Using the LATTICE MODIFIER in Blender!

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all right so in general what we're going to do is we're going to apply or we're going to add a lattice object in here and then we're going to apply a lattice modifier to this object and use the lattice in order to adjust the shape so the way that we're going to do that is we're going to start by just doing a shift a inside of object mode we're going to add a lattice object in here what that's going to do is that's going to add this box right and so basically in its simplest form whatever is inside of this box once you use this modifier is going to be affected by what we do to the box so we're going to start off and we're just going to move this up and we're going to scale it just a little bit to make sure our object is completely inside of the box and so in its simplest form the way that this works is this lattice is an object that we can adjust over here which we'll talk about in a minute but then we're going to apply a lattice modifier to the object we want to change so in this case my default dog model so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to go into my modifiers and i'm going to add a lattice modifier under the deform options so the lattice modifier is going to come in here and the first thing it's going to do is it's going to ask me to find an object to link this to and so we want to link this to a lattice object so in this case we want to click on the little eyedropper right here and we're just going to click on our lattice and so what we've done is we've basically linked this object to our lattice inside of blender so now if we were to select the lattice and tab into edit mode now if we make changes to this object so let's say for example i was to select the vertices right here you can see how this is going to deform my base object based on where i move this so we can use this in order to create deformations inside of our model so there's a lot of interesting applications to this but you can use this along with like the scale tool if you want to you can scale things in or out you can also rotate things like really any kind of movement that happens inside of our or that happens to our control cage is going to be transferred into our object right here and so one cool thing about the lattice modifier is because this lattice is a lattice object you can go back in by clicking this little button right here the object data properties with the lattice selected and you can actually adjust the resolution of this lattice so what that means is that means we can add subdivisions to our control cage in here by adjusting the resolution and so we can use that in order to give us more options for things we can deform with our object so for example let's say that i just wanted to make the center of this object narrower and nothing else what i could do is i can add another w split right here and then now if i tab in here i could select just the cage objects in the center i could scale this in and you can see how what that's doing is that's applying this deformation just to the center of my object and so you could also use this to add like a twist to an object or something like that which we'll talk about in a second all right so real quick i want to take a look at the difference between more detailed geometry more detailed control cages so what i've got here is i've got three cylinders right so i've got one cylinder that if i tab into edit mode maybe i'll just jump into wireframe mode actually so i turn on wireframe mode and look at this i've got one object right here which is just one set of edges running between the vertices on the top and the bottom right and then i've got a second option over here where i've added some loop cuts but i still have a single rectangular control cage in here with no cuts in the middle then over here i have a model that has the detail cuts on the inside as well as a more detailed control cage and so i wanted to talk a little bit about the difference between the three so the first one let's say that we have the lattice modifier applied here and then we adjust this lattice right so let's say i scale this out right you can see this is adjusting i rotate it you can see how basically what's happening is the edges are turning along this object right but there's no real detail in here that's really affecting this meaning that all you're going to get is you're just going to get a straight line between this bottom piece right here and this top piece right here right there's nowhere for the geometry to deform and for the modifier to really like like make any changes in here so you can see how this is good for like simple shapes right but over here let's say we were to do the same thing right and let's say let's make sure we're linked to the right lattice so let's say we were to adjust this lattice right here so we were to scale this out and then rotate this so notice how this is very similar right what you're getting in here is you're getting basically a straight line running from bottom to top but this is split meaning there's more geometry in here that this can kind of work with and adjust so you're getting a slightly better shape but not really very much so what you really need to do is you need to split an object up into more geometry and adjust your control cage to give you more control so basically what we've done here move this over just a little bit is now we have this lattice object in here where if i tab in here let's say i scale this out notice how it's only affecting the geometry up here at the top right so if i scale this out same thing scale this out same thing but notice how what this is giving me now is this is giving me much more control over where these are being deformed so for example if i scale this in and out it's affecting this location right here not necessarily the location down here so instead of getting edges that are just running from the very bottom to the very top you're able to control this more by doing this way instead so i could scale this out again notice how this gives me a lot more control over adding like ins and outs and other things like that inside of my object so i can really use this with more geometric detail as well as more lattice detail to really start making some changes in here and so that's going to get even more interesting a little bit later when we talk about proportional editing but just know in general you're going to get more control if you add subdivisions to your lattice and subdivide your geometry so you don't want your geometry to look like this you want it to at least have some details in here so this modifier actually has something to change where the control points are and so now let's take a look at an example with a little bit more geometry in