like this foot pump and even in your heart right now unless you're a robot so I figured we may be able to make a valve from the neck of a balloon this would be a bit restrictive however if we use multiple balloons the air should flow nicely I chopped some of these up to give it a quick test the air flows through quite easily then the balloon closes up you can try and inhale through it looking at the size of the tube I reckon we'll get about three balloons in there which should do the trick I need something to mount and now there's also the issue that these two hoses don't fit together because there are a weird size after a lot of hunting around the shed trying to find something that would fit I found this old telescope that I had as a kid I've kept it around because I've used bits of it in the past because it has a variety of weird sized bits of plastic I'm not a hoarder though I'm not you're a hoarder but it turns out it's a nice perfect and tight fit chop-chop-chop-chop i measured up the balloons shot some plastic to fit and this is a perfect little foundation for our party valve this acrylic is pretty brittle but I managed to get three holes out of it then i duplicated that to sandwich the balloons together between the bits of plastic then it was just the case of polishing it up so we get a nice tight seal then this can be pressed into the telescope and there we go Craigo's special flappy balloon valve. Air goes through easily it's not perfect but it stops the majority of the back blowing which should be enough to get the mass exhalation valve to do the work then we connect up our hoses and we're ready to give it our first test before we put the air pump on I can feel the balloon ball and it smells like balloons that's a bit annoying being imaginal put these on the back at the moment okay that's a beautiful problem but that's probably because there's no strap holding it in place maybe something like this that's good head movement you have to watch out where this is you're in Hyannis like a cartoon so if I'm leaving the followed us yeah so that's good really that works pretty good as a one-way valve like just taking air in from this it just be bit easier and fresh up if it's been pumped in that's pretty good that's pretty good just to show you the bell blinking and sing with this oh wait that's good that's good oh now we need some kind of pump I've thought about something like a computer fan but they don't press the air in very well compared to a centrifugal fan like this maybe not this one though this is a bit too big we use bit too much power so I'm thinking about using some kind of small blower like this which shouldn't be too power hungry and could allow it to run off batteries not really sure how much power we should give it so I might test it out on a 12 volt battery that was going flat not too bad pretty noisy but let's try it on a battery that's charged okay yes so that was way too much even generates his own thrust this pump was for a kid's toy and I think it's only meant to be run off six volts so it's probably gonna destroy it so I tried it on three volts out of an LED headlamp and that seemed to be a pretty good speed it's as noisy as sounds like a school siren but it should do the job the build quality of it was a little bit so the first job was to pull it apart seal up some of the air gaps and make it a little bit more efficient I also wanted to seal up the impeller side of the pump from the motor side of the pump so it wouldn't draw in any air over the motor which might bring in oil or ozone or some crap I've been sealed it up and chucked some wires on now this thing just needs something to give it three volts instead of 12 volts now when you see me do stuff like this please don't mistake me for someone who actually knows stuff about electronics I just try stuff and if it doesn't melt or catch on fire it's a winner so maybe don't send me messages like this because I don't know I'm guessing the answer to this one might be more triangles just add more of those triangles so the thing I'm using here works by electricity going in and then different electricity comes out and that different electricity is three volts I made this guy a little bit bigger because this pump was quite power-hungry however this gets quite hot I figured it would be good if it'll turn itself off if it gets too hot microwaves have a switch inside them that does this so I used one of those so if he overheats it just turns off then I don't have to inhale fire I tested it out it all seems to be working well it's running off the battery so it will be nice and portable as well then it was just a case of cracking out the old telescope to adapt the hose onto the pump lots of hot glue because I'm too impatient for any other glue at the moment I've got the telescope tube all polished up sorry it will connect up to the pool hose it'll sealed up well it's sucking in air it even swivels as well which is good now the next problem this is gonna inhale a heap of dust and dirt wherever the pump is sitting and send it to my lungs so we need to make some kind of intake filter a chewing gum container seems to be the perfect fit to go over the inlet of the pump and then I thought to coke bottles will be perfect funnel shapes that we can use and then cut some filter foam to fit inside I then cut off the coke bottles to suit and then figured if I could adapt the lids of the bottles into the chewing gum container who would have a removable filters as well while I was doing this Kristen helped out by cutting the foam to suit the bottles getting a nice perfectly centered hole through the lid of a bottle is a bit of a pain on the axe but we got there in the end a bit more work with the old hot glue gun and the bottles have mounted up nicely Kristen's done an awesome job with the foam and it slips straight in without any gaps around the edges giving it a try it worked out perfectly there's no air resistance at all it tastes a little bit like the washing powder that I used but it's good it's good it works and the last thing to do for this whole air pump setup is some sort of mounting board to hold it all together and make it nice and neat I used some wood chop that up put some screws in it then mounted everything down it all turned out nice and nice in the end I did a little strap to go around the battery so that doesn't go moving around and banging into the circuit board and then just by chance I had an old stainless steel handle that I made up for some sort of marine thing I made years ago after that I was pretty happy with it it got quite late and a big storm rolled in so I've left the testing for the next day yeah how's that that's a nicer snug little unit mask ah it's connected our wedding all right so just go screw that on that stays on now that's not going anywhere okay time to breathe no pump on belt strap yeah okay seriously is running at it yeah yeah you can hear the pump reacting as I breathe oh yeah it's getting fresher now I guess it takes a bit of time to get down the hole that's work for you good that's actually all right ready to go the shots just carry this with me funny strap it on the front okay big boys around with basic the main idea was having this in another room and then you go into the room where this we are perfumes or whatever you're avoiding that's we're gonna chair with me say wait in the ship Oh Jensen fiberglassing and this there's a lot of peace it's not me Mom smells like the hallway I think I've rested it down here the kids shoes this time very cool so does it work for what I wanted which was something to bring fresh air from outside and deliver it to my face it does pretty good especially if I'm going to be working with them something that's quite a few me fiberglassing something like that world don't to be breathing it in seems to do the job would it stop viruses yes you leave this in the car then go into the shops wearing this this gives you eight meters of range from your car so leave that in the driver's seat with the engine running and the air conditioner on nice cool face when you go in and pick up your takeaway dinner okay another test we'll see what Kristen thinks to test it out I was thinking we use a fog machine you do it in the other room today the inlet and I see how long it takes to get to my face walls all the ready I can he talk throw up hey serious yeah - no I'm the man at the end of the Moscow yeah yeah yeah it's going in Bannack are crap after resolving this and clearing the room it was certain time to give it a proper test we put the pump in the front yard so could see if the mask would prevent me from detecting any vapour in the room ah don't point it at me. ah yeah It's really bad. I can't smell any that's a definitive test that's good yeah that actually works really well okay can't smell any of it yeah that's sick that's a nice fat rats to step it up a notch to an entry-level fume hazard I then tried it out with spray paint I got sick of the doorknobs in the background of my videos being gold layer now it should be silver but the must perform perfectly I didn't detect any paint smell until I took the mask off I then went out and gave some free neighborhood house inspections for potentially hazardous or oxygen deficient atmospheres I found the problem with the house yes I was build a basement it's full of hopes of death he dead bodies in there it's clear them out I just I dropped it in down here just forgot about it broke down whatever we just fixed up my eyes but then it was time for the ultimate test will it prevent me from smelling kept it on my car site believed her client with ideas on other ways I can test this out might get my guy alright I hope you enjoyed this video I'm crater no feed chute channel is turn 81 Oh catch you later
Channel: Turnah81
Views: 174,802
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Id: kEJdqxTNp6Y
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Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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