Learn to Create EASY ROOFS in Blender with Archipack!

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oh what's up guys justin here with the cgessentials.com back with another blender add-on tutorial for you today so in today's video we're going to talk about archipack pros roof creation tools so in this video specifically we're going to talk about how to create roofs as well as how to create roofs that follow curves so that you can draw a shape and then use those in order to create a roof so let's go ahead and just jump into it so i will know that i'm using the pro version of archipack which you can download from archipack's website i'm not 100 clear on what features exactly with the roof are pro versus the free version so you can try this if you have the free version i think some of the things are going to work but i don't think all of them are but i'm not 100 sure on that one so you're going to have to check that for yourself but either way you can use the free version and give it a try but what we're going to do is let's take a look at the roof creation functions inside of archipack so in its easiest you can add a roof just by doing a shift a and then looking under the archipack options under the option for roof and so when you do that you're going to get a series of different options that are in here with different roof styles so for example let's pick the roman roof and take a look at it so if we look at this roof and by the way you do need to make sure that you have archipack pro or at least archipack free enabled if you're going to do this so just make sure that you've done that and make sure that you've linked up the folder that contains the materials file that comes with archipack so that you get these materials when you do this but let's take a look at this roof so basically what it's doing is it's coming in here and it's creating a roof that has the different tiles contained inside of it it's creating a beam and framing as well as substructure in here and you've also got gutters on either side and so the cool thing about this is you can adjust these live so for example i can adjust the size of my roof just by clicking and dragging so you can also click on the value in here and type in a value and hit enter in order to manually adjust the length and i'm going to change my units to feet right here but this is going to work a lot the same way that the walls function work in the sense that let's say you wanted this roof to turn a corner you can click on the little button right here to add an extra segment over here and when that adds that extra segment you can then click on this and adjust things like angles so for example if i was to click in here and type in a value of 45 degrees that's going to allow me to create a roof that turns the corner right here so let's say i wanted to add another segment over here you can click on that button right here and that's going to add this roof segment as well and then you could adjust this as well and so the cool thing about this is these are all live meaning you can adjust each one of these inside a blender as you go so we've got this simple roof in here so let's add another roof and then let's take a look at some of the options that are contained in here for editing the roof so we're gonna do a roof right here and let's add the metal function this time so i'm just gonna create a simple metal roof and so let's tap the n key and go over into the archipack tools right here and take a look at the parts that we can adjust because you can adjust different parts of this roof individually in here so you can definitely adjust the height above ground you can also adjust the width and length of each one of these but there's more tools that you can adjust over here in the parts function so for example inside of the covering you can adjust like the metal tile size though you do need to be a little bit careful when you do that to make sure everything's still aligning the way that you want it to but you can adjust all the different tile sizes you can adjust randomizations some of which aren't necessarily the best inside of the actual roof covering itself but you can definitely adjust that in here so in addition you can add things like hips at the top of the roof which you can see gets added in here and the metal roof may not be the best example so it may be a better example to take a look at this one right here but if we go into the parts for example you can turn the hip on and off you can see how when you turn the hip off you no longer have a hip piece that runs across the top here and so let's say that you wanted to do something a little bit more complex so let's say that we had a roof right here let's add a segment so we're going to split this up just a little bit and then adjust these lengths in here well let's say that you wanted a roof that was going to come off of this almost like something with like a dormer on it or something like that so if you were to add a new roof piece so we'll do a shift a we'll just add a new roof and we'll go with the square function but you can see how we have this roof selected right well if we come in here and this roof is roof four right so if we take roof six and then inside of the archipack settings for that one under main if you select parent and you go to roof four what that's gonna do is that's gonna parent this object to this other roof well the cool thing about that is what that's going to do is that's going to allow us to set where on this roof this goes by selecting our part so i'm going to put our part to right here well that's going to take this roof piece and it's going to add it to this roof right here so it's going to parent it to this point and it's going to it's going to have it come off of our roof in this way and so you could do this for multiple different roof pieces if you want to so i'm going to move this over and let's add another roof piece so we're gonna go to roof square and that one we're also gonna parent to roof number four like this and so let's say we wanted this one to go in the other direction what you could do is inside of your settings once you've parented this go to your axis and adjust your angle to 180 degrees or this one might be 270. you can see how you can use this in order to add a roof on the other side as well so you can see how that's how you could create a roof with multiple different parts like this let's say that you wanted to draw walls so let's say we were to use archipack's draw wall tool so i'm going to turn my snapping on for increments and vertex and then i'm going to do a shift a and let's add a wall so we're going to draw a wall in here and we'll just go we'll just create something fairly simple we'll just check the box for close alright so now that we've drawn a wall if we click on it and go into the archipack settings under the little wrench right here there's an option in here to create a roof so if you click in here you can create a roof like this you can adjust the overflow which is how far outside of this is this going to go you can click on ok well what that's going to do is that's going to create a roof based on the location that you've selected so you can create a roof from your walls just like this and then one other way you can create a roof from a custom shape is to use draft mode and so to use draft mode what we're going to do is we're going to start by adding a curve so i'm going to do a shift a and we're just going to go to curve and we're just going to add a line and then i'm going to move this over along the x-axis and let's make sure so i'm just going to do a scale z 0. what that's going to do is that's going to scale that to zero and then that way this is flat but we're just going to extrude a shape so i'm just using this curve in order to create a shape and we'll just make it closed like this but now if we go into the create window right here you can select the option for create draft and so when we create a draft what that's going to do is that's going to create a roof draft shape over here well then we want to click into our shape option we want to select the option for from curve and we want to go select our line so we're just going to select line right here and what that's going to do is that's going to use the line that you have in here in order to draft out a roof and you can make some adjustments to this if you want to i'm not really super interested in making a bunch of adjustments right now but once you have that draft you can create a roof by just doing a shift a so i'm going to click off of this i'm going to do a shift a archipack i'm going to create a roof like this and we'll go ahead and pick maybe this round option this time but you can see how we've got our roof over here but if we click inside of the user defined we can select the option for roof draft so when you select roof draft what that's going to do is that's going to create a roof from the draft that you had selected in here so now if you look at this you can see how you have this roof that was created really easily from this draft that's in here all right and then finally let's say that you have a roof that you need to remove some material from well there's an option in here if you click on a roof so i just have a roof that i added right here and if you click on a roof in the archipack functions there's an option here for roof cutter what roof cutter is going to do and we're just going to go to our top down view is it's just going to create a cutter object in here that'll cut an opening inside of your roof and so one thing i've noticed is this doesn't seem to work unless you adjust it once so if i come in here and make this like 12 feet then this is going to adjust and it's gonna work fine so for whatever reason it seems like it only works if you make a change to something but you can see how you can use this in order to remove material from your roof so let's say we were to look at this from the top down let's say we wanted a hole maybe over here we'll just make a minor adjustment right here you can see how that's coming through here and there may be a better way to do that by the way i'm not sure how to get it to update you can see how that comes in here and that actually removes material around this opening so but it's pretty cool because there's also actually a piece of framing that seems to go in around the opening as well but if you do need to cut holes or openings or whatever you should be able to do that really easily using this atom so that's from in this video leave a comment below and let me know what you thought was this helpful to you have you tried archipack's roof functions before i just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week if you like what i'm doing on this channel please consider supporting me on patreon every little bit helps so make sure you check out that link in the notes down below but in any case thank you so much for taking the time to watch this i really appreciate it i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 6,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials, thecgessentials.com, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender 2.9, blender 2.91
Id: 1Lr6OfqrVXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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