it so let's go in and let's add a we'll go with the uv sphere for this one so we'll move this over we'll move this up so this uv sphere has a lot more geometry in here so it's probably a little bit better example so let's say we were to add a lattice here so shift a add lattice so let's duplicate this real quick so we'll just move this over right here and so let's start by deforming this object right here so we're just going to select this lattice tab in here and let's go ahead and let's move our control cage up like this right so we're going to move this up maybe we'll rotate it a little bit it's a little hard to see unless we maybe turn on wireframe so you can see how what this has done is this has moved this geometry up and it's twisted it right but we don't really have a lot of control on the result that we're going to get here so for this object we're going to take our lattice we're going to add some additional detail so we're just going to bring this up so that these objects move or so that this maybe has four subdivisions in it right so now what this gives us the ability to do is this gives us the ability if we wanted to to maybe let's say that we wanted to take the in inside of this and scale it in right well we could take these additional cage objects and we could scale them in and maybe i'll put us back in material preview mode we can scale these in and we'll just do a shift z so these just scale inward rather than outward but notice how because we have more control inside of our control cage this gives us more control over what we can do inside of our model and so let's say we were to take this whole thing and let's duplicate it over here so adding detail to your control cage is going to give you the ability to control this more well then things get really interesting when you start adding proportional editing in here we haven't really talked too much about proportional editing on the channel yet but basically what that allows you to do is that allows you to adjust other objects based on the movement basically based on their distance from the object that you're placing in here so right now for example if we were to tab into edit mode and take these objects and rotate them along the z-axis notice how you're really only getting the twist from this point up right so you're not able to twist this whole object after you've deformed it in however if we were to turn on proportional editing just by clicking right here and then tapping the r key to rotate this and locking it to the z axis notice how we get this ring around here right and the ring changes based on the size of the circle on the screen and i'm able to adjust the size of the circle on the screen by scrolling my mouse wheel up or down you'll notice how when my circle is really small nothing outside of my selection is really being affected but if i scroll my mouse down and i make this bigger notice how i can affect things proportionally down below so what that means is that means that i can adjust how much this is adjusting along with my top piece to give me a lot more control over the twist that i'm adding to my object so by adding that proportional editing and then adjusting how proportional it is you can really create some interesting things using this modifier and then one other thing you can also turn these off so once you've kind of made your deformation you can set these so that you can't see them inside of your viewport anymore if you wanted to come in here and start making changes or something like that so you can definitely do that if you wanted this to be your final geometry so notice how currently this is actually a modifier right so really your original shape is just a sphere if you wanted this to be your permanent final then what you would do is you just click on this object and just click on apply and so once you've applied this modifier it's no longer linked to that lattice this is the actual geometry that's in here so then you could come in here and actually edit this based on however you wanted to do that so you can make your changes other things like that notice that when you apply a modifier that is final you can't go back and make any more changes so make sure that your geometry is what you want it to be before you do that all right so one last thing so we've got this object right here right let's say that we only wanted our lattice modifier to affect some of this object right so let's say for example that only the very top of this really needed to be selected by our lattice modifier so what we're going to do is we're going to create a vertex group and so we can select a vertex group by tabbing into our object and we'll just go to our front view i'm going to wire and we'll then we'll select these vertices right here so let's say these top three rows right well what we want to do is we want to create a vertex group so you can do that by going over to your object data properties and clicking the plus button right here and so this vertex group will basically allow us to assign these vertices to that group so we'll just call this top part right here then we'll click on the button for assign so what that means is that means that now if i was to click on this and click on select those vertices have been assigned to their own group well what that means and we'll go back to material preview mode is now if i was to apply let's add a lattice so cursor tool selected lattice scale it down just a little bit so let's say we wanted this lattice to only affect that vertex group right so what we would do is we would go into our object we'd add our modifier and when we set up our lattice we would still apply it to this object right here but we would select that vertex group which is now going to show up in this list so if i select this what that means is that means that now this lattice is only going to affect that top part group so if i was to make this change let's tab in edit mode let's adjust this notice how now only the vertices that were in that vertex group are being affected so you can use this to affect only certain parts of an object if you want to do that as well so note that the ability to adjust just a vertex group is also contained inside of this modifier so that's from an in this video leave a comment below and let me know what you thought did you know about this modifier have you been using it and just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this i really appreciate it i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 20,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender lattice, blender lattice modifier 2.83, blender lattice modifier, lattice modifier, blender lattice deform, blender lattice twist
Id: plCqvln850o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